Sehun (1)

Mission Code: EXO



"I have a foreboding feeling about this..."



“Oh Sehun is missing,”


“You can’t be serious? Tell me it’s not true boss…” I grit my teeth hard. It’s barely been a week since the ‘Kim Junmyeon’ case started and now another case is calling.

And of all times, the person who’s now missing is the biggest link to the previous case. How coincidental can these cases get? Karma is against me…

I hung up the call and slammed my phone onto the bed, this cannot be happening…

As I shrugged my shoulders, I muttered under my breath, “Looks like I’m back to square one.”



The alarm clock jerks me out from my bed. I shuffled my feet towards the bathroom at turtle speed. As I came closer to the bathroom, I gave an annoyed moan, “So tired…”

My hand reaches for the sink tap and it turns the knob slowly. Using my other hand, I cupped a handful of water and splashed it against my face. The cold water wakes me up immediately. Next, I grab the hanger with my school uniform on it and hurriedly change into it.


From the kitchen, I could hear mum’s screeching voice, “Juri, hurry up or you’ll be late for school!” Feeling annoyed, I answer in an impatient tone, “Okay!”

I rushed down the stairs and zoom into the dining area, a plate of freshly cooked eggs were waiting for me. The aroma wafted around the crammed kitchen, it was heavenly.

“I heard you shouting yesterday in your room? What happened? New case?”

The phrase ‘new case’ gives me the pet peeves, I should remind my mum never to mention those words to me. Just thinking about how my hard work has gone down the drain, it really makes me annoyed.

“Yeah… There’s a new case. And just as I thought I solved it, a new one comes along. Somehow I find them linked with each other.”

My mum gives an ‘Oh, I see’ face. “Well, just don’t get yourself too tired out.”

As fast as a lightning, I grab a piece of bread and stuff it in my mouth. With a muffled voice I call out to my mum, “I’m going first.” I stuff my feet into my shoes and closed the door behind me.


“Remember to finish up on your research projects. That’s it for today, thank you class.” The school bell chimes as Teacher Kang leaves the classroom.

From far, I could hear whispers between three girls, “Hey, do you know that one of our school’s seniors, Oh Sehun?”
Another voice mumbles, “You mean that wall flower that was always tagging beside Jongin last year? He’s missing?”

I furrowed my eyebrows, still slightly dazed. I never knew he was from this school… Maybe because I transferred here just this year.

I shifted out from my seat and walked over to the trio, “Sorry what was that you were talking about?

“Oh it’s about the school’s famous wallflower, haven’t you heard about his disappearance?One of the girls questions me.

Slightly stuttering, I replied, “Well, I just heard of it, you were saying that he was from this school? And who was that friend you were talking about?”

“You mean Jongin? He was a kingka in this school, Sehun was his best buddy and they were in the same class.” One girl, with long blonde hair gives me an eye piercing stare, “I’m puzzled… Why are you so curious about him?”

“Oh I was just curious,” I give a little laugh, still feeling startled by their sudden question, “Thanks anyways.” Quickly, I grabbed one of my bag straps and rushed out of the classroom.


The chilly wind brushed against me, I cupped my hands and exhaled a breath of hot air and I watched intently as the vapour escaped. And here I was, just steps away from the house that I visited just a few nights ago.

Sehun’s house was already cornered off, it was out of bounds to all public. Police were still investigating and searching for clues about his mysterious disappearance.

I took small and steady steps up the snow covered staircase that led to his house. Just as I was about to step into the house, a policeman stops me. “I’m sorry miss, but you can’t enter it unless you have a pass.”

Reaching into my messenger bag, I dug up my detective pass, it always comes in handy. I waved the pass in front of the officer who immediately acknowledges it, “Terribly sorry, Miss Young. Please come inside.”

I hastened and jogged up to Sehun’s room, I checked around his room for his year book. It has to be here. Once I have that book, I can find out who is Jongin and I’ll be able to fetch more information. And just as I thought, he’s also an orphan.

Next, I walked over to a book shelf, my eyes quickly scanned through the titles on the side of the book then I spotted it, YEAR BOOK 2011.

I flipped open the book and I selectively looked around for my clues. It took about a few seconds before I notice the name ‘Oh Sehun’ and ‘Kim Jongin’ at the bottom of the page.

