I'll Look After You

Burn Away Our Memories


"What's wrong?" Wu Fan asked as he approached the girl with the tattered dress.

She shook her head as small drops of tears slid down her face.

What happened today doesn't matter. Even if no one wants us, we'll always be together" He said seriously as he sat beside her on the grass.

"I just want a family too" She cried quietly.

"You have me" He said stubbornly and added as an afterthought, "And Jong In and Tao. You don't need anyone else"

"It's not the same..." She whispered.

"Min Ah, you don't need anyone else. I won't let anyone else look after you, but me alright? Just trust me. We'll be fine in the end" He said as he smiled brightly at her and she looked up at him startled by the appearance of one of those rare smiles that she loved.



A large black SUVs pulled into the parking lot of an old seemingly abandoned warehouse. Lights flickered ominously and reflected messily off of  rusted metal walls.

“Are you serious? This is their grand hide out?” Min Ah muttered with a smirk as she fastened the bullet proof vest on her torso.

“Don’t underestimate them. After that shoot out where they killed 3 people their hide out is the least of our worries” Myungsoo scolded her as he grabbed her by the collar and pulled her an inch closer, “What did I tell you? The vest must be fastened with the underlying buckle looping over the top one” He sighed exasperatedly.

“You know the newbie excuse will only last for so long!” Dongwoo teased.

“Oh shut up! It was an honest mistake” Min Ah murmured quietly.

“He’s right” Myungsoo scolded with fierce eyes as he buckled the last clasp on the bullet proof chest and gave her a stern look which she replied with a small smile.

“OW!” Min Ah gasped as Woohyun climbed up to the front seat and grabbed a fistful of her long dark hair firmly.

“I swear, you’re gonna end up dead. Can you imagine all the paperwork we’ll have to do?” He joked with a grin as he pulled out a rubber band and tied her hair up in a messy pony tail.

“Stop treating me like a little girl!” Min Ah yelled as she finally pulled free and snatched the rubber band, pulling her own hair into a ponytail. She glared at the smiling faces of her teammates, with the exception of Myungsoo who only frowned, and loaded her gun.

“Aww but you’re the maknae” Sungyeol commented as he grabbed his own gun.

“It’s a wonder you even got this far. Now shut up and get ready, if it wasn’t for us you really might be dead” Myungsoo said in a definite voice that let his team know they were done fighting.

Min Ah sighed and sent an annoyed glance at Woohyun who only replied with a shrug. Quiet like shadows they climbed out of the car and approached the building whose blueprints they had studied extensively. Myungsoo sent two to the back, two to the side doors and he and Min Ah would come in from the front.

They stepped closer to the door and pressed their backs against either sides of the door. Myungsoo hesitated as he spared Min Ah a glance. Her face was set in concentration and she gripped her gun tightly. That’s right, she would be fine, she was childish and immature sometimes, but she had gotten this far. He thought about his team members and counted to ten. Min Ah looked at him and nodded her signal. He grabbed the door and kicked it open. It clattered open to reveal nine surprised men inside.

There was a cloud of cigarette smoke floating above them as the other two groups bust in.

“HANDS UP!” Myungsoo barked out as the men fell over their chairs, cash floating down around them.

There was a moment of hesitation. A moment in which everyman in that warehouse had a choice to make. It was as if a time had stopped and then suddenly one made a mistake. He reached for the gun lying on the poker table besides him. He turned and opened fire as Myungsoo himself fired off shots. The rest of the gang members followed suit and reached for their own weapons and started shooting. Myungsoo turned and took cover, pulling Min Ah in besides him.

“I am NOT going to jail again you hear me?!” Came the maddened voice of one of them as drugs pulsed through his veins and he tightened his grip on his gun.

“I need to shoot” She whispered as Myungsoo held a grip on her arm.

“You’re not ready stay back, we’ll handle this” He muttered as he reloaded his gun.

“Damn it I worked hard for my spot here too! Let me do my job!” She hissed, frustrated. She knew she wasn’t the best of them all, but how was she ever going to improve if Myungsoo always looked down on her abilities? He needed to have faith in her.

“Fine go and move fast!” He ordered.

He jumped off and took one of their men down. He shot three more times as he watched Min Ah run off and take her own shots. He concentrated on his own shots and was surprised when a shot rang out besides him. A man’s body slumped from behind and he turned to catch Min Ah flash him a proud smile before she ran for cover. His nerves eased a little. She would be fine after all.

Finally there were only two men left.

