Chapter 12



12.         JS POV

I kissed Yunhee, she was going to China for a few days because of her work. It doesn’t bother me, I don’t feel bad that she leaves, it’s fine. I have become colder, apparently. 

-       Why don’t you want to come with me? – she smiled.

I surrounded her waist and smiled naughtily. I had many reasons why I didn’t go.

-   I’m busy, honey. Sorry – I made a face

-   It’s ok. I’ll call you, ok?  - she gave me a short kiss.

I nodded.

-   Bring me food. I’m really in the mood for Chinese food.

She burst into laugher.

-   Yes, love. Don’t worry. – She laughed between gritted teeth -  I know you are passionate for the food.

-   Oh yes… a lot – I bit my lip.

-   Perfect. I’ll bring a whole restaurant for you…

I was hungry at that moment. I shouldn’t be talking about food; I don’t have anything in my house. I guess I’ll order fast food.

-   Thanks – I giggled – Ok, you should go. It’s a little late.

-   Yes. Bye – she gave me another kiss which left my mouth hanging and then she left.

I have to say Yunhee knows how to kiss well, really well. Admirable…

I sat on my sofa and the TV. I could watch some movires and then go to the studio to bother Jaejoong and Yoochun.

Some little birds have told, Yoochun is seeing Yearin, Leslie’s friend, however he denies it. In the other hand, Jaejoong is desperate because his almost-girlfriend, Leslie, has left and he needs her help in the company. She has left him in charge and also Karen, both are pulling each others hair strings. Is a serious problem.

-       Today happened…. – suddenly the girl from the news stuttered and frowned.– What…? Really…? Oh my god – she sighed – Fine. The breaking news of the moment, Alejandra James just started a press conference. A man, apparently this manager is with her and… according to the pictures… she looks… pregnant.

I opened my eyes widely and my breathing stopped.  

¿WHATTTTTTT????????????????? ¿WHEN WAS SHE BACK ¡DAMMIT! ¿Why is she doing things spontaneously?

Some pictures were shown and she was dressed as normally when she was at her office, but apparently wider. I couldn’t believe it.   

-   Oh my goodness! – I jumped from fear.

-   We are on live. Let’s hear what Miss James has to say to us. –said the same girl

My phone rang. I wanted to throw it through the window to shut it down but I answered, it was Yunhee, I noticed by the ringtone.

-   What? – I yelled

-   Hey! Junsu-ya, calm down.

-   Did you forget something? -  I raised my eyebrow still looking at the TV.

My jaw was hanging, Alejandra looked so beautiful.

I swallowed.

-   As a matter of fact, yes. I left a bag there. I’m going there, I’m near. Can you….

-   YES! Of course, no problem. Got to go, ok? See you.  – I hang up practically I was leaning over the screen. I was skeptical; it was really Alejandra James. Oh god… Very good, I’m scared. My heart raised, frighten. What is she going to say?

-   Are you pregnant? –suddenly a reporter asked.  

My body tensed. Well, it was impossible to deny it, but.. but…


-   Yes. I am. I’ve 5 months already – she replied shortly. She looked serious, with a firm face.  

-   Why you left? For the baby?

-   I decided I couldn’t have a baby in this environment so I left trying to give my baby some air and also myself.

-   Then why you returned?

Yes! Answer! Why the f** have you come back?? Not only has she left unexpectedly but also she comes back to give me away. What is she going to say when they ask about the father of her son? He is dead?? NO! I’M ALIVE!

-   I had some pending things to do. My work is not over yet. – she pointed out.

-   And what about the father? Who is the father?

Oh no….










-   WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT? – everyone screamed stunned.

Changmin and Leslie were at home watching the TV. They were flabbergasted; they couldn’t believe it.

-   Are you frigging kidding me? What is she doing? –LC said irritated.

-   Have you read the news of Junsu and his girlfriend? –Leslie asked slowly.

Changmin raised an eyebrow.

-   What? What happened? – he became awkward.

-   He announced his relationship; he made it official. He’s really dating that woman.

-   Bloody hell – he muttered.

