A Link To The Past

Burn Away Our Memories


“Noona! You always play with Wu Fan, why don’t you ever play with me?” A young boy said with a stubborn pout as he blocked the Min Ah’s path.

“Sorry Jong In! I promise I’ll play with you more. Come on Wu Fan can go play with Tao” She said  with a bright smile as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the swings.

Jong In followed her, proud that he had managed to get her attention and he turned back and stuck out his tongue at a frowning Wu Fan by the slides.

“Can we play until curfew?” He asked as he jumped on the swings and waited patiently for her to push him.

“Oh yeah! Today I declare it Kim  Jong In day!” She announced as she laughed and gave him a big push.


Min Ah shivered, it was a disturbingly cold night as she snuck along crates. She heard the soft crash of the waves against the dock and immediately felt a little sick. Her eyes fluttered shut as the sickening smell of salt water wafted up from the water and she felt a faint wave of nausea come over her. Water was her weakness. She could barely swim and being on boats got her sick, did she need any more reasons? The smell assaulted her senses so that she was forced to grit her teeth and shut it out. Instead, she chose to focus on the comforting feel of the cold steel in her hand. She glanced down at her gun and clicked the safety off. This wasn’t training, she might need it.

She pushed her head around the corner and was satisfied when her eyes took in the area they were each supposed to be keeping an eye out. There were a lot of places for someone to run into so she would have to keep an eye out for that. She inched back and crouched down behind a large green metal crate. The smell of fish made her wrinkle her nose, but honestly she could handle that better than the smell of the sea. They were both equally pungent and disgusting so in reality it was no great comfort. Minutes ticked by slowly and she found herself bored out of her mind. Her muscles were tensed, ready to strike at a moment's notice, but so far no such notice had occurred.

Had their information been faulty? She stared at a leaf a few feet away. It had been flying around without any real purpose and always kept coming back to the same place. It was missing a huge chunk and fluttered around rather annoyingly until it finally landed on a small puddle and stuck there. Min Ah scratched the back of her neck and glanced around. She could feel her team around her despite the fact that she couldn’t see them. It was a comforting feeling she realized as she reflected on how just knowing that you were surrounded by people you would trust with your life gave someone a huge boost in confidence. Even if nothing would happen tonight, there was comfort in the fact that Myungsoo would just call the whole thing off and they would all probably end up going to dinner or something.

Just as she began to picture the image of a large piece of Korean beef sizzling on the grill, Min Ah heard some murmurs nearby. She slid around the crate quietly and slowly peeked for a better look. Not too far off there were two men. She gave a quick look and saw that there was a small gun on each of their leather belts. They were older, but not quite middle aged with greasy hair that made her want to shove them both into the water before they took them in. She was about to move when she stopped, they were waiting for someone. Apparently, they weren’t the target because the rest of her team wasn’t moving either.

Then came the sound of a few footsteps. Min Ah crouched down and stepped out an inch further.

“You guys came! Oh good, my boss was going to be an angry man if you guys hadn’t showed!” The guy called as he stepped into the faint light and gave one of them a playful slap on the face, “and you guys know what happens when my boss is angry!” He said arrogantly as he placed down the silver case he was holding.

Min Ah stared in surprise. This was one of the runners for EXO? This was one of their members? He looked like a random teenager you might find going to a club or something. He wore jeans and an obviously expensive button up with a blazer on top. His brown and stylish  hair was perfectly placed and he had a glint in his eyes that made Min Ah frown.

She felt her adrenaline begin to run. As soon as they made an exchange then they could move.

Myungsoo waited a few yards away. Waiting for the right moment to begin to move. Finally, they were about to catch one of these bastards and when they did, they might even be the team to crack EXO and put them all away in the pits of jail that they deserve to rot in. For the meanwhile, he could feel the moment approaching, his blood ran hot and his fingers tingled. It was almost time. This capture and the leads it could get them would make his career. At this rate, he was bound to make director faster than anyone had thought possible.

“Did you bring the money, plus the rental fee?” The well styled man asked condescendingly as he outstretched an arms and played with the golden cufflink at the ends of it.

“Yeah” Said one gruffly.

“Good. Then here’s that you like so much” He snapped as he threw him the silver suitcase. The man caught it with angry yet cowardly eyes and politely handed him his own case full of money, “You two are smart. I’m sure we’ll be doing more business together very soon” He said happily before chaos erupted around them.

He looked up and swore under his breath. He snatched up the briefcase and made a run for it. He cursed the fact that he had planned to go clubbing later and had actually bother to dress up. He ran faster, a slow fire beginning to burn within his lungs as he struggled to take deep breaths. There were lots of screams behind him as he maneuvered and weaved in between crates. A tall cop came out of nowhere. He looked too young for this and he proved it, by using the silver case to swing up and hit him square in the face so he stumbled to the ground in pain. A faint spray of blood burst out and he ran through it, making a face when a drop landed on the front of his shirt.

