Chapter 15




15.         YR POV

I returned to Japan the following week.

Yes, I know I left my baby for too long. You don’t know how worried I was and Changmin didn’t answer my phone calls, I wanted to hit him with my high-heels in his face and make him notice. 

I arrived to his house and Changmin opened the door with the same bored face. I didn’t know what was going on with him, why is he so depressed? What happened?  Those doubts are getting on my nerves.

-       Hi, you left your son – he reminded me.

I made a face.

-   And you didn’t answer any of my calls. Why? What the heck are you doing? – I scolded him.

-   I’m sorry – he muttered listless – I’m a little busy

-   Doing what? Crying for Leslie? – I pierced him through with my stare. – move, I want to see my son.

I pushed him and ran to my son’s arms. Daisuke jumped from happiness when he saw me, it was quite obvious he had a bad time those passed days. 

-       I’m so sorry, my love. Your mami was really busy, please forgive me – I kissed him of his cheek.

He hang from my neck and surrounded my back with his little legs.

With that I deduced everything, Changmin has been the worst babysitter ever.

-   Mami! – He screamed and started crying– Why you left me? I was scared.

-   I’m sorry, honey! – I patted his hair and gave him another kiss on his cheek .-it will be the last time, ok? I Promise.

He nodded and wiped his tears away.

When I turned Changmin had disappeared. Where did he go? He seemed like a ghost, there was no noise when he walked. Clearly, he’s going through a bad state in his life, his heart is broken.

I grumbled.

-   Honey, stay here for a while. I need to talk with him… ok?

-   Is he my auntie Leslie boyfriend?

I raised my eyebrow.

-   How do you know? – It was strange for me.  

He swallowed and looked at me with an innocent face.

-       I saw him crying… and I saw photo of my auntie on his desk of his bedroom -  he muttered with his eyes wide open.

What a beautiful son of mine. Well… of course, I’m his mother.

-       Oh really? – I made a face.

I frowned.

-       Yeah… mami, I was worried. He looked really bad – he looked one side and shivered.

That means he has seen too much. Why is Changmin so careless? He has traumatized my son at only 5 years old.

I blew.

-   Watch Tv, love. I’ll be right back

-   Ok.

I went upstairs running and entered his room carefully. I didn’t want to be scare by seeing something… inappropriate.

Changmin was on his laptop chatting with Yunho and when he saw me he said goodbye quickly and close his laptop.

It surprised me, he was really fast on his movements, even his reactions.

I raised my eyebrow.

-   Changmin…

-   What are you doing here? Shoudn’t you be travelling with your son? – He looked at me serious.

I rolled my eyes..

-       Don’t get nasty, Changmin. What’s wrong with you? You seem… so… blue – It was de only gentle word I could say at that instant.

He exhaled and sat at the border of his bed.

-   What do you want?

-   I want to know what’s happening to you. This one talk to me right now… - I pointed him with my finger – it’s not the real Changmin.

-   You don’t know Yearin.

-   Yes you know me, you know my name – I raised my eyebrow.

He smacked his lips bothered.

-       Please leave, your son was here for a week that’s enough. I’m tired – he stared at me coldly.

I refused with my head.

-   If you don’t know then why you accepted taking care of my child?

-   I’ve met you before don’t you remember? When Alejandra was here….

-   Yes I know – I nodded – then you know now.

-   Ugh! I don’t care! Please leave! – He showed me the door with his hand.

I looked at him straight in his eyes and I didn’t notice a deep sorrow. I hadn’t seen him that war, that day I found him because of Alejandra he had his sparkly eyes but now…  he was opaque, he was gloomy. I placed my hand over his shoulder and gazed at him perceptive, I was giving him an X-ray scan on his feeling, his eyes, and that expression of his.

Changmin opened his eyes wide and got away from me slowly.

-   What…?

-   What happened that day with Leslie? I won’t leave this place until you tell me what’s going on. She won’t answer my calls as well. She has disappeared from the planet. She’s not even in her house – I informed him– I went the last week while I was working, I escaped from work but she wasn’t there. I didn’t know her password so I called Karen and Alejandra and neither of both knew. She changed the password. I don’t know where she is! Can you please tell me what happened? – I begged him.

I was becoming desperate. I went to Changmin’s apartment, but didn’t tell Changmin but I even called Jaejoong- I knew he knew the password, I heard Leslie say it to him.

-   Why…? – He looks at me strange and overwhelmed.

-   Tell me, Changmin – I demanded.

He bit his lip strongly, he pressed his lips in a way that it scared me that perhaps blood could come out and he turned his face.  

-   I… I… She….

-   Did she do something to you? – I frowned.

He was silenced thoughtful.

