Search and Rescue

Burn Away Our Memories

Three separate cars came up. They were parked on the other side of street behind the large building and the air around them buzzed with anticipation and a sort of bloodlust that sent goosebumps along Min Ah's arms. She tried to picture it if someone from her team had been taken and she could understand the urge for violence because she would be the same. She drew the black hood over her head and pulled the drawstrings so that it closed in on her face. There was chatter as Kris quietly reminded the others of their roles. His voice had changed if only slightly. The tone was controlled and quiet.

She stared at him from the backseat. He hadn't said another word to her since that moment and even though she wanted to talk to him about it she knew this wasn't the time. She moved her eyes a few inches higher and caught him staring at her through the rearview mirror. She was startled as that shock of electricity ran through her like it always did when he met her gaze directly. He didn't look away , his eyes betraying nothing as he kept talking into the phone. Min Ah was the first to break the eye contact as she glanced down at her gun quietly and made sure it was loaded.

"This neighborhood in general is crap. It'll take a while for the police to come here even if someone calls it in. We won't have that much time though. Move quickly. If by the time that 20 minutes mark comes up you're not close to finding him retreat" Kris explained. He turned to stare directly and Min Ah, "I mean it. 20 minutes come by if you don't have a definite idea of where he is you two get out" He ordered.

"We got it" Luhan cut in as he held his own gun and reached for the car door.

Kris looked like he had something else to say, but instead he nodded. Min AH followed Luhan out of the car. She turned back to close the door and caught Kris' gaze once more as the car door shut. She silently prayed that they would be alright before she turned and caught up to Luhan. They were both dressed in black as she crossed the yard of an old and broken down house. It looked uninhabited, but Tao had told her that people sometimes stayed there in times of bad weather or when they were cold so she kept an eye on it as they quietly snuck past the broken windows and rotten wood.

The grass was tall and overgrown as they both glanced at the two men lounging in front of the back door of the building. Around this time the rest of them, including Kris, would be going around towards the front they both thought quietly as they stepped out into the small space between the building and the house. Min Ah swiftly threw her hood back allowing her hair to fall freely. She grabbed onto Luhan as they walked towards them and she forced a laugh out. The two men glanced at them strangely, but didn't immediately react. Despite what the variety of tattoos covering every visible inch of their bodies, they weren't very bright as they hesitated in attacking the small girl and the delicate looking man.

That's all the time they needed. The hesitation let Min Ah and Luhan get close enough to run forward before the two had a chance to pull their guns out. Min Ah took the one immediately to her right. With a swift and direct kick to the gut she watched as the man doubled over and slammed her knee onto his face holding it in place with both hands and he cried out and blood sprayed outwards. He was inexperienced at a real fight she realized as she lunged forwards and sent him staggering backwards with her first in his face.

There was a struggle behind her, but Luhan hadn't said a word so she assumed he was fine as she dodged a messy punch from her opponent and smirked. She reached for him, trying to get him down, but she saw the punch before she felt it. Myungsoo's scolding tone echoed in her mind as she gasped for breath as the punch hit her in the stomach and sent her to the ground. Stupid, she was stupid for assuming she was that good to begin with. She glared as she rolled to the side as the man went to pin her to the ground. Swinging her legs as leverage she kicked a leg over him so that she forced him to the ground and she came up behind him.

Her chest rose with violent breaths as she reached out and hooked her arm around his neck. He reached back frantically and she lowered head to avoid the animal like way he swung his arms trying to set himself free. Enough was enough, they didn't have the time to fool around she thought as she put all her weight into increasing the pressure on his neck and like she had been taught she finally jerked the neck in a swift movement in the opposite direction. She panted for breath as she heard the crack of bone and felt his body go instantly limp. Swallowing back any regret she let go quickly and got up as his body hit the ground with a dull thud. She rolled her shoulder back and glanced back to see Luhan staring at her with surprise in his eyes.

"You really are dangerous... You're not just a cop are you?" He said and she didn't miss the impressed tone of his voice.

MinAh looked down at his feet to see the other man laying there in a dark puddle in the dirt. She looked up to Luhan as he raised an eyebrow and pulled out a switchblade. He mimicked drawing it across his throat and she understood why the puddle of blood was so large.

"You're a hell of a lot more dangerous than you look too" She commented dryly choosing to ignore the second question as she stepped over the puddle and they went into the building.

"That's my advantage. People never see it coming" He said knowingly as she drew the hood back over her head and this time took her gun out too.

