Do Kyungsoo (2)

Mission Code: EXO


You are perfection. You are the sun. You are that warm light.




My back aches as I try to straighten it, this is the result of sitting on a chair for 6 hours. College lessons have just started again, and it .

Grabbing onto my bag straps, I walked down the junction. My eyelids slowly shut as fatigue overwhelmed me. Blindly, closely my eyes, I walked across the road.

As I took a step out, my left hand gets pulled backwards and I tumble backwards onto someone.

“Oww!” I noticed a hand grabbing onto my wrist, they were warm for the strangest reasons. It was as if I was holding the sun without getting burnt alive.

The hand belonged to a male, he looked like about twenty? With his delicate face features masked by a thick overload of eyeliner (a/n: hint hint, anyone knows who is this?), he looked like a model. And his eyes,  they were twinkling, round brown orbs. “Are you okay?”

I stood up, face reddening, and brushed myself. “Yes, thank you…” How can anyone not be calm when you get saved by a guy with such perfect features as him?

The stranger stands up and checked again if I was alright. When finally assured that I had no major injuries, he left.


Strutting along a lane of shops, I peered into their windows. It was filled with stuffed toys and children’s play items. What caught my attention next, you would never believe it: Jongin in the bakery.

That bakery that I entered over a week ago, the place is the same but I felt something amiss in it. Right, Kyungsoo is missing now.

That bubbly freshness was not there, almost as if a spark faded overnight.

My hand hesitates to turn the door handle, but I push aside my hesitations and stepped in. Immediately, the fresh stench of bread greets me, as usual. Dragging my heavy feet, I reluctantly asked, “Did you come back here to work?”

Jongin ignores me and continues to pack up the counter. “I’m sorry about Kyungsoo, I’ll try to find him-”

“STOP! Just stop. You’ve cause enough trouble, I don’t need more, neither does anyone else. You think you’re smart, trying to be a one man show here? Well guess what, your plan has worked brilliantly, whichever person you have gone to is going missing now? Thanks a lot. I bet the police couldn’t have done a better job than YOU.

His barking sends tears rolling down my cheeks, my voice rasps, “I’m sor-r-ry…”

Just as I finished my apology, Jongin bumps me aside and goes off in a huff. Great job, Juri. Hurting random strangers by taking their friends away from them. Why must you be so curious about everything? Are you stupid or what?

“Hey,” a warming voice behind me enquires. “Yeah, I am,” my head turns around to reveal the same man who saved me earlier on, “Small world? You’re working here too?”

“Yup, Kai asked me to work here since there are no more other workers.” He offers me a packet of tissue and points at my tears which suddenly jolted me back to reality.

“Here, take a bun, you seem like you need one.” With much gratitude, I accepted one of the freshly baked melon bun and quickly I started nibbling on it.

“I’m Baekhyun,”

“I’m Juri. Melon bread tastes really nice, sorry, I’m a glutton.” Baekhyun chuckles, his smile gradually making me warm.

He grabs a plastic bag and shoves a melon bun into the bag, “I baked it. Here you go, take another one. And if you feel sad or hungry you can always drop by for melon bread, I’ll give you one.”

 “Thank you…”

A tingling, warm sensation runs through me. Something that I’ve hardly ever experienced, just who is this person? This person who is emitting so much warmth?

Who is Baekhyun?


managed to finish my homework early today so i got to update today. :)
just had tests and all in school, really tired out. 
but good  news is that i have no school on wednesday so hopefully i'll be able to update more than one chappie.

and i managed to get one of my classmate hooked on this fanfic, hahahahahah! 
(i've got the power YEAAAAAAAH~)

anyways, its late now, coming to 12. better sleep. 

lots of comments are appreciated :> 
subscribe if you like it.
upvote if you like it too much :>

and on a side note, many hearts to MifiChic for the upvote, love ya trolling friend > till the next update



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sequel finally up, check it out :)


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Nini-Yu #1
Chapter 15: For some reason, I suspect Minho… \(>.<)/
Nini-Yu #2
Chapter 7: What is a "creation"? Does the place make human beings?
I love you author-nim!!! Your story is so cool!! And i can't wait for you to update in the Mission Code: EXO II , just joking xD i can wait hehe, good luck author-nim!! Fighting!! ^__^
Hello just finished reading the story! Now off to the sequel ^^
Chapter 4: Woah this sounds really interesting o.o
Chapter 25: plssssss update author nim!!!!! :)
strawberry_sundae #7
Chapter 25: So warm! Baekkie is so cute! Looking for OC the first thing in the morning
Chapter 25: oooohhhh~ is she going to end up with baekkie~ >_< but girl, no worries! Exo-k will come right?? Eotteokhe?!! Don't panic! Stay calm!
Chapter 24: wow. it has been really really long . seriously. no worries, i can still remember this story ^^
glad to have you back on track . go go go travellator :)
Chapter 22: aaaaaaahh~ this is my first comment... err, /trembling/

so, gyaaaa ! i cant explain what i see.. this fic so amazing ! and finally the truth revealed XD

glad to see Kyungsoo name, kk~ and That gif so nostalgic ^^ aaah, i miss EXO when MAMA era..

cant wait for the next chappie author-nim ^^ ill be patiently waiting