-   Changmin – I looked at him with irritation – I’m a Woman, who else can understand you better than me?

He blew.

-   I know…but I… oh c’mon why do I have to tell you?

-   Look, Shim Changmin, I don’t have all day. Speak your mind now.

-   Aish… now I see why Leslie was so scared of you – he commented in a murmur.

I rolled my eyes.

I blew, he was impossible.

-   Well, whatever she has done to you, you have to get over it. Changmin it’s been almost a month and you are still here crying for her. It’s enough, you have to go outside and face your reality. I know it’s hurtful because perhaps you have lost someone you really appreciate but life is like that. Maybe it happened for some reason. No one likes to see you like this… you are like a dead person, you are very quiet and mute… I know it’s hard, Changmin,  but this’s not the end of the world. She’s not the only woman in the world.

He looked at me madly, as if what I said was a ridiculous comment.

-   You don’t have idea what happened – He shouted.

-   Then tell me. I can’t do an equation if I don’t have all the variables.

He laughed between gritted teeth and looked at me by the corner of his eye.

-   That’s Tony Stark’s phrase. – he said.

-   Yes, Leslie says it every time she’s trying to figure something out – I nodded.

He swallowed.

He took a deep breath and looked at my ayes facing me, finally I could feel his serious gaze straight on me, I wanted him to talk to me so I could know his real feelings.

-       She came to my apartment the same day… I was really mad so I yelled at her but at some point she knelt before me and asked me to marry her. But I was so angry that I didn’t think about it, I just said no and leave. When I closed the door behind me I heard her moans but I was too coward so I left.

My mouth felt open. Leslie did that? How is it possible and her dignity as a woman she has lost it, she gave up everything for Changmin? Oh my god… then… Leslie was really regretful, really; Changmin was a bit selfish. Which woman is capable of kneeling begging and to ask them to marry her?

-   Oh my… - I muttered.

-   I’m in idiot. I was really selfish. I knew from that instant that she was…regretful…

-   I can’t believe it – I whispered still stunned. I never thought Leslie would go to this extreme– but why…? I don’t understand why you….?

-   I said no… no don’t do this and I left. I was frightened too…

-   Of what? – I exclaimed.

He ducked his head.

-   I don’t know.

-   So you just left… - I sighed – Well… now what? Are you all right with your decision?

-   I lost her… I can’t take her back I’m sure JaeJoong will be more clever besides he really loves her, he let her go… not everyone is that brave to let the woman you love

-   Changmin, don’t give up! Come on! I know you are strong, you can do this, boy, you are not weak, you can fight you can stand in front of people and say the reality.

-   How? I was the one who said no – he muttered and felt frustrated, as if he wanted to yell at somebody.

I was left thinking, and an excellent example came to mind. One in a million. 

-   Be like Junsu – I said really sure.

-   Junsu? Why?

-   You don’t have idea how he is fighting to get Alejandra. You saw the press conference. He loves her, he adores her and he won’t give up. He is still trying to catch her heart; he’s doing it over and over again. He’s very persistent and he ignores how Alejandra treats him, he wants her to death. So do as him, fight for Leslie if you see that you really love her and you want to marry her. It’s crystal clear she loves you – I explain very confident.

He was a bit shocked but reacted fast.  

-   What can I tell her?

-   First apologize to her. And second be sincere to her, tell all your feelings why you acted like that, what really happened… tell her everything she has to see you still trust her and show your love to her. She won’t close herself. –I advised him.

He nodded. As thinking of the words he could say.

-   Ok? – I asked excitedly.

-   I’ll try.

-   No – I refused with my head – do it. Be sure of yourself, oh please, you are Shim Changmin the nastier guy ever. You can do this.

He made a poker face.

-   Thanks – he was sarcastic.

-   Just go and get her, Changmin.

He sighed and nodded.








I was sleeping; it was 3 am when I heard the doorbell ringing. It was really crazy. Who comes at this hour? Did Leslie come back for Jaejoong and is happy or Yearin finally fell in love with Yoochun? What a bother. 

I got up lazy and sighed.

-       Agh… - I shouted.

I my light and looked at the screen to see who it was, but or it was a dream or I simply needed glasses but I couldn’t see who it was, I only saw some glasses and a hoodie.

-   Who is it? – I said in a low voice.

-   Hi, Junsu. Open your door, it’s raining. NOW! – he yelled.

The voice was familiar to me. Am I dreaming? He doesn’t come every day and knocks on my door.

-       Oh my… - I muttered and opened the door running.

He entered and looked at me distracted, he looked aroung scanning every detail of my house in only a few seconds and then looked at me and smiled.

-       Hi, I’m sorry I woke you up – he bit his lip gently.

My mouth fell open.