Changmin nodded, it was a fiasco. A small but immensely love that Alejandra felt by Junsu and she would not let the father of her child leave with women other than her.

Yunho suddenly entered, desperate. He was outside thinking for three hours and thinking in a way to calm Alejandra down, however, she ended up escaping from him and he was left in the air.

-   Aish! Alejandra left! – Yunho yelled when he arrived. 

-   SHHH!! – Changmin exclaimed and frowned.

LC looked at him suspicious.

-   Alejandra? – then she noticed and stood up angry. - WHAT? Alejandra was here all the time and you didn’t tell me? Are you crazy? Do you know what I went through trying to localize her? Damn it, Changmin! –she hit his arm.

-   Hey! She told us to keep it in secret – he tried to defend himself.

She tensed her jaw, mad.

-   I don’t care what she said. Where is she?

-   Don’t you see? In korea! – Changmin was mad and also stood up and gave her his stare.

He blew.

-   You! – she pointed at Yunho with her finger and he scared took some steps back– you better tell me everything or I swear Yunho, I’m going to kill you

-   Leslie! –Changmin called her.

-   Shut up! – she mumbled – you too Changmin.

Yunho suddenly noticed a shiny thing in her hand and also in Changmin’s.

He raise his eyebrow.

-   Are you both engaged? – out of nowhere he asked.



-   OH MY GOD!  - Karen covered .

JaeJoong was sitting with his eyes really wide like plates spinning around. He couldn’t believe what was happening, each day it worsens.

-   Goodness! JaeJoong, OH MY GOD! I didn’t know she was pregnant! – Karen shouted horrified.

He didn’t reply.

-       Did you know? I bet you know, Junsu is your friend anyway…. Damn it!  Unbelievable – she mumbled to herself.

She turned and jaejoong was spinning on the chair.  

She rolled her eyes.

-       YA! KIM JAEJOONG? Are you deaf? – she hit his shoulder– Wake up!

He shook his head and frowned.

-   Ya! Don’t hit me!

-   I don’t care. Did you know or not? Tell me now, spell it out!

He filled his cheeks with air and then blew hard. He knew when Leslie arrived she was going to kill her. He didn’t know what to think, he was confused. 

-   Yes I knew. – he said.

-   You know, Leslie is going to murder you. Why you didn’t tell her? I bet she’s torturing her poor boyfriend.- she laughed between gritted teeth.  

Jaejoong raised his eyebrow. His heart ache a bit. He knew what he had done with her was wrong and he didn’t want to think about Leslie’s boyfriend finding out.

He shook his head.

-       Who is her boyfriend? Do you know? – he asked carefully.

Karen denied.

-   No. I didn’t know either. Before she left to Japan she told me. Anyway, she won’t tell why. It’s a secret.

-   Seems someone really important – he said.

-   Perhaps.

-   And what about the father? Who is the father? – asked the reporter in a irritated tone.

Alejandra in screen looked uncomfortable and she jumped a bit and also her baby they were scared. The pressure was felt all around. 

She swallowed.

-   I don’t know where he is right now  - she replied.  

Everyone Yunho, JaeJoong, Changmin, Leslie, Yearin and Karen they knew she was talking about Junsu and the six of them screamed. They didn’t want to know the answer.  

-   AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to die – everyone screamed.




 Yearin had Daisuke between her legs. He was playing with her when her baby the TV and the first person to appear was Alejandra with her big belly saying she has no idea where the baby’s father is.

The Yearin screamed a bit.  

-       Oh my! Junsu will die! I know… goodness, I bet he collapsed –she bit her lip anxiously.

She raised her eyebrow, when she realized Alejandra was in Korea.

-   When did she arrive? God! That woman is…! – she made a face.

-   What do you mean? – Kept questioning the man – was it something of one night?

Alejandra shook sharply her head.


-   What do you have to say about that Night with Kim Junsu? – another person asked.

The world stopped for a second.

-   Oh crap  - everyone muttered at the same time, all synchronized.

-   So Alejandra was pregnant and nobody told me! – yelled Leslie and Changmin rolled his eyes – How could you? For Christ sake!

