Chapter 7



7.   LC POV

It was 3 am, I received a call. I was dreaming something fantastic and my cell phone had to vibrate.  

-     Yeah….?

-     Leslie, It’s me, Alejandra – on the background you could hear some noise.

-     What?

I could hardly open my eyes, I slept at 1 am because of the bloody projects and my boss- best friend, was calling me two hours later.

-     I’ll leave the company to you for 6 months. Take good care of it, and make Karen your secretary – she said in a rush.

For a moment I didn’t understand, then it hit me and I jumped from my bed.

-     What? Why? – I screamed.

She hung up.

I got up from my bed and called Karen. Has she gone crazy? How can she leave her company, her empire, for six months as if it were a house? NO! NO! Being a secretary is hard; I don’t want to imagine taking care of all.

-     KAREN! KAREN! – I shouted.

-     What? Do you know what time is it? – she also said in a thickly voice.

-     Aish… come to the building in the morning, 7am, I don’t care if you are tired just come – I ordered her.

She sighed.

-     Ok. I’ll be there

-     Early Karen, or I will kill you.

I hung up on her and I sat on my bed furious. What was I going to do? I know what Alejandra does, from scratch, I know how she handles her empire and what she says, however, what would I tell to do clients? Miss James disappeared? Is no logical, unrealistic!! Oh god!!  Where has she gone? Why did she leave me the company for 6 months?

I couldn’t sleep the rest of the morning. I couldn’t.

I put on, as always, the first thing I saw in my closet and left for the building, to face Alejandra’s empire ALONE.

-     Jesus, how am I suppose to do this? – I muttered as I saw the building, the most luxurious in South Korea and, I think, in the whole world too.

I told me team that the owner, Miss James, was not going to be in the building for 6 months because of personal reasons.- which I don’t even know-. They questioned me but I ignored them.

Karen arrived at 7.30, late.

-     What? Why did she leave like that? Is she insane? – ask Karen flabbergasted.

-     Haven’t the foggiest. She just disappeared. She called me today at 3am telling me she was leaving the company to me. – I told her.

fell open.

-     God! What happened to her? She must be really bad – she frowned. .

Yearin came to my mind. It had been already 3 weeks since the last time I saw her, but I know she has to do something in this whole situation. Ally was with her when she fainted. What happened? Does she have a terminal disease? I don’t think so. She was perfectly fine.

-     I’m scared, Karen. How on earth am I going to run this big company? It’s something impossible.

She pursed her lip.

She bit her lip, this building was no joke, Alejandra’s reputation depends on me now. I don’t understand why she left; she doesn’t run away from problems.

Karen held my hand.

-     I’ll be there for you, sister, calm down. We can do this.

-     The company doesn’t have a vice president. The vice president is me – I grumbled.

-     And the secretary too, sister. Don’t worry, chap, you can do it. – she rubbed m hand, like giving me a massage.

I took a deep breath.

-     Aish! I don’t mind running this company – I dared to say– I’m worry about her, why she left? Is she sick? I can’t leave her like that. I’ve lived all my life with this girl and I know she doesn’t run away from her problems. She’s strong – I assured and became desperate that I wanted to cry.

Karen caught my sentimental moment and her eyes became full of tears.

-     Have you spoken with Junsu?

-     No… - I muttered.

-     Maybe he knows something. – she said while thinking.

I raised my eyebrow.

-     Really? Do you think he will know? Tsh… - I sighed.

-     Erm…

At night I called Yearin, I got home around 2 am and had no other choice but to call at that time.  I didn’t care if I woke her up

-     Yeah? – She mumbled.

-     Yearin, do you know Where on earth is Alejandra? – I said between gritted teeth.

-     Why?

I sighed. She doesn’t know either.

-     She left yesterday morning. I don’t know where is she.

-     Oh… sorry, Leslie, I don’t know

I squinted.

-     Are you sure? She was with you the past weeks – I added.

-     No, no. Truly, Leslie, do you want me to think at this time? I’m exhausted, please…

-     Aish!

I hung up.