My heart raced from happiness. Oh my god, oh my god…


I threw myself over him and hugged gum. I was too happy; years had gone by really fast that I hadn’t seen his smile. I can’t believe it…. God, I’m going to have a heart attack.

-   CHANGMIN! –I yelled  

-   Wow…easy Junsu – he whispered.

I gave him a smile, I felt my face was going to tear off from smiling..

I looked at him with a really happy smile- Long time since I had felt like that- I took him to my living room.

-   Such a fancy house. I love it – he laughed between gritted teeth.

-   Yeah… expensive but nice – I reassured.

He nodded.

-   Exactly.

-   So! Why so suddenly you are here? What happened? – I sat and crossed my legs in the couch looking at him firmly.

Changmin got away from me and smiled nervously.

-       OK, you are creepy –he said.

I made a poker face.

-   I’m happy you are here, Changmin. It’s been two years or three…

He sighed.

-   Yes I know. – he made a face – Anyway… so how’s going with the lovely Alejandra?

I raised my eyebrow.

That woman is putting me at the edge of the cliff.

-   I don’t want to talk about her.

-   Actually I came for that – he looked at me curious.

I blew.

I laid my back and took a deep breath. Well, I guess talking about her is not harmful.

-   How…?

-   She has now, 6 months and one week... I think – I made face.

He was amazed

-   Well… I assumed, I was with her anyway – he muttered

-   Changmin… - he stared at me seriously – tell me something.

-   What?  - he said carefully

I laughed between gritted teeth, Changmin is scare of me, apparently. It must be because I’m going to ask him something about Alejandra’s best friend. 

-   Tell me about Yunho and Alejandra. Is something going on between them? – I raised my eyebrow.

He swallowed and denied with his head.

-   Well… actually… - he was thoughtful for a couple of seconds and then he got tired– I don’t know. They are friends just that. She came to Japan because Yunho is the only person she truly trusts besides Leslie but…  I don’t know, she’s a woman…it’s complex.

He pouted.

-   Are you sure? They look like something else.

-   Look, I don’t know. So far they look like friends; they have always treated like that. Holding hands….- he bit his lip.

I frowned.

-       Complex – I shouted.

I took a deep breath, Junsu forget it.  

-   So…. And Leslie? I know you came for her – I looked at him perspective.

He blew.

-   I…I… I haven’t the foggiest  - the same British accent of Leslie he copied and my mouth fell open. He must know her a long time he even memorized her accent.

Amazing. I didn’t expect that.

-   Nice british accent, Changmin – I dared to say.

-   I’m sorry… I’m used to Leslie’s English – when he said her name, he said it slow, as if it hurt.

I don’t understand. What happened between them? I know that Lelsie messed up with Jaejoong and accepted to get married with Changmin when she was being unfaithful.

God, Leslie made a huge mistake.. Poor Changmin, he must be suffering a lot.

-   So you are here for Leslie.

-   I talked to Yearin and she convinced me to get her but I’m not sure…. Besides I don’t know where is she now  - he commented listless

I nodded.

-   Yes, I heard how Karen, Yearin and Alejandra drove themselves crazies. She’s just like Alejandra; she left without saying anything. Why women do that? –it was the question that most came to my mind, the doubt I had.

He exhaled a bit irritated.

-   They escape, Junsu .- he made an angry face – but they are not cowards… some just want to think and think alone in a place that’s more comfortable for them in order to make a decision.

I opened my eyes wide. Now I realized Changmin knows woman better more than me. Is it by experience or because, he simply watches their behavior? I, even, try to understand them but is difficult. It is like is hard to read them.

-   So she’s gone to think. – I came to conclusion.

-   Perhaps.

He crossed his arms and sighed.

-   Junsu I’m tired. Can I sleep here tonight? Then I’ll get a place.

-   And your apartment? – it was strange to me.

-   I sold it.

-   What??? – I yelled.

My eyes went blank.

-   Yes… Can I, please? – he begged.

-   Yes of course. Don’t worry. I have a guest room, go there – I nodded.

-   Thanks – he muttered not cheerful.  





I dressed as relaxed as possible. My belly got bigger and it weighed, I needed light clothes.

Well, Yunho called me yesterday and informed today he was leaving to Japan. So he is coming to say goodbye.

I sighed.

I’m going to miss his presence, I was getting used to him seeing him every day in my office.

I arrived to the office- now a taxi driver comes to take me- and Karen was already helping with some paperwork and also her secretary- the staff the Leslie hired while I wasn’t here, was also helping as much as possible.

I felt better, because stress was decreasing, with more staff in the building, more people are giving a hand and we are not doing things at the last minute.

-   Hi, Karen – I smiled.

-   Hi, boss. You look really good – she giggled.

I nodded.