Yunho and Changmin sighed.

-       And that baby is Junsu’s! Obviously, who else? God! – she patted her forehead.

Changmin tried to hug her form behind but she got away and killed him with her gaze.

-       No, no husband, that won’t help –she smiled practically playing to him.  

Changmin blinked and pick her up.   

-   AH! CHANGMIN!- she yelled…

-   Ok, we are going to my room, if you stay here you will collapse, got it?

-   NO! NO! YUNHO!!! – She screamed for help.

But he ignored her, he only care about what Alejandra said. For a moment Alejandra was evading all the questions about Junsu but a huge mass of fans was already waiting outside the building and were yelling and cursing Alejandra.  

-   The fans are outside – said one of the reporters - what is the point of this press conference if you won’t tell who is the father?

-   My point here was to clarify why I left. I saw a lot of reports talking about me missing. Besides I need to go back to work, like I said. My friend can’t do it alone, she needs my help.

Yunho bit his lip and decided something: he was going back to Korea also.



Yearin was pulling her hair frustrated. She didn’t know how to react, she was afraid something unexpected could happen. She didn’t want anything else to happen because everything was getting worst.

-   Talking about Leslie White. – hablo un reportero con cierta presencia irritable – We have seen the news about her and also about Kim JaeJoong. What’s going on between them?

-   That I don’t know. – She replied shortly.

-   Is it true she’s dating him?

-   Please no more questions. That it’s all. Thank you – she stood up and then left.

Yearin fell in one side of her sofa crashing her son.  

-   Mami! I can’t breath! – he muttered

-   Oh my goodness…. Leslie is toasted – she said.


JaeJoong and Karen opened their eyes widely.

-   What? Why me? – he hid his face in his hands and sighed.

Karen sighed and hit his arm.

-   It’s your fault. And now you are a dead meat if her boyfriend saw the press conference.

-   Oh god… I’m so sorry   - he muttered

-   Too late, honey. You should have thought about that when you kissed her.

-   Shut up, Karen! You are not helping – he gave her a deathly gaze.

She smiled.

-   I’m sorry, JaeJoong but it’s the truth. Do you think my sister is easy? You are wrong – she raised her eyebrow and left the office.

He growled furious.

-   Damn it!




Yunho was in the airplane when Alejandra had already ended the press conference. He was looking at the unstoppable news about the press. More came out and out. They wouldn’t stop. He hates reading about Leslie and Jaejoong.  He thought there might be a possibility Leslie is cheating on Changmin but he didn’t want to jump into conclusions that fast, so therefore he preferred to wait but he still doubted that woman.  


Yearin left to the office with her son, who was lost. She didn’t understand what was happening and when she went out to the street she saw everything different. She noticed some sort of change in the atmosphere, which tensed her, and her body froze. Is as if she knew something could happen.

She bit her lip.

-   Please Junsu, don’t do anything stupid – she begged looking at the sky, which was shinning.

-   Mami, what’s going on? – Daisuke didn’t understand.

-   Nothing, darling. Let’s see your antie Karen, ok? And also JaeJoong…

She was going to enter to her car when another one parks in front of her. It was a Ferrari.

She raised her eyebrow.

The driver took down its window and she crouched to identify the person and it was the least expected.  

-   Get in! I’m going to the building – said the man

-   Yoochun? – she stunned. That was not admirable.

-   Aha. C’mon now!

She took up Daisuke in the back and she practically threw herself into the sit, she was afraid someone could have seen them or noticed them after.

At least she knew she was secure with Yoochun. He, in some way, gave her that feeling of security, which she had felt long time since her divorce.



-   Hey! Changmin!  I need to Watch the news! – Leslie demanded.

Changmin sighed.

He had her locked up in his room. She was in the door trying to call for Yunho’s attention but nobody respond.

-   Why is not anybody answering me? Yunho is downstairs right?  - She frowned

-   Leave it Leslie. – Changmin made a poker face.

-   Aish! Changmin you know very well how important this is for me.