The next day in the afternoon, lunch time I had to escape and call Junsu for a moment.  He didn’t know either, I didn’t tell him she had disappeared from this planet, I didn’t want to torment him.  

All week I called every person from Alejandra’s agenda, believe it or not, I knew it by heart. As I called, I only asked and didn’t explain, however, not even one single person could confirm where she was. Nobody knew where she was.

-     AHHH!!! – I screamed.

Karen took a deep breath and frowned.

-     Leslie… are you sure…?

-     YES! I’ve called half of the world and no one knows where she is. She has disappeared! – I exclaimed.

I was at the office, being mad and poor my sister she had to suffer my rage all these days because of my beautiful boss.

Whe she comes back, if she does, I will kill her. Why does she do this to me?

Haven’t she noticed how I am?

-     I  can’t seek for her anymore – I whispered.

-     What? No! She’s the owner of the company, Leslie – Karen made a face.

I killed her with my gaze.

-     Then, where is she? I don’t see her anywhere, Karen. It’s not worth to look for her; she has hid very well – I sighed.

-     You will- she promised– you will find her

I shook my head and sighed. I don’t know what happened to Alejandra’s brain for her to leave like that.  





-     Have you noticed…?

-     Alejandra is gone – Jaejoong said suddenly and came to me– Look.

He handed me the laptop and there was a webpage from news opened. One of them talked about the absence, for two weeks, of Alejandra James. I raised my eyebrow and suddenly, I was amazed and opened my eyes widely. SHE ESCAPED? IS SHE CRAZY!!!

-     Oh my god… - I mumbled

-     Junsu, you better speak now or I’ll kill you. What happened during the last concert?

I took a few steps back until I fell on my sofa. For god’s sake, she left while being pregnant. I know the last time we saw each other didn’t end up good but… Why would she run away like that and leave her company? Who  is in charge?

Jaejoong pushed me and took my cell phone from my pocket. I didn’t react; I couldn’t believe what Miss James had done.

-     Oh… Junsu… She’s pregnant – he stared at me in amazed – WHAT? – he screamed – Have you lost your ing Mind?

-     Aish, shut up! She has escaped, god knows where, pregnant! – I dared to yell at him – She’s the one who is nuts!

Jaejoong became mad.

-     Are you serious? Junsu, she ran away because she’s pregnant of you! – he threw the cell phone to my chest – Jesus! If the media learned that… you are dead…

-     NO!

He made a face mad and showed me, once again, the laptop.

-     Don’t you notice you idiot? – he pointed with his finger the title of the news– She’s scared, probably. Do you think she would run a company with a baby in her? No! It’s impossible.

I was mute, empty. Instead of me running away, she ran first for help and, of course, I left her alone before.

I felt selfish.

-     Yoochun knows? – He mumbled.

-     No – i muttered lost.

He took a deep breath to relax, I can imagine, he wants to yell at me for half an hour.  

-     If she’s gone, then who is running the building?

-     Leslie, obviously. That’s why she was asking you for her. – he sighed – poor her, that company it’s not easy at all.

I rolled my eyes. He is in love with her and if it were for him, he would go and help her out, but her sister is with her. He can’t be there in front of a fan and be loving another person.


-     What are you going to do? Are you going to leave her like that? Remember she carries your baby – he murdered me with his gaze.

I bit my lip. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

I can’t wander around the world just to look for her, however, I don’t what to leave her in that condition. I know.. I know… I should have thought about this before but… anyway she didn’t want to see me ,.. she only told me, she didn’t want nothing from me.

-     She told me… - I muttered – she… told me she didn’t want anything from me. That day she… well, when I learned about her pregnancy, she made it perfectly clear, she said… she hates me -  I said.

He was amazed.

-     And you  left her.

I slowly nodded.

-     You know what? Junsu, that’s your problem. You should do something but I don’t give a… - he sighed– whether you do it or not. You fix it.

He pick up his laptop and left the room.

I want to die. What do I do?







I got to my best friend’s house and when he saw me, he thre himself over me and kissed my cheek.

-     I can’t believe you are here! – he laughed.

-     Hi… - I whispered.

-     Come on, let me help you with your things – he offered himself with a perfect smile.

