The Rebound

Burn Away Our Memories

Myungsoo sat in complete silence. There was an bruise on his usually unmarked face from the punch that had been delivered and his eyes were cold as ice. No one said a word, their failure leaving them all mute on the ride home. Behind them, the area was sealed off. Blue and red lights bounced off the metal surfaces of the building as junior officers stayed behind to examine the scene. Results had been promised as early as tomorrow afternoon, but no one replied. Instead they climbed back into the car they had come in and headed back home.

Even in the thickness of their silence, they all kept glancing back at Myungsoo who didn't move in slightest. For the entire 40 minute ride, he sat still with unforgiving eyes and an ice pack pressed to the back of his head. They watched him wearily, hoping the impending outburst that was coming to at least wait until they had arrived back to the city and they had all gone their separate ways.

Min Ah felt the worst, though stealing yet another look at Myungsoo maybe second worst was more fitting. She glanced at the ice pack he held firmly to the back of his head and  wrung her fingers nervously. Then she recalled the wild look in Myungsoo's eyes as he had dragged Jong In around like he was nothing, but trash and her guilt eased. It might've been defending the wrong side, but in the moment it wasn't about sides, it was about keeping her friend alive. A voice quietly reminded her that Myungsoo was supposed to be her friend too and she sighed. She was playing on that gray area and she knew she couldn't keep it going for long.

Seconds stretched on almost painfully and she thought it a miracle that no one had even said a word. Finally the engine cut off and they were back. In the span of 20 seconds the rest of them had quickly raced out of the car, mumbling hurried goodbyes.

Looking over at Myungsoo she shifted uncomfortably as he finally moved, lowering his arm and the ice pack. Without a word or a glance over at her he pulled the door open and stepped out. Slamming it shut loudly he walked out and left her alone in the car. She looked through the window as she saw him eventually disappear behind the metal elevator doors. A good person would have followed Myungsoo to make sure he was alright, but as her feet led her closer and closer to her own car she found herself unable to.

It was cowardice. She knew it, but despite that she put the key in the ignition and went home.


The water was cold as hard pellets of water rained down on her from the shower head. She washed up normally and tried to not think. It was proving more difficult than she expected though as she tried to focus on the cold instead of her own thoughts. It was far too late for that. She didn't want to think about Jong In, she didn't want to think about how on earth they were going to catch Park Min Guk and most of all she didn't want to think about Wu Fan. It bothered her how his presence had rattled her. It wasn't simply rattled though, it shook her to the very core. At the time there was so much going on there had been no time to reflect, but now that she was alone her mind continued to taunt her. She slipped into a large t-shirt and some shorts and dropped her towel into the clothes hamper.

Was it fair though? That every time she tried to forget about him something would make them meet again? It struck her as odd though... this whole situation. Her own feelings. Why was it so hard to just forget him? She made a face and sharply reminded herself that maybe it was because she just couldn't separate the past from the present. A part of her hoped that the Wu Fan she once knew was still somewhere inside that man named Kris, but common sense told her Wu Fan was long gone.

She frowned as she set her alarm. Kris... the name suited the person he had become.

A chime echoed through her apartment and she paused. 1:17 am... She sighed, already knowing it was Myungsoo. The doorbell chimed once more and her shoulders sagged as she pulled herself up and went to her door. She pulled it open, stared for a second at the man standing on the other side and in less than a second she had slammed it shut. She breath came out shaky as the doorbell rang once more and she stepped back. Once more it rang and she her heels. The doorbell chimed again and she tried to think rationally despite the loud pound of her heartbeat.

Turning back to the door she collected herself, at the end of the day she was Han Min Ah and he was no longer someone who could hurt her... at least that's what she told herself. Still, she put the chain on the door and pulled it open just a crack.

Hating the way she had to look upwards she finally found her voice, "Are you insane?"

"I said we needed to talk" He said as if he had simply come over for a friendly lunch and as if he wasn't a wanted criminal.

"You're insane. Go away. I said letters were a good idea. Coming over to a cop's house? Not a good idea" She said quietly, glaring at his dark grey hoodie which was drawn mysteriously over his head so that only the tips of his blond hair stuck out.

"Does that mean I can't come in? I promise not to murder you" He said and she glared at the mocking tone in his voice.

"Yeah because I'm going to trust the word of some criminal who crawled out of who knows where" She snapped, the words slipping out with intent to hurt and by the brief flash on sudden anger that crossed him she knew they had done their job. Still, it didn't feel as great as she had dreamed. In which case maybe she hadn't caused enough of a sting to make it worth her while.

