Common Enemy

Burn Away Our Memories

She heard steps before she had the chance to look up and she rolled away, kicking outwards as she stabilized herself and got off the floor. The feeling of her foot making contact with something heavy gave her time to hastily reach for her gun a few feet away and look up. As she looked up and met the eyes of the person lounging at her, recognition struck the both of them as she took her finger off the trigger and moved to the side.

"Luhan?" She asked, catching her breath and he straightened out and turned to face her, eyeing the gun wearily.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, palms faced outwards in a sign of peace.

Min Ah pointed at her badge and kept her grip on her gun, "Who's here?"

He didn't reply as he went silent.

"Right now, I'm not your friend. I'm not here to help you. There is someone here who's hell bent on taking all of you guys in. Dead or alive really it doesn't matter to him and there are more people outside. Tell me who's here"

He stayed quiet. His face slowly losing all signs of anxiety as he looked at her calmly. She let out an annoyed breath as she lifted her gun and pointed it right at him.

"I'm really not ing around. Tell me a number at least and I'll let you go on the condition you stay out of this" She snapped, taking three steps closer and placing her other hand on the gun.

"... Four people" He answered reluctantly, his gaze not as afraid as she would have liked, "We were called here, Kris got a message this isn't our—"

"Get out" She ordered.

"How do I know you won't shoot me once I turn my back?"

"If I was going to shoot you I would have done it right after you said four. Get. Out"

He smirked and lowered his hands as he turned easily. With tense shoulders he took a slow steps forward followed by another. Min Ah waited until his steps eased before she rushed him. He was more perceptive than she imagined though as he turned just in time to catch her in his chest and twisted them so they both fell to the ground.

"Well you didn't shoot me" He said with a chuckle as he rolled away, underestimating her own speed as she got up faster and delivered a forceful kick to his face.

He felt his world spin as he pushed himself up and faced her only to find she wasn't there. He spun to look behind him and wondered if she had run away before he felt a blunt force strike the back of his head and his vision went black.

Min Ah bent down over Luhan's knocked out body and quickly checked for a pulse. She shouldn't have hit so hard, she had done this a million times and she still had to double check to make sure the people she knocked out weren't dead. She touched blood as she placed two fingers on his necks and felt the pulse she was hoping for. Holstering her gun, she grabbed him by the collar and dragged him backwards into the shadows underneath and away from the sight of anyone glancing down from the floors above. There were three crates and she honestly didn't care to check what was inside as she moved them into an L shape and dragged Luhan's body behind it.

He had saved her life back in China and she hadn't saved his friend in time. She owed him this she decided as she made sure he was out of view and ran to the staircase leading up to the second floor. She gripped the cold hard metal tightly as she ran forwards to a hallway leading away from the center on the second floor before she froze. A loud yell echoed from below as she heard the clang of a metal door swinging open and she heard Myungsoo's voice.  

She leaned over the banister, looking down in the place where she had just been and she glanced at the corner where she had put Luhan. Anxiously waiting she heard loud footsteps and Jong In finally stepped into her view. His eyes were wide with fear as he stumbled, blood coming his mouth and very obviously in pain. It was when Myungsoo came up behind him that she felt her stomach sink. Please don't she silently pleaded as he grabbed Jong In by the collar and dragged him backwards, twisting the hold he had on the collar of his shirt so it tightened painfully on Jong In's throat, leaving him sputtering for breath.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see you again" Myungsoo said as he looked at him in pure disgust, "Are you scared?" Myungsoo hissed as he tightened his grip just a fraction more, but it was enough that Jong In convulsed on the floor, prying at his collar trying to wring himself free.

He suddenly let him go and Jong In fell to ground violently gasping for breath as he tried to get up. Myungsoo watched him for a moment before he flexed his fingers and formed a fist with his right hand. He approached Jong In who tried to dodge the fist a moment too late before Myungsoo caught him by the front of the shirt and drove his fist into his abdomen,

Min Ah stared in horror as she recalled the state Jong In had been left that night and she didn't know what to do. She could hear him now. Jong In that is. She could hear his moans of pain as he finally whispered for him to stop.

"I can't do that. I gave you a chance to turn yourself in, I gave you a chance to tell me what you knew, but you turned it down. Plus, I have a debt to repay to you for running away and you know debts come with interest" Myungsoo said, a harsh laugh escaping him as he kicked him aside, "You should have told me what I wanted to hear. There's no one to help you" He hissed, "I found your little friend, he's either dead or knocked out, but either way you're not getting any help"

"I'm not the only one here" Jong In groaned, his voice quivering.

"Well you're going to tell me all I need" Myungsoo said quietly as he pulled out his gun

" you" He spat.

Min Ah raced down the stairs and went straight for Myungsoo as she gripped his arm and held him back.

"What are you doing?! You're going to kill him!" She said in a panic, ignoring the look of surprise that Jong In gave her.

"Let me go Min Ah. I've got a score to settle and we've finally got our lead. We're on the field, he's not protected by rules. He attacked me first" Myungsoo replied calmly.

"That's a lie!" Jong In yelled, sitting up.

"Myungsoo please, there's going to be an investigation if anybody is found dead. We will all be in trouble please" She whispered looking at him in the eye as she flicked her wrist behind her back, hoping that Jong In had caught her signal.

"I'm going to get what we need and I'm going to lock these bastards up myself do you understand? I've already got Hoya in the building and Dongwoo and Sunggyu calling in for support. They're done for" He said firmly as he placed a hand on hers and pried her fingers off.