-   For me too! But for once in your life forget about your work. I proposed to you today and the only thing you are thinking is on your bloody work – he frowned.

Leslie a deep breathe and nodded.

He sat next to her and held her hand. He was right; this must be an important day for them.

-   I’m sorry… it’s just. This crazy Little friend Alejandra, drives me nuts. I’m so sorry.

Changmin wasn’t convinced.

-       What? Oh come on! Please Changmin Forgive me! – she exclaimed

He turned his face and gave a smile. He wanted her to beg, if she dared.

He sighed.

Leslie walked in front of him and smiled.

-       Ok then you asked for this – she made a naughtily smile.

She sat in Changmin’s legs facing him and she placed her hand over his chest and bent her torso to him.

Changmin’s heart raced when he felt her hand. What always has emerged on some effect is Leslie putting her hand over his chest. One weakness.

-       Will you Forgive me, future-husband? – she smiled naughtily.

He swallowed and slowly nodded.

She kissed him and slowly lay him on bed.

-   You look good, Changmin.

-   I always look good – he replied laughing.

He kissed her again and giggled.

-       Of course!

Then Changmin, suddenly, noticed something.  If Yunho hasn’t answered to Leslie’s intense calling a while ago is because he wasn’t there.

Changmin jumped up and opened his eyes wide. 

-   What? – Leslie said.

Changmin held her hand and they went out running to the living room. They didn’t see anyone, the TV was and Alejandra was leaving the press conference.

Both placed their hands over their mouths.

-   He’s gone – Leslie whispered

-   Damn it! He left to Korea.






SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHERE AM I? IS SHE CRAZY? I don’t know what else to think about that woman, she is unpredictable and everything she does would harm someone and not only her.

They still were asking her about me but she ignored the questions, she evaded.

-   Woman –I grumbled.

-   Please no more questions. That it’s all. Thank you – she said with her cold look and stood up.

She bent over and left.

No! NO! ¡With this it won’t end Alejandra James! No!

I went down running to the basement and got on my car. I drove at full speed, sport cars help when you are in a hurry. I took short cuts and arrived there in 10 minutes. I was not thinking to wait sitting looking at how she ignores me. NO! NOOOOO!

-       Sir, you can’t get in…. Sir… Sir! – the bodyguard from the door yelled but I entered running escaping from his claws.

I went up the press conference room, if I had to make a scandal to make Ally realized, then I would do it.

She was striding down the hall when she came with her agent – he looks like an actor, the only agent she has is Leslie- with all the reporters behind her following her.

I walked faster furious. Why does she have to do this?

-   Hey! ALEJANRA KIM! – I yelled.

Oh no… What have I done? Kim? Oh for god’s sake…

She opened her eyes wide, astonished.

-   What…? Junsu…?

-   Hey, you…! – I stood in front of her and killed her with my stare– How could you? Where the hell have you been? Are you out of your mind? Why did you leave me? WHY? Are you an idiot, how can you not see something so obvious? Why you appeared out of nowhere telling everyone that you are pregnant? And of course! You don’t know who the father is! – I yelled – Why? Why Alejandra? Do you realize what you have done, don’t you? Even Leslie is getting sick because of you. Why you left? Tell me… I know you didn’t leave for the baby, what was it? Me? Do you really hate me? Did you mean when you said that you don’t want anything from me? Huh? Answer me! – Again I yelled without stopping - Do you even stop for a moment and think? Have you thought about your friend? All of this is because of you! You! I don’t really get what ‘s going with your mind. You are hurting me!

-   Why? – suddenly she answered in a soft and low voice.

-   Don’t you notice? Why can’t you use your head for a moment? Maybe you can create a big empire but you can’t think about me, right? You only care for yourself! … Don’t you see I love you!?

fell open and cameras were surrounding us making a circle. For a moment I got dizzy but I ordered myself to stay firm.

She was amazed.

I got closer, and looked at her straight in the eyes and bent.

-       I love you – I closed my eyes and kissed her.

I felt the light in every corner but I ignored it, even though it was hard honestly but I didn’t care! I couldn’t hold it anymore, I loved Alejandra more than anything and I didn’t want to loose her. I don’t want to break my own heart.

