Chapter 5







Leslie’s phone rang.

We were in the bar with Jaejoong and he laughed with all of us, but, he would always end up looking at Leslie. It was hard especially for Karen, but of course; he didn’t know she was his number one fan.

Leslie answered and when she pulled out her phone, we were flabbergasted. It was spectacular.

-      One moment, please – she excused herself and left.

Jaejoong followed her with his gaze while she left; you could see how he was attracted to her. Why couldn’t he fake it?

-           How did you both meet? – Karen asked.

-           Erm… - he laughed – well with this problem of Junsu and Alejandra, I saw Leslie frequently.

-           Oh… - Kr muttered – my sister is really out-going

-           Yes. I’m sorry but I can’t believe you are her sister, I mean, you both are really different – he added.

-           That’s what makes them special – I said – They are singular siblings.

-           Indeed. And I you both are really beautiful – he smiled and laid his eyes on Karen.

Because of her pride she returned a smile and followed his gaze. I thought that was amazing, she was a typical fan. 

-           Thank you.

-           If I may, how old are you? – she asked carefully.  

-           Erm… I have 29.

-           Oh… you are young. – he smiled playfully – and Leslie?

-           27 as Yearin here and Alejandra

-           I felt old when I heard that Alejandra has 27, she’s so young. – he made a poker face.

-           Don’t worry, you look young JaeJoong. – She made a catalogue smile.

JaeJoong swallowed and blushed.

-           Thanks – he whispered.

I giggled.  I’mliking this.

Leslie came and sighed heavily.

-           Uff… - she sat and Jaejoong’s eyes became– Aish in a moment I have to leave. My boss and team need me.

-           What time is it? – Jaejoong suddenly he gasped.

I saw my watch and it was 1 m. Karen arrived at 11 and we talked for hours in the bar.

I had to go, I needed to see my son and I must rest. Today at 9 i have to work.

-           ! – Jaejoong mumbled – Sorry but I do need to leave now. Damn it, Yoochun will kill me. – he bit his lip worried..

-           Yoochun? – I reacted and frowned.

-           Yes, my friend… Erm… my friend

-           I know who is Yoochun – my voice sounded harsher than I thought.

JaeJoong stopped sharply and looked at me serious.

-           You know him?

-           Oh please… it’s obvious, JaeJoong – I stared at him.

-           I see – resoplo – nice to meet you.

Leslie’s cell phone rang again..

-           Oh blast! Yearin can you take Karen? Please, I really… I must go.  – Leslie said quickly and overwhelmed.

-           And you? – I frowned.

-           I can take the bus. Please. Take this is the key of my car – she threw her key– leave her in my house, you can drive to your house too if you want to.

JaeJoong glanced at her.  

-           No it’s ok. I will leave Karen in your house – I assured her.

-           Thanks – she grabbed her purse and left running.  

-           Nice to meet you Karen, Yearin – he bowed and also, left running.

After them, I went out with Karen, so we saw Leslie entering into Jaejoong’s car. Karen sighed and took from me Leslie’s keys..

-           Let’s go, girl,

¿Why did Jaejoong fell for Leslie?




I,suddenly, started puking. I had only eaten eggs and I puked everything. Poor my stomach.

I got dressed quickly, it was 6.30 and I had to be there by 7. The building opens at 8 but I always have to be early to fix everyone..

When I got there, the first person I saw in my office, in my chair, was Junsu. He was reading a magazine, he looked concentrated. I was astonished.

-           What? Junsu! What are you…? Aish, get out! – I ordered him.

-           I didn’t know that you inspired on your secretary's idea. One day, she told you she loves cars and she would like to work on a company of cars and suddenly, bang! You created this empire, this big company. – he looked at me and he challenged me with his smile.

He narrowed his eyes.

-           Leave, Junsu, I have to work.

-           Oh no. I must tell your secretary is very clever.

-           I know that.

-           You stole her idea – he raised his eyebrow.

I wanted to hit him. Steal her idea? Please, he doesn’t know nothing about companies, he only works in them..

My jaw tightened.

-           Junsu if you came to make fun of me, you better leave now.

-           I’m just saying – He mumered with his innocent voice.

-           Don’t make your innocent voice, Junsu! Leave now – I frowned.

He laughed.

-           You have a comfortable chair – he said.

My head was getting hotter from rage. I was going to kick him out if it was necessary. ¿What does he want?

