Chapter 8



8.   YR POV

The hospital only gave me one day off. So I went out with Daisuke. He woke me up at 8 am, jumping on my bed.

-     What, honey? – I said.

-     Mama!! – he exclaimed– Mama!! I want to go out. Mama!

He made a face and I sat on my bed. I adore my son; I love how he wakes me up but honestly, that day I wanted to sleep a bit more.  

I changed as fast as possible and went out with my son for a walk.

-     Where do you want to go, baby? – I asked him in the car.

-     Erm… - he stopped to think for 5 minutes – I want to see auntie Leslie and Ally!

¿Alejandra? To see her we must fly for many hours. I guess seeing Leslie it won’t bother me, also she might need help with the huge company that Alejandra has left her. Even Karen has to work and even if she earns better than me, she is not used to work so late.

 -    Leslie? You know your auntie Ally is abroad, baby.

-     Oh right… Ok then, Karen and Leslie

-     Don’t you want to play for a while and later see your aunties? They are working, sweetheart, maybe after lunch we can see them  - I suggested.

He sighed.

-     Ok.

We went to the theme park where it took us 3 hours to play in all the games. At 1 pm we ate fast food, he ate a hamburger. Recently at 3 pm we went to the building. I hope not to bother at the wrong time.  

Karen was a bit surprised when I got there. She ran to see me.

-     Hi, Yearin. What brings you here?

-     I wanted to see you girl, Daisuke wants to see you and Leslie. – Karen froze and didn’t answer, - Karen? What’s wrong?

I turned where she was staring at and saw Yoochun getting out of his car. He looked too attractive. I wanted to faint.

-     Yoochunie! – my son cried.

I nodded. Yes... it wasn’t the first time I see him but this time he was close to me.

-     Hi Karen – He greeted her with a smile.

-     Hi…Hello – she bowed and slightly made a smile – Are you looking for…?

-     JaeJoong.- he interrupted – he came here hours ago and we have a meeting right now.

-     Oh… right. He’s at Leslie’s office – she said with greeted teeth, disgusted.  

I don’t like this. Not at all. What are they both alone? Are they crazy! It is worst because Jaejoong has already fallen for Leslie.

-     Can you take me there, please? – asked Yoochun.

-     Yes, follow me.

Karen was ahead and Yoochun stared at my son. He raised an eyebrow confused, he didn’t know who he was.

-     Is he your son? – he asked. He didn’t know me, I think.

-     Yes. Daisuke, he is 5 years old.

-     Aww…- he kneeled down and caressed his cheek – You are so adorable. Is he japanese? – suddenly he asked.

-     Aha. Yes.

-     Can he speak japanese?

-     Yes of course.

Daisuke took a step back a bit intimidated but Yoochun warm smiles were so friendly that even my son could not resist. Neither do I.

-     Guys! Come now! – exclaimed Karen.

While we went to the office, Yoochun kept questioning me about my son. He looked excited despite being tired.

-     He loves Korea more than Japan. His father lives there but we decided to move. – I added.

-     Are you both… ? Divorce?  - he said not as harsh as possible.

I nodded. It was a bit uncomfortable; I had overcome that situation long time ago.

-     I’m sorry – he muttered.

-     No need to worry.

He looked at me kind and smiled.

I sighed.

-     Mama! Where’s my auntie? – he asked.

-     In a minute, Darling.

Yoochun was moved by his Little voice and laughed. For me it was mor cute to see Yoochun melt for my son and it was ironic I was melting because of Yoochun.

We arrived, then Karen put in the password and then frozed. The door was a glass door, been transparent you can see everything. That means Karen has seen something which she must not have.

Yoochun and I looked at each other horrified, we had an idea. We ran and when we got there we saw Jaejoong and Leslie kissing.

Our mouth fell open. I knew this was going to happen!!!!!

-     Karen, the password –I whispered.

-     99876 – she muttered.

The door made a noise and Leslie and Jaejoong pushed away. The first thing they did was look at Karen, who was angry.

-     So! You had your fun, JaeJoong, move. We have a meeting – Yoochun said, he frowned.

I rolled my eyes and Leslie bit her lip.

-     Erm… aha – JaeJoong looked at Leslie one more time and sighed.

Daisuke ran and threw himself over Leslie, he didn’t see the big mistake they made. I hope she learns from what happened to Alejandra.