He took my luggage, there were 4- I know so dramatic- and to me inside his gorgeous house, which he shares with another friend of him.

His friend cameo out and hugged  me. His smile also … to my breath away. I ask myself if Leslie would have died if she saw him…?

-     Erm… you have a Little belly already – he looked at me.

-     Yes. Three months – I nodded.

He muttered something in Japanese as he turned. I didn’t understand but his best friend looked serious.

-     What did he…?

-     Nothing. – he smiled – let me show you your room. Changmin and I spent all day decorating and make it look good.

I burst into laugh.

-     Seriously? Thanks, I didn’t mean to bother you guys…

-     Don’t worry, really.

Changmin sighed.

-     He enjoyed more than me – he giggled – I wonder why…

Yunho rolled his eyes.

I didn’t understand and didn’t want to understand either. I only thought of my son and I left my secretary, she will kill me.

We entered the bedroom and I loved it. I don’t know how they managed to decorate it and how they did it in two days. A little voice in my head told me they did it with help, a woman, of course.

-     OH! –I exclaimed – God lord! It’s amazing, boys. Thanks so much! – I jumped a bit excited.

-     Make yourself at home, Ally.

-     Thanks really. – dije de corazón.

I looked at Changmin and he looked a bit worried.

Yunho held my hand and faced me.

-     Ally, we have to go to the studio for a couple of hours. I’m sorry that we are leaving, our manager called us before you arrived. –he explained – rest if you want to, you know this’s your house now, so… do what you please.

I hugged him one more time, you don’t know how relief I am to have friends like them. Chanming could be a bit serious with me but deeply inside he likes me.

-     No problem. – I assured him.

-     Ok, take care Ally. We’ll be here at 10 or 9 if we can leave early – he sighed.

-     It’s ok.

Yunho gave me a warm smile. Then he left to his room.

I thought Changmin had left bit when I turned around he was staring at me. I don’t know what’s up with him.

-     Is something…?

-     Who’s running the company now?  - He asked

-     Erm… my secretary, why?

-     Who? – his eyes showed panic which he managed to fake it.

-     My friend and secretary, Leslie White. Why?

-     Oh… ok, thanks.

Both guys left and I was alone all day. I know I had to get used to it, they were famous just like Junsu and weren’t at home that often.  

Hey promised me, they would do everything to be with me and I trust them, however, I knew they couldn’t be here for me 24/7.

The first thing I did was listen to music in my laptop at full volume and start dancing, moving as I desire. I was alone so I could do anything.

Alone, I bécame crazy, with the time passing by, I threw my clothes and danced or shook my head in every possbile way.

That day I was entertained with music and sand the best I could.

Then “No gain” was up.... I bécame melancholic.  

-     “If you are thinking of me girl… “ – I whispered

Jaejoong wrote that song but Junsu’s voice makes it more vivid. I have to admit, I loved Junsu a lot, but even though I don’t like saying it and anxious to have his baby. I don’t know what I was thinking that day and regret it. However his baby makes me enthusiastic. Is a part of him that is inside of me, just like Leslie said before.

-     “Baby dareun nuga saenggyeodo… Neon jeoldae itji motae Baby you know i can’t forget Sure chwihae nege jeonhwahae Saranghanda malhaedo danji Deudgo isseumyeon dwae… If you are thinking of me girl Nae ireumeul bulleojwo Danji geugeo hanamyeon dwae Dareun yeojal mannago itda haedo” – I sang as high as I could, I din’t care if my voice cracked.

I ended up crying and I hadn’t noticed it.

-     Why Am I crying? God I’m insane – I sobbed– Why? Stupid hormones… Oh my god… I can’t stop! I broke into tears– Stupid beautiful Korean guy… that’s not fair, he doesn’t have to suffer this feelings… Damn it!

I didn’t know what I had but I started laughing. It was ridiculous to cry for him because I had pushed him away. I had lost my conscious, my hormones drove me crazy and also my feelings.

My cell phone vibrated.

-     Yes? – I muttered

-     Goodness, what’s Wrong with your voice? – it was Yearin.

I took a deep breath.

