
Burn Away Our Memories

The plan had been set. The building's information had been passed around including the weapons they would use. Kris' hand lingered on the handgun before he placed it in Min Ah's hand and she quietly figured that at least it showed that he trusted her a bit. Handing her a gun along with everyone else when she could just as easily turn it on him. She was responsible for the rescue part in a sense she thought as she glanced over at Luhan, who replied with an optimistic grin. She would go in with him and find Sehun and get him out while the rest of them caused enough chaos to keep the people in the building distracted.

Of course in reality this was more of a free for all because while their main point may be to find Sehun the chances that any of the others would find him first would be just as big. She hated all the uncertainty behind this plan. There was no time to make it flawless. No time to plan escapes or backup plans. If she had been with Myungsoo he would have planned everything down to the last detail and that in itself brought so much more confidence on the field.

Turning the gun over in her hand she thought about Myungsoo once again. If she died here... wouldn't he be worried she thought to herself. Should she send him some sort of email that was she was ok? How cruel of her, she acknowledged, to not even contact him once through this whole thing.

"Tao you guys wouldn't happen to have a computer I can use right?"

“We do, do you have to check something?" He asked stopping on his way upstairs with everyone else.

“Oh that’s great thanks. I just want to send a quick email before we this whole thing happens" Min ah explained.

"Nothing will happen to you" Tao said with a smile as he led her upstairs.

"I know, I just suddenly feel bad for being so irresponsible when I chose to come here" She said honestly.

“Who do you have to contact by the way?” He asked curiously.

“No one in particular” She said nervously before pausing mid stride.

They were passing by the front door when she saw a girl walk in. She smiled as she talked with Kris and Min Ah felt her heart tighten. Was that her? Kris nodded intently, listening to her and Min Ah felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. She silently pleaded for the woman to go away. The woman turned and Min Ah's eyes widened. She knew her. It was the girl in the club's bathroom the first night she realized quietly. The girl she had seen crying.

"Min Ah that's Luhan's girlfriend" Tao whispered quietly a knowing look on his face as if he could practically read the thoughts in her mind.

"Luhan's... girlfriend?" She asked in surprise, turning back in time to see Luhan walk in and the girl run over to him and plant a kiss on his lips.

She could actually feel her shoulders relax as she saw him wrap his around her and laugh. Her gaze turned back to Kris and he stood in front of the now closed door, a look in his eyes that made her feel as if he could read the jealousy on her face. She looked away quickly.

"So where's that computer again?" She asked Tao as she walked forwards fast.

“Well as I was saying, nothing is going to happen to us. We’re prepared” He said resuming their conversation as if nothing had happened.

“You know as well as I do we shouldn’t be doing this. It’s reckless” She said in a hushed tone so that no one would accidentally over hear.

“When you spend a lot of time here… everyone becomes like family. We’ll do anything for each other and that means that if recklessness is needed to save one of us then we don’t have a choice”

He said as he led her into the room and after sowing her the computer, leaving to let her think about his words.


She was nervous as she patiently waited for the email to load. It had been the first time since she had taken her official vacation that she had bothered to check her email. She wasn’t reachable by phone or in person so this really was the only way Myungsoo could contact her. She sighed as the top number increased to 27 more unread emails. She scrolled down the sender addresses. They were all from him, except for the occasional work newsletter and some stupid coupon for a store she had registered for a month ago. She moved the mouse over the most recent one, but didn’t click on it. Instead she quickly moved the cursor to the log out option and closed it down.

Choosing to not explore the faint guilt that came from those actions she pushed the chair back and got off the computer. She turned around and jumped in surprise when she saw Kris standing right behind her.

“Boyfriend?” He asked, keeping his voice even and not betraying the inexplicable curiosity he suddenly felt. She was pretty enough, it shouldn’t be this surprising there might be another man in her life.

“Not really” Min Ah answered as honestly as she could, “We work together” She added as if that cleared up anything.