Leslie hugged him uncomfortable and then looked at Karen, lamenting herself. She has a kissed Karen’s favorite artist right on her face. I don’t want to imagine how Karen feels.

-     Daisuke, go to the living room, please Honey. You can watch T.V if you want to – I smiled.

I took him to the mini room and sat him in front od the TV. He was entertained fast, fortunately. I returned to the office and Leslie was on her desk filling something with the tablets. Karen was talking to her about the clients but also giving her indirect things ever minute. Leslie shrank with each word, she knew who she kissed.

-     I know… - Leslie whispered.

-     So! –I interrupted – what a warm day!

Both killed me with their gazes but I followed there gaze.

-     What? – Karen asked between gritted teeth.

I put my hands over the dek and leaned my body to Leslie, practically threatening her. I was going to call her if it was possible.

-     Can you explain to me what the heck you were doing, Leslie?

Karen sighed and sat next to the desk, also looking at Leslie demanding an answer for her action.

-     I… - she looked at us astonished.

-     Do you like him? – Karen asked.

She was going to deny it but stopped. Look at one side then sighed.  

-     Spell it out, Leslie, we don’t have all day

-     You should be working, Karen. Get out – she dared to say.

Karen le iba pegar, alzo su mano pero la detuve antes que desfigurara la cara de la nueva gerente.

-     Calm down, Karen – I muttered.

-     She won’t tell me! – she cried – I knew something  was happening between you two! Just say that you like him!

I raised an eyebrow.

-     I don’t…. like him. – Leslie cleared and swallowed.

-     But he likes you – She pointed out.

Leslie’s eyes opened widely. She was scared, because of her eyes I could conclude she was no liking this. Meaning… she has a man already.

I took a deep breath.

-     No! How can you be so sure? – Leslie asked overwhelmed.

-     He kissed you! Don’t be stupid Leslie, it’s pretty obvious.

Leslie shook her head.

-     I’m leaving. A client is coming in 20 minutes. – she said and then left. l

She looked at me for help, but it was not worth giving her something. Then I started questioning her. I couldn’t do it in front of Karen.

-     Leslie, do you have a boyfriend? – I stared at her straightly.

She opened her eyes widely.

-     How…?

-     Answer me – I demanded.

-     Oh my dear lord! What are you? A witch? –she exclaimed and stood up   

That means yes.

-     Who? Who is he? – I kept staring at her.  

-     It’s not your business. – she replied coldly, she was mad.

I sighed.  

-     Exactly, and how are you going to tell him that Kim JaeJoong kissed you?

-     Get out, Yearin. I’m busy

She was going to the mini room but I stopped her. Why won’t she tell? Every boyfriend Leslie has had, there were only two, she told me, and I had not to pressure her to tell me. This is more complicated or is she married? No I don’t think so…. Or is Chanming her boyfriend?

I laughed. He doesn’t even know her.

-     Leslie, why won’t you tell me who is your boyfriend? Is he someone I know? – I talked to her as soft as I could.  

Her body twitched and she pulle dout her arm.

-     No. – she entered the mini room and went to my son.

While I drove home, a little voice was telling me to go to Japan, to visit Alejandra. Also, for a reason, I feel like I will find most answers over there. I think.





I was still sitting, after the meeting; I was thinking where Alejandra could have gone. I didn’t meet her that much so I don’t know what exactly her likes.

I took deep breath.

Why are women so complicated? Well they call me complicated but I think women are more than me.

Yoochun and Jaejoong entered the living rooming arguing, I didn’t care until Jaejoong hit the door frustrated and yelled at Yoochun.

 -    It’s not your business, Yoochun! – he shouted – Damn it!

Hit sat by my side and sighed. I panicked having him so close to me, he can react badly in any moment and I don’t want to be the victim.

-     Be careful –Yoochun whispered– girls like Leslie are not easy, and you know that. Don’t think that because you kissed her today she will fall for you easily.

WHAT? OH MY GOD! WHAT HAVE I MISSED? Many hours has passed since Jaejoong left the buiding and he kissed her?. I didn’t expect that.

-     You kissed her? – I asked incredulous.

Jaejoong looked at me and murdered me with his gaze.

-     Shut up, Junsu, you got pregnant a woman in just one day, so don’t speak – he mumbled.

That hurt me. Now, I happen to be bolder than Jaejoong. I can’t believe it… I had forgotten that I was going to be a did in 5 months, approximately.  