-   I know. I’m just happy finally the pressure in the building is decreasing. – I informed.

-   Oh yes. I’m glad Leslie hired more people.

I felt some sort of sadness when they mentioned her. Where is she? I don’t want to bother her but, I want to know about her. Since the incident with Changmin, she has disappeared, completely, as how I did it. Now I understand how she felt desperate when I was not there.

I sighed.

Karen’s secretary had left but returned and bowed slowly.

-   Mister Kim is here.

-   Junsu or JaeJoong? –Karen raised her eyebrow.

I laughed between gritted teeth. I had forgotten both have the same last name.

-   JaeJoong-  she said.

-   Ok. – I nodded.

JaeJoong entered and brew seeing everyone. He was really tired, he had more purple eyes. He didn’t have no make up and his hair was a bit of a mess. I don’t know what happened to him but he looked so bad.

-   Oh my… JaeJoong, what had happened? God! –Karen got frighten

Jaejoong sat on the sofa and ducked his head.  

-   I’m fine, I was working just that. Anyway, I want to talk to you Alejandra.

I nodded.

-       Please, leave us – I ordered Karen and she left worried.

Jaejoong sat in front of me and stared at me angrily.

-   I’m sorry I look that bad, I haven’t sleep all day, so… anyway, when Leslie was here, I used to work with her and I’m the doing the same thing but I…

-   You are busy I get it. There’s no need for you to come here. You have already helped us a lot – I assured him with a smile.

-   Ok... Thanks – he muttered and stood up.

I raised my eyebrow. That’s why he came? He could have called me and problem solved.

-   Is that all? – it was strange– you came for that?

-   No… Yes… god! I don’t know…. –he, again, sat and put his hand over his hair.

-   What? Tell me, if you want I can turn off the cameras – I suggested.

He looked at me confused and then nodded.

I called Karen’s secretary by my desk phones and she in less than a minute she did it. She was fast, I’m glad Leslie hired her. 

-   Ok, speak your mind.

-   I’m worried. – he confessed – I’m so damn scared about Leslie.

-   Why?

-   I don’t know where on earth she is. She’s gone. Vanished! Just like you.

Then Yearin entered my office and looked poisonous at Jaejoong. 

I bit my lip.

-   Hi, player. – she greeted him with a cold tone- Hey, Alejandra. Can I leave my kid with you for a moment, please? I have work to do all day and I can’t leave him all day.

I swallowed

-   I’m working, Yearin. –I whispered

-   JaeJoong, can you? – she raised her eyebrow and practically looked at him threating him.

Jaejoong killed her with his irritated gaze and nodded slowly. I knew since that moment both had some sort of rivalry between them. Oh god… Jaejoong.. so easy to earn enemies as friends.

I blew harder.

-   Fine, I’ll drop him at 4, ok? Be there on time.

-   It’s 9 am – he grumbled.

-   Anyway. Don’t drink.

-   Get out!  - he shouted between gritted teeth.  

Yearin looked at him one more time mad and left. God, this is a mess.

-   I have to go, Alejandra.

-   Wait! You have to… - I exclaimed but he stood up and left.

I stood up my mouth my mouth open. What is happening!?  

I had a meeting of two hours to decide the other point that I told Leslie. Close customer service completely until we finish all the projects. Only 267 cars left to do and between them Junsu’s, so we need approximately 6 months to finish and now that I lost Jaejoong and Leslie, they were my right and left hand. At 4 the meeting started and at 6, it ended. It was strange having a meeting because I don’t take decisions by my own but this time I had to talk to the vice-presidents that Leslie had hired and some businessmen that helped the economy increase when I had left.  

Leslie had to ask for help to some people when I was absence, is incredible that she did it alone. Anyway, I was leaving my office when I felt a hand over my shoulder.

-       Hi, Ally – It was Yunho’s voice.

I smiled and faced him.

-       Hi, Yunho – I laughed between gritted teeth.

He held my hand without saying a word and we entered the office. I looked at him expectedly. What is he going to do?

-       What? – I looked at him with curious eyes.

He smiled tenderly.

-   Ay Ally… I have to go, and you look so happy. It makes me difficult to leave – He murmured.

I changed my expression. It was difficult.

-   I’m sorry – I my head.

-   No, it’s ok. I am the one who should be sorry. I’m leaving you alone

I refused with my head.

-   No Yunho, you helped me in everything. I think it’s your time to be free – I laughed nervously.

He nodded.

-   Fine then, I’ll say goodbye.

-   When are you coming?  - I asked almost desperate.

His face dazed but he followed my question.

-   Whenever you need me, Ally. You know, I’m here for you.

I wanted to cry. Why does he say those beautiful things when I’m in a depress state? I will miss him even if he is on hour away in the airplane.