A quick frown passed through his face as he wondered more about their relationship, but luckily she never noticed. When she did look up at him all she saw was his characteristic closed expression. Nothing in particular expressed for her to see and that bothered her because if you cared about someone, you showed it. Then she remembered, he didn't care about her. Not in the way she wanted anyways. That is , if there was any shred of caring in him for her at all.

"How about you, don't you have to call a girlfriend. Something bad could happen tonight if you had anyone... um.. I mean if you care about anyone, you should let them know" She said awkwardly trying to approach the topic smoothly but failing. Why was he even here?

"I don't" He said, his eyes serious and she frowned, why was he even attempting to lie to her?

"Well that for her" She shot back annoyed.

She looked past him and tried to walk around him before he stepped in her way. Her steps faltered, unsure of what was going on she tried to move to the other side, but he extended his arm and blocked her path.

“What—“ She began before he reached out and brushed loose strands of her hair back.

Time stopped. At least it felt that way to her. It was as if some sort of shield had come up over them and the world ceased to exist. It wasn’t just his touch, but it was something in his eyes. She didn’t know what it was. It could have been surprise, joy, sadness, bitterness, regret or anything else, but god it was something. It was something that wasn’t immediately hatred or nothing at all. It was small and insignificant, but it meant the world to her.

“Don’t come with us” He said as his voice dipped lower, “Don’t get hurt”

He could see the sudden rise of hope in her eyes. The way her body pulsed with excitement and eagerness. He marveled at the way she reacted so strongly to such an insignificant touch from him. Did she react like that to whoever that man was? He asked himself as he stepped up a bit closer. She was so dangerous, he reminded himself. In so many ways she was so dangerous. There were a million reasons to send her away and only one to keep her around. He leaned in, his lips so perilously close to hers that if he breathed strongly enough their lips would touch. He remembered the hope in her eyes and recognized that it wouldn’t last long.

They wouldn’t last long because at the end of the day he was who he was and she was someone worlds away. Kris couldn’t give her what she wanted, he knew that. Even worse, he had someone officially after him and the people he cared about. She would be in so much danger... He tried to step back, but her hands shot out to him. They gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him down and she stood on the very tips of her toes. She wouldn’t let him take back this moment. He had shown her a bit of him and she would make sure they both remembered it.

He was surprised, something that rarely happened to him, as he had no time to resist. Her lips pressed to his and they were everything he had imagined these past nights. They kept every promise of their sweetness as her hands trailed up his neck and wrapped around it tightly. His arms moved independently as they held her body to his and he returned the kiss eagerly. Kris moved one of his hands up along her spine and firmly tangled it in her soft dark hair. She broken the first seal he admitted to himself. The first seal among the hundreds that he had placed on his past. Even as he turned their bodies and ran them into a table near them, he felt like he was falling deeper and deeper into something he couldn’t stop.

And he really couldn't stop it because despite the common sense screaming to him he had still listened in on her conversation with Tao downstairs and he had still followed her into this room.

“Min Ah were you able to check your email?” A loud voice called as Tao  burst in.

The barrier around them had been broken and real life forced its way along with Tao when he opened the door. Kris opened his eyes and pushed her away firmly, taking quick steps backwards. He glanced at her, the slight ruffling in her hair, red lips, and almost unnoticeable attempt at catching her breath made her even more beautiful to him. His eyes went to Tao who stood there with an almost comical look of shock on his face and he once again placed his usual mask on.

“You should learn to knock before coming into closed rooms” Kris reminded him with an edge of annoyance as he walked past him.

“I’d been knocking for a while now…” Tao said with a small smile on his face, stopping Kris in his tracks.

“Knock louder then” He snapped, leaving before the younger man responded with another comment.

“You finally got to him” Tao said with a small laugh of disbelief. Waiting a few seconds after Kris had left to talk to her. She clearly needed a few moments.

“Did I? I'm so confused Tao" She confessed thinking back to that night when Kris has let it slip he loved someone else and trying to force herself to not let herself excited. It was so hard though, because she thought this might just be one of the happiest moments in her life.


I'm already at chp 17 :O With the rate I was updating I never thought I'd get here.... well here's the second updated I promised!

Thanks for reading!!! ^^

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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!