-     Don’t talk like that, JaeJoong – Yoochun said while– both were drunk.

-     Aish! – He stood up and left the living room, throwing the door.

Yoochun and I jumped because we were startled. When he is mad like that, you can’t ask him anything or else he attacks you. He seems like a little animal when you bother him, he bites you. Oh god....

-     What happened? – I asked curious. For real, I want to know as Yoochun, Leslie is not that east, she has a look of a strong.

Yoochun sighed tired.  

-     Well… JaeJoong loves Leslie, as you can tell. And today in front of Karen, his fan, he kissed her. Actually we caught them kissing and Leslie almost fainted when she saw Karen. But still Karen saw everything. – he explained.

-     Oh….

-     And you know Leslie is Karen’s younger sister. That’s why is more shocking  for Karen, her own sister that knows very well her feeling is actually, betraying her.

-     But JaeJoong kissed her, it’s his fault – I said.

-     Yes still she should have done something, stopped him. She followed him…

-     Ergo, she likes him too – I said.

Yoochun made a face.

-     Perhaps… but I think that maybe, it was the emotion of the moment. – He whispered. – because, I don’t know, Leslie doesn’t look so…

-     Easy? You know  JaeJoong has his charms – I said laughing.

He smiled and nodded.

-     You too Junsu. – he was ironic.

I rolled my eyes. What is he trying to say?

-     Anyway, how’s going with Alejandra? She disappeared, didn’t she?

I nodded inevitably.

-     Yes… I don’t know where she is. Really, I don’t see the point of escaping. If she wanted help, why didn’t she tell me? She knew I would help her… - suddenly, I started grumbling by myself and Yoochun only looked at me serious– it’s my responsibility anyway, but of course, she told me in the middle of a concert her condition and I fell down and I made myself ridiculous for what? “I don’t want anything from you Junsu”  - I imitated irritated – why she told me then? To scare me? To make me feel guilty? It’s madness! And you know what’s worse? … I like her… but it was for nothing, she hates me and now she has gone god knows where.

Yoochun sat by my side and put his hand on my shoulder.

-     I can see you are desperate – he laughed between gritted teeth.

-     Really? – I made a face– I’m feeling suicide.

I burst into laugh.

-     Goodness, Junsu. You are Young, don’t freak out.

-     How? Tell me how I can be calm! It’s impossible, you don’t have any woman that is somewhere in the world pregnant! – I exclaimed.

He patted my arm and smiled malicious.

-     I know, I’m not in your position but….

-     But what?

-     Fine. I won’t say anything. Just one thing – he said before I opened my mouth to demand– keep looking for her.

I guess I can’t give up and let her go.









“In the past few weeks there has been many mistakes coming from James Company. According to some past reporters, Miss Alejandra James is not taking care of the company because of personal issues and she is not any longer in Korea. Now secretary- vice president, Leslie White, has taken the position of CEO temporary. However, apparently White is having a hard time, because the cars are being delayed and it seems clients are complaining. The problems are increasing as well as the critics, but White has declared that sooner the company will be stable again, however, citizens are saying she is not capable of managing the company, the only one able to do that is the owner James. Many are still wandering where she has gone. Let’s hope this situation gets better and James comes back the world of business. ”

-     Oh my god… - I whispered.  

I didn’t want to imagine how Leslie is doing. Oh God! What have I done to my friend?  I didn’t think the situation was going to get worst. What’s going on?

Leslie is not careles, I know she is clever.

-     Ally, are you ok? – Yunho asked while walkting to my bed.

I sighed.

-     I’m… Leslie needs help – I said.

-     Are you going back? – he looked at me worried.

-     She is suffering right now! I can’t leave her like that, besides it’s my company.

-     I know, I understand but are you really going like that? Your belly is a little big, Ally, you are on your fourth month – he warned me.

I sighed. I knew that. My belly was more noticiable, of course I wore a big shirt and it covered it, however, if I go back….er.. well, Leslie would kill me and I don’t think the company will be too happy to see me after disappearing for one month.  

-     Yes… Aish, I don’t know what to do. I can’t see how my friend suffers, No! – I exclaimed frustrated – I know she has a little of company but anyway is much pressure on her.

-     She’s strong, Ally, isn’t she?

I nodded. Of course she was if not she wouldn’t have faced being the new CEO of my company. She is brave.

-     Of course she is.