The first shot echoed yards away and she knew there would be no need to stay quiet any longer. They ran forward and followed the path that Min Ah had outlined for them in the blueprints they had managed to get. It was the easiest path and the one that would cover the most ground. So while men ran down to meet the source of the shooting, they would head upwards. Avoiding the fight when at all possible and if it was unavoidable ending it as quick as they could. They didn't need the attention at the moment since their main focus was getting Sehun back.

"There's a row of rooms left upstairs. We're getting too close to that 20 minute mark. If we don't find him we've gotta start heading down to check the underground floor" Luhan ordered quietly as they ran forward.

"Dammit where they hell could they have him?" Min Ah swore as Luhan quickly stepped back and knocked her down to the ground.

In less than a second he hind his gun trained on the man that had just turned the corner and got off two rounds. Min Ah watched at the bullets whizzed past faster than she could track them until there was two bursts of colors on the man's shirt. Blood blossomed from the two entry points and she watched as the life instantly drained from the man's body. By the time he hit the ground they were back up and running. When they burst though into the top most floor there was an instant change of feeling.

"He's here" Luhan whispered as they both paused in the beginning of the hallway.

"I know"  Min Ah agreed though she didn't mention the bad feeling that crashed onto her. There was something so very wrong here.

On the third door they tried they found him.

"Sehun!" Luhan called in relief as he ran over to the other man and immediately got to work on freeing him.

Min Ah stayed a few feet away as she stared in mild horror at the man violently shaking on the ground. He cried without concern to how it would look as he whispered unintelligible words. Luhan took out his blade to cut through the rope and a ear splitting scream came from Sehun as he jerked backwards. Min Ah ran forward and held him tightly to keep him from struggling as Luhan shot her a look of gratitude. They didn't have to ask any questions to know that Sehun's torture had clearly involved knives. The boy screamed loudly as Min Ah held him as tight as she could. Tears burned their way down his face, clearing a path through the dirt on his cheeks as he continued to struggle.

"Shush, we're here to help you. Kris sent us. We're gonna take you home" She whispered quietly as he continued to cry out and thrash around.

"DAD DON'T KILL ME" He screamed and they both froze.

"He's not here Sehun. That man is dead" Luahn said as he finally freed his legs and quickly began to cut away the rope binding Sehun's wrists. They were caked in blood and looked almost embedded into Sehun's skin.

Min Ah glanced down at the body in her arms and she wondered at the kind of monster who could do this to him. He was covered in bruises that ranged in all shades of purples. There was dried blood from superficial cuts on his skin and the way his wrists and ankles were raw from struggling made hatred for whoever had done this bubble up inside of her. She wasn't alone as she saw Luhan clench his jaw tightly.

"Sehun listen to me. It's Luhan. You need to stop. I'm taking you back" Luhan tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen. The watch on Luhan's wrist went off and he glanced over at Min Ah worriedly. They needed to get going. With a deep breath Luhan pulled back his hind before letting it clash onto Sehun's face. "It's Luhan!" He repeated once more.

"L-luhan? H-help me" Sehun shuddered as he gasped for breath and for the first time opened his eyes with a hint of consciousness.

"We're gonna help you. Get up. We're gonna go" Luhan said as he placed a arm around Sehun's back, "We're gonna need to support most of his weight. His right leg is broken" He explained and Min Ah looked down at it and quickly looked away. How had she not noticed the awful angle that the leg was bent at? A sudden round of nausea came over her and she mentally pushed it away. She wasn't squeamish, but seeing how broken this kid was and seeing the leg... having to imagine the kind of hell he went through made her ill.

They picked him up and Sehun whimpered in pain as they supported him and made their way out of the door. Thee got to the top of the staircase when they heard a voice behind them.

"What are you doing with him? Don't you know he's my responsability?" A cynical voice echoed out behind them.

Sehun shuddered before he lunged forward and threw up. Luhan exchanged glances with Min Ah as he turned around and faced the man they both had every intention of killing. It was obvious Sehun was terrified and it was also obvious that this man, whoever he was just a hired hand. There was something more to him though. He had an air of professionalism that the rest didn't. This man had experience under his belt and it was plain to see by the easy going grin on his face.

"Take him away. I'll take care of this bastard" Luhan hissed.

"You know I can't do that. It was decided that we—" Min Ah began.