She, for a moment, stayed tense, however, suddenly she jerked away and slapped me.

-   What are you doing? – she mumbled between gritted teeth – get out!

I frowned.

-   Alejandra…

-   No! Junsu, get the hell out of here! I don’t want to see you anymore. NO! and yes I hate you, I ain’t love you. I’m living only for my child not for you, and I did mean that. I don’t want anything from you.

My mouth fell open.

She was destroying me in pieces. I didn’t think it could hurt like that.

-       Please leave Junsu…

She tried to turn but the cameras were practically harassing her.

Suddenly I hear some high-heels.

I raised my eyebrow. Nobody walks like that unless… Dammit.

-       YA! KIM JUNSU! – yelled a voice far away.

The reporters opened a way and Yunhee was crying, mad and frustrated.

-   Yunhee… - I muttered amazed.  

-   Junsu, how could you do that? Do you even have a heart? You were playing with me all this time… it’s been only two days since you announced our relationship and you are kissing another girl. Why? I knew from the beginning that you loved that girl. Why do you love her? Don’t you see how she treats you? Show some respect for yourself, Junsu. She can’t do what she wants with you…

I’m Alejandra’s toy, seriously??

-       Do you love me? Say it as you did with her. – she pointed her out as if it was her fault.

She walked up to her still pointing and repeated the same line.

I swallowed.

I love her… but…

-       I… - I was speechless; I was not capable of talking.

She constantly shed more tears.

-   I do love you Junsu.  I thought this was real but you are not committed to me. – she sighed

-   Yunhee…

-   No! Junsu, that was enough. I can’t live a lie…. I’m sorry – she took off her ring which I bought on the first date – I don’t want this. You are out of the ecuation Junsu.

She threw the ring to the floor with madness and left pushing the reporters who were talking photos and filming. I didn’t know what face to make, two women who I appreciate have rejected me, one hurt really bad my backbone.

Suddenly a path is open again and I saw a boy coming and he approached Alejandra.

I took two steps closer but I couldn’t see, he had a hoodie and I could not identify him.

-   Let’s go, Ally. You can’t stay here any longer – he said.

-   When did you…? How did you….? – she was amazed.

I raised my eyebrow.

-   Please let’s go.

-   Yunho… what…?



Yunho? Yunho? Jung Yunho? YUNHO? WHATTTTTTTTTT??????????????????

-   What the heck? – I exclaimed.


So everyone exclaimed at the same time: “It’s Jung Yunho”, I only had to see his eyes to realize they were right. It was Yunho.

I opened my eyes wide. Oh my god!!  

-   Now, Ally.

-   NO! – I was afraid he might take her away.

He took her hand and she held it.

He, practically, was hugging her and she was not complaining, as if it was normal. They left pushing the people to get them out of there. The cameras were everywhere and it was something that didn’t stop. Flashes were blinding my sight besides the noise, which despaired me. 

-       Ally… no.

She turned for a moment. She laid her eyes on me mad and sighed.

Then flipped and left with Yunho.

My body, practically, collapsed. I felt on my knees and ducked my head. I hid my face en my hands sobbing; I never thought I had to go through this. My heart was torn into pieces and had no dignity. The whole world knows two women rejected me.












The 5 were with their eyes in their hands. They couldn’t believe what they had seen. It was a scandal, something they will never forget through out the years and ages until they die.

Everyone noticed two obvious things, Yunho likes Alejandra and was able to interfere, putting himself at risk and also his imagine and then she took Ally away and second, Junsu loves Alejandra, however, apparently she also loves Yunho. And finally, Junsu and his girlfriend broke up officially in front of the cameras.

-   Oh my god… - the 5 of them muttered in unison.


Karen, JaeJoong, Yoochun and Yearin were with their mouth and eyes pretty wide. It was DRAMATIC.

-   Am I watching a drama? – suddenly JaeJoong asked – This can’t be real, no… Junsu can’t be there, rejected by two women. No…

-   He’s a good actor – followed Yoochun, surprised – I wish there were more like him, he’s brilliant.