-     Then trust her, her sister and her friends will help her.

I bit my lip. Yunho has no idea that those friends are Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu. After all, Jaejoong decided to help her, I guess he felt sorry for my friend.

I nodded; I guess I have to leave her alone for this time being even though it will hurt seeing her with this whole problem for 6 months.

Then I Heard Changmin worrued. Yunho opeed the door a little and we saw him talking through the phone, he was, practically, getting mad and he talked in English, which he only talks to me like that…. Well, only until yesterday. .

-     Who is he talking to? – I said

He made a face like if he knew anything.

-     I don’t know… he has been like this all these months. Since you came here he has been talking to someone, it seems someone really important, he can’t leave the cellphone alone.

-     He has a girlfriend? – I happened to ask.

No! If Leslie knows this she will die, she admires Changmin a lot and I think she won’t accept this that fast.  

-     I think he has –Yunho whispered slowly.

My eyes opened wide.

-     Do you know who she is? – I dared to ask.

He was thinking for a moment.

-     Well… actually, I’ve studying his movements and I found out is that, that girl lives in another country and she visits him sometimes, but I don’t know who she is. He won’t tell me, he refuses every time I try to ask him.

-     I wonder… - I sighed.

Chanming had entered to his room but, still, he kept talking to the girl.

I didn’t know how to react, whether to feel happy or sad for Leslie or every single fan of him. I only hope my friend doesn’t freak out.  

-     I’m scared – I said.

Yunho, suddebly, hugged me and patted my back, making me feel relax. Then I cried in silence.  

-     Everything will be fine, I Promise Ally. – he said.

-     I hope so.

He pulled me away and smiled. He wiped my tears from my cheek and kissed my cheek.

-     I will take care of you, Ally – he made cute smile.

-     Thanks… - I muttered distracted.

Then he leaned slowly to me and kissed me. He barely touched his lips to mine and I got scared and I don’t know why, but, I pushed him away. It was instinctive and I regret it.

-     Sorry… I got carried away  - he laughed embarrassed.

-     No... I’m sorry, I thought… oh my, I’m sorry – I said a bit frightened, as if I had made the worst mistake of my life.  

-     It’s all right, Ally, calm down.

Them I threw myself to him and immediately I kissed him. I don’t know why I was doing it, what’s going on with me. It must be the hormones from being pregnant.

The door opened and I heard a whimper.

-     Oh! 

Yunho got away slowly and looked into my eyes. I had my eyes opened, amazed at myself, however, he was relaxed.

I had crossed the line, I didn’t want this to happen.  

-     Erm… sorry… I… I’ll… - Chanming chook his head and left, closing the door.  

-     He freaked out – Yunho said laughing between gritted teeth.

I stood up and left the room running, as if I was escaping from what I had done. Yunho is my best friend, I love him but.. I didn’t want to kiss him, he is only a good friend.

I feel like a complete idiot.. for a moment there was a voice in my head saying I had betrayed Junsu. I had his baby inside of me and it happened that I kissed Yunho.

I shook my head. Please.... Junsu must be hating on me for leaving and for telling him something that is hunting him.

I sighed.

-     Alejandra, come here for a moment – Changmin cameo out of his room and then pulled me.

-     What? – I muttered.

-     Erm… I will forget that you kissed Yunho but… erm… do you like Junsu? I mean do you love him enough to raise his child?

I swallowed. Wasn’t I doing that? Raising him? I have his son inside me, 4 months, I think is obvious if I raise his son.

-     Of course, I’m having his baby now – I said a bit uncomfortable.

-     Then you love him – it wasn’t a question.

I looked at him for a minute thinking about an answer. I love Junsu as the cute artist that appears on screens, however, I don’t know the real Junsu, I didn’t get to know him as I would have loved to. I ruined everything when we sleep together, I admit it.

-     I don’t know – I looked away into space.

Changmin sighed.

-     Fine, I won’t bother you. You can leave – He stood up and left his room.

I looked around his room and was amazed. It was the first time I entered; I didn’t usually go into his room because he always locks the door when he goes out. I don’t know why, but it seems he is hiding something.  

I saw his cell phone over his night desk. Finally, an opportunity, I thought.

I was about to grab it when he entered and took it first.

-     What are you doing? – he looked at me serious.

I was panicking, it seems as he was going to yell at me any second now.

-     I…

-     Please leave Alejandra. I’m sorry.