-     Nothing, I’m crazy. I’m in electric shock – me rei entre dientes

-     Yeah sure. Anyway, how do you feel?

-     Good…

-     Where are you Alejandra? Everyone is talking about you, you have disappeared. Leslie is freaking out, even JaeJoong can’t stand her.

I burst into laugh. I can’t believe he is in love with her and here I thought he was going to fall for Karen, like everyone expected.

-     I’m fine.

-     Where are you? In which part of the world you are? – she asked in a sarcastic way.

I laughed, I didn’t know whether to tell her, I didn’t want to, I was afraid she would tell something to Leslie and suddenly she could appear on my door with a bored face.

-     Erm…

-     I won’t tell anybody, Alejandra. Please tell me. You need my assistance anyway – she said.

I took a deep breath.

-     Yeah… I know – I made a face

-     So? Where? Europe, America, Africa?

-     Japan.

She was mute for a few seconds.

-     WHAT? – she shouted – Couldn’t you find a better place? You are next to Korea, darling – she said sarcastic.

-     Aish… it’s not your business, Yearin. I’ve friends here

-     Who? – she asked – don’t tell me that you know TVXQ and you are living with Yunho and Changmin, because you say that and I’ll kill you.

I was going to talk but I shut my mouth. How the f*** sshe knew I know them? Is she a witch or a magician? OH MY GOD! That’s why Leslie always said Yearin had powers.

-     Alejandra? Tell me.

-     I’ve to go…

-     What? No, girl, you are not going anywhere – she threatened me.

I faked a weird noise in order to make her believe I had an emergency.

-     Oh my god! Something exploded, sorry! I’ve to go! – I hang up.

I blew.

That was not easy, I was almost discovered by the witch, Yearin. That should be her nickname, witch. It seem like she had eyes worldwide.

I kept listening to music and to worsen my feelings “In heaven” from JYJ came up.  

Once again tears began flowing, I  was getting mad at myself. Why do I have to cry at everything that comes across my face? The only thing left is seeing Yunho or Changmin and =start crying. I will make them sad if they see me like that.

I sighed.

This is hard.







-     JaeJoong, please help me – I begged him.

-     What? – he looked at me distracted.

-     Look, this car, what do you think? It’s a business man’s car. He came 6 months ago and we only have 6 months left to make his car.

He made a face.

-     I like it. – He laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

-     Aish, JaeJoong, seriously – I grumbled.

-     Fine, fine. Erm… it seems quite simple. Have you made those cars before?

-     Yes of course.

-     Then, what’s the problem? – he looked at me confused.

I sighed.

-     I don’t know, it think it’s going to take an eternity. It’s simple, all right, but in only 6 months?

-     Oh please, you are fast, LC, I know you can do it – he smiles and I had tu turn.

Leslie, no, no. Is not like that, no.

-     Thanks. – I cleared my throat – Ok, you better help Karen before she faints. She’s not used to this kind of pressure.

He burst into laugh.

-     Really? What she’s doing is not that complex as your job.

-     I know, but she’s quite lazy. – I assured him smiling.

-     Ok.

I took the 10 tablets to the workshop and my team helped me out with the last touches, then I took it to the factory where they made the cars, it was gorgeous.

Everything that Alejandra made was incredible. At the end they became touristic places in Korea. This country should thank her, because of her it has become more touristic tan before.  

From far away it doesn’t look like a factory but it has an extraordinary technology just like the building, it’s modern.  

Alejandra added a restaurant and a bar for the public, even she invited me to eat there, they cook so good, delicious

As I said before, Alejandra’s creations are admirable, just a simple factory can be elegant, the building is double elegant. Jame’s has become a known name.   

-     Here, those are the 10 cars that need to be ready in 6 months –  told the president of the factory, John Walters

-     Ok, Miss. Won’t be easy but we are going to do our best. Give me best to Miss James.

I nodded. If I knew I would tell him, where she is.

-     By the way, Where is she? There are rumors about her these past months

-     Don’t worry, Sir.

-     You are in charge, right?

