Sehun (4)

Mission Code: EXO

I'm sorry there's no main image this time, my photoshop just expired x.x
wiill create new posters soon :)



You can never count on your own feelings. They end up becoming your biggest enemy.






That blinding morning sun, its glares came upon my eyes. I scrunched up my face, clearly perturbed by that annoying light.

You can ask what I am doing on an early weekend morning like this.

I stopped in my tracks as I approached the bakery. The bakery I walked into just a few days ago.

The door bell jingles and rings as I push the door open, Kyungsoo, who was arranging the freshly baked bread, gives a welcoming smile.

I return by grinning widely, never have I seen such a friendly person. Well at least someone friendly enough, even though I only met him a few days back.

A heavy stench of bread fresh out of the oven wafts through the bakery, it smelled heavenly.

“You’re looking for Kai? Aren’t you?” Kyungsoo’s question snaps me out from my day dream, I answered, “Yes, is he here?”

“You came a tad too late, he’s not working here anymore.” A pang of guilt hit me, was I the one who drove him away because of the case?

“Oh, I see. It’s alright then, thank you, Kyungsoo.” A disappointed me drags my feet out of the bakery and out onto the cold, cool streets.

Great, with a likely-to-disappear-person gone, how can I monitor and track down the kidnapper?

“JURI!” Wait, who called me?

I looked around, not a soul in sight. Strange, I clearly heard my name.

Suddenly, arms covered with jacket sleeves wrap my shoulders, my head turn back. “Godbrother!”

“How’s my little godsister doing? Have you been studying hard?” My godbrother, Choi Minho, asks with a wide grin on his face.


Minho is 21 years old, he has been studying overseas. He is your godbrother.


“Minho-ya, are you staying for dinner tonight?” I swing my hands around his neck and whined for a piggy back. He relents and gives in to my whining.

“Yup, I’ll be staying at your house for a week before heading back to America.”

He wobbles slightly before starting to walk forward, “You’re getting heavier man! The last time I carried you, you were as light as a feather.”

Lightly, I slapped his forehead, “That was years ago, and I’m not heavy! I just put on a few kilograms. Not like they are weights!”

Minho gives a childish chuckle and continues towards my house.


“Thank you for the food!” I grabbed my spoon and began to stuff my mouth with food.

My godbrother snickers and with a sarcastic tone hisses, “I see where all the weight came from.”

I retaliate by lifting my fork, ready to kill him with it. In my mind, I mentally killed him once, but he kind of ‘revived’.  Jokes aside, that was unbearable, he indirectly said I was fat.

“Hey! Watch it, I’ll kick you out of the house.” I retorted and stuck out my tongue at him.

He harshly flicks my forehead and sneers, “I was just joking! Besides, you should respect your elders.”

“Yeah, sure.” I dragged my sentence, with emphasis on the word ‘sure’. I did not really mean ‘yes’ to respecting people who joke too much, just like my godbrother but what can I do? He’s my godbrother after all.


My phone’s ringtone resounds through the house, I bounded up the stairs and picked up my phone.

Accept                  Reject

“Hello?” I placed the receiver close to my ear and awaited for my boss’ voice.

“We have another case Juri.” My predicament came true!

His voice cackles over the horrible reception,  “Do Kyungsoo is missing now.”



hope this chapter hasnt disappointed you guys.
my school has just started and my first week is really busy, busy, busy.

i can only update this today
still have two other stories to update.
do check them out too :) (promoting here, haha!)


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sequel finally up, check it out :)


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Nini-Yu #1
Chapter 15: For some reason, I suspect Minho… \(>.<)/
Nini-Yu #2
Chapter 7: What is a "creation"? Does the place make human beings?
I love you author-nim!!! Your story is so cool!! And i can't wait for you to update in the Mission Code: EXO II , just joking xD i can wait hehe, good luck author-nim!! Fighting!! ^__^
Hello just finished reading the story! Now off to the sequel ^^
Chapter 4: Woah this sounds really interesting o.o
Chapter 25: plssssss update author nim!!!!! :)
strawberry_sundae #7
Chapter 25: So warm! Baekkie is so cute! Looking for OC the first thing in the morning
Chapter 25: oooohhhh~ is she going to end up with baekkie~ >_< but girl, no worries! Exo-k will come right?? Eotteokhe?!! Don't panic! Stay calm!
Chapter 24: wow. it has been really really long . seriously. no worries, i can still remember this story ^^
glad to have you back on track . go go go travellator :)
Chapter 22: aaaaaaahh~ this is my first comment... err, /trembling/

so, gyaaaa ! i cant explain what i see.. this fic so amazing ! and finally the truth revealed XD

glad to see Kyungsoo name, kk~ and That gif so nostalgic ^^ aaah, i miss EXO when MAMA era..

cant wait for the next chappie author-nim ^^ ill be patiently waiting