
Burn Away Our Memories

She walked a step behind them as they escorted their newest suspect into the holding cells. She scrunched her nose at the faint stench that usually clung to the atmosphere once they walked in. It was musty and surrounded her in a way that only made her want to leave even more. It wasn't about the unsettling smell though, her mind was trying to find a way to do damage control. She wanted nothing more than to be able to tell Myungsoo what she knew, but she couldn't. So instead she silently scolded herself for getting herself into this position to begin with.

Stealing another glance at the man in handcuffs, she watched as his fingerprints were taken and he was registered in their system. By pure chance she looked to the cell where Jin Ho was locked up and she raised an eyebrow. The man had moved to the very corner of the cell, his hands were clasped tightly together on his lap and he stared at them. More specifically, he stared towards the man in handcuffs. She studied him, the hint of fear barely visible if it hadn't been for the way his thumbs repeatedly touched. He muttered something under his breath, his lips barely moving a centimeter before he realized he was being watched. Almost at once, his demeanor changed. Hands unclasped, feet extended in false comfort, and he seemed to suddenly be the very image of carefree. She had caught him though and she could see why he had been able to trick them, he seemed to be utterly inept and useless that it was hard to imagine this man could be cunning.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and waited for the quick shove and the loud slam of metal bars being closed tightly. It was only a matter of seconds until Myungsoo's arm brushed hers and she knew it was her cue to go. Right as they stepped out, she turned to look over her shoulder. Both men were sitting beside each other and they were very clearly waiting for them to leave.

"Jin Ho is a manipulator. We can't trust anything he says. He looked scared of that man too, I can guarantee we're not going to get anything useful out of him" Min Ah murmured as they shut the door behind them.

"I know. Our best bet is Park Min Jun" He said thoughtfully.

"That's his name?"

"Weren't you listening?" He asked, a bit sternly as he frowned at her in that patronizing way he used to do whenever she had done something wrong.

"I guess I was focusing too much on the other guy to really pay attention" She said with a frown, "Sorry" She said sarcastically.

"Give me a report on Park Min Jun by tomorrow morning. It's already late so you'll have to work extra hours to get it done" He ordered, "I'll head up first" He said, quickening his pace and leaving her behind.

She stared after him and sighed. She recognized his change in attitude instantly. His frustration was getting the better of him and she tried to not let it bother her. She walked slowly and realized it was probably a combination of being bested by Jin Ho and almost getting both of them in serious trouble because of it. Myungsoo wasn't used to being manipulated like that and she knew that had instantly set his mind on getting to the bottom of what was happening. That being said, she felt bad for messing around because she knew his attitude was aimed towards himself instead of her.

Shaking her head she pushed those thoughts from her head and focused on the important things. Like figuring out how to get the information they needed on Park Min Jun without giving herself away.


"Whoa maybe you should be going home too" Dongwoo said, pulling back his hand as she jumped awake from the seat on her desk.

"I'm fine..." She said tiredly as she looked around and noticed the emptiness of the room, "Is everyone else gone already?!"

"Myungsoo is still in his office, but after I'm gone you're the last one left considering he hasn't even stepped out of there in the past three hours" He said lightly and she looked over at the closed door worriedly.

"Huh, well I'm almost done with this so I'll leave soon after" Min Ah said with a smile.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow!" He said with a wave as he walked out.

Min Ah waited until his footsteps faded before she stood up and reached towards the ceiling in an attempt to stretch out the sore muscles in her body. She began to pack up the papers she had collected and she saved the presentation she had prepared. She looked at it with a satisfied smile and nodded to herself, this would have to do and as for Woohyun... he should be alright with the way she's handling this.

She found herself moving slowly, stalling as she kept glancing back at his door. Three hours... was way too long she thought once again as she closed her backpack and hesitated before going up to his door. She raised her hand to knock and paused as she heard a loud muffled sound from inside. Her breath hitched and instead of knocking she cautiously placed her ear against the wood.

"I know!..... didn't realize.... no....." Bits of words phased through the door and she shut her eyes trying to focus on his voice.

"DAD I SAID IT WAS A MISTAKE! HUMANS MAKE THOSE!" He yelled and she bit her lip as she immediately scrambled backwards. This was something she had absolutely no business listening to. She gave the door one last worried glance before she hurried to her desk and took a seat.

She stared down at her desk and glanced back at the closed door. She couldn't hear anything now, but she could imagine the conversation happening inside. Anxiety simmered slowly as she tried not to think about what Myungsoo was feeling. She closed her eyes and her memories instantly took her back to the first time she had witnessed his father's effect on him. It hadn't been that long after they had first met, but in a way the both of them were completely different people now...

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" She asked with a shy smile as she sat across him at a restaurant.

"I'm taking a small break" Myungsoo replied with a shrug as he took another bite of his food.