In an instant, I whip out my cell phone and snapped a picture of the evidence. As the camera lens zooms in, I noticed a mysterious mark on both Sehun and Jongin’s neck. I click on the zoom in button on my phone, there’s a date on the mark. Could it be that Jongin is another creation? If it is then…

I gasp upon the realization that Jongin may be the next target, which means I have to find him quickly. As quickly as I could, I raced down the stairs and ran out of the house. Wait… I don’t have the slightest idea where he is… Maybe I can need to find more clues first.

Carefully, I jogged back to the house in the snow filled pavement.

Within moments I re-enter the room, if he graduated last year, he should be in college now. If I can find out which college he goes to then it would be easier to find Jongin.

Then, I spot a worksheet on the table, I picked it up and scrutinized it, ‘Seoul College for Music and Dance’.  Suddenly I noticed on the top left hand corner, the name written was ‘Kim Jongin, Class 1A’ and a post it note was attached to it. It read: ‘Hey Sehunnie, pass me back my notes soon. –Kai’

So Jongin’s lias name is Kai, and if he can pass Sehun his notes, it means that they are both in the same college. Bingo!

Again, I rushed out, the officer was still there. I walk up to him and inquire, “Sorry officer, but how far is Seoul College for Music and Dance?”

He points his index finger towards a bus stop that was on the opposite side of the road. “Just take any bus and alight 4 stops after that and you’ll reach the place.”

“Thank you,” I said as I bowed respectfully. I turned around and made my way to the bus stop.


“This school is freaking huge, where am I going to start?” I winced as my eyes came into contact with a large, massive glass building. Seems like college classes has not ended.

My eyes squinted towards the entrance pathway, in the distance I could see students walking out. I better keep watch for that Kim Jongin, he may be somewhere in the crowd.

One by one, students began to stream out from the entrance, they stared wide eyed as they past me. It hit me that I was still wearing my school uniform. Annoyed and bored, I blew on my fringe as I continued to wait for my target.

Time passed like snail, and after an hour of tiresome waiting, I finally spot my target coming out of the gate. He walks off in a huff and passes me with a snap of finger. As quietly as I can, I trail along behind him.


From behind a lamp post, I watch as Jongin enters a small bakery, so he works there?

I crept over to the window and peer through. Inside the shop, Jongin was talking to another shorter male as he clipped on a nametag. The other male had a name tag with the name, ‘Kyungsoo’.

Then suddenly I notice Kyungsoo gazing towards me, his wide eyes filled with sparks of curiosity. I gulped and moved away from the glass, my face gradually getting hotter. Oh gosh, he thought I was stalking him. Help me someone…

The wind charms chimed, I looked behind me. “Are you looking for something?” I see Jongin coldly staring at me, his voice monotone and dead.

His stare makes my stomach churn and ache, but I manage to stutter a few words. “Erm… I’m looking for Jongin…”

In a bass voice, he spoke, “I am.”


sorry for the wait... this chappie is finally out.
i managed to sit down for the last few days to plan out the stories and the events
and finally today when i typed this out, i managed to finish it within today.
and i had NOT MUCH of a writer's block /celebrate/

i hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter update ^^
do leave some comments, they are much appreciated ;)

until the next chapter


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sequel finally up, check it out :)


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Nini-Yu #1
Chapter 15: For some reason, I suspect Minho… \(>.<)/
Nini-Yu #2
Chapter 7: What is a "creation"? Does the place make human beings?
I love you author-nim!!! Your story is so cool!! And i can't wait for you to update in the Mission Code: EXO II , just joking xD i can wait hehe, good luck author-nim!! Fighting!! ^__^
Hello just finished reading the story! Now off to the sequel ^^
Chapter 4: Woah this sounds really interesting o.o
Chapter 25: plssssss update author nim!!!!! :)
strawberry_sundae #7
Chapter 25: So warm! Baekkie is so cute! Looking for OC the first thing in the morning
Chapter 25: oooohhhh~ is she going to end up with baekkie~ >_< but girl, no worries! Exo-k will come right?? Eotteokhe?!! Don't panic! Stay calm!
Chapter 24: wow. it has been really really long . seriously. no worries, i can still remember this story ^^
glad to have you back on track . go go go travellator :)
Chapter 22: aaaaaaahh~ this is my first comment... err, /trembling/

so, gyaaaa ! i cant explain what i see.. this fic so amazing ! and finally the truth revealed XD

glad to see Kyungsoo name, kk~ and That gif so nostalgic ^^ aaah, i miss EXO when MAMA era..

cant wait for the next chappie author-nim ^^ ill be patiently waiting