An Insight on Tiffany and Yoona's Daily Life

Our Love

[Tiffany's POV]

I looked out of the window listlessly from my seat in the car, watching the several house that I passed. There were small houses, there were big houses. There were extravagant ones, and there were simple ones. One thing that they all had in common though was a front yard that contained the people living in that certain house. A family. A bunch of happy families. A bunch of happy, bonded families. I sighed.

“Is everything alright, Miss Hwang?” Kyonghee, the family's driver, asked. I quickly faked a smile and nodded.

He concentrated on the road once again after my confirmation. I repressed a sigh and continued to stare out the window. Family. I didn't know what one was like. I never really had one. I mean, not literally. I do have a family but we don't really act like one. I'm just glad I have a little sister that I'm close to.

I live home alone in Korea. My family, including my sister, lives in California. I was actually born in California but we moved to Korea when I was 3 because of my father's business. One year in Korea and my little sister was born. The day I turned 10, my parents went back to California, bringing my little sister with them. They left me a note telling me to be a good girl.

“Miss Hwang?”

I looked up and saw Kyonghee looking at me worriedly.

“What's up?” I tried to be as perky as possible, smiling.

“Uhm-- We have arrived at your house.”

I looked to my right and saw my house. My big, and nice house. I'm so lucky to have it all to myself, right? I honestly wish I felt that way. I repressed another sigh and smiled instead. I thanked Kyonghee and alighted the car.

When I opened the door, a squeal greeted me. I looked up and can't help squealing back. My little sister is here.



“I'm home!” I announced, dropping my bag, and jumping on the couch.

“How was practice?” My mom asked from the kitchen.

“Tiring.” I moaned, hanging my head.

My mom tittered as she made her way towards me, carrying snacks for me.

“Thanks mom.” I smiled.

After I finished my snack, I went up to my room to study and do some homework. Into my statistics. I felt like dropping dead. I was so tired but I couldn't let my grade slip. I promised my mom that even though I already have my future laid out in front of me, and that is to become an actress, that I would finish studying no matter what.

Actually, I like studying. I like school but balancing it and working on attaining my goal was difficult to do. So sometimes I wish, I could just drop it and continue when I finally become a top star but promises are promises. I must not break them.

“Fighting.” I muttered.

I was looking for my calculator when I heard a knock on my door. I jumped up in surprise and accidentally hit my head on the desk. Ouch.

“Come in.”

My mom was surprised to see me bending under my table like that but she quickly laughed.

“What?” I grumbled.

“Looking for this?” She held up a rectangular box. My calculator!

“Where'd you get it?” I asked, running over.

“In the refrigerator.”

“What? Why was it in the refrigerator?”

She tittered. “I have no idea.”

Ï eyed her. She was playing around with me.

She laughed and patted my head, “Go finish up your homework.”

I made a face. “Fine, but I need some privacy.”


Am I dreaming or is my phone actually ringing? ….. Nope, I'm not dreaming. That is definitely my phone ringing. I opened one eye and looked at the clock. I groaned. It was too early for a Saturday. I grudgingly answered my phone.

“Where are you?!” A voice exploded making me fall from bed. Thump.

I looked at my phone and found out that Kibum was the caller. “Are you crazy?! It's 7am and it's Saturday! What do you want?!”

“Saturday? Tsk. Idiot. It's Friday.”

“What did you say? Idi—wait. Friday?! Are you kidding me?!”

“Do I sound like I'm kidding?”

Ugh! I knew Kibum was about to say some more but I'm just gonna be even later if I don't move now so I ended the call. Sorry Kibum.

I rushed out of the door, yelling goodbye to my mom. I checked the time, 7:45. I ran faster and faster. I reached the school gates and paused for a moment, trying to catch my breath. When my chest felt a little lighter, I started running again. My classroom was in sight now. Only a few steps more. I skidded to a stop and lost my balance, falling flat on my face.

“Are you ok?”

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MusiicLoveer #1
Haefany ! (: Love your story . <3
Donghae's name in English is Aiden Lee.. East Sea is just nickname bcuz East Sea in Korea sounds the same as Donghae
just read yours and..this is amazing!
the story was sooo great!
AyraLovesKibum #4
omg. i'll miss reading this :(
SNSDforever #5
Fantasic I like it
WOO! Haefany! <3 <br />
I enjoyed the story!
poseidon #8
Nice was rooting for Haefany all thee way
YAY :D Haefanyyyy <3