"Let me in"

"No thanks"

"We need to talk about Park Min Guk. I have important information for you"

"Slip it under my door and leave"

"I'm not your errand boy. I'm here to talk. Nothing more. Don't get your ing hopes up. Didn't I make myself clear enough back in China? Don't tell me you still—"

She slammed the door before he could finish his sentence and she was glad she had because damn it his words hurt. She grit her teeth and forced herself to stay calm. She tried to make the urge to hurt him disappear because how was she supposed to explain to the police the fact that she assaulted the leader of a gang outside of her apartment? She glanced at the closed door and he hadn't made a noise but she knew he was still there. She could just feel it. She uncurled her fingers and tried to not dwell on how amazing it would feel to punch that smug smirk off his face.

This is a bad idea... stop it Han Min Ah. Stop right there. Just go to bed. Realistically she meant to listen to her common sense. She really did, but her need to catch Park Min Guk was strong and if he had information then it almost made sense and also part of her wanted to show him that she was just fine. That she didn't care about him.

She pulled the chain off the door and opened it. He met her eyes and if she hadn't been 100% convinced that he was, for all intent and purposes, heartless then she might have mistaken some sort of regret within them. She stepped aside and motioned him in.

"Nice place" He said, taking a look at the expensive apartment.

"What information did you have?" She asked getting straight to the point, digging her nails into her palm as he comfortably took a seat on the couch.

"You're not going to sit? Offer me some tea or coffee?" He asked, a teasing glint in his eyes, but she didn't budge.

"Should I be honest? I hate the fact that you're sitting in my apartment. You have no idea how much I hate it. In fact, it makes me sick you know? And now I'm wondering if you're going to leave some sort of stench in my house?"

"Huh, looks like Tao was wrong about his precious Min Ah. You're not as frail and gentle as he thought" He said, his eyes rolling to the ceiling and back, finally settling on her.

"Maybe I'm the crazy one. I don't even know why I opened that door. Leave" She said.

He stared at her a second longer, his gaze making her uncomfortable until he leaned forward in his seat and pulled a small manila envelope. He set it on the table and slid it towards her. She gave him a weary look before she stepped forward and grabbed the envelope. She opened it and inside there was nothing, but a photograph of an older woman, a name, and an address. She studied the woman carefully and looked at him for an explanation.

"It's Park Min Guk's wife"

gaped open, "She's supposed to be dead. Well, missing, but we all assumed he killed her or something"

"That's not quite how it went. Turns out Min Guk was obsessed with his wife. He suffocated her to no end. Demanding to know everything about her, trying to control every single aspect about her. The timing is off on the public records. Min Guk came into his wealth before his wife disappeared and it wasn't quite as much of a disappearance as it was that she left him and went into hiding to get away from him. Going so far as leaving her son with him" He said almost smugly as he watched her eyebrows rise, impressed with the information he was giving her. He smirked as she stared at him in complete awe.

"She could be a witness" She said as the implications of finding his wife dawned on her, "She could tell us how he got his all that money and I'm betting there's no way it was legally obtained either. How did you find her?!"

"I haven't just been sitting on my waiting for him to come after me. I've been trying to find something to trap him with and this may be it" He said, his eyes shining in anticipation, "I would have ended this much earlier if I could have managed to get my hands on him, but that coward hides behind his men nearly as much as his son does"

"The address, is it current?"

"Last known anyways. I hope so otherwise we're out of luck"

"Ha, I can't believe it. Something good actually came from tonight. Oh when I tell Myungsoo he'll be so relieved!" She said carelessly and the atmosphere of the room changed completely. She glanced up at Wu Fan and noted that any past signs of excitement or even comfort were gone.

"That's the guy you're using as a rebound to get over me?" He asked almost arrogantly and she shot him a glare.

"He is not a rebound. I was with him even before I had the crappy luck of finding you again" She said with a smile and she reveled in the way his shoulders stiffened and he looked at her unamused.

"So you left your boyfriend all at the chance of maybe being with me" He asked, tone mocking as his eyes remained serious.

"Not at all I wouldn't do that to him. We had broken up before I followed Jong In" She laughed softly and smiled, "I guess, it's kind of like you were the rebound. Huh" Min Ah said, another laugh escaping her as he stood up and walked up to her.

He reached out to grab her, but she quickly stepped back.

