Another Trouble

You've Fallen for me

You wake up early in the morning as usual.....You open your window but you realize Sehun's window and curtain were closed which meant he's still sleeping.

You scribbled something on your sketch book and put it on the window so he could be able to see it. You grabbed your towel and went to take a quick shower. When you went to the shower,Sehun woke up and open his curtain to see if you were awkae. He saw the sketchbook.


Don't waste you time looking for me! Look at the time. Go get your towel and go to wash up!

Sehun grabbed his towel and ruffled his hair.

"She's kinda cute." he thought to himself.

You went down and saw Suzy and Hwayoung waiting for you. The most amazing thing was they had brought their packed stuffs ready to live with you from today onwards! You guys hug each other and Dad smiles. He takes out his handphone and takes a picture of you three while you wer hugging each other!

"I don't have only 1 daughter.....I have three daughters" said Dad.

"Since it's appa's last day,appa will leave you guys school okay?" said appa

"Arashoe,appa! "you said

----------------------------------------( Music END)--------------------------------------------

Your dad went to the garage to get the car then you guys waited for him. You get in the car and as usual,listen to KPOP.

You listened to Taetiseo's Twinkle and your Dad was singing as well. You and Suzy were good singers. While Hwayoung was  cool and an expert in rapping! You guys thought of being a duet when you were young. But now you guys were imagining you 3 just like Taetiseo. Suzy the Main Vocalist,you the Lead vocalist and Hwayoung the Man Rapper.

---------------------------------------(Music End)-----------------------------------------------

You guys arrive at school. When you got out of the car,you took your school bag.

"Ouch! My back!" you yelled

Then you remember what happened yesterday.

"Eunseol-ah! What's wrong?" asked appa.

"Oh....My back was just itchy,so I couldn't help but yell!"you said.

You  and Suzy went into your class and sat quietly in your seat. Then 5 minutes later Sehun came in and sat beside you. You guys waved hi to each other. 

"Eunseol-ah,is your back okay?" he asked.

"No! It's hurt whenever I move! "you said

"Pabo! Who told you to block? You're a girl so you'll feel 10 times the pain than we men."he said.

Then you recieved a message from Dad.


To: My love Eunseol <3

From: My Lovely Dad <3

Eunseol-ah.....Just to make sure you know that I'm about to board the plane. Make sure you have every 3 sets of meal everyday! Don't skip meals,arashoe? Appa will message or call you when he gets in Hong Kong. Make sure you call appa everytime you miss me! Arashoe....Appa has never left you like this,so appa is worried! Live healthily and don't get into too much trouble! Wait for appa okay?I will miss my sweetheart!

- Love Dad


When you saw the message,tears started rolling down your cheeks.

Sehun looked at the message while you were  reading it and looked at you. he patted your head.


To: My Lovely Dad <3

From: My Love Eunseol <3

Okay appa......I will be waiting for you. Make sure you pick up my calls and reply my messages even if you're busy with work!! Appa leaving like this,makes Eunseols heart very painful.It seem like I can't even stand being 1m away from you right now! I will miss you appa. Take care of yourself and your health! Don't just focus on your work and worry about me and yourself too! Oh not only me but your other 2 daughters as well! Have a safe flight and I LOVE YOU appa! You're the best appa in the world! Appa,fighting!

- Love your baby,Eunseol <3


Meanwhile at the plane.....your Dad also starts sobbing because he misses you alot and doesn't want to leave you. He couldn't stop his tears flowing down.


During the morining periods you couldn't stop thinking about your dad and kept crying. Sehun looked at you. He patted your head trying you to fell more better but you evetually burst into tears.....You didn't make any sounds because the teacher would be worried. Your eyes were so red after crying for a long time.

When it was lunch time. You realized not only you but hwayoung has been crying as well. And so was Suzy. She was touched my the message that your dad sent to her. She gave you a warm hug to make you feel more comfortable.

Then you recieved a message. It was from Luhan.


To: My Maid xD

From: Evil Han

Yah! I have something to give you. Can you come to the school swimming pool area. I just had my PE lesson. And come alone........


You were confused what he had to give you...............You asked Hwayoung and Suzy to have lunch first and told them that you had to go to swimming pool because of Luhan.

You went inside the swimming pool place and looked around.

"Luhan-sshi,where are you?" you yelled.

Then someone pushed you into the 2m pool. Because of your painful back. It was difficult for you to swim.

While in the canteen Hwayoung and Suzy where lining up,they saw Luhan. They went to him and asked him........

"Yah! What are you doing here? Didn't you ask Eunseol to find you?" asked Suzy

"What?!" yelled Luhan.

"A few minutes ago,Eunseol recieved a message from you saying that you had something to give her and you aked her to come alone! " yelled Hwayoung.

"Message our Slave?! Hyung lost his handphone today......There's no way he sent the message......"said Baekhyun.

Luhan's stood up and ran as fast as possible. The 11 members followed him as well. They enterd the swimming pool area and looked for you.

"Hyung! Over here! "yelled Lay.

Tao and Kai jumped in the pool and got you out. Luhan was freaked out.

"Yah! Yah slave! You hear me? Get to your senses please! Can you hear me" yelled Luhan.

He listened to you chest to see if you were breathing or not. But you weren't breathing.

"Just give her the mouth-to-mouth so she can breathe back! Make her breathe so she can gain back conciousness! " yelled Suho

Luhan gave you mouth-to-mouth.......You started breathing again.......D.O and Sehun arrived with the PE teacher and security guards. The PE teacher touched your body to check the body temperature and quickly took off his jacket and wrapped you because your body temperature was too low because you were in the water for too long!