-   I bet that drama is the ranking of the week – Karen added placing her gaze straight into the TV, looking at Junsu how he was felling destroyed while kneeling– Did you guys know about that drama? I didn’t even know he was going to work on one.

JJ  and YC denied with their heads.

Yearin was still amazed, didn’t react, she only heard echoes, far voices but her mind was focused in the imagine of Junsu, he had lost two battles.

-   God! He’s perfect.  I should hire him – whispered JaeJoong. He seemed delighted, because his eyes were possessed in the TV, hypnotized.

-   Yeah…

-   I wish I could work with him… It would be lovely –he smiled innocently.

Then came the manager who made his way through the crowd and took Junsu, who sill had his heart broken into 4 pieces. Something never seen.

-   Oh no, the manager!  - exclaimed Yoochun – Oh …

-   Bloody hell…- muttered Karen.

-   There’s nothing to see, please leave – said the manager while Junsu walk spiritless to the exit. Every camera followed them like magnets.

JaeJoong snorted.

-   We are going to die – he muttered– the manager is going to assesinate us.

-   Now Junsu is a bad actor –Yoochun pointed out and sighed.

Yearin rolled her eyes and stood in front of those 3, Karen, JaeJoong and Yoochun.

-   Hey! It’s not a drama, you idiots! Wake up, Junsu is suffering right now. I think you should leave now. NOW! Karen can handle this for a while. I’m going to call Leslie… - then she realized Leslie wasn’t there– Where is she?

-   Japan with this boyfriend – whispered JaeJoong.

-   Guys! MOVE! Your agent will freak out. C’mon! To the south, quick march!

Karen burst into laugher and Jaejoong and Yoochun had to leave running. They looked at each other for a moment and when they realized everything was real, they took off in a race.   

-   Lovely. I love Sherlock Holmes – smiled Karen

-   Aish! You try to fix this thing with Alejandra. NOW, girl! Leslie is not here, you have to work. – Yearin ordered.

Karen frighten left too running and went to her office. She didn’t know how to take out that whole press scandal, it was impossible unless you sell yourself.

-   I must call Leslie – she thought and took out her cell phone.



Leslie and Changmin were in the sofa eating popcorn. Also thinking it was the drama of the year. Nobody could believe it, this does not happen in real life only in movies.

-   Perfect acting of Junsu! So depress… - said Leslie laughing between gritted teeth.

-   I wonder… this looks too real, I must say…

Leslie ducked her head and sighed. Her mind was debating between reality and a Korean drama recently released. It was weird.

-   I didn’t know Alejandra is an actress  - Changmin observed

-   Neither did I. Something extra in her, perhaps.

-   Maybe she sings too – he thought – sounds pretty easy now that we can see she can act beutifuly.

-   You are right – agreed Leslie.

Both watched the TV, also hypnotized. It was strange. Leslie’s cell phone rang and both jumped from fright.  

-   What? – she answered.

-   LESLIE WHITE! You better come here now! Have you seen all the scandal of Junsu? Alejandra needs your help; she’s heading to the building. Come on! Leslie!.

-   What? The drama? – she raised her eyebrow.  

Yearin rolled her eyes. Another one that could not understand the reality

-   Leslie, for god’s sake! Your friend needs you! Now! And it’s not a drama, its real!  Wake up, honey!  - Yearin yelled.

Leslie shook her head. And realizing the harsh reality of what they were all involved, she felt the world wall over her. \

-   I’m on my way.

-   Thanks.

She hang up and Changmin looked at her and he still was eating popcorn.

-   Shim Changmin – she hit his shoulder – I’ve to go.

-   Where?

-   I need to go back to Korea, try to calm all this

He nodded

-       And the drama?  - he made a face of an innocent baby.

Leslie made a poker face.

-   Changmin, it’s real. You should be worry; Yunho was there on the scene too.

Changmin jumped from the sofa and left running to his room.  

-   Ok… Let’s go to the airport. – he said when he returned from his room with the key’s of his car.









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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!