“Give up now and we won’t have to drag your corpses back!” Woohyun called from the back of a pillar.

“F-fine! We’re done!” One of them stuttered fearfully.

“Guns on the floor and kick them away!” Myungsoo yelled.

Min Ah peeked out from her cover and watched as the guns clattered to the ground with a loud thud. One of the men started shaking as they kicked the guns away and collapsed to their knees. Slowly they came out from their cover, guns still directed towards the criminals. She approached them warily and stopped when Myungsoo grabbed her arm suddenly. She turned in surprise as she steadied herself for a scolding on whatever she had done wrong this time. Instead, her face eased as he pulled silver handcuffs from his pocket and placed them in her hand.

“Good job” He said simply and Min Ah grinned.

This was the first criminal she would ever get to apprehend and even better this was her first compliment from Myungsoo. She felt a surge of pride overflow as she nodded in gratitude and resisted the urge to hug cold stared man. With seriousness in her step she grabbed one of the men’s wrists and firmly apprehended him. Hoya gave her a hidden thumbs up and she smiled back.

Patiently, they lined them up against the wall and waited for the backup forces to take them away and now came the boring part. They all sighed as they faced the daunting task of photographing and cataloging every single piece of evidence in the warehouse.

“I’ll bring the equipment” Min Ah offered as she ran out into the parking lot.

“I’ll help her” Myungsoo said casually as he walked out behind her.

“Well isn’t he a helpful one?” Hoya teased quietly as soon as he was out of earshot, “You think the boss has something for her?”

“Nah, he apparently trained her when she first came into the academy so he’s protective over her” Woohyun said calmly as he looked around at all the things lying around.

“Isn’t that liking someone?” Sungyeol cut in.

“Kim Myungsoo doesn’t like anyone, much less a coworker. Come on guys just shut up before we get yelled at and spend the rest of the month with twice the paperwork” Woohyun replied as he put away his gun.

“Thanks for the help” Min Ah said gratefully as they got to the trunk of the car and pulled out two large silver suitcases.

“With your luck you’d probably end up dropping the case with the camera a dozen times before you even got to the door” Myungsoo responded quickly.

Min Ah made a face as she fell silent and pulled out the two cases, taking the bigger one for herself. He stood still and crossed his arms in that patronizing manner she had come to hate. She honestly hated how he made fun of her abilities sometimes. He had been the one to train her anyways, one would assume that he would be supportive.

“What are you doing?” He asked cooly.

“I’m carrying a case of course” She answered calmly.

“Give me that one” He ordered and her jaw set in defiance as she pulled it out and resisted the urge to wince from the weight.

“I’m. Fine.” She said stubbornly as she turned as carried the extremely heavy case of cameras.

She heard the trunk close with a loud thud and heard long, angry strides come toward her.

“Han Min Ah put that case down immediately” He ordered as he grabbed her by the collar and pulled her backwards.

“No! I can do it myself I ca—“ She began before he flicked her painfully in the forehead.

“What the hell?!” She yelled, holding her forehead painfully and staring at him resentfully, “You said you’d stop as soon as I graduated from the academy!”

“I’m your boss. If I tell you to put the case down you put it down. Also, I’m allowed to do that for as long as you don’t listen” He explained easily as he reached for the camera case.

“This is harassment!” Min Ah accused with a frown as she rubbed the rapidly reddening spot.

Myungsoo shrugged and continued walking with her case. Min Ah stared at him angrily and hurried to the smaller one. Myungsoo has promised if she graduated then he would recognize she didn’t need to be punished anymore. He promised! Idiot… he was such an idiot, why did she even request to be put into his team?! Oh yeah, she remembered with a flicker of a smile as she remembered the look of surprise on his face the first day she had shown up for work. She shook herself, this was no time to stop being mad she reminded herself as she ran to pick up the smaller case and gritting her teeth carried past him, bumping his shoulder in the process.

Myungsoo heard her hurried steps behind him and hid the smile the itched to present itself. She bumped him on her way as she raced past him, the smaller case in her hand. His shoulders shook with the beginning of a laugh at the image of her running past him and he suddenly remembered the young, clumsy, and determined girl he had trained.

“I’m here!” Min Ah announced as she burst back into the warehouse much to the amused expressions of her team members.

“Good then let’s get started we’ve got a long night ahead of us!”


Alright, my first update~ Really random, but I miss seeing a poster at the top... it looks so empty without one XD Well, I put in a request to a graphics shop so hopefully it gets done fast ^^

Thanks for reading! :)


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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!