Chapter 1


1.      JS POV

I looked around and held my breath.

Jame’s building was the most luxurious and modern in Korea. It was wide, fancy and alluring.  You would be stunned looking at it, even from far away you can spot it, as is, also, one of the highest in Korea.  

This company sells cars, makes special ones; however, what makes it unique, is that you make your own car design, apart from the car models, you can decide the speed, horse power, engine, car security, etc. In other words, you make your own car, with every amenity you desire. Of course, such car will cost a pretty penny.

And you know? What surprises me more is, this whole building and company was the idea of one person: Alejandra James. North American woman, born in Atlanta, started auto business at a young age and just when she turned 25, she had created this huge empire. She is the second richest woman in the entire world.

-      May I help you? – inquired a girl.

I watched her after contemplating, for the last time, the building.

           -       Erm… Hi – I greeted her.

-      Do you have an appointment? – smiled friendly.

I nodded.                                    

-      Yes, I called yesterday.

While looking at her, I noticed she was beautiful. I was stunned, besides the building being luxurious, the employees were gorgeous. Interesting. By her card hanging on her neck,  I saw her name: Leslie White.

She was wearing a black-white dress and her shoes, I suppose, many women would envy.

           -     Wait a moment please, Sir.-  she leaned slowly.

I couldn’t answer back, I was admired.





-      Ally!-  I cried excitedly- Junsu arrived!!

-      Oh!-  she jumped – Oh my god!!

I laughed anxiously.

-      I told you yesterday he called. Now he’s here! -  I was jumping excitedly.

Ally smiled brightly, which would have left Junsu dumbfounded.

-      Tell him to come in- she commanded.

-      Of course, Miss James

She stood in front of me while being moved. She had a strong presence, it was almost impossible to deny her something; a woman with feet firmly on the ground with only 27 years was successful. I, in some sort of way, envied her.

-      You don’t need to bow. LC, I’ve told you that many times-  She put her hand on my shoulder.

-      You are the owner of the company and my boss- I made a face

-      Doesn’t matter, you are my best friend.

I shook my head.

-      Ok boss, I’ll bring Junsu.

She got more excited and smiled nervously.

I went out of the most beautiful office in the planet with an incredible boss.




Leslie came back and smiled.

-      Ok follow me, please.

I followed her, while walking through the corridor, I felt more in love with the building. I definitely needed to bring Jaejoond and Yoochun, they would die if they saw this place. Only the riches people can come to this place, and I have saved for 3 years in order to come and make my dream car.

We got to an office which looked like my apartment, huge, spacious, well illuminated and with style. I admired the owner.

I entered, Leslie leaned over the owner and then left.

-      Come in, sit down- said Alejandra James.

She was identic to the photos I had seen over the internet or streets and if rumors were true, her countenance was respectable.

-      Hi, I’m Kim Junsu, it’s a pleasure to meet you- I bowed.

-      Hello nice to mee you, too. – she stood up and shook my hand.

   Once again, I was stunned. Why are people working here so gorgeous? I liked her attire, a perfect business woman.

-      I learned that you want your own car. Do you have any design? – she interlaced her fingers on the desk while staring firmly.

-      Aja – from my bag I took out some papers where I had drawn what I wanted. It took me one month to decide.

-      I gave it to her and she examined it for a few seconds.

-       I like it- she simulated a friendly smile – Any special add that you want?

-       The speed

-      Tell me

-      300 km/h. I really need a fast car.

She nooded and saw my drawings.

-      Ok then. Do you want an explanation of our work? Or you alredy know?

-      Please explain.

She made a gesture with her hand. Took out an Apple Tab from her drawer and gave it to me.

-      Those photos are the latest car we have made. Below every picture is a description, read it. You’ll see enough. I’ll be right back – she stood up and left the office.

With my finger I slided the photos and was amazed, every single car was unique and too cool. My design isn’t even a fraction of that part, but I guess it is one in a million.   

