An Insight on Siwon, Donghae, and Kibum's Life

Our Love


[Siwon's POV]


I woke up, my alarm clock buzzing. 6am. I had an hour to get ready for school. I sat up and found a tray of food at the end of my bed. Breakfast. I finished it up in a matter of minutes. I stretched and headed to the bathroom, grabbing my towel along the way. I dressed myself in front of the mirror and smiled when I finished.


“Come in.” I said when I heard a soft knock on my door.


One of our maids timidly came in and told me that my father was waiting for me.


“Thank you.” I smiled. She merely did a little curtsy and left quickly. I sighed. The maid was about my age and when she first came, I thought we could be friends. It would be nice to have someone I could talk to in this house but she was just like all the others. They were all afraid of me.




“How's school?” My father asked as soon as I slipped in the car.


“Fine.” I replied in the same monotonous tone.


“Still top of your class?”






I clammed up and stared out the window. It was always the same. He would always ask the same questions and I would always reply with the same answers. Sometimes I wish he would ask if I was fine, instead of if I was the top of my class but what's the point in wishing, it will never come true anyway.




I stepped out of the car and was about to close the door when he called me. I looked at him with my wish engraved in my heart.


“I won't be able to pick you up later but I'll send over your car. You brought your car keys, right?”


He didn't even wait for my reply as he closed the door and ordered the driver to start driving. I watched the car until it disappeared from my view. I turned around and made my way inside.



I was walking to my next class with some of my classmates when I saw a girl running towards our direction. Must be late. I was just about to round the corner when she skidded to a stop and fell right in front of me. My natural response was to stare at her in shock but I quickly composed myself and decided to help her out.


“Are you alright?” I asked as I helped her back to her feet.



I pretended to hear her and smiled. “Be careful next time.” She met my eye for a split second, mumbled something, and quickly turned around and stiffly walked to the other direction. She was as red as a tomato.


“That was so weird.” I heard one of my classmates whisper and they snickered. I smiled too, not because it was fun watching her embarrass herself, but because I found her reaction amusing. She seemed familiar too. I'm sure I've seen her before.



[Donghae's POV]


I entered SME while drinking a can of coke. My polo shirt was untucked and my jacket was slung over my shoulder. It was incredibly hot this day. I finished my coke right when I entered one of the practice rooms. I crushed the can with one hand and threw it over my head.




I twisted around and saw Eunhyuk, my best bud, rubbing his head. Oops. I snickered and he glared at me. I said sorry though I don't think it came off as a sincere apology because he still seemed a little bitter when he told me that we would be practicing in another room.


I nodded my head. “You go ahead. I need to talk to someone.” I eyed Tiffany who was sitting across from where I was standing.


“You have got to be kidding me.” Eunhyuk suddenly popped by my side.


“Nope.” I replied, popping my P.


“Hwang Tiffany?! You're going after her? The school's princess Hwang Tiffany?! Dude, I know you're some kind of hearthrob or something but she is way out of your league.” Eunhyuk said, pointing at Tiffany. I snorted.


“I'm serious! And besides I heard Siwon's also got his eyes set on her. “


“And so? I'm not afraid of him.”


Eunhyuk gasped, stepping away from me. “Impossible! Everyone's afraid of Siwon. I heard he's killed someone before just because he liked the same girl as him.”


I chortled, smacking Eunhyuk in the head. “That's just pure gossip and besides all's fair in love and war , my friend.” I patted him and made my way to Tiffany.


“You're crazy.” I heard him say before exiting the room.


I was only a few steps away from Tiffany when the devil suddenly materialized. I watched as the devil aka Siwon exchanged smiles with her. She offered him to sit down and he accepted. I glared at Siwon. No way was I going to let him beat me.




I flopped down beside my bag as soon as we earned a break. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I was dead tired but I felt happy at the same time. That was dancing's effect on me. It would tire me out but I felt like I would never want to stop. I guess you could call it my passion or something though I don't really believe in all that bull.