-           What do you want? – I told him through gritted teeth.

-           Nothing. I was bored.

I opened my eyes widely.

I left my purse in my desk and entered my mini room, an annex to my office.  Junsu followed me. .

-           Leslie’s sister came last week.

-           I know.

-           Have you greetedt her at least a hello? – he sat in front of me.

-           I called her – I said.

How fast, one week had passed and I didn’t notice, I thought it had passed only one day.

-           Can you please leave Junsu?

-           No.

-           Why?

-           JaeJoong is in love with your secretary. – he suddenly said.

I almost choked with my coffee.

-           WHAT? – I screamed.

He kept his serious expression. He crossed his legs and drank my coffee.

-           How do you know?

-           I just now. It’s easy to notice, actually.

-           NO! He can’t be. Karen is fan of him and she will feel bad – I thought.

He snorted.

-           So? Just because Karen is a fan, JaeJoong has to fall in love with her? He chose Leslie, so what? Beat it! – he made a face challenging me.

I couldn’t believe that Junsu could be so annoying or the mistake we made affected his head?

-           Junsu, why are you telling me this?

-           I don’t want to see JaeJoong hurt again – finally his normal and serene face came back.

I raised my eyebrow.

-           What do you mean?

-           You are a woman, you should know better than me.

I sighed.

Junsu stood up, he approached me and leaned his face to mine, to the point that I could feel his breathing.

I was trying to get away from him but he kept coming closer, I panicked.

-           Oh my goodness! – cried Leslie – get a room!

-           No! – I pushed Junsu and he fell on the floor– no it’s not what you think

-           I don’t care. You have a client, Ally. – she said trying not to laugh

-           Ok, thanks.

Then she smiled and left smiling. That was fishy.

Junsu stood up and started laughing. For a moment, I thought he had lost his head.

-           What do you want? – I grumbled.  

-           Bother you one more time – he whispered and in a blink he kissed me.

My head exploded. ¿What is he doing?

I pushed him but he surrounded my waist and pulled me tighter. Why is he kissing me? Has Jaejoong’s romanticism affected him?? No! OH MY GOD!

-      Junsu! Don’t kiss her here – Leslie grumbled - Damn it!

I wanted to get away from him but I did the opposite. I followed the kiss, of course I liked the kiss but I didn’t expect it,   is no like his my lover. FOR GOD’S SAKE!

-      KIM JUNSU! –Leslie screamed – her client is here, let her go!

Junsu made a signal with his finger telling her to wait. And indeed, Leslie had to leave and apologize to the client. I can’t believe I’m following Junsu’s craziness.

-      What a kiss – he muttered when he let me go.

I narrowed my eyes..

-      You, Kim Junsu, don’t have the right of kissing me – I scolded.

-      You followed me, so don’t complain Alejandra James – he smiled playfully.

I hit him on the forehead.

-      It’s the last time you kiss me. Anyway why did you do it?

He made an innocent expression and clasped his hands behind him .

-      What?

-      Nothing. I have to go, the guys will kill me if I don’t go now

-      You told me you were bored.

-      Oh yes of course… but now I do have to go – he caressed my cheek and smiled.

I stayed like a rock, I stopped breathing.

-      See you – he kissed my cheek and left.

I stood there like a damn fool looking into space, astonished. Oh my… Junsu is too good looking and sweet and.. kisses good... too good...oh!

-      Aish! Ally! – Leslie patted my cheek  – You and Junsu can kiss anywhere but here

-      Aja – I whispered distracted.

So she slapped me in order to turn back to Earth.

-      Alejandra James! – shouted.

-      Hey don’t hit me! – I disagreed.

She rolled her eyes.

-      Why did Junsu come here? – I mumbled.

-      He likes you. – she concluded – Now go!

My mind spaced out.  ¿Do I really like him? Oh…. MY GOD! I am hallucinating, impossible. Junsu is too cute… oh… I melted. So then I wanted to puke and ran to the bathroom. How can, when I’m thinking about Junsu ,I want to puke? Aish.

Leslie got scared and had to tell the client to wait again.

-      Ally, what’s wrong?  - she looked at me concerned.

-      I ate eggs in the morning. Maybe that hurt my poor stomach – I said thickly.


-      Be careful, Ally. Do you want a moment? The client is waiting

-      No, now. It’s late.

