Chapter 4





I had to take care of the media. Because after two days from the madness of my boss, it appeared in the headlines the reality of the fans: "Is Alejandra James dating JYJ’s Kim Junsu?. It’s confirmed by people that the Woman that was with Junsu that night was the business Woman, Alejandra James. Gossips are saying that they may have had an affair that night. We can’t speculate but it seems something between them happened that night.”  

I ran to the press office in order to stop everything, unfortunately, the rumor is true. Anyway, nobody should know this and is too much that it's being published in that way and I didn't want to see my poor boss pulling out her hair because of the media, even though she has to take part of the responsibility.

- Alejandra- I said in sour tone.- this is going to be the last time you do something like this. I can’t go to the press anytime I want. I had to pay, you know that. Now you better raise my payment, because I just spent on you like 1000 dollars. - I frowned.

She had her head down overwhelmed, frustrated, tired, etc. She had all her mixed emotions, you could tell by her eyes that she didn’t want to think, she was stunned.

She raised her head and nodded.

-     I’m sorry, Leslie. I really don’t know how they got to recognize my face. – she spoke thickly.

-     Your car was the key. Everyone knows what kind of car you have.

-     You said the fans didn’t – it seem odd to her.

-     Perhaps, haven’t the foggiest. However, Alejandra, you are more famous than Junsu, all the world knows what car you have. Maybe the teenagers don’t care, but grown people do. Besides you made public your car. – I crossed my arms.

She snorted.

-     I will raise your salary by tomorrow, ok? I’m sorry you have to deal with this.

-     Be careful then – my voice came out harsher than I thought.       

I came out of her office in a bad mood, meaning mad. I’m happy she knows him, talks to him and, well, dating him is not a problem and fans know, I don’t care but getting to that point, they had only known each other for two hours and as always, alcohol drives you mad.  

I entered the workshop   and everyone looked at me with a hypocritical face.

-     What? Stop looking at me – I half-closed my eyes.

-     Leslie, your outfit is stunning – said Daniel, a new yorker very attractive but irritating..

-     Don’t bother, really. Work! – I exclaimed.

I went to my office and surfed the internet looking for more news about Junsu and Alejandra.

They were disappearing, cause’ I couldn’t find many and when I was about to read a new article, suddenly someone entered my office.

I jumped scared and looked it was Junsu.

-      Junsu?- I was stunned. What’s he doing here?- What are you doing here?

-      Did you…? I saw you in the press… – he looked suspicious.

I raised my eyebrow.

-     I went to stop this, why? Are you all right? – I was panting.  

-     I came running.

-     From your house? – I opened my eyes wide.

-     No… no.

-     Did you bring your car?

-     Damn it! What were you doing in the press office? – he asked angry.

He sat down and looked at me waiting for an answer.

-     I went there to put an end to this… problem. Why? Is there any problem?

-     Have you read the last article?

I got scared. No, please, I don’t want more problems, I’ve paid 1000 dollars. What else do they want?

-      What?

-      Here, read it- He took out a paper, which was folded, from his pocket and handed it.

I read it and was flabbergasted, it said: “Once again, it has been confirmed the romance from yesterday’s night between the businesswoman James and singer Junsu. Fans are at rage, crying for their idol from JYJ. Some are asking their selves what could happen after, as one night brings many consequences….  ”.

-      LC!!!- screamed Alejandra.

I tensed. Oh god, I’m in big trouble, big one.

Junsu and I rushed with all the panic invading us. Alejandra can be cute but when she gets mad, is better to get away from her.

I entered her office and she had the newspaper in her hand.

-     What the heck is this? – she shouted – They just said I’m… - she looked at Junsu and exploded– What are you doing here? Did you bring your car? Aish…!

Junsu had a poker face.

-     What? What? I just came from that Bloody place! – I got mad.

-     They are saying I can be pregnant! – Alejandra exploded.

I looked at her aghast. WHATTTTT???? ? How f. can they say that? THEY ARE CRAZY!!

-     I’ll… is this today newspaper? – it seem odd to me.

-     Is the article for tomorrow – said Junsu

-     Perfect, Ok then wait. – I rushed out the office.

I got in my beautiful car, gift from Alejandra, and drove as fast as possible to the press. When I got out, the bodyguard didn’t let me enter but I pushed him and threw him to the floor.

-      Hey!- I shouted at the manager, who I spoke earlier- Hey you arshole!

The man turned and looked at me scared. Of course, damn coward!

Two other guards intervened but I punched one in the face and the other just with my poison stare stood back.