In the description, it said the cost of the cars and it detailed every thing made in it, like the speed, security, etc. It was a huge amount of money and summing mine, is a million dollars. I hope not to go bankrupt.




-      LC!!! – screamed Ally who was coming running with her painful high-heels.

I was working in the workshop with my team on another project for a big time millionare, who came last wekk, and his car has specific things, which came to be complicated.

I turned before my team saw her, and hid her in a room that leads to my office.

-      What’s going on ? – I asked.

-      - Oh my god… I can’t breathe!. He looks gorgeous. Help me or I’m going to faint- she spoke too fast.

I got dizzy.

-      Lovely, Ally.Fine, calm down. Don’t freak out in front of him and don’t you dare ask him for his sign, he will sign the contract anyway- I said.

I bursted into laughter.

-      Good advice. Thanks- she laughed more – he has drawn his own car design. It’s really cool.

-      - Perfect then. And go! He must be wondering where are you- I pushed her to the door.

She was giggling. Poor Junsu, her number one fan was a crazy boss.




Alejandra James came back with her same firmly look.  Is her aspect also firm or is it something you can see only on the outside? She seems mysterious.

-      Ok then-  she sat down and sighed.

-      I want to add the security too, please.

-      Of coure. No problem, we can see the details when you sign the contract. But now are you aware of the prices?

I gulped. It was painful to think of the price.

-      Yes- I whispered.

-      Good- she started tapping her desk, seemed strange. What is she doing touching her desk?

I leaned a little bit to have a better look, so I noticed there was a touch-screen in the corner of her desk.

-      What’s that?- I dared to ask.

-      A cellphone. I’m calling my secretary- said without looking off at her screen.

Leslie’s face appeared on the corner of the desk.

-      Bring me the papers please

-      Right away. Miss.

My eyes were popping out of their sockets.

-      How…?

-      Technology – she smiled proudly.

I was in shock. Leslie came with a folder or something similar to that, see-throught where I could see the sky-blue letters. It was also touch, as Leslie moved something around with her finger. I had never seen something like that before, except in Iron Man.

-      Sir please tell me the details for the car – said Leslie.

-      Erm… security, speed, horse power and motor- I babbled fastly.

Alejandra James moved slightly her hands and a keyboard popped out on her desk and a projection in front of her, which was like a computer screen. She started typing and when she needed to make some changes, with her fingers she moved the programs aside, little by little I noticed that it was like a transparent glass, I had not seen that before.

-      Ok. Please sign this and this one too. Do you have any exact date for the car?- she gave me the tablet.

-      Whenever is ready – I reassured.

-      Lovely. Thanks.

She gave me a black pen, very common for touch-screens and tablets.

I was astounded, I couldn’t explain the avenced-technology which this office had, I can’t imagine everything else.

-      Thanks. Have a nice dar Sir – she drew a funny smile on her  face.

Leslie left and I turned to Alejandra.

-      We always spend a year for a car, unless you have a limite date.

-      A year? – I raised my eyebrow.

-      Yes, it’s not easy to do those cars, Sir. We need a lot of preparation and plus for the car. We try our best to do it as the client request.

I couldn’t avoid smiling. It was great and the time was reasonable, that way I can save up more money.

-      Do I have to pay all at once or in parts?

-      Depends on you, Sir. Most of the people pay every month.

I agreed.

-      How much is per month?

She told me the price and immediately was shock. I know it's worth spending on this car but still, the price has to many zeros.

-      Oh..- my eyes betrayed the horror of what the number caused.

-      Don’t panic, Sir. You can deposit the money or you can come here and pay it.

-      Deposit- I replied automatically.

She pulled out a real paper.

-     This is the account number and the bank where you shall go. It says everything about the bank; you are free to pay any time of the day but in the exact date.

-     Sure- I muttered.

I left the office and as I went through the corridors, I found out there were tours on the building, that explain the technology, stracture and every curiosity I wanted to know. Without thinking twice, I signed up. 


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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!