He lifted my head and looked at me straight in the eyes.

My heart started beating fast and my baby moved excitedly.

Apparently he likes Yunho’s presence… me too.

-   Grant me one wish – he muttered.

-   What? – I swallowed.

He got closer and kissed me. It didn’t surprise me, I knew he wanted that so I followed the kiss. I loved Yunho a lot and in fact it was also one wish of mine.

Then I heard a beep from the keyboard’s door and I froze.











-   So, I’ll leave you with Yoochun and JaeJoong – I said to Changmin who was chatting with Yoochun and Jaejoong.

They had to catch up on many things.

Jaejoong had also come to my house to visit me, it is a routine but when he saw Changmin, he left. His consciousness was torturing him because of the craziness he did with Changmin’s ex-fiancé. But Changmin looked at him and instead of telling him something hurtful, he told him to sit down by Yoochun’s side and they started talking.. You don’t know how happy I am, they are talking because the first time since they saw each other, it wasn’t such a good  meeting.

-   Where are you going? – asked Yoochun.

-   I want to eat something, I’m hungry.

-   Then make food – said Changmin and crossed his arms.

 He made a face.

-       No… I don’t feel like cooking, now – I assured.

I looked at Jaejoong  but he turned his face. He didn’t want to, one more thing he was taking care of Yearin’s son.

-   Fine, then bring me something for me. – added Changmin with a playful smile.

I rolled my eyes. He hasn’t change a lot.

-   Me too, please – begged Yoochun and made a sweet expression.

-   Don’t do that, Yoochun – I laughed anxiously.

-   OK, then bring me food.

JaeJoong didn’t say anything but his gaze, he was starving but he was lazy to cook.

-   Fine but you have to pay later – I frowned and pouted.

The 3 of them started laughing.

-       Of course! – they shouted – Just go.

I rolled my eye. What are they planning? I feel they are not going to pay. God, I have such bad friends.

Anyway, I went out to buy food at the supermarket but left aghast by some fans. I recognized them because they were singing our songs so I escaped. I will not give autographs.

I entered my car and blew.

-       Now what?

The same place came to mind and I went there to but. While I waited I remembered Alejandra. I didn’t feel sad instead I got angry thinking about that woman.

When I entered home I hear Changmin and Yoochun murmuring.

I wanted to hear so I hid.  

-   How do you know? – asked Yoochun overwhelmed

-   He’s not in Japan. He’s here, I know. Besides… Alejandra is here now, so I bet he’s with her.

-   Oh my… but it’s been already like a month – Jaejoong’s mouth fell wide open.

-   Yunho loves Alejandra – he confirmed – but I don’t know about her. She’s confused with Junsu and him. It’s a love triangle. – said Changmin listless.

I opened my eyes wide.

-       I thought he was in Korea, really – Yoochun whistled.

Then I remembered the day I saw Yunho in the cafeteria of the building. I thought he had left; many weeks have gone by as Yoochun says. I can’t believe it.

-   He wasn’t with me so I assumed he’s with Alejandra.

-   I’ll murder that woman if she keeps hurting Junsu. I know Junsu is a little nasty but he’s the father of the baby. C’mon! She can’t ignore him.  –grumbled Yoochun

-   Yunho is a good man, but not the right for her. Although, she likes him too, in someway. – admitted Changmin

I left like an arrow and went to the building. For God’s love… this is too much, frustrating, stressing, complex, overwhelming, desperately.. EVERYTHING!

Upon entering I was received by Karen’s secretary, I kept going ignoring her. I wanted to see Alejandra.  

I arrive and as soon as I looked inside I saw her and Yunho… kissing.

-       Oh…

I dialed the password and entered. No, dammit, no! That’s enough.

-   Junsu, what the heck…?

-   What are you doing here? aren’t you supposed to be with Changmin? – l said to him.

-   Junsu…. – he looked at me strange.

Sparks were coming out of my eyes. I was going to punch him if he kept kissing Alejandra!

-   No! I don’t care, what are you doing here kissing somebody that doesn’t belong to you? – I exclaimed – Why don’t you see JaeJoong? You know, he looks destroy and you don’t even care.

He opened his eyes widely.

-   Junsu, what the are you talking about? –Alejandra got mad and approached me– Don’t talk like I’m your property! Who do you think you are? I’m no ones property!

-   Move – I pushed her softly and faced Yunho

He looked stunned.

-   I don’t care what you are trying to do with Alejandra but…

-   I came to say goodbye, Junsu – he frowned – I’m leaving to Japan, I’m planning to see Changmin there.

I rolled my eyes.

Seriously, I wanted to punch him.