-     You! – he yelled – I came here a few hours ago and paid you one thousand dollars to stop this bloody problem! Are you out of your friggin´mind? You selfish bastard, how can you publish something like that? Are you deaf or what? – I stood in front of him fill with rage, I would hit him but I won’t dare, I don’t want to worsen things– Why are you doing this? For money? Name the Price, now – I ordered him.

-     Miss, please you need an appointment.

-     I don’t give a ! You will remove that article now! Do you enjoy doing this? Do you? Well then you won’t enjoy if I sue you!- I said with gritted teeth.

His eyes jumped out of his socket.

-      What?

-      Yes, you better remove it now and apologize to Alejandra James or I’ll swear I will sue you! You know I will! – I pierced him with my gaze.

He swallowed and nodded slowly.

-      Ok, you can leave – he said.

-      I’m not leaving until you do it. I’ll stay all  day if it’s necessary – I crossed my arms.

We entered his office and two hours passed after he deleted everything and stopped the impression. I threatened once again, if I saw one in their office, I wouldn’t warn them, I would sue them. And despite, that threat was not going to have an effect as it was typical. The man was afraid of me and he obeyed. I’m glad how to face those bastards

I blew hard.

I was in the office with Junsu, Yoochun, Jaejoong, and the manager of JYJ and Alejandra. I don’t know when they came but I scared everyone. Even though, I like seeing them, I can’t avoid getting excited seeing Yoochun and Jaejoong with their tired faces and bored, but, still, it was still beautiful seeing them for the first time.

-      So?- asked the manager very angry.

I looked at Alejandra and she had her eyebrow frowned, also angry.

-      Erm… it’s all good. I took care of it- I whispered. It took me two hours but I achieved.

-      You better.

-     Anyway that article was meant for tomorrow. The impression is stopped and that article doesn’t exist anymore – I assured him – otherwise we can sue the press.

- Sue?- Alejandra arched one eyebrow.

I lchuckled. 

-     I threatened the press. If they publish something like this once again I will sue them.

-     Oh well, of course we will- said the manager convinced.

I leaned slowly and then looked at Junsu, who was serious looking around.

-     I’ve to admit, Miss James you have a good secretary – whispered the manager to Alejandra.

-      Of course. – she frowned.

-      Thanks – Said Jaejoong with a small smile..

I nodded. I have a lot of rights for not melting for his precious smiles..

-      You are welcome.

Yoochun moved his head as if he wanted to thank me too. Finally... this has finished.





-      Thanks Sunhee- I told the secretary from the hospital. The poor girl was very tired from exhaustion.- Good night.

-      Good night Doctor- she smiled with her eyes fill from tiredness.

I entered my car and sighted.

Being a doctor is not easy, complications are anywhere, but is nice helping even though, when you are a gynecologist, sometimes some things are frustrating.

I got home and my baby came running.

-      Mamii~!- he exclaimed.

I pick him up and hugged him. My little sweet thing, he was only 5 years old; I was ashamed for leaving him with my friend, who took care of him.

-      Hi, my dear- I kissed his head- How are you, baby?

-      Fine mami- he surrounded mu neck a put his head on my shoulder- I couldn’t sleep.

-      Why?

-      I think he caught the flu. He’s a little fever- said YangMi, my friend who takes care of my baby.

It was odd to me.

-      Oh dear- I placed my hand over his forehead and he had a bit of a fever but he seen alright, just like any other day. He is a boy full of energy.

I nodded.

-      He needs to sleep, I don’t want to give him anything.

-      Ok

YangMi lived with me, and she stayed all day at home with Daisuke, my baby. I gave him a Japanese name, my ex-husband was Japanese and he liked that name and I couldn’t refuse, because I liked that name when I heard it.

-      Yearin, he called today and he wants to see him- she was talking about Akira, my ex-husband.

-      When?

-      He didn’t tell me, but he’s coming soon.

He lived in Japan and sometimes travelled to Korea for one week to see his son.     

-      Ok, no problem. Let’s go to sleep, you must be tired- I smiled.

-      Yes, you’re son is really crazy.

I laughed shyly.

-      I know

I took a bath, changed and threw myself in my bed. the TV to watch a bit, maybe there is a movie I like. 

It was 11 p.m. and normally I don’t receive calls from the hospital, however, my cell phone rang crazily.

-      Yes?- I answered in Korean.

-      Yearin!- exclaimed a voice.

-      Aja.

-      It’s Karen!


-     Oh my! Karen, how are you? – I smiled excited. Many years ago that I haven’t heard from her.

-     Hi, girl, I’m good, good. You? You must be very busy – she laughed.

-     Oh yes… how’s Daisuke? I saw a picture of him today and he looks adorable. – She sounded enthusiastic.

-     Yes… growing and growing.

