The reason why Luhan was busy.....and sent Lay

You've Fallen for me

Sehun returns home opens the door. He looks at everyone.

"Where have you been all this day young man?"asked Suho

"I went to the hospital"said Sehun.

"What?!"everyone shouted in unison.

"Uh........Our 'SLAVE' No Eunseol collapsed at school....Since the bell rung nobody was there. When I was rushing back to the classroom,I saw someone lying on the floor. It was our Slave. I had no option but to take her to hospital since our school nurse was absent"he said.

"I asked her if she was alright when I met her today.....I knew she was sick! She was freaking pale and sweating...."said Lay.

"So is she okay?"asked Kris.

"Not really. She has a fever up tp 38.8'C and deep bruises.....The question is how in the world did she get those bruises?" said Sehun.

"Hey Minseok hyung.Didn't you say you had a fight to save a girl last night?"asked Chanyeol.

"Yes. The girl was our slave. She was thrown to the floor badly and her wrists and knee had deep injuries."said Tao

"No wonder she was walking weirdly this morning"added Kai.

"How did you even know when you weren't in class?"asked Baekhyun.

"I saw her this morning with her dad and a long legged girl....."he said...

But while having those conversation....Luhan was lost in his own world.......

Luhan's flashback..............

"Hey hyung,you called me?"asked Lay

"Yeah~I have a job for you" said luhan

"What is it?"

"You remember our slave? I gave her my shirt to wash the mess that was in my shirt. I told her to bring it back today......Can you get it for me?"

"Sure hyung......but....what does she look like?"

"She has big eyes,short hair......she'll probably smile like a dummy when she sees you....remember to smile back!"

"Eh? Why do I have to smile at her?"

"I just sent her your photo and if she still don't recognise you....just smile in front of her......I told her that your dimples will show up in your face when you smile"

"Oh......But what are you busy with???"

"I have to deal thing with someone......"

"Who Luhan hyung? Is that girl bothering you again?"

"Park Jiyeon.........Why can't she leave me alone???"

"Here she comes.......I'm going Luhan hyung....bye"


"It's been long,oppa" said Jiyeon

"Oppa? You don't mean anything to me so just get lost! Why do keep on bothering me? Leave me alone!"yelled Luhan.

"Oh sorry....I Can't do that......It's because I've fallen for your charm and charisma and now YOU will fall for mine!"yelled Jiyeon.

"Look who's talking! Girl're not my type......before your heart gets more painful,Buzz off,ok? I don't like stupid and flirty girls like you"said Luhan

"I will make you like me! And I will not spare any girl who flutters oppa's heart!"

"GIve it a try......But if you hurt the person I LOVE the most.......You'll regret your existence.....I won't spare you alive!'yelled Luhan and leave Jiyeon alone there.......


"Uh.......Luhan hyung?"said Sehun

"Oh god! Earth To Luhan"yelled Baekhyun.

"Oh what.......I see....she's admitted to the hospital......"said Luhan

"He's so quiet today.....I wonder why......"said Sehun.

"I guess that flirty Park Jiyeon said something to him again......"said Kai

"Mind your tongue kkam-jong! "Said Chen.

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 24: As I read the few last chapters... I really wanted to kill Luhan for hurting Eunseol!! She's so innocent and pure, and she's been hurt like that... and then about how Luhan only went out with Jiyeon because of her image??... pfft... but no offense, was it necessary to make out to protect Jiyeon's image?? why Luhan of all people???

Nevertheless, the ending was good, and I hope that Luhan won't hurt Eunseol again. (I actually thought Changmin and Eunseol was a thing ~ man~...)
syiqintomim #2
Chapter 24: Hye ~ new reader ! OMG ! I Love Your Fanfic very much ~ :) Good job & great story ..
Chapter 24: oh.. this is how the story end..
Chapter 24: Ohh I jeongmal like this book! Second book to give me tears!!! Good job and great story :))
Chapter 24: OMO!! I was in tears right near the end..
How could she sacrifice herself for their career.
A good ending though.
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 24: Omg I'm crying AGAIN!!!! This stories is Daebak!!!!
Kellybby11 #7
Chapter 24: UPPPPDDDAAAAATTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kjll9922 #8
Chapter 21: awwwwwwwwwww..... things are getting complicated., please update again.,authornim., kekeke.. i'm not asking for too much? neh? ^^.kekeke
-Kawaii_Panda #9
(can't stop crying)
-Kawaii_Panda #10
Chapter 7: I can't live without internet or this website!!!!!!!!!!!!