A shot rang out besides him and he turned back to see a girl standing there with fire burning in her eyes. She made a run for him and he continued run, trying his hardest to avoid her at all costs. She yelled at him to stop, but there was no freaking way he was going to put that bag down or get caught.

Min Ah ran harder than she had in a long time. She had holstered her gun somewhere along the way and veered the opposite way from the suspect. If she remembered right then they should meet up soon enough. Just like he expected he soon came into view. With a proud grin she ran up to him and tackled him so they both crashed into the hard concrete underneath them. She heard the tear of fabric as she struggled to hold him down and called out for help.

“Let me go you cow!!” He hissed as he thrashed under her tightening hold.

“That must hurt a lot coming from a lowlife criminal” She snapped as she strained to keep him down.

He sneered and spit at her. Min Ah blinked in surprise at first not realizing what had happened. She stared down at him and with anger running deep through her veins she pulled her fist back and punched him so hard his body immediately went limp and he lost consciousness.

She breathed heavily as she wiped his nasty spit off her face and she pulled her fist back. Once more for revenge wouldn’t hurt right? She pulled back once more only to feel a pair of strong arms lift her off the man and hold her back.

“Are you alright?” A low voice asked behind her as their team came in.

They didn’t pay attention to the way their boss was holding her and they were both thankful for that as she slowly felt his touch drain away some of the anger she felt.  Woohyun stepped up to the man and after cuffing his limp body, he turned him over.

“Found a wallet!” He yelled as he pulled out a shiny black leather wallet.

“What’s his name?” Myungsoo asked, still holding onto Min Ah.

“Hmm… it says… aha! Here it is! We’ve caught our selves EXO member number one Kim Jong In!” He yelled out as Sungyeol grabbed him and sat him up, his face already becoming purple from his bruise.

Myungsoo watched as they sat him up and suddenly noticed how still and quiet Min Ah had become. He frowned as he opened his mouth to ask what was wrong she suddenly doubled over and threw up. He held her up and quickly brushed her hair back and out of the way.

“What’s wrong with her!?” Woohyun asked in worry and Myungsoo shrugged as she held her stomach and stumbled back.

Myungsoo helped her sit on the ground, her face looked pale and she looked like she might just get sick again.

“What’s wrong?!” He asked.

“It’s the sea… you know I hate water. It just got to me. Sorry” She whispered, her eyes glued to the figure handcuffed and being dragged away, her mind spinning wildly.

It couldn’t be. This couldn't be her Jong In. It was impossible. She gasped in surprise as Myungsoo reached for her suddenly and he pulled her up in one swift movement. Min Ah managed to tear her eyes away long enough to meet Myungsoo's worried ones. She forced a small smile onto her face and motioned with a quick nod of her head to follow Woohyun's lead as they dragged Jong In to their cars to transport him to the station.

"Are you sure you're alright? You look like you've seen a ghost" Myungsoo whispered so quietly she knew she was the only one to hear it.

"I-I'm fine" Min Ah said shakily as she kept her eyes on the slumped over body of the guy she had just punched. She could barely even register the stinging sensation on the knuckles of her hand.

"Alright Min Ah can ride with the boss since she's not feeling well and Sungyeol and I can take this guy" Woohyun said as he kicked Jong In's body on the ground lightly.

Min Ah tensed as she barely stopped herself from telling Woohyun to stop that. She had to remind herself, that many people shared names. This didn't necessarily have to be the same Jong In.

"I'll come with you Woohyun" She said as she pried Myungsoo's hand from her arm and headed straight into the car they were loading Jong In into before anyone had the chance to protest it.

She shut the car door firmly and buckled herself in, refusing to look back at the confused faces of her teammates. She hear the backseat door open and winced as she heard his body being roughly thrown in. Woohyun closed the door and headed over to talk to Myungsoo quickly and Min Ah took this opportunity to turn in her seat and take a good look at the man they had just caught. She frowned as her eyes strained desperately in the darkness to catch something that would let her know for sure. He was young, if anything the age might match. He looked almost peaceful as he laid completely knocked out. His right cheek was already bruising from her fist and her brows pushed together as she noticed his full lips. She tried to age the mental image of the young boy, but nothing happened. They were similar looking... it could be him she accepted as her pulse began to race.

But if it was him... then how had he ended up working for a gang and where were Wu Fan and Tao?


Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments behind.... please? ;)

Ohhh and really random (but mostly because I can't stop thinking about it) to all of you who haven't watched SBS's Gayo Daejun... GOOOOO! Seriously, it's super incredible and amazing and I won't even get started again because I won't stop XD

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!