-     I guess. Erm… Yearin, can you tell me Leslie’s number? –her sister Leslie White.

I didn’t have her number nor have I seen her since I got married, 5 years ago.

-     No, Karen, not at all – I whispered.

-     Oh good lord! I told her I’m going to Korea next week, but she hasn’t called. I don’t know anything from her.

-     She must be busy, you know she’s working at James’s – I said a little annoyed. Her work makes her busy all day.

-     Yes. Hey, have you heard the news of Alejandra James and Junsu?

Then I remembered JYJ, the band that I have always liked. Obviously I knew, only because some people at the hospital were talking about it, without that I wouldn’t have noticed. My work keeps me busy too.

-     Oh of course. How is it?

-     Horrible! The press says both had an affair and maybe they are dating. – she explained.

-     Maybe that’s why Leslie’s busy, taking care of her boss.

-     Erm… you are right. Well… Can you do me a favor? Can you please tell her that I’m arriving in two days. She has to pick me up, you too please.

I started laughing. I’m positive she is coming to see Jaejoong and not her sister.

-     Sure, no problem. I’ll try.

-     Thanks. Well greets to your son. Goodbye.

-     Goodbye.

I sighed. This can be the reason to meet Leslie White.


I woke up and as it was weekend, I entered to the hospital at late shift so I had the whole morning off.

I gave the morning of to YangMi and went out with Daisuke to Jame’s building, the most luxurious building in Korea with the riches woman in the world. 

-     Woah! Mami, this is beautiful – exclaimed my son with his mouth open.

-     Oh yes… - I muttered.

We entered and we both were amazed. It was wonderful; I had never entered nor go, because I didn’t have a reason to come here. However, now I regret it, it was beautiful. That is why is on the Korea tourism, the foreigners always come here, they have a tour around the whole building, it is said to have the most advanced technology

-      Hi Miss. May I help you? - smiled a young girl.

I analyzed her face and it was Leslie White, the famous British secretary from Alejandra James.

I couldn’t avoid being jealous of her outfit, she looked stunning. When I met her she was antifeminism, now she wears couture.

-      Leslie- I muttered.

Leslie looked at me and slowly her eyes widen.

-      Oh my goodness Yearin? - she asked incredulously.

-      This is me and my son, Daisuke- I pointed out with my stare.

-      Of course I remember you little boy. Oh my god!- she threw herself over me and hugged me- Oh how good to see you again, chap!

Her chap, a word most used by her. I didn’t notice until I heard her favorite expression that I had missed her a lot.

-      You too, Leslie!- I laughed.

-      Oh! What are you doing here? How are you? Oh dear, I missed you so much- she pretended a smile.

I nodded.

-      Karen called me yesterday. She told me she’s coming tomorrow- I told her.

She did a stunned face.

-     Bloody hell, I forgot. Oh… - her lips formed an O. It looked cute.

-     Lovely dress, girl.

-     Thanks. – she laughed shyly – Yes, in this building I have to wear the best of my wardrobe.

-     Oh of course. I love your shoes – I said laughing..

She burst into laugh.

-     Shoeaholic! – she laughed.

-     Hey! I’m right here! – screamed Daisuke.

Leslie kneeled down because of his expression and gave him a kiss in his cheek.

-     You Little kid, you have such a character. I guess you will be like your mother.

 -   Oh dear… - he made a scared face – that’s bad.

He half-closed his eyes.

-     Aish… this aunt is bad influence – I said.

-     No, really, I don’t want your kid to have your character or his girlfriend will freak out – she raise an eyebrow.

Ay… maybe she is right.

-     Do you want to go with me to pick up Karen? – asked with a smile.

-     Of course, why not?

-     Take your kid if you want to. Let’s make fun of my sister – she giggled.

-     Don’t be bad to your sister, Leslie

She rolled he reyes.

-     Puff… She will be here for JaeJoong not for me!

-     Oh well you are right, still she’s your sister!

-     Yes and JaeJoong is a bloody singer that doesn’t even know she exits! –she exclaimed. 

-     Don’t get angry, my son is here – I frowned my eyebrow.

-     Sorry, Sorry Daisuke. It’s just your other aunt is in love with Kim JaeJoong. Do you know him?

He was thinking and then nodded.

-     Yes! Park Yoochun’s friend.

Leslie started laughing and finished crying from the laugh. Of course, she was laughing because she knew I taught him about Yoochun becuase I like him. .

-     Oh my goodness, Yearin. Now your son is going to be his fan too – she whispered while laughing.

-     Yeah, yeah.  

She took a did breath and calm down.

-      Do you want to see Alejandra?

-      Sure.