I opened my eyes and saw Tiffany pass by the door. She was carrying all her things. She's going home? Isn't it a bit early? I checked the time. 10pm. Yep, too early. I decided to follow her. I watched her as she bounded down the stairs and skipped towards a black car. She waved at someone and I lifted my eyes. A girl was inside the car, waving back at Tiffany. Pretty. Seems to be a little younger than me. I wonder what their relationship is?


My eyes wandered back to Tiffany. She had a huge smile on her face, and you can no longer see her eyes. She was famous for her smile. A lot of people found it pretty and cute at the same time. Maybe that was why she was so popular. I watched her until the car drove away. Man, I feel like some kind of stalker or something. A hot stalker. I smirked and went back inside.





I stared at the phone for a moment. Did she just end the call? I'm supposed to be offended or even pissed off but why do I feel so amused instead? I smiled and pocketed my phone.


“Hey, Kibum.”


I looked up at the sound of my name.


“The teacher's coming. Let's go.” It was one of my classmates, Junsu. I smiled and joined them. We chatted as we went to our rooms.


The teacher arrived just when we had settled into our respective seats. I pulled out my trusty recorder and set it in front of me. When the teacher started her lecture, I also the recorder. I don't really do notes. I'm more of a audio learner and besides this way, I don't really have to listen to the teacher and still pass.


I looked out of the window and saw Yoona talking with her classmates. They were all donning white, plain tees and red shorts, the prescribed PE uniform of our school. After a few minutes, the coach arrived and they took their attendance. It was soccer for today. They all seemed pretty excited.


I watched Yoona as she chased around the ball. For a frail-looking girl, she had a pretty strong kick. I could tell she was enjoying the game, she kept on smiling and laughing the whole time. I felt something poke me from behind and I twisted around in my seat.


“What?” I whispered.


“I'm bored.” Junsu whined.


“Go bother someone else.” I faced the window again and I heard him mutter 'spoil sport.' I looked at him and he smiled innocently. I decided to ignore him and continue watching the game. Yoona was standing with her hands on her waist this time. She was watching her classmates discuss about something. She had a serious look on her face. I wonder what happened. I saw Yoona open to say something but was cut off when a ball smacked her from behind. She fell down from the impact.


I straightened up in my chair and craned my neck to see Yoona, who was surrounded by her classmates. Ugh. It's no use. I can't see her. I need to go out and check up on her. Just when I was about to turn away from the scene, I saw her get up from the ground. She laughed off the incident and the game began once more.


I suppressed a sigh of relief. She was ok. I relaxed and smiled. Yoona always seemed to get into accidents. She was such a clumsy girl that watching her dance amazes me. When she's on the dance floor, she never trips or stumbles. Nope, she looks graceful and elegant when she dances. Yoona, my best friend. The clumsy but graceful dancer. What a combination.




I leaned on an oak tree near our school gates, my usual meeting spot with Yoona. I checked the time. She was late, as usual. Though I never really get tired waiting for her. When I see her face, all I could think of is that she's worth waiting for.




I looked up at the sound of Yoona's voice. She was running towards me with a smile on her face. I frowned at her. I knew her nickname for me was a sign of her affection but I didn't like it when she called me that on public. It kind of embarrassed me.


“I told you not to call me that in public.” I muttered, looking around to see if anyone had heard her.


Yoona laughed. “Sorry, I forgot. Forgive me?”


I sighed. “Do you really need to ask?”


She laughed once more and linked her arm with mine. “Let's go.” I smiled and nodded my head.








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MusiicLoveer #1
Haefany ! (: Love your story . <3
Donghae's name in English is Aiden Lee.. East Sea is just nickname bcuz East Sea in Korea sounds the same as Donghae
just read yours and..this is amazing!
the story was sooo great!
AyraLovesKibum #4
omg. i'll miss reading this :(
SNSDforever #5
Fantasic I like it
WOO! Haefany! <3 <br />
I enjoyed the story!
poseidon #8
Nice was rooting for Haefany all thee way
YAY :D Haefanyyyy <3