-       What? God! Do you really don’t know where is Changmin ? – I yelled- Why don’t you call him?

He looked at me strange and confused.

-   Junsu, don’t scream like that! Show…

-   Shhh! Hush! – l shut her uo and she looked at me offended.

-   Don’t!

I ignored her and turned my gaze at Yunho. I was going to hit him at any moment.

-   Changmin is here?

-   Yes! Of course, he came last week! You don’t even care!

-   I thought he was…

-   When then you thought wrong. He’s here and you know what? He’s brave enough to face JaeJoong when he should be mad at him. They are talking in my house right now with Yoochun. Changmin is not a coward like you! C’mon Yunho, you were his best friend, do you care about JaeJoong?  He’s really hurt. Why can’t you just go there and say, at least, Hi? Is it so much to ask? He’s your friend Yunho! I don’t care if our band split, we still miss you both, but Changmin came to my house to see me because I’m dying for that woman – I pointed to Alejandra – he helped me a lot  and I’m very thankful to him. But you? You are here kissing Alejandra like nothing is going on.

Yunho got mad and pushed me rudely. I knew I had stepped on fragile territory but it doesn’t interest me. I’m sick of his resentment.

-   Who are you to talk to me about that? I know very well JaeJoong is having a bad time but it’s not like I can go out of nothing. There are a lot of things that…

-   I don’t give a about the media, if you meant that. Do you really care about that? Don’t be ridiculous.

-   Junsu, it’s not ridiculous…

-   Yes it is! You put the media above your friends. That’s entirely wrong.

He took a deep breath.

-       Junsu, I’m the ing leader of my band I can’t do what I want.

I pierced him through and turned around. Before I left the door, I turned for the last time.

-       Now I see why you don’t have friends. You don’t care about them – I shouted and left.

I had so much rage in me that I thought I was going to become Hulk.

I was furious. I don’t understand why does the press matter to him. Are they going to kill him? Millions of fans around the world would be happy.

I went for a moment to the cafeteria to drink something when Alejandra appears in front of me with a poker face.

-   What? – I asked irritated.

-   Can you explain when you said: but Changmin came to my house to see me because I’m dying for that woman? – She imitated me funny and her face looked lively.

I swallowed.

-   Now you care… - I whispered.

-   Yes, I care Junsu. Tell me. – She stared at me waiting for an answer. She didn’t take her eyes off of me wherever I went

-   I’m sorry. You should realize it for yourself, Ally – I – it’s been 6 months and you haven’t notice something important.

-   Junsu… I don’t know! – she exclaimed.

My eyes went blank.

I stood up and left. I’m not in a mood to handle her character, is impossible she doesn’t know when I have told her millions of times.

She grabbed my wrist but I took it away fast.

-       No! Alejandra, think! – I shouted.

She got closer but I got away and turned my gaze.

-   Goodbye, Alejandra

-   Junsu! Come on! Tell me!

-   What do I have to do to make you understand? – I suddenly turned and scared her.

She froze.

-   I…


-   Look, I’m tired Alejandra! I’m really tired of trying… if you won’t listen. Just go back with Yunho. I don’t care.

She hugged her tummy and bit her lip.

Her eyes fill up with tears. Ay…. Perfect, now she is going to cry because of my fault.

-       Junsu… - she muttered.

I turned and left. I couldn’t keep insisting if she is not going to listen. You know what? I give up. I cannot hold onto her.. impossible. I won’t suffer more.





Yoochun called to Junsu’s house, he said he had a surprise. Which, in effect I didn’t expect it.

And now, for you to know, Jaejoong has become my babysitter, Daisuke adores Jaejoong and doesn’t get away from him now. Also he takes him to Junsu’s house and plays with his cats or bother Yoochun.

I think is a relief.

The following week, is one month and two weeks since Leslie has disappeared and Alejandra is 6 months and two weeks, her tummy is bigger and bigger. It moved me to see her but this situation there are many doubts. What kind of life Alejandra will give her child? What is she going to tell her son about Junsu? . Me, honestly, want her to have a relationship with Yunho. I have proved he should be the excellent father but.. it would be difficult for the child to have 2 dads and Alejandra will have to del with both.  Si

I went with my car to Junsu’s house and heard laughers outside. Are they really happy?  

-       Hi, Yearin! – smiled JaeJoong who opened the door with my some in hand.

How cute.

I made a friendly smile.

-   Hi, JaeJoong. Hi, baby  - I knelt down and kissed him over his hair.

Daisuke hugged my neck and I pick him up. He was not little so he was heavier but was resistable, he is my son. I entered and to my surprise there was a least expected person.

-   Chang…. Changmin? – I muttered stunned.

-   Hello, Yearin. What’s up? – he laughed between gritted teeth.