-     Yes, exactly. – I looked at the tablets and sighed, Junsu’s car was also included in those 10 tablets. If only Alejandra was here….. she would have loved to see the car. ,,

I sighed.

-     Ok, if something occurs we will call you.

-     Lovely. Please don’t forget that is in 6 months. I know I’m late, and I’m sorry, but these months have been really…

-     Yes, I understand Miss. You can rest peaceful.

I would love that but is imposible, knowing the creator of this empire has disappeared. She cannot have been kidnapped, then Why haven’t they call? It could be an option, however, is not that possible.

 Going out of the factory, I saw Junsu staring at the work of art from his number one fan. His mouth was hanging open.

-     Junsu! Hey! – I patted his cheek – Wake up!

He shook his head.

-     What are you doing here? Alejandra is not here as you can see – I said. I didn’t expect to see Junsu.

He nodded.

-     I’m speechless…

-     Is it the first time? – I aske and raised one eyebrow.

He swallowed. .

-     I regret.

I turned as I Heard some noise, there was a touristic bus, people were coming out lookig a such beautiful place. The people instead of going forward, stopped to see the place as if it were something spectacular which it is. Junsu had the same expression as them.

I started laughing.

-     Hey, you better leave now or someone will see you.

-     How are they going to notice me if they are amazed staring at Alejandra’s creation? God! That woman is…

My eyes were lost.

-     Ok then. See you.

I kept walking until Junsu, suddenly, appeared in front of me with a worried face and at the same time scared.  

-     I need your help – he muttered and put his hand over my shoulders.

-     Why? – I raised my eyebrow.

-     I have to find Alejandra.

I laughed. Find Alejandra? You need an army to do that.

-     Don’t bother Junsu. I don’t know why but I’ve this feeling that she left because of you.

-     PLEASE! I do need your help, Leslie.

-     WHY? – I exclaimed- Do you love her? Have you done something to her that I should know?

He looked at me irritated but he quailed and left.  

-     No, you’re right. You don’t need to know. – He muttered.

-     Really?


I was relieved I had Jaejoong in the office. He was my right hand, he helped me with everything and learned fast. He is clever, I like that he is that way, because if he weren’t, he would be like my sister, very slow.   

I got on my car and threw the door hardly. Why did Junsu come if he is not going to say where Alejandra is? I know he has to do something with this. She made a stupid mistake with him, and I hope is isn’t what I’m thinking.

I arrived at the office, Jaejoong was checking the other tablets with more cars.

He didn’t looked at me when I entered.

-     This car is way too complicated. Who asked for this car? – he pointed with his finger. – It has all the details that only Alejandra’s car has.

-     Yeah. He’s an American business man, like always. He said he wanted a special car. And you may don’t want to know the price.

He made a disgusted face. You could see he was not fond of the prices (extremely expensive).

I sat on the sofa and sighed. I was tired.

-     What’s Wrong? – he frowned.

-     I’m tired. I want to sleep…

-     Karen is here, you can rest for a while – he suggested.

I denied with my head.

-     No… I can’t give my sister the entire burden. Too much. – I pursed my lip and shook my head.

This a pain, headache.

Jaejoong sat next to me and placed my head over his shoulder. My heart jumped and I got nervous.. is not what it seems…. I can’t let Jaejoong fall for me and I for him….. that can’t be.. it can’t be.. NO! NO!

-     Sleep for a moment- He muttered in a seductive voice.

-     Erm… I…. I… Erm… aha

He started laughing.

-     Really, rest for a moment, you are under pressure more than your sister. She can handle it for a while.

-     No… I don’t think it’s a good idea… - I whispered

-     I can help her – he suggested


I nodded in fear, I didn’t know what to think. I never know what to think! I don’t know my own reactions…. I do everything by instinct like an animal OH GOD!

-     JaeJoong… we should…- he raised my head and kissed me.

Instead of being surprised, as usual as it has to happen, I closed my eyes and followed the kiss. Was I crazy? NO! DAMMIT! LESLIE! NO!

He pulled me and I didn’t hesitate to follow, I felt stupid. Have I fallen so fast for him? However, I can’t lie that I like it a lot, a lot.




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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!