You were sent to the hospital emergency room.

The doctor put you in a warm room to help you maintain your body temperature but there was no change. They get warm packets and more blankets to keep your warm. If you maintai your body temperature as normal then you'll wake up from the deep sleep.

Hwayoung and Suzy was shocked to see you in that state. Hwayoung's hand turned into a fist and she punched the vending machine to release he anger.Suzy looked at Luhan.....

"You! How,when and where did you lost your phone?" asked Suzy.

"This morning. After I went to the classroom,I put my phone in the drawer.....Then when I came back it was gone....."said Luhan.

"I saw Jiyeon came to our classroom and take sth from your drawer! That must be your phone!"yelled Xiumin.

He looked at you and his hands turned into fists and he looked at Sehun. Then were doing the are-you-thinking-what-i'm-thinking look. And Sehun,Kris and Luhan were about to leave when Hwayoung decided to join them as well.........................They left the place. Suho suggested D.O and Lay to stay with you and Suzy. It was the most AWKWARD SILENCE EVER!

Since it was boring D.O and Lay questioned about you and your close sibling-like friendship. They kept on listening. Suho came up and told D.O and Lay that they must go. Suho told Suzy that in case she needs anything or if you're awake,she can use your phone to call EXO members.


Hwayoung was boiling in anger! She was hunting for Park Jiyeon. Everyone looked scared when they saw her fierce face. She went to their class and called Kris telling him that she found Jiyeon and will bring her in the school backyard. Hwayoung slammed the door open.Everyone got shock and lept their mouth shut. Her eyes were looking at Jiyeon.

Hwayoung went to Jiyeon's seat.....pushed her out of the seat and went through her stuff and called Kris.

"What is Luhan's phone like?"asked Hwayoung

"It's iPhone 4 in black!"said Kris.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that she took Luhan's phone.And Hwayoung found the phone and grabbed Jiyeon's collar and dragged her to the school backyard. Everyone had no idea what was going on.

Then they arrive at the backyard. Hwayoung throws her to the floor and slaps her face. Kris grabs her because of her anger and Luhan pulled her hair and tortured her,

"Oppa I can explain....."said Jiyeon

"You can explain? What the can you explain? Saying that you pushed her in the pool by accident? It's obvious that you pushed her because the school camera has captured you pushing her! There's evidence! Don't try to pretend you did nothing! And please get lost! I don't like you! You're pathetic,heartless and childish! Not my type!" yelled Luhan.

"Does oppa like No Eunseol?" asked Jiyeon

Hwayoung,Kris and Sehun looks at Luhan.There was a long pause then.......

"Geurae! I like No Eunseol! You have any problems with that? And let me warn you! If I find out that you did these silly things again....then you're dead! But what can you do? You're getting suspended from school after all....." said Luhan

".....Does oppa like her more than me?"asked Jiyeon

"Yes! She is not a like you! So please get away and let me live my life!"yelled Luhan.

"You think I will get away? No! I will continue chasing oppa until oppa likes me and realizes that girl is nothing!"yelled Jiyeon and ran away....................

"Was that true....about you liking No Euseol?" asked Hwayoung

"No! I thought that if I tell her that i like Eunseol then she will let go of me but...aishh......never mind! IT'S NOT TRUE! She's my SLAVE!" yelled Luhan

Hwayoung runs back to the hospital and looks at you. Suzy was rubbing your hand to keep you warm. Then Hwayoung had a idea. Hwayoung and Suzy got on the bed and slept with you s tightly that you could start to feel the warmth of friendship. Soon the two fell asleep. When Kris,Luhan and Sehun came to see you for the last time before they go....They were touched seeing the three of you sleeping....

"They look like new born kittens cuddling together to keep each other warm" said Kris smiling.

"Let's go hyung.....We can come here to check again tomorrow" said Sehun.

The 3 guys leave the hospital....................................

----------------------------------------- E N D ------------------------------------------------------------------

END Of Chapter 8




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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 24: As I read the few last chapters... I really wanted to kill Luhan for hurting Eunseol!! She's so innocent and pure, and she's been hurt like that... and then about how Luhan only went out with Jiyeon because of her image??... pfft... but no offense, was it necessary to make out to protect Jiyeon's image?? why Luhan of all people???

Nevertheless, the ending was good, and I hope that Luhan won't hurt Eunseol again. (I actually thought Changmin and Eunseol was a thing ~ man~...)
syiqintomim #2
Chapter 24: Hye ~ new reader ! OMG ! I Love Your Fanfic very much ~ :) Good job & great story ..
Chapter 24: oh.. this is how the story end..
Chapter 24: Ohh I jeongmal like this book! Second book to give me tears!!! Good job and great story :))
Chapter 24: OMO!! I was in tears right near the end..
How could she sacrifice herself for their career.
A good ending though.
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 24: Omg I'm crying AGAIN!!!! This stories is Daebak!!!!
Kellybby11 #7
Chapter 24: UPPPPDDDAAAAATTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kjll9922 #8
Chapter 21: awwwwwwwwwww..... things are getting complicated., please update again.,authornim., kekeke.. i'm not asking for too much? neh? ^^.kekeke
-Kawaii_Panda #9
(can't stop crying)
-Kawaii_Panda #10
Chapter 7: I can't live without internet or this website!!!!!!!!!!!!