My mouth fell open.

What’s going on in here? Since when Changmin gets together with them? What’s happening? I felt like the world coming on top of me.

I swallowed. And left my son in the sofa and approached Changmin still amazed.

-   Are…you the real Changmin? – I pinched his cheeks.

-   Yes it’s me, Yearin. Relax. – I took my hand away and he sat me down.

I still was looking at him with my eyes really wide open.  How did this happen? The only person left to complete this, DBSK, is Yunho.. Oh god..

I sighed.

-   Fine. So Yoochun this was your surprise – I deduce.

-   Yes. Do you like it? -  He raised his eyebrow playfully.

I laughed nervously.

-   Oh yes! It’s lovely… if only… - I ate my expression.

Changmin looked at me by the corner of his aye and blew. He knew I was talking about his lovely Leslie. I still ask myself where she is.

-       Call Karen – suggested Yoochun – she will be happy if she sees Changmin with us. –he voice was full of joy, he was happy.  

I’m happy he is like that, meaning he really missed the other members. However, like I said, Karen if missing.

Junsu would check for seconds and I noticed he was sad. Alejandra must have done something or he saw something.

-   Ok, I’ll call her. Can I right? – I assured.

-   Yeah! My auntie! – yelled Daisuke jumping from the sofa.

-   No… Daisuke sit down, remember it’s not your house – I took his hand and sat him carefully.

He smiled playfully.

-   It’s my uncle house! – he pouted.

-   Yeah I know, but not yours – it was the last thing I said and called Karen.

She excitedly yelled and came running to junsu’s house.

I had to give her the address because she had no clue where it was. Speaking of Changmin, I cheer him to come here but because I left before I didn’t know what decision he was going to make, but now I see he obeyed me. Good for him.

-   I love your clothes –said JaeJoong looking at me form head to toes

-   Erm… Thanks – I blushed.

-   Aw… you look adorable – whispered Yoochun trying to bother me. I rolled my eyes.

-   Shut up, babo – I shouted.

-   Goodness! That couple, relax! – exclaimed Changmin creating a scandal

I killed him with my gaze.

-   Changmin! – I yelled.

-   Oh god! Oh please… Yearin, everyone notices, even your son… we all are speculatingg about you and… you know – he laughed out loud.

I kick his leg and Daisuke, out of nowhere, followed me and hit him again.

I burst into laughter.

-   Changmin, don’t be nasty. She’s my friend – Yoochun tried to calm down the atmosphere.

-   Don’t deny it – added JaeJoong ducking his head reading a message in his cell - if that I’m not watching I can notice. Don’t you see? The love is flowing – he giggled.

I wanted to hit him but Daisuke did my job and Jaejoong reacted and almost hit him but Junsu stopped him. It was interesting, his reflexes when he is not looking at all the scandal made by Changmin.

Jaejoong looked at the baby and got strange.

-   Just like the mother. Hit your mother, not me! – he yelled.

-   Hey! JaeJoong! Goodness you are such a bad influence – I said.

-   Then hire another nanny- he made a face

Yoochun placed his hand over my leg calming me down. I jumped and froze but I did as what Yoochun wanted me, to clam down.  

-   Ok…ok, that’s enough. Is anyone hungry? – Junsu suddenly asked– Yearin can you help me cooking?

I nodded.  I was hungry, I will cook what I can.

I went with junsu to the kitchen he was still gloomy. What’s wrong with him? God.. I know Junsu loves Alejandra, however, I can’t get out of my head that Alejandra and Yunho would be a cute couple. This is so complicated.

Junsu took out the food automatically without saying a word. I wanted to leave him in his world, however, I couldn’t handle breaking him form his bubble.

-   Junsu, what’s happening? You look …. Depress – I dared to say

-   I’m fine, thanks  - he replied coldly.

-   You can lie to all  men but not a woman, Junsu. I know something is wrong, tell me – I demanded him.

He blew and ducked his head, frustrated.

-       Is it something about Alejandra? – I asked carefully.

He was silence for a couple of seconds which seem so long and finally nodded.

-   Yes.

-   What happened? – I crossed my arms and waited for Junsu to talk.

I was not going to do anything until he tells me what’s happening.

-   Last week, when you left your kid to JaeJoong, that day I Heard from the conversation of them that Yunho was still here…. So I went straight to the building but I found Alejandra and Yunho kissing. However, I…well went crazy and yelled to Yunho. But I said something ridiculous and Alejandra wanted some explanation but I left saying that I was tired of making her understand… and well… I let her go. – he explained stuttering over the words.

My mouth fell open.

In another side my mind was happy but the other wasn’t, it was melancholic. Junsu is the one who suffers the most in this love triangle. I blew overwhelmed. This was really stressful.

