
You've Fallen for me

You open your eyes when you see the sun shining brightily. But Whe you get off your bed.....Bang! You fell down. You knee was still wounded and you had difficulties in waliking. After washing yourself up you wore you uniform and long socks so that Hwayoung won't get worried.

"Eunseol-ah,Zao an!"said dad

"What's with the chinese?"asked Hwayoung.

"Eunseol-ah,gwenchana? Why are you walking so weirdly?"asked Hwayoung.

"Uhm......About that uhm......."

"My daughter got harrased on her way back and.................."

"What?! EXO saved you! Of course,since you're their slave guess they were afraid that they couldn't boss you around so......"said Hwayoung.

"I helped you iron the shirt.Oh and the jacket...I put them in the bag together....Since you're having difficulties in walking,Appa will leave you guys to school,arassoe?"

"Nae...."we answered together.

"Here's breakfast. While you're eating,I'l change the bandages for you"said dad


"Thank you appa! And I love you so much"

"I know you do."said dad kissing my forehead.

"I'll bring the car wait outside the house.Hwayoung-ah,help Eunseol ok?"

"Nae,ahjusshi.Come"said Hwayoung


"Okay guys hop on"said Dad

We got into the car and Dad started the engine.Its was a 30 minute ride from home to school. So obviously we got out early.We were so bored then Dad played DBSK's Catch me one the way. Since we were both Cassies!

Me and Hwayoung doing the Hulk Dance and singing together.........Catch me if you wanna !!

Wah!!! Kkajima.......han madil mathandal,i baboga......Baby catch me catch me catch me girl tonight......( Just imagine you're in the car singing and dancing)

After all that,we arrived at the school gate.Suzy was waiting for us in the school gate.

Dad got out first and helped me walk. Suzy ran to me and asked me what happened to me. Hwayoung whispered to her that we"ll talk about it later! I turned around and waved bye to my appa.

--------------------------------(At classroom)----------------------------------------------------

"Eunseol-ah,gwenchana?"asked Suzy.

"Oh.....Don't worry.I'm fine."

You looked around but there was no sign of Sehun or EXO since some of them are in your class.

---------------------------------Bell ring------------------------------------------------

The first period was chinese.By the started feeling more painful and tired.

The Chinese teacher looks at you and asks you.(

"No Eunseol tong xue.....Ni mei shi ma?"

"Wo meishi....bu dan xin...."

The teacher looked at you worriedly. Suzy turned over and looked at you as well.

"I hope she's okay....."mumured Suzy.

When the bell rang,Suzy rushes to you to see if you okay.

"Ah.....Has the bell rung?"you asked

"Yes........Eunseol-ah,gwenchana? You look so pale......"she said.

"I'm okay....I have to find a member of EXO to pass this to Luhan. You go have with Hwayoung.Tell her I'll join you guys later ok."

"Arashoe....but be careful!"

You take the bag and leave the classroom. You take out your handphone and text Luhan.

To: Evil Han

From: My Maid xD

Yah! Where are you? Don't you want to take back your precious shirt and jacket? Come to get it now or I'll throw it away!



To:My Maid xD

From: Evil Han

Try throwing it away and I'll extend your job 1 more month! I'm busy so I'll send Lay.


To:Evil Han

From: My Maid xD

How in the world will I recognize him?


To:My Maid xD

From: Evil Han

Here! He looks like this!



To: Evil Han

From:My Maid xD

Got it! Wow he's good looking xD


To: My Maid xD

From: Evil Han

Just do your work! If you still can't recognize him well,smile in front of him. He will smile back for sure,if you see his dimples.That is him. Now stop disyurbing me and buzz off! Do your work,Slave.


You waited for him at the school hallway.Then you see a tall and cute figure coming............

"Is he the guy?"you thought.

Lay's POV

Uhm.....He said she is tall with short hair. And will be probably holding a bag.......

Oh......Is she the one????She's looking at me.....It might be her.


Hyung told me to smile....but I dont know why....So here I go.......*Smiles showing his dimples.......

Your POV

It must be him......He smile and his two dimples!! How it's him....

You two meet each other. You bow to Lay..........Total silence....He looks at you.....But you avoid eye contact with him because you felt like your heart was going to burst anytime!

"You must be the 'SLAVE' hyung was talking about?"

