Those Words

Burn Away Our Memories

The morning came faster than he anticipated. Rays of sun streaked into the window and he winced at the brightness of it all. He tried to block the sun with his hand but then he remembered where he was. He glanced down at her, her breathing was even and her eyes were closed almost too peacefully for him. If he was a different sort of man he would have gone ahead and believed that she looked happy even in her sleep. The arm that wasn’t trapped underneath her went up as he tried to block out the sun that washed out his vision.

He frowned as he tried to properly look at her, regretting that he had fallen asleep. For reasons he had no interest in revisiting, he had wanted to simply watch her sleep, but instead sleep came in a crashing wave and stole the little time he had.

He regretted that.

So instead of fighting the sun’s rays any longer he shut his eyes and went back to holding her. It was strange, but he enjoyed the way her soft breaths tickled the base of his neck it felt surreal, to be able to hold her like this. Like a missing piece of him, she seemed to fit perfectly against the outline of his body and he found that strange in a sort of really amazing way. This was all strange he decided. He shouldn’t be doing this, after all he had done, he didn’t deserve moments like these. Despite the self hatred, he kept still went he felt her stir awake in his arms, a small voice in the back of his head silently begged her to go back to sleep because the second she woke up this would end.

Forcing his face to stay still, he resisted the urge to laugh as she gasped in what must’ve been surprise he reasoned from behind closed lids. She shifted carefully in his hold, probably to keep him from waking up he thought. She didn’t move after that, but he could feel her eyes on him and then the feeling became real as she traced a finger along the edge of his jaw. He fought to stay still as he felt her move a little closer and he opened his eyes.

“Were you awake this whole time?” Min Ah asked quietly.

“I just woke up” He said simply and apprehension crept into her, slowly crawling over her.

He pulled away and untangled himself from her. His hand hesitated as it slipped from under her, but she didn’t notice as he stood up and went to the window, shutting the blinds and cutting off the much too bright glare from the sun.

“You slept all night” He informed her, brushing his hair back and fixing his eyes on her.

“I must’ve been tired… thanks for staying with me” She said as she sat up, she rolled her neck back and stopped halfway through.

Her suitcase and bag stood in the corner of the room all zipped up and ready to go. The last time she had seen them were back at the house and they were definitely not packed up. She looked back at him and the silence thickened in the room as she waited for him to say something even though she had a pretty good idea of what it would be.

“Your time is up, you said you’d leave and I’ve already done all I could to thank you” He said and he looked up at the ceiling and stretched upwards as if this was just another day.

“…What? My time is up? Yesterday you— wait, what do you mean you’ve done all you could to thank me?” She asked quickly, too many questions in her mind for anything to come out clearly.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? You helped out and I gave you a kiss here a few hugs there, I mean I even had to stay last night. Don’t tell me that wasn’t enough for you?” He asked, his eyes glinting with malice as he took a few steps towards her and placed a hand under her chin. His eyes ran down her body and he let go and smirked, “I didn’t take it any further since I didn’t think you were that sort of girl, but did you expect something more? I could stay an extra hour and we could—”

He watched her as the light in her eyes dimmed and her body went slack. He could literally see the pain he was causing her even as her face went completely blank.

“That’s all I’m worth? A pity screw? That’s all I am in the end?” She asked, her voice only wavering slightly at the end.

“That’s your problem Min Ah, you came assuming that you were something to begin with. In the end, you’ll always be the girl who left us all those years ago. You’ll always be a memory, but that’s about it. You’re not even the good type of memory, you know? You’re the type of memory I was glad to put away and never remember again” He went on without mercy even as he saw his every word cut deep inside of her. He could feel it too.

The cruelty of his words that is. He had finally found the words to make her leave. He was glad, but at the same time it hurt. It left him throbbing with a pain he had no choice, but to bottle away.

“Don’t take it personally; it has nothing to do with you really. Even if I wanted you, you work with the police of all things. I don’t trust you and honestly I don’t like you much either. You push your way in and demand more? You should have taken the hint that first night at the back of club and left. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you being here is making my life and my work difficult, I don’t want you around anymore…. It was your plan after all that got Sehun killed” He finished knowing he had hit the nail on the head.

