thank you and..........

You've Fallen for me

Hwayoung and Suzy woke up and got ready for school....When you started moving.They called the doctor and the doctor told them that you can leave in the evening....

You were walking around the hospital when you saw Sehun. Sehun told everything about what happened yesterday and she couldn't believe Luhan saved her.

 You texted Luhan.....


To: Evil Han

From: My Maid xD

Sehun told me everthing about yesterday......Gomawoo.....Although I am just your slave,thanks you for being kind and sorry for bothering and making things hard for you....


To: My Maid xD

From: Evil Han

It's okay.....Thank goodness you're okay now.....About that slave thing.......I decided to let go of it....Can we be friends?


To: Luhan

From: No Eunseol =)

Sure....I will be glad.....As a return of Favour...why not come to my place for dinner with EXO and Yonghan today?


To: No Eunseol =)

From: Luhan

Okay.....Yonghan always asked about you! Finally....He can see you again...


Just then you got a phone call from appa.

"Hello? Eunseol-ah! Are you okay? When I called last night,Hwayoung told me what happened! You okay my dear?"

"Nae appa....I'm fine! Don't worry! I miss appa a lot! When are you coming home?*(Crying)PLease come home soon! I miss you appa!"

"Eunseol-ah! It's appa's fault! If appa took you to Hong Kong as well,you wouldn't be in that condition! *(cries)

"Aniyo appa! It's not your fault! Appa,don't feel sorry. It's my fault too! I'm just clumsy that's why! Don't worry too much about me and eat well.Don't focus too much on work! Take more rest,eat well and come...back...soon(sobs)"

"Arashoe! Once appa's job is done,appa will catch the earliest flight there,okay?"

"Without you,I can't smile. I can't eat properly nor sleep properly. I miss appa's smile,appa's food,appa's hug and appa's joke! Please come soon appa! I miss you so much! Without you,I feel so empty and lonely inside. I feel like dying!"

"I miss my cutie's smile,your hug,your sweet voice,your presence and you! I love you,honey! Make sure you eat on time and sleep on time!"

"Okay,appa. And you too! Don't just worry about me. Worry about yourself too! And appa,I love you!"

"I love you too sweetie.....Bye!"


After the long decided to leave the hospital first. You packed your stuff and took a taxi home.

After you got home. You helped Suzy and Hwayoung to unpack their stuff and organize them well at their new bedroom.


While you were making dinner,Hwayoung,Suzy and EXO comes in. Yonghan runs to you as soon as he sees you! While EXO's jaws dropped when they saw the living room.


Hwayoung and Suzy were so happy to see their new rooms. Yonghan and the other watched TV while you were preparing the food.

And it was ready!!!




Everyone had there jaws open.You all prayed and start digging in. You fed Yonghan and yonghan fed you.He was so cute


After eating,the guys went to the karaoke room with Hwayoung and Suzy.


While Yoogeun was playing by himself. Luhan joined in to help you was the dishes.You guys were so quiet......Then he asked about how you dad is and how is your back......Then suddenly someone hugged you from the back......It was Luhan......

You froze where you were standing. 

You tried to get away but he just pulled you tighter.

"Just stay like this for a moment,No Eunseol,"he said.

"Wae-waegurae?" you asked.

"No Eunseol,I......I...I like you!"he said resting his chin on your shoulder.

"M-mwo......?" you were shocked.

"I said...I.Like.You! " he said and peck in your lips.

Yonghan covered his eyes.You just stood there like a statue.You were shocked. 


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 24: As I read the few last chapters... I really wanted to kill Luhan for hurting Eunseol!! She's so innocent and pure, and she's been hurt like that... and then about how Luhan only went out with Jiyeon because of her image??... pfft... but no offense, was it necessary to make out to protect Jiyeon's image?? why Luhan of all people???

Nevertheless, the ending was good, and I hope that Luhan won't hurt Eunseol again. (I actually thought Changmin and Eunseol was a thing ~ man~...)
syiqintomim #2
Chapter 24: Hye ~ new reader ! OMG ! I Love Your Fanfic very much ~ :) Good job & great story ..
Chapter 24: oh.. this is how the story end..
Chapter 24: Ohh I jeongmal like this book! Second book to give me tears!!! Good job and great story :))
Chapter 24: OMO!! I was in tears right near the end..
How could she sacrifice herself for their career.
A good ending though.
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 24: Omg I'm crying AGAIN!!!! This stories is Daebak!!!!
Kellybby11 #7
Chapter 24: UPPPPDDDAAAAATTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kjll9922 #8
Chapter 21: awwwwwwwwwww..... things are getting complicated., please update again.,authornim., kekeke.. i'm not asking for too much? neh? ^^.kekeke
-Kawaii_Panda #9
(can't stop crying)
-Kawaii_Panda #10
Chapter 7: I can't live without internet or this website!!!!!!!!!!!!