"Look at him. Look at Sehun and tell me you want to risk sending him back to torture because we couldn't break a rule" He snapped and Min Ah knew that she would do anything to get Sehun out.

"Listen to him, take the kid for a walk before I go get him" The man mocked and Min Ah straightened out.

"Will you be ok?"

"Probably" He answered making no commitments.

Min Ah nodded and pulled Sehun forward. The boy moved halfheartedly as they struggled to get down the stairs. They were only three stairs down when the first shot echoed a few feet behind them.

"Don't stop. No matter what we have to get out" She whispered pulling him down.

"I can't..." He whimpered.

"I don't really know you but there are 11 people here risking their lives because they care about you. You can't stop fighting you've survived so much. You have to make it" She pleaded as they continued making their slow way down. They were way over the 20 minute mark by now, but it didn't matter. She just needed to get him out. She heard something up ahead and she stopped.

"I'm gonna need to sit you here" She whispered quietly as she helped him into a sitting position, "I'm gonna make sure our path is clear up ahead.

"Don't leave me" He cried out gripping her arm tightly.

"I promise I'll be back" She whispered as she pried his fingers off.

Without another look back because she knew she would end up staying with him and risking his life, she ran forward and spotted three men taking in hurried tones. Without wasting another second she fired off three rounds. Two killed the first man and one injured the second one. She dodged back around the corner as bullets whizzed towards where she had been. She mentally counted the rounds she had left and lunged back around the corner running forward. Two more shots killed the second man, but bullets missed the third one as he jumped up from the floor and sent her crashing to the ground. He kept her pinned to the ground as he punched her once in the face. filled with the taste of copper as she spit blood off to the side. There was a loud ringing in her head as she tried to regain her focus. Using her momentary disorientation he gripped the base of her neck and squeezed hard. parted as she tried so hard to get some oxygen to her lungs. She thrashed futilely and she reached out for anything. Dark edges began to sneak up as her fingertips touched a familiar piece of metal. Without wasting another second she swung out as hard as she could and heard the crack of metal on bone. She scrambled up and aimed the gun down at the man holding his head in pain. Gasping for breath she fired off two quick rounds and ran back to Sehun. She needed to get him out.

"Y-you're b-back" He whispered in relief and she smiled despite the cut on her lips from being punched and the way her whole bottom left side of her face ached painfully.

"We can go now" She said as she helped him up once again and they made their way out.

When they reached the outside it all seemed so false. They had just undergone a huge fight in that dammed building and everything seemed normal out here. The wind blew calmly, the stars were normal, nothing seemed out of place. But she knew better and she directed Sehun around the two dead bodies from earlier and slowly made her way towards where the cars were parked. She approached the area and relief washed over her as one of the SUVs they had brought along were still there. The other two cars were gone and she chose to take that as a good sign.

The car came to life as they were spotted and Kris and Lay ran out from the backseat. They wasted no time in grabbing Sehun from her and Kris' eyes lingered on her as she followed along and climbed into the car. They settled Sehun in and as the car door shut and the engine came to life Kris turned to her and grabbed the tip of her chin gently.

"Luhan is still in there" She whispered.

"He got back faster than you did" Kris answered quickly and she was relieved, "The person that did this to you..."

"Is dead" She finished for him and she saw his lips twitch with a smile as he nodded.

Instead of letting go like she instantly assumed he pulled her into his chest. She didn't feel the pain she should have as her bruised lip touched his chest. Instead a rush of nerves came over her as he held her tightly and softly her hair. He was worried it suddenly dawned on her as he didn't let go of her. Instead he pulled her whole body closer as the car raced away from the building. She felt a shudder run through her as she thought about Sehun again and she closed her eyes, leaning comfortably into his warm embrace. She felt safe in his arms she noticed as she listened to his steady breaths. She would be safe as long as he was here she knew as he kept on holding to her. That kiss wasn't just anything. She was sure of it now.

Tao glanced back and watched worriedly as Kris held Min Ah tightly, allowing some of that part of him he never showed to come out. He frowned and sat back in his seat staring at the road ahead. Wasn't he just ultimately going to make things harder for Min Ah and himself? But looking at the injuries on her face and the way she had jumped to help them out regardless of her job or even her own safety he had to agree with what Kris was saying.

There was absolutely no way that Min Ah could stay with them. She was in too much danger.


Update day is here! I stayed up really late working on this one, but mostly becuase I took what may be the longest nap eariler this afternoon so here you go!

Thanks for reading :)

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!