A subtle shudder ran through him as she slowly raised her gaze to meet his.

“Your ‘job’ got him killed” She began quietly, her voice gaining stability as her eyes grew colder, “Your choices, your pride, your unwillingness to let this type of life got him killed. Don’t you dare pin that on me”

“I made a promise to save him and you wormed your way into our plan by promising it would work. You knew so much about it? Then how come you weren’t fast enough? How come there’s a body out in that operating table waiting to be taken away? My job is my business. We would’ve been fine if we hadn’t had to worry about getting you killed” He shot back.

“You would have had at least 6 more bodies to worry about if I hadn’t helped you”

“The point is that we didn’t want or need your help. Do you understand what I’ve been trying to tell you? No? I mean I get it, it’s obvious you’ve got issues too. Abandonment is probably one of them, were you lonely as you grew up? Had no friends? I can see why you would latch onto me, but you’ve got to see it now right? You’ve got to see that you’re absolutely nothing to me? I even tried because I felt pity for you, so sure in what you thought I felt, that kiss by the computer was a test for myself and guess what? Nothing, but what can you do? That’s life isn’t it?” He said with a shrug.

“I guess I should say sorry, I realize now that I probably made this worse and that this isn’t much of a thanks. Did you want anything else?” Kris asked raising an eyebrow in question.

“No” She answered quickly and he nodded, ignoring the fact that he wanted her to fight back. He wanted her to whine about staying with him, he was… afraid he had gone too far.

“Then I’ll leave now, I probably don’t have to mention that the house we were in completely cleared out so don’t bother checking if we’re there” He explained watching her as she cocked her head slightly to the right.

“Before you went ahead and explained to me how much you hated me, didn’t you consider the possibility that I’d go back and report everything that’s happened here?” She asked her voice was so different Kris realized.

It had lost the happiness it had held only moments ago. It was almost mechanical.

“I figured either you do and your team still won’t be able to catch me or you don’t because at the very least Kai and Tao haven’t done anything to hurt you so I assume you wouldn’t want them to spend the rest of their lives rotting away in prison” He said calmly.

“It’s not my team. It’s Kim Myungsoo’s team” She said, her shoulders straightening out and her chin raising a fraction of an inch.

“Who?” He asked.

“Kim Myungsoo. He’s the leader of my team, he’s the person I work for so as a last courtesy I’ll give you a warning ahead of time. Stay out of Korea, don’t you even think about trying to expand your crap in there got it? Because if you do I can promise you’ll either get everyone caught or killed. Do you understand?”

“Are you seriously trying to scare me? Isn’t that a bit pathetic?”

“He’s not someone you can joke about. He will kill you if he has a reason to and he’s got me with him” She said firmly, “You’ve gotten something wrong Wu Fan. I let my feelings get the best of me these past weeks, but I don’t make mistakes twice. Make sure we don’t cross paths again, because I won’t hold back”

“Is that a threat?”

“Yes” She said simply.

He laughed, a cruel and false sound that echoed even after he had closed the door behind him. She stood in silence for a few minutes before she took a strangled breath. Her chest heaved with breaths as she leaned forward and held onto the edge of the bed. She shook her head feeling humiliation and anger all rolled up into one. There was pain too, so much raw pain that she felt like she couldn’t function. She went to her bag and quickly pulled it open. It didn’t take long for her to find her gun. She pulled it out quickly and held it firmly.

She had lost herself. She had never been weak. Not like this, not for someone like him. Not for some lowlife who used everyone around him. The metal stayed firm even as she gripped it so tightly her knuckles went white. She had always been strong, she had never needed someone and this was no different. So what if the person she had looked up to, the person she had loved so intensely for so long hated her?

She just needed to get back home, back to her job, back to… people that cared.


It's finally summer! So I have more time to update and I'll definitely take advantage of it! Since my goal is to finish this fic by the end of summer I'll bump the number of weekly updates while I'm at it! :)

Thanks for reading!

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!