I took care of the clients and onece again I wanted to puke. Fortunately, it came when I had no clients. .

I was like that for a few weeks and was getting scared. What’s going on? I couldn’t think of an idea which can tell what’s happening to me. I decided to go to the doctor, before this gets worst and ends up a bad state.

I was dressed casual; I didn’t want to draw attention and needed to wear glasses, I wouldn’t let them see me and have Junsu’s fans followed me or any other person.

I was making an appointment when somebody lay his/her hand over my shoulder.    

-           Hello, Alejandra – said.

I turned and Yearin’s smile was the only thing I expected.

-           Oh… - I felt awkward.

She had over her beautiful outfit the clothe of a typical doctor. I knew she was a doctor and worked at this hospital, however, I felt awkward that I came here.   Was it because O could meet her here?

-           How are you? Are you Sick? – she kept smiling.

-           Miss, your appointment – the secretary whispered.

-           Forget it – I stood up and looked at Yearin confused.

Yearin was staring at me expecting my answer, so I remembered her question.

-           Yes… I think.

-           Erm… how do you feel? – now she looked at me serious, concerned.

She made a face.

-           I… always throw up – I mumbled – and sometimes I feel dizzy. I feel tired all the time and… well, to… Erm…

-           Urine? – she raised her eyebrow.

I nodded.

She swallowed and took my hand. She took me to her office, in the tenth floor. There were people waiting but still she took me in into her office. The 3 women looked at me in anger but at the same time strange. I think they noticed me, as always.

She sat in front of me and wrote down everything on my medical history, so she signed an order to draw blood.

-           Look…go there, downstairs, now and do a blood test. – she ordered me. 

-           Why…? Is something wrong?

-           I’m a gynecologist, what do you think is going? – she frowned.

I got scared and ran out of the office. OH MY GOD... is not possible.  For god’s sake! I’m only 27 years old! I can’t... No!! You know? I like blodd tests, really, I like the aspect of blood… Who could it be??  But who??

-           Good morning Miss – a girl smiled.

I sook my head.

-           Erm… the doctor gave me this… order – I gave her the paper.

She reviewed it and then I followed her into a passage where most of the people where sitting with their arm stretched,

-           Sit here. The nurse will arrive now.

Not even a minute had passed when the girl appeared and told me what to do. I saw the blood coming out and it was all normal.

-           Your result will be available tomorrow morning – informed the girl

-           Thanks.

All the way to my office I kept thinking. How the hell? Leslie stood in front of me and looked at me awkwardly. The first thing I saw was her clothes, I have that habit.

-           Are you ok? You are pale – she mumbled concerned.

-           Erm… yes, of course. How’s going with the projects? – I askedi. Suddenly I remembered all the things I had to do.

She doubt for a few seconds, then opened to talk.

I stared at her, I knew it was not going to be a good news.

-           We need the girl that is on vacation, Ally. We are only 4 persons with all those projects.

-     Bring Karen then  - I suggested

-     Yeah, actually I was going to tell you that. Can Karen work here? Can you hire her? – she pursed her lip.

-     Does she know about this staff? – I raised my eyebrow.

She nodded.

-     Yes. Besides she can learn new things as well.

-     Fine, tell her to come tomorrow afternoon. I’m busy on the morning – I ordered. .

-     Where did you go? – she asked carefully..

I sat down and took out my Ipad. I had many projects to do,  I had projects to do, Js's one could wait, i needed urgently 50 projects by now and the other half... I still got time for them.

I huffed.

-     Erm… Ally?

-     Nothing – I said.

-     But you…

-     LC, you better go now with your team, we have a lot of things to do, now – I frowned.

She bowed and looked at me mad.  

I have to say, all day long I felt stress and my head was hurting. I was anxious about my result; however I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.  It could be thousands of things, not only the possibility I’m thinking.

The next day I went, escaping from Leslie’s gaze, I don’t want to ignore her but… this is only my business, I don’t need her to worry or scare her more than she is already.

-     Ok, here I have your results – Yearin sighed

I had tachycardia at that moment. It was getting to my nerves; I didn’t want to know the results.

-     So?

She cleared and looked at me straight in the eyes.

-     Erm… you have to be more careful, Alejandra

-     Just tell me! – I desperately shouted.

She took a deep breath and stared at me.

 -    You are pregnant.


So, in a blink I lost consciousness.



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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!