I pulled myself and dared to asked everything I could. I feel like he hates me or as if he didn’t want to have me around him… As if I was a bother to him, another pain.  

-     Changmin – I stood up and looked straight into his eyes, challenging him– do you feel uncomfortable  because I am here? Why do you look so mad or stress? Do you have a girlfriend? Who is she? Please… I’m a fan but I’m friend too, do you hate or something? Why don’t you talk to me? Do you hate me because I’m carrying Junsu’s baby? Why? Please tell me – I almost screamed.

Changmin looked at me with his mouth wide opened, he was flabbergasted. The he crossed his arms and sighed.

-     I don’t hate you, Alejandra, why would I? – he said looking at me.

-     Then why do you act like that? You weren’t like that. –I frowned.  

He laughed between gritted teeth.

-     Look, I’m under stress, that’s it. I’m sorry if I’m being a little nasty, I didn’t mean it, really, it’s just..

-     Do you have a girlfriend? Answer me – I demanded.

He hesitated for a few seconds then took a deep breath.

-     Yes.

My eyes opened wide.

Oh no.





Jaejoong threw the newspaper on the desk and crossed his arms. He was furious.

-     Can I kill Junsu? – He raise an eyebrow.

-     Why are you asking me that?

-     Read.

“Kim Junsu was seen kissing a woman at a bar. Photos were published thanks to the fans that saw him. However, fans are asking: What is Kim Junsu doing in a bar? Everyone knows he doesn’t drink, however, seems the meeting with the business woman, Alejandra James, the artist has remained drinking, which he previously didn’t do. Why? Ask fans. What has James done to Junsu, who goes to a bar and kisses a mysterious woman? We know, by some witnesses, he was drunk and the woman was flirting with Junsu until he gave up. But in the following photos, Junsu pushes away the woman, realizing his action, but evidence had already been taken. Kim Junsu didn’t drive instead he took a taxi which left him in the corner of his house. Fans are asking if the disappearance of Miss James has to do something with the scandal that happened last night. Let’s hope Junsu is not drinking to forget a lost love.”

-     See? He has lost his mind – JaeJoong got mad.

My mouth fell opened. I couldn’t believe it, Junsu is not like that, he has never been a playboy, he even cried when he broke up with his girlfriend. FOR GOD’S SAKE! What is happening?

-     Why? I don’t get it.

JaeJoong sighed.

-     What happened the last time they saw each other? – I asked out of nowhere – Why Alejandra escaped? Why is Junsu flirting with girls in bars? WHY? It doesn’t make sense! For heaven’s sake, what did I miss?

JaeJoong got sloser and put my face in his hands.

-     If I Tell you something… Junsu’s secret…- he muttered.

-     Tell… Tell me – I babbled. I get nervous when he gets too close to me.

-     Alejandra has an explanation for her… escape.

-     What? – I frowned.

He leaned and his lips touched mine.

-     No… - I muttered begging for him not to kiss me.

-     Why not? Why? – he muttered and closed his eyes.

Dammit, Leslie. Are you a kid? WAKE UP! YOU ARE NOT SINGLE!

I wanted to shoot me. Why is my life complicated with men?

He kissed me, one more time. And you know what? It was helplessly to desire him,it was irresistible, i don’t know what he has on his lips that when I kiss him, I’m hooked. I’m an awful woman and girlfriend.   

I Heard a folder falling over my desk and both of us jumped.

-     JaeJoong, do you have fun kissing my sister? – Karen stared at JJ mad.

I frightened. Oh no… not again.

-     What are you trying to do? For god’s sake! Leave her

JaeJoong gave her a poisoned glare and sighed.

-     Get out! That was enough. If you have any relationship with her, don’t show it here, do it at your home.

-     Karen, no… - I wanted to interrupt.

-     Shut up! – she cried – you are the bloody boss, Leslie. You shouldn’t be kissing a man in your office.

-     Do you have a problem if I like Leslie? – Jaejoong dared to say.

I almost slapped him, How can he say that to my sister? Oh god… she has been his fan for years… she has been loyal to him for years…

I stood up but Jaejoong as soon as he glare at me, I obeyed and I zip my mouth. You don’t know how much I good mad at myself.

Karen looked at him puzzled.

-     What? Are you crazy?

-     Look… I… - he took a deep breath – I know you…it bothers you, right? But let me tell you something, we won’t be single all our lifes just for the fans, they don’t owe us. We are humans; we have our taste as well, what’s wrong with having a relation with a girl? Am I going to hell for that?