I raised my eyebrow.

-   Junsu, you can’t let her go easily. Do you want to end up like JaeJoong? –I tried to scare him but he only laughed. 

-   No

-   It’s not easy Junsu. I know it’s hard for you to deal with this but you got to do what’s right.

-   What’s right? Begging Alejandra to look at me and not Yunho? – he frowned.

I shook my head denying.

-   It can take time – I muttered.

-   It’s been almost 7 months that I’m trying and trying! Do you think that’s short? NO! Not at all… I put in risk my image as singer for her and she came to me saying that she doesn’t know, she doesn’t understand. It’s ridiculous! I’m sick of that woman!  - he yelled.

I took a deep breath. Perfect, he’s starting to hate her.

-   Calm down

-   No! I can’t calm down, do you know how is to try for nothing? She’s in love with Yunho! Don’t you get it?

-   Maybe he’s the right person for her.

-   What? –he shouted.

I wanted to escaoe but he stared at me serious but he pierced me through with his gave and left the kitchen really angry. I didn’t want him to kill somebody so I followed, however, he went directly to the door and left the house.


-   What happened? – asked Changmin

JaeJoong stared at me with an indescribable madness and stood in front of me.

-   Do you want to end up like JaeJoong? -  he blatantly imitated me.

-   JaeJoong, can you….?

-   No I can’t. Don’t you dare count on me as your  ing babysitter, I’m sick of you. –he shouted between gritted teeth and also left throwing the door with such strength that Daisuke got scared.  

Changmin sighed and crossed his arms.

-       Perfect. Now everyone leaves  - he made a face.

I sat spontaneously bad. What did I do wrong? Oh god..

-       Well… let’s eat something, then. I’m hungry – added Yoochun as if nothing was going on.

I made a poker face.

-   Really? Do you want to eat?  - I raised my eyebrow.

-   Yeah…. Look, both of them have issues so we better eat something now or Junsu will return and kick us out. – he warned. I laughed between gritted teeth.

-   OK.

-   C’mon Yearin – he held my hand and gave me an angelic smile.

Changmin burst into laughter and I was left out breath.








JaeJoong entered to my office and scared me, he was about to knock down the glass door.

-   JaeJoong, what’s wrong?  - I looked at him frighten.

-   Nothing. I just need to know something.

-   Tell me.

-   First, tell me where is Leslie? – he stared at me with his eyes almost bursting sparks, he was in a bad mood, it was obvious.

I sighed.

I hope he doesn’t rub it in my face for what I do.

-   I don’t know. I want to know that too.

-   Why?

-   What do you mean? – I frowned.

He took a deep breath.

-   Doesn’t matter. Now explain me this…. What have you done to Junsu? – he killed me with his stare.

I swallowed.

I haven’t done anything, I want to understand Junsu but he doesn’t want to explain.

-   Nothing – I whispered.

-   Don’t lie!  - He exclaimed – For god’s sake Alejandra! Junsu’s struggling for you and you say nothing! Are you nuts? Where’s Yunho? – he hit the desk really hard and my baby jumped. 

I also jumped from the fear. God, what’s wrong with him?

-   Yunho is in his apartment, he didn’t leave. He’s planning to meet Changmin soon. – l informed him nervously.

-   Yeah… I don’t care. Now, tell me, why is that you can’t see what Junsu is trying to tell you? Why can’t you understand? Are you short-minded?

I felt pressure on me and my heart started beating a thousand per second.

-   What…?

-   Don’t deny you are ignorant about that fact. Junsu told you in the press conference everything. Don’t you remember? –he kept looking at me straight in the eyes as if he were stalking me.  

I cuddled my tummy and swallowed again. I don’t know why I felt hot, I wanted to open all the windows.

-   I.. I don’t remember

I rolled my eyes.

-       Aish, you are an idiot. He told you a thousand of times that he loves you, HE LOVES YOU! Alejandra, what does he need to do to make you understand that? Huh? Are you deaf, blind? – again he hit the desk.

Once again I felt prisoned but I had to get out of this now. I didn’t want to have a premature baby.

-   JaeJoong, what’s….?

-   No! Save it! – he put his hand in front of me stopping me.

He turned around but again turned to face me.

-       You don’t know what you have lost, Alejandra. Yunho can be the right man but Junsu is ten times more than him. – he shouted and left. 

He left me with my mouth hanging and I only sighed.

-       Oh my…

My heart didn’t stop beating a thousand per second, I was scared, I  didn’t know what to think. Jaejoong caught me off guard and I have no clue what happened Why he suddenly came and starts telling my truth? I have no clue on how to answer him from what he said.  

I blew.

Is it true Junsu is a better man than Yunho? My life is a drama. 

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!