"Are you coming to my commencement ceremony? It's at the police academy. I mean... you don't have to, but I... there's no one else that would come and we're encouraged to bring guests although bringing one of my trainers as my guests is really really weird. You know what, just ignore me. That was a really stupid question I'm sorry" She rambled, finally getting the courage to look up and catch his amused gaze to her.

"I can't go as your guest" He said plainly and she felt her shoulders sag.

"O-oh that's ok I thought so—" She said quietly.

"But since I happen to have volunteered to help out at the ceremony, it wouldn't be strange at all if I spent the majority of my time with a recruit who needs a guest" He said, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.

"Thanks, I—" She began before the ring of his phone interrupted her.

He reached for his phone and she could see the relaxation drain from his body in a second. Instead it was replaced with tension and a frown as he hesitated before bringing the phone up to his ear. Loud yells echoed out from the receiver and Min ah looked down at her food as she pretended not to hear anything.

"I know dad..." He whispered and she took a bite of food and pretended she wasn't there, "I'm sorry sir" He corrected himself and she heard the rustle of clothing as he stood up and walked away from their table. She finally looked up and watched as he went into the men's bathroom.

When he came back his mood was completely different. His eyes were cold and he stared at his food almost angrily. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and looked up at him almost timidly.

"I'm full and I have an early day tomorrow should we go?" She asked and her heart thumped at the look of slight relief that briefly crossed his face.

It was only after the silent drive back home, when her hand was on the door handle, that he reached out for her and finally spoke.

"I won't be able to go to that ceremony after all..."

Min Ah frowned as the memory left a rather bitter taste in and she wondered how things might have been different if they had never changed. She looked at the door and imagined him pacing angrily inside, fists clenched and frown fully set. 20 minutes passed before the large wooden door swung open with a slam and she tried to keep the look of concern off her face.

"You're still here?" He asked, honestly surprised as he stepped out. She noted his messy hair and smiled.

"I'm about to leave. Are you done working yet?" She asked and at his hesitation she quickly added, "I'm asking because if you are, I mean it's kind of late, so we can just head down together"

He paused and turned his head slightly as he gave the inside of his office a quick glance. He turned back to her, smile still on her face as she patiently waited for his answer.

"... Yeah I'm done" He responded seriously as if trying to convince himself and her smile widened as he headed back into his office and she heard him gathering his things. She was glad she had stayed behind, if she hadn't she was sure that he would have spent the rest of the night in his office obsessing over things he could think about better with a couple hours sleep.

He came out and she grabbed her bag as he locked up behind him. The walk down was quiet, but not entirely uncomfortable as they stepped into the elevator and it lowered them with a quiet hum. She glanced over at him and caught him staring at her and quickly looked ahead.

"Did you finish the report I asked for?"

"You mean the report you ordered?" She asked and bit her tongue at her teasing. This probably wasn't the time she thought annoyed at herself.

To her surprise a muffled sound of something laughter like escaped him and she laughed softly. The elevator doors swung open and they stepped out in the cold parking garage. They walked side by side and they both paused as they reached her car, which was parked by closer than his.

"I'll see you tomorrow then"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow"


"Night!" She said as he nodded and headed to his own car.

She shook her head at his short good bye as she climbed into her car and threw her bag off to the side. She put on her seat belt and cautiously backed up. She steered her car to the side and began to move forward, just about to leave, when she casually looked into the driver's side of Myungsoo's car. He had stopped, hands on the steering wheel and she slammed on the breaks as she heard his engine suddenly shut off. She waited for a few second before his door swung open and she lowered her window.

"What's wrong?" She called out.

"I forgot something back in my office you go ahead" He said calmly and she looked at the way he had grabbed his briefcase all over again and she knew he was going back to work.

He gave her a brief goodbye as he headed back to the elevators and she quickly backed up a few feet and pulled into the driver's space next to his. She stopped her car with a screech, shut the car off and ran out.


"I'll go up with you"

"I don't need a babysitter"

"I'm not babysitting. I'm being your friend"

"I don't want a friend" He muttered and she smiled.

"I don't want you to think that the only way to catch these guys is to hurt yourself by not sleeping at all. You're overdoing it. I've noticed that you're here the earliest and you are always the last one to leave. Do you even sleep anymore? Do you eat well?" She asked, her smile fading.

He looked startled as he tried to come up with something to say and instead just shrugged her concerns off and continued walking. He kept his mouth shut as her steps echoed behind his and she followed him back up. Back upstairs, he headed to his office and stopped abruptly at the entrance to his office.

"I'm coming in" She said before he could say anything else, "Two heads are better than one right?"

"Go home"

"I'm not tired. Unlike some people I usually get a lot of sleep" She lied casually overlooking those nights in which she stayed up thinking about people that didn't matter, "So I'm good"

"Do what you want. I'm not in the mood to argue" He snapped.


Will update next chapter in a couple hours! :)

Thanks for reading!

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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!