Sehun (3)

Mission Code: EXO


How did I get myself into this mess?



Sun ray’s seep through the half frosted window, I scrunched up my eyes to avoid the glaring light. Yet another day is here, I blew a imaginary bubble in annoyance.

I got off lazily from my bed and dragged my feet over to my wall calendar, my right hand picks up the red pencil and strikes off yesterday’s date.

On today’s date is recorded: Befriending Jongin to stop kidnapper.

So, a new sub mission thus starts as of now.


This feels awkward but I’m actually stalking Jongin. Oh mama. What have I gotten myself in to?

I creep silently behind my target, exceedingly careful not to make any noise.

All around me is pure white snow covering every object in its path. Not to mention, it’s slippery too. My clammy hands cling on tightly to the building walls as I carefully find my footing through the thick snow.

I watched intently as he makes a turn into a park filled densely with trees. I thought he was heading to the bakery?

Sweeping that thought aside, I trailed along behind. Soon, I disappeared into the forest like park.


Where is he going? He’s walking around aimlessly…

My eyes spied as Jongin cuts through playgrounds and trees, and just simply taking a leisurely stroll. I did not come this far just to follow someone on a stroll!

My train of thoughts snapped as I realized that he had strangely vanished into the thin air. I emerged from my hiding place, spinning round and glancing at the surroundings for a single soul. He was nowhere to be seen.

How in the world is that possible? He… he was just there in front of me a second ago… what?

I scratched my head and raised my brows, not like he had some super power to disappear randomly. Nope.

Disappointed and slightly peeved, I shrugged my shoulders and turned around, prepared to walk off. Just then my foot slips on the snow, gravity pulls the weight of my body backwards. I expected myself to land onto the snow, worst, the hard brick tile pavement.

On the contrary, I landed on something warm and soft. Well not exactly soft, but the very least softer than the brick tiles.

I propped myself and quickly regained my balance, I slowly stood up. Next, I looked behind and gasped. To my worst nightmare, the person who somewhat caught me was none other than my stalking target: Jongin.

Only one sound came out from my mouth, “EEEP!” And I have to admit that the sound that just came was definitely not human.

How I wish I could hide and bury myself in a pit. Better still, in the center of the earth.

I coughed out a weak sigh and awkwardly stepped away, in hopes that he would not notice. How wrong was I when I heard him call out, “Juri, why were you following me?”

“I… ah ha ha ha, I was erm…  strolling. Yup, having a nice walk in the park.” I lied. Lied, through my teeth. I could not just say, “Oh I was stalking you all around since you came out of school.”

Without another word, I spun round and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I had no choice, it was either to save myself from immediate embarrassment and risk it later or to suffer the immediate shame and more.


“Ho, god. Home sweet home, at last.” My lungs rose and fell; I tried to catch my breath as I tiredly removed my shoe.

That was good exercise. Well, almost.


I settled back onto my bed, nestled into it with my laptop over my knee. I flipped the screen open and sipped a cup of my hot chocolate before turning it on.

As soon as my laptop is started up, I open up a Google page and type in ‘SMCreations’. Then I clicked ‘search’.

0 results. Are you sure you have spelt it correctly?

SMCreate sure hides their secrets well. No even Google knows what are these ‘creations’ are.

I move my cursor over to the ‘search’ type box, when strangely, my cursor sign goes hay wired and moves all around the place.

Frantically, my index finger rasps the touchpad and furiously clicks the mouse buttons. All these yielded no response.

Then my screen blanks out, all there was: an unknown file on my laptop.

Everything else: wiped out. Great, just great. First my house, next my evidences. What now? Now, my laptop.

I scratched my head, how did I get into this mess?


another updated chapter, yay!
i promise i'll try to update regularly :x

as for now, i hope you have enjoyed this chapter ^^
please do leave lots of comments, they are much loved by me :3

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till the next update


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sequel finally up, check it out :)


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Nini-Yu #1
Chapter 15: For some reason, I suspect Minho… \(>.<)/
Nini-Yu #2
Chapter 7: What is a "creation"? Does the place make human beings?
I love you author-nim!!! Your story is so cool!! And i can't wait for you to update in the Mission Code: EXO II , just joking xD i can wait hehe, good luck author-nim!! Fighting!! ^__^
Hello just finished reading the story! Now off to the sequel ^^
Chapter 4: Woah this sounds really interesting o.o
Chapter 25: plssssss update author nim!!!!! :)
strawberry_sundae #7
Chapter 25: So warm! Baekkie is so cute! Looking for OC the first thing in the morning
Chapter 25: oooohhhh~ is she going to end up with baekkie~ >_< but girl, no worries! Exo-k will come right?? Eotteokhe?!! Don't panic! Stay calm!
Chapter 24: wow. it has been really really long . seriously. no worries, i can still remember this story ^^
glad to have you back on track . go go go travellator :)
Chapter 22: aaaaaaahh~ this is my first comment... err, /trembling/

so, gyaaaa ! i cant explain what i see.. this fic so amazing ! and finally the truth revealed XD

glad to see Kyungsoo name, kk~ and That gif so nostalgic ^^ aaah, i miss EXO when MAMA era..

cant wait for the next chappie author-nim ^^ ill be patiently waiting