-     I don’t care if you have a relation with my sister. –she said - Just don’t show it here, this is an office, somewhere to work, not a place to kiss your girlfriend. Got it?

JaeJoong rolled his eyes and sighed.

-     Get out, JaeJoong, I’m not joking.

He left madly from the office, but not before killing her with his gaze. I can’t believe Karen did that to JJ, his favorite artist.

My mouth fell open.

When Jaejoong left, Karen bit her lip and closed her eyes.

I realized she wanted to cry.

-     Karen I…

-     Shut up – she ran out of the office.

I sighed. I have to leave this country too.. WHy did Alejandra leave? Who am I suppose to leave the company in charge? I need more staff.


I returned home at 2 am and called Jaejoong. I know he is mad but I want to know what Junsu’s secret is and why Alejandra left, If Jaejoong knows then no matter what I’ll get the truth out of him.  

-     Hi, Leslie. – he smiled.

I had him by video call and he seemed in a good mood even though it was late.

-     Erm… Hi. – I tried tos ay with my fake smile.

He raise an eyebrow.

-     What?

-     Tell me Junsu’s secret.

He burst into laugh.

I frowned. Why is he laughing? Because of them, Alejandra and Junsu, I’m the boss of the entire empire and is not fun.

-     What’s so funny? – I shouted.

-     I can tell you tomorrow, not now. Junsu is beside me. – he turned the camera and Junsu was talking to somebody.

I made a face bothered.

-     Aish…

-     Is your sister ok? – he suddenly asked.

This was awkward, Karen was crying the whole day, regretting for kicking out her favorite artist and she was blaming everything to me and then she cursed Alejandra and me. In the end, I had a bad day and I can say it is Jaejoong’s fault.

-     She was crying – I whispered.

He looked into space for a moment to think.

-     You should apologize, JaeJoong. She’s your fan and I don’t think you want to lose one fan so loyal as her –I suggested.

He stared at me irritated.

-     Fine. I’ll do it.

-     Thanks… - then I remembered what he said and I tensed– JaeJoong… What? Are we…? What did you mean when you told to Karen that you…. Erm… a girlfriend?

He laughed between gritted teeth.

-     Calm down, girl. We have met only four months.

I sighed relieved.

-     Oh ok – I happened to smile happily.

-     Do you have a boyfriend? – He looked at me a bit gloomy and the, I wanted to die. Why do I always end up hurting somebody?

I exhaled through the nose.

-     Erm… yes.

-     Oh. – his eyes turned dull – I’ve to go. Bye.

 I threw my cell phone from rage. I can’t regret having a boyfriend but I hate hurting people, and Jaejoong is not the first man I have to say no.

I felt like a betrayal.

I looked at my night desk and saw a card with a present, it was a big box.

I had pulled it out of the mailbox but I didn’t want to read it,  neither did I know who it came from, it wasn’t the bank nor the company. I only wanted to open the present.

I held my breath before realizing the surprise. I opened it and the box said in big letters DIOR.

My mouth fell open, I have designer clothes, I know but it was the shoe I saw and thought I would never but it because of the price. I was astonished. I looked at it for 30 minutes excited until I finally opened the card, I looked at the present too much, if was gorgeous.

 “Hi Leslie:

First of all, I want to apologize for leaving without telling you anything. I regret myself so much, I feel like a fool, I should have not don’t that. Anyway, I saw the news… Sorry, I’m a malicious dastard.

First, I need to apologize to every single client. Send each one of them a postcard and a little gift in behave of my apology. Second, hire more staff, in order to make more cars. Junsu’s car, don’t build it yet, that will be one of the last.

Third, we will not receive more clients after one month, we need to finish first with the other clients or else the company will shut down or else, you will kill yourself.

Fourth, don’t say anything about this letter, I will return after 5 months. I’m meditating for away, it seems absurd but I have my own reason.

Finally, I hope this letter helps you out. I know you want to assassinate me so bad, but… you can’t….


Love, Ally.


I took a deep breath. Yup, I was capable of sending the whole army from Korea to search and bring her to me. I was going to torture her. Why the f* she didn’t say anything about her disappearing? It has no address NOTHING!! The envelope is completely white. I don’t know what to think, but I know one thing: I’ll hire more people. 

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!