"You should go. Thanks for the tip Kris. I'll be sure to put this good use and once we put away that man and his son you can finally leave Korea"

"...Kris?" He asked and she missed the somewhat shocked tone in his voice as she took another step back and maintained the distance between them.

"Huh? Yeah, did I get it wrong?" She asked finally looking up.

"It's strange hearing it from you. I thought you'd never stop calling Wu Fan" He said staring at her rather guardedly before looking away, "It's just strange"

"You're not Wu Fan though" She explained, "I mean physically you are, but you're not really him. Wu Fan disappeared a long time ago I think and all that's left it just this guy named Kris" She said quietly.

A long and awkward silence shrouded them as soon as she had finished her words. For the first time she could maybe say that he looked somewhat uncomfortable.

"Don't you wonder how we all ended up here?" He asked suddenly.

"No" She lied.

"Jong In... he—"

Her cellphone rang.

She stared at Kris almost hesitating before she went to her phone.


"You're awake" Myungsoo said quietly.

"...Yeah" She said sparing Wu Fan a quick glance.

"Good I'm coming over"

"It's so late though" She said quickly, gripping her phone nervously. She ran towards the balcony and pulled the sliding doors open. She nearly tripped over her own two feet as cold air came gusting in and she leaned off the rail, "I really don't think that's a good idea" She said, lowering her voice as her eyes scanned up and down the street where Myungsoo would usually park. His car wasn't here so she breathed a little easier.

"The thing is I've got a bag of drinks with me and I can't even find anyone to drink with me" He said, a bitter laugh his voice rising.

"Where are you?"

"Outside my house"

"....Fine I'll see you soon then. Call me when you're here" She said as she hung up the phone and walked quickly back inside.

"Now you really need to go"

"Is someone coming?"



"You know the guy that's so hell bent on catching you? Yeah him. So go!"

"That man is dangerous. Don't date him"

"You really don't have any right" She said with a harsh laugh before glancing nervously at the clock.

"Really? You go from me to someone just as bad?!" He yelled and she staggered back.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about! All you need to do is leave!"

"Damn it are you an idiot? If you're going to go after men that are pieces of then you might as well have kept following me around!"

"This is not the time criticize my choice in men!" She yelled, barely paying attention to what he was saying. Instead she stared intently at the clock.

"Listen to me when I speak!" He snapped grabbing her arm and pulling her forward. She swore as she was pulled forward, her feet tangling on themselves before she steadied herself, "Listen to me you saw that guy's eyes when he was with Jong In? Did you know Jong In can't ing sleep? Do you know that tonight all he's done is follow Tao around like a child because he's afraid! That's what that man you're dating is capable of"

"And he's still a thousand times better than you'll ever be" She hissed and he froze.

"Then it's a good thing we're nothing to each other" He said, letting go.

"Yeah. It is"

He stared at her a second longer before letting out a small scoff and drawing his hood back over his head. He shot her one last look before heading towards the door.

"I'm not really surprised that you got over me that fast. You never cared about any of us as much as you like to think" He said suddenly, stopping in his tracks as he pulled her door open.

She was going to say something when they heard a noise outside. She raced forward and shut the door quickly. They both stood frozen in silence as steps echoed and her neighbor's door opened and closed loudly. She let out the breath she was holding and sighed before she remembered Wu Fan was still here. Her eyes travelled upwards slowly until she met his gaze and she felt embarrassed. It was smug as he stepped up to her.

Leaning down until she could feel his breath on her he quietly said, "That guy's been the rebound from the beginning"

She set her jaw and frowned.

"Sorry, but I never loved you as much as you'd like to think" She said with a fake smile.

Refusing to see the look on his face, she pushed him out and closed her door.


Sorry about missing last week's update! I've been busy trying to get stuff ready for school (kill me now) and was stressing out so I couldn't really come up with anything to write. I got writer's block basically. I'm not 100% happy with this chapter, but I always need a chapter to get back into it whenever I go through writer's block lol But I'm past it so I've been writing over the past couple of days and there will definitely be at least one more update sometime over the weekend. ^^ I'm really annoyed school is so close though because I really feel like the summer has escaped me and I'm not looking forward to homework and tests and practices.

Btw is anyone going to kcon? I've been pretty bummed because I can't go and I'm avoiding tumblr like the plague because I'm gonna cry at the EXO fancams and interactions and jeez I really REALLY wish I could be there.... but instead I'm just going to update a bunch and pretend people aren't living my dream ;-; lol

Thanks for reading! :)

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!