Before she got another chance to say anything she faked a false response as Jong In came out swinging a large and empty crate that was lying on one of the tables. Myungsoo felt the breath be knocked out of him as wood splintered into pieces behind him and he went tumbling forward into Min Ah. He heard her scream as she grabbed him, most likely in fear and they fell to the ground. He pushed himself up in a flash and she screamed again as he shot off into the direction that kid ran into, knowing it wouldn't hit anything because he had done it only a second after the door had slammed shut. He moved forward only to have Min Ah grab his pant leg, she was still on the ground.

"My ankle, it hurts. We need to go. You can't go alone" She said quietly, wincing as she gripped her ankle.

"I'm going to go just don't screw anything else up" He growled in frustration. Things were not going as planned. He need to finish this tonight damn it. That was his only lead, "Drag yourself to the wall and call Dongwoo over"

"You're scaring me Myungsoo" She said loudly, eyes squeezing shut as she felt silence settle in around. She was telling the truth though, that look of deadly determination in his eyes frightened her. Not just because it meant he was willing to kill someone for it, but because it wasn't him.

She slowly opened her eyes, half expecting him to be gone only to find that he had crouched down to her level. His eyes held a glimmer of clarity as he stared at her apologetically. He placed a hand on top of her head gently, a complete contrast to the way he was acting and he smiled.

"You'll understand that I'm doing this for all of us. If I do this, I'll have caught some of the most wanted criminals and I won't be forced to stay under my father's thumb any longer" He said, "So I'm going to get that kid and get what I want"

"N-no we should go" She said, "You're going to get us killed"

"This is our ticket up" He said simply as he picked her up off the ground and moved her quickly to the furthest wall, "Call for one of the others. They'll come get you. I'm going to finish this" He said as he ran off.

She watched him leave and shuddered as she stood up and ran after him. As she went for the door though, she caught a flash of movement from her peripheral vision. She looked up to see Wu Fan standing at the banister at the top floor. His eyes were cold and unforgiving as he turned and walked off and as she ran past the door in the direction Myungsoo went, she realized that the gleam that had initially caught her eyes, was the reflection of light off his gun.

"Guys when is that support coming in?" She asked into the earpiece as she ran upstairs.

"They should be here soon. We're far off" Dongwoo said.

"Alright, get the car started and come to the back end of the building when you're called" Min Ah said quietly, hearing a noise far off and disconnecting.

She ran faster as she turned the last corner before a gunshot echoed loudly. She felt her heart leap into and she burst into a room. Her gun was up as she took in the scene before her. There was a crack of bones as Wu Fan threw Myungsoo back and Myungsoo's gun slid forward. She glanced in the corner to find Jong In lying in a pool of blood. Her body went cold as she suddenly realized they hadn't seen her yet. Taking advantage of the small element of surprise she had she snuck up behind Myungsoo and with one swift hit to the back of the neck he was out cold. His body crumpled to the ground as she felt for a pulse quickly, all the while holding her gun on Wu Fan.

He stared at her and didn't move as she tried to think.

"Jong In is alive right? Myungsoo shot him?" She asked calmly, the only way she could keep her voice from shaking.

"Your friend shot him and I don't know" He replied, eying her gun.

"Go check" She snapped and he did.

"He was hit in the leg. I knocked that guy over so that's probably why he missed. He should be fine"

"Ha... he should be fine? Jong In was shot and he should be fine?!" She asked, her voice rising an octave and he raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to arrest me?"

"Not today. You need to take Jong In to a doctor. Grab him and go. I swear to god I better not hear something happened to him or I'm coming after you myself for putting him in this position" She hissed "Oh and Luhan is on the ground floor by the north wall behind three crates"

"Jong In landed himself here" He said with a glare.

"Get over it, you're clearly running things now. Keep Jong In and Tao safe god damn it!"

"What are you going to do, keep bailing us out?" He asked as he cautiously approached Jong In and tying up his wounded leg to stop the bleeding, he nearly effortlessly carried him.

"No. You know I can't and won't do that, but I don't want those two to die"

"Only 'those two'?" He asked as her watched her carefully.

"Yeah. You can go rot in hell for all I care. You're nothing to me" She said with a shrug as she motioned him out of the room.

"And that monster is?" He asked coldly motioning towards Myungsoo.

"He's not a monster" Min Ah whispered, "He's a good person and he just wants to do his job. You wouldn't understand, but yeah he's something to me"

"Which way do we leave?" He asked, ignoring her words.

"Go out the front" She said to him and turning on her earpiece she cleared her voice "Suspects are running out the back go there now!" And she disconnected. She turned to Wu Fan to catch the amused look in his eyes.

"Thanks. I guess I owe you"

"Can you guys go back to China and make sure to stay out of trouble?"


"Then forget it. There's no debt. Now get out"

"Next time, I won't need rescuing" He said, turning back to her with a smirk.

She stared at him for a second before nodding.

"You're under the impression that I'll be willing to rescue twice? You're lucky I thought Jong In was dead for a second"

"I guess I was. Thanks anyways"

"Just go"

"By the way, Jong In's been meaning to contact you. He wants a way to contact you" He said calmly.

"He knows where I live. Tell him to write a letter" She said coldly as she started to head back to the room Myungsoo was in.

"I would like to talk to you about a common problem it seems we both have named Park Min Guk. He got us here and tried to set us up" Wu Fan said ignoring her words as Lay came out from seemingly nowhere and Wu Fan handed Jong In to him and went to get Luhan. After he had grabbed him, he looked at her and added, "I'll write you a letter"

Her lips twitched and she turned away from him before he could see anything. Without glancing back she moved as quick as she could and ran to check on Myungsoo.


Thanks for reading! ^^

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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!