"Nae......Ah,here you go. Please make sure you don't drop it because he told me that his shirt has to be washed white as snow and neatly ironed"you said

Lay looks at you,but he looks at you worriendly and looks at your nametag...

"Uh......No Eunseol......Are you okay? You look so pale and you're sweating alot!"

"Yes,I'm fine.....It's just because it's hot in here....."you said faking a smile.

"OKay......You have my number right? Hyung told us that he saved all of our number in your contacts. Don't worry,I won't bother you! Take care "*ruffles your hair and runs.

You smiled but suddenly,your eyes start to feel heavy and everything blacks out......PHACK! You fainted on the floor.....A guy runs to you......

"Yah! No Eunseol! Gwenchana? Can you hear me?"

"W-who are y---" Before you could finish your sentence you lost conciousness...........

You open your eyes and you find out you were lying in a ward.Yep that means the hospital!

You see your appa,Hwayoung and Suzy running to your ward.

"Eunseol-ah,gwenchana? What happened?"your appa asked

"She has a lot of bruises and the results show that she did not have enough sleep last night.And she has a fever of 38.8'C right now.The bruises must have cause a lot of pain which made her stay awake and not having enogh sleep."said the doctor.

"But doctor,how did I get here?"you asked.

"A young man brought you here. He went to buy the medicine for you.He may be back anytime."

"A young man? Who can he be?"asked Hwayoung.

"There's your answer! It's .......EXO's Oh Sehun......"said Suzy pointing at him.


Sehun rushes to your ward......

"Oh....No Eunseol-sshi,you're awake! I bought your medicine so you don't have to bother paying for it!"

"Young man.....How can I ever thank you for saving my child?How about having dinner at our home when my Eunseol is healed?"

"Ah....sure.I just live oppposite your house. I heard that your cooking is fantabolous!"said Sehun.

"Appa,stop it!" you said.

"Eunseol-sshi,here. Take your medicine and have good rest okay?I'll be leaving or hyungs will freak out! See you again Eunseol-sshi"said Sehun.

"Well....I guess not all EXO members are cold....Sehun,Minseok,Lay and Tao has helped you...."said Suzy

"You're right....But Luhan is not! He's still cold towards the person........."said Hwayoung.

"Ahjusshi,don't worry. I'll take care of her tonight.You go home and take some rest. And I will come over at yours to get Eunseol's breakfast and go to school." said Hwayoung.

"Oh.....Arashoe,take good care of her.If anything happens or you need something call me"said you appa.

"Me too.....Call me when she's awake and Yah! No Eunseol,text me! Hehehe"said Suzy laughing...

Hwayoung leaves your Dad and Suzy till the elevator........Hwayoung grabs a chair and sleeps beside you. You guys hold your hand tightly and sleep..........................

---------------------------------------------------------E N D--------------------------------------------------------------------------

End of Chapter 4.....Hope you like it!





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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 24: As I read the few last chapters... I really wanted to kill Luhan for hurting Eunseol!! She's so innocent and pure, and she's been hurt like that... and then about how Luhan only went out with Jiyeon because of her image??... pfft... but no offense, was it necessary to make out to protect Jiyeon's image?? why Luhan of all people???

Nevertheless, the ending was good, and I hope that Luhan won't hurt Eunseol again. (I actually thought Changmin and Eunseol was a thing ~ man~...)
syiqintomim #2
Chapter 24: Hye ~ new reader ! OMG ! I Love Your Fanfic very much ~ :) Good job & great story ..
Chapter 24: oh.. this is how the story end..
Chapter 24: Ohh I jeongmal like this book! Second book to give me tears!!! Good job and great story :))
Chapter 24: OMO!! I was in tears right near the end..
How could she sacrifice herself for their career.
A good ending though.
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 24: Omg I'm crying AGAIN!!!! This stories is Daebak!!!!
Kellybby11 #7
Chapter 24: UPPPPDDDAAAAATTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kjll9922 #8
Chapter 21: awwwwwwwwwww..... things are getting complicated., please update again.,authornim., kekeke.. i'm not asking for too much? neh? ^^.kekeke
-Kawaii_Panda #9
(can't stop crying)
-Kawaii_Panda #10
Chapter 7: I can't live without internet or this website!!!!!!!!!!!!