Park Chanyeol (1)

Mission Code: EXO

Time is running up... 




My feet trudges reluctantly out of the college section, I was still overwhelmed by the latest news. Up till, I had not solved any of their disappearances.

And it was going to be sooner or later that I will lose of my new friends: Baekhyun.

Truthfully, I would have given up on this because the more I tried to solve the worst it got. Moreover I did not want to invite more trouble for myself or for Mum but I knew that it was my job.

Leaving it to the police would be the last resort for me; I know I can do it.

You’re strong Juri, just hang in there, the truth will come soon.

I pulled out from my bag a pack of melon bread, now that I had a habit of eating it. Thanks Baekhyun for the advice and for making me like melon bread more.


The wind chimes jingled as I entered the bakery, the familiar scent hit me again: melon bread.

I burst into the kitchen expecting to find Baekhyun, “Senior Baekhyun, eh?” To my surprise it was the boss of the bakery.

“Looking for Baekhyun? Today was his last day, after he baked the melon bread, he went off. You came a tad too late.”

I was puzzled; he had never said anything about quitting from his job.

“He said something about migration to US, I think.” My eyes widen, migration?

Without another word, I dashed out of the bakery with hopes of trying to hope onto the bus. Or hopefully run into him.



(Somewhere else)


“Guys you had better explain to me what is going on.” Baekhyun barked at his dongsaengs, Suho looked frustrated while D.O quietly sat at the side, trying to keep the comments to himself.

Chanyeol fidgeted with his fingers, “Well, we couldn’t wait any longer so we kind of decided to take some action…”

“Woah we?!” Kai snapped, “You took these matters into your own hands. Now that pesky little girl will find us and then we’ll all get into trouble.”

Baekhyun placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder, “She is trying to help, she’s innoncent. Why do you blame her for this?”

Kai retorts back furiously, “Then why do you care so much for her?”

“Because that poor girl is suffering, it’s our fault that she is in danger now!” shouted Baekhyun. No one had seen him that pissed before; he had nearly lost all his bearings.

Hesitantly, Suho rises up, brushing his pants, “Looks like we don’t have a choice now, we have to reveal it to her soon. She is after all, the only one who can help us.”

Sehun joins in and mumbles, “Hopefully we can get her before they do.”

With a sigh in his voice, D.O spoke, “Then we better hurry, there’s not much time left.”






Juri skidded to a stop, she had arrived at her favourite place. And the only person who knew about this secret hideout was Baekhyun.

Where could he be?

She looked up at the horizons, the sun was already setting. Hues of orange, red, purple and black covered the wide sky. He didn’t even tell me he was leaving…

Still being deep in her thoughts, Juri picks up a pebble and tosses it into the reservoir and just as it skips across the water, a wet cloth covers .

She screams in defiance and tries to retaliate, but her wild thrashing was soon brought down by a strong chemical coming from the cloth: chloroform.

Almost two seconds later, she was knocked out.


i know you guys are wondering how in the world did the EXO derps went creepin' around, hahah!
all will be revealed soon.

some changes will be made to the chapters, the story is reaching reaching the 'RISING' stage now.
hopefully we will reach the mid but chapter 25(?)

i've got a feeling that this story will last till 50 chapters (or maybe more)

so please stay with me, dear subbies and silent readers.

comments are well loved, advice just as well, upvotes are more than i can ever ask for. :)
till later

Do check out my other stories :D

The Big Collection Of Oneshots
The Coma
Chasing You
Perfect Landing

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sequel finally up, check it out :)


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Nini-Yu #1
Chapter 15: For some reason, I suspect Minho… \(>.<)/
Nini-Yu #2
Chapter 7: What is a "creation"? Does the place make human beings?
I love you author-nim!!! Your story is so cool!! And i can't wait for you to update in the Mission Code: EXO II , just joking xD i can wait hehe, good luck author-nim!! Fighting!! ^__^
Hello just finished reading the story! Now off to the sequel ^^
Chapter 4: Woah this sounds really interesting o.o
Chapter 25: plssssss update author nim!!!!! :)
strawberry_sundae #7
Chapter 25: So warm! Baekkie is so cute! Looking for OC the first thing in the morning
Chapter 25: oooohhhh~ is she going to end up with baekkie~ >_< but girl, no worries! Exo-k will come right?? Eotteokhe?!! Don't panic! Stay calm!
Chapter 24: wow. it has been really really long . seriously. no worries, i can still remember this story ^^
glad to have you back on track . go go go travellator :)
Chapter 22: aaaaaaahh~ this is my first comment... err, /trembling/

so, gyaaaa ! i cant explain what i see.. this fic so amazing ! and finally the truth revealed XD

glad to see Kyungsoo name, kk~ and That gif so nostalgic ^^ aaah, i miss EXO when MAMA era..

cant wait for the next chappie author-nim ^^ ill be patiently waiting