Alejandra James, an admirable woman, who was Leslie’s friend from school, had an amazing mien. She was a strong woman, firm.  With only one look she emanates that secure energy of her, apart from her wonderful outfit.

I talk to her the whole evening alone, Leslie was busy at the workshop.

I didn’t talk to her about the scandal with Junsu and her; she didn’t want to talk about it either.

In the afternoon I went back home and then to the hospital, I asked myself one thing: Now that Alejandra has everything, does she really love Junsu or it only attracts her the fact the he is famous with a pretty face? I hope she is sincere.


The next day we went with Leslie to pick Karen. The three of us hugged and jumped from joy. It was beautiful reuniting, of course with my son who smiled without any reason.

-     So, Karen White, admit now you came for JaeJoong – Leslie sister.

She laughed with gritted teeth.

-     Of course. Do you think I would spend money for you?

-     Ahh! – Leslie half-closed her eyes and hit her – bastard!

I separated them before they fought at the airport.

-     Thanks Yearin for coming – Karen said relieved.

Karen was not like Leslie. Karen’s skin is a little dark, big coffee slightly asian eyes, greek nose , voluptuous lips and wavy hair. Small but with a model body, Leslie was pale, green candy eyes, straight nose, red thin lips and reddish straight hair, taller as my height and, also, with a model body. To me they were the most beautiful sisters.

-     No problem – I smiled – besides, this guy really wanted to see his other aunt – I’m talking about my son.

-     Right – a smile spread across her face.  

-     And Alejandra, Leslie? – it seem odd to Karen

-     Working. You don’t know how busy we are – Leslie took a big breath – we have 100 projects just this month for next year. I’m sure we will be full for the end of the year. We need more people, Karen, do you mind consider joining the team? Really, you studied design with me, remember? A few course, please… besides one bloody girl left to vacations for a week while we are here working our asses. Is horrible! Really… I hope we can end now, our priority is to do as the client request but they ask everything, all the technology, security, the most advance motor, the fastest horse power… is stressing! I wish I could rest at least for a week… I still don’t know why Alejandra let that girl go… I hope she dismisses that woman, really… it’s-Aish! – she shouted and fell to the ground.

Karen and I froze.

A crazy guy bumped her and he also fell to the ground with her, all the things from Leslie’s purse scatter around.

-      Bloody hell, watch out! – she frowned while picking up her things.

-      I’m sorry- the guy said.

Suddenly Karen emitted a deaf sound and brought her hand to .

-      What? What’s Wrong? – I looked at Karen scared.

-      Oh my… it’s…. it’s…. JaeJoong – she said absorbed.

I opened my eyes widely.

JaeJoong stood up and helped Leslie.

-      I’m really sorry, I was… I didn’t see you

-      Of course you didn’t! – cried Leslie.

JaeJoong looked at her and for a moment he went blank, so, then he reacted and emitted a deaf sound.

-      Oh, Leslie?

¿He knows her?

-      Who…? – she scrutinized his face with wide open – oh my… Blast, sorry JaeJoong – she leaned a little bit.

JaeJoong laughed and moved his head.

Karen was with he reyes on her hands, she couldn’t believe it..

-      Hi Leslie. – he made a killing smile

I melted.

-      Jesus, sorry. It’s just that I’m brassed off of falling. – snorted.

-      Me too – he chuckled.

He looked at her strange, so I realized that he felt something for her, it was obvious.  Is eyes and smile gave him away. Oh no!

Leslie turned and faced us.

-      Erm… this is my sister Karen and my friend Yearin and his son Daisuke.

-      Nice to meet you.  – he leaned – Is he Japanese?

-      Yes – I nodded.

He was born there, but I raised him in Korea.

-      Lovely name.

-      Thanks

Karen was mute, she couldn’t talk to her platonic love.

-      What are you doing? Are you leaving? – asked Leslie.

-      Erm… I… -  he made a face uncomfortable – No…

-      Oh. My sister just arrived and I came with Karen to pick her up.

-      Oh, welcomes to Korea – a smile lighten his face.

Karen sighed and smiled. She was suffering en every single feeling.

-      Thanks – he whispered.

-      Do you want to drink something? I really need a drink –JaeJoong suddenly said, looking straight at  Leslie.

-      Erm… with my sister and Yearin?

-      Yeah, sure. 

I couldn’t go to a bar with my son, also I had things to do. Even though I wanted to know Jaejoong better and see things between him and Leslie, also I didn’t want to leave Karen alone.  

¿Should I go?

I decided to go, I would call YangMi. I need to support Karen and take care of Leslie. They can’t be alone with Jaejoong, who has fallen for my friend. Tangles everywhere.



Sorry for the late writing. Hope you enjoy. Free feel to comment. THANKS!


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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!