





(6 months later)

I kissed Junsu and winked at him.

-       Bring me food, Junsu!  - I exclaimed while he left to work.

-       Cook, woman! – he laughed.  

I rolled my eyes.

-       Aish! Junsu! Please – l begged when he entered his car and I was leaning against the window.

-       Fine…. But this will be the last time. It seems you marry me only for food, right? – he rolled his eyes again.

I burst into laughter.

-       Impossible, love. It is just that you bring good food! I still don’t know where you buy it  - I made a face.  

-       The same place where we met for the first time – he smiled naughtily.

My mouth fell open.

-       Are you kidding me? There? I can’t believe it – I yelled incredulous.

He nodded smiley. His gorgeous smile took my breath away.  

-       Aha, that one. Anyway, I’ve to work… - he made a face – you keep eating.

-       Ok, sir! – I gave him one last kiss and he took off.

He looked so good with that car. Which, of course, I made it…. Finally I gave him his car that he expected a lot. It took a year literallyn 365 days of the year and more I think but enough to drive him crazy but I gave it to him the day we married.

My present.

I saw him leaving and I sighed. I guess this is what we waited for, but of course, me being blind I didn’t notice but now, that I see it all the time.. It could have been another way.


In the evening I went to visit Leslie, who had a huge belly 8 months. I can’t believe she is pregnant again, strange. Anyway, I went to her home, she was left alone because Changmin works. I gave her a kiss on her cheek when I saw her, she was cute. She looked beautiful with her huge belly and was excited to hang out with her, the first time I couldn’t be by her side. Still nobody know why they left to Peru for 3 years.

-       Where’s Jae? –I asked not seeing him in his room.  

-       With Changmin. Sometimes he goes with him, you know, guy stuff – she laughed.

I entered the kitchen and saw her cutting some vegetables.  

-       You know, you look hot cooking. Now I see why Changmin loves to see you like that. Really, you have changed a lot.

She made a face bothered.

I wanted to talk about a topic which has been in my mind, well, when she left. I know her family left because they wanted to travel and for food.

I insisted her for a moment but she only said the say excuse, then I decided to make her talk.

I took the spoon away, which she moved the food with, from her and she faced me. She opened her eyes widely as scared and blew harder.

-       Leslie, please, tell me. What happened? Food wasn’t the excuse. It’s something more important

-       Go easy, my baby is kicking  - she whispered.

I placed one hand over her belly and the baby kicked hard that Leslie moaned and I felt it as if it were with me.

My mouth fell open.

-       It’s a girl right? – I asked.

-       Aha. A strong girl. – she said.

I turned off the stove, took her hand and took her to the living room and sat with her. Practically I faced her and obligated her with my stare to tell me what had happened.

-       Alejandra, this problem is between Changmin and me. Don’t bother  - she shouted.

-       Look, I want to help you, don’t keep it to yourself. Besides even Junsu knows your real reason and why not me?

She blew.

-       Because he’s…. aish!

-       What? Your best friend? I’m your best friend too! – I frowned and pressed her hand.

She exhaled and shook her head.

-       Can’t…

-       Leslie! Don’t be like that please! I know it’s something big  - I exclaimed.

She tried to stand up but I sat her down again.

-       Is it the baby? – I suddenly said.

Her eyes were full of panic and then I knew what it was. It was the baby, but What did it had? A disease? Impossible, she seems healthier.

-       Where’s Ryan? – she asked suddenly.

-       With Yunho. – I replied coldly.

She nodded and looked at one side evading my stare on her.

-       Well…. He’s really healthy –I started saying – Changmin is the father, he was borned in Peru, he has 3 years old. He speaks Spanish way better than you and Changmin. He’s tall for his age… he was born on June 26th…. Erm… what else?

She blew.

-       I’m afraid you are wrong – she muttered.

-       Why? Where?

-       He was born in May 26th.

How? He is premature? It could happen, maybe perhaps the change affected him. I hope. 

-       Huh? – I raised my eyebrow – he’s premature, he was born with 8 months

-       9 months. It was a normal delivery – she whispered serious looking at the window.

-       Then why…? What? – I got confused.

I tried to remember past events and now that I think about it, it makes sense when she told us about her pregnancy her belly was bigger than usual.

But, she left Korea for 2 months and after month she married and then her honeymoon she must have been.. counting.. 4 months exactly.

I opened my mouth until the floor… But during those 2 months she was not here, Changmin was not with her.. meaning.. that baby…

-       Who’s the father? – I opened my eyes widely.

I took a deep breath.

-       You figure it out.

She stood up and went to kitchen again. I reached her a grabbed both hands.

-       Tell me, Leslie. This’s serious.

She bit her lip and some tears came down. Oh my god… Who’s the kid’s father? Jae is too beautiful to have such hard history.


Only remembering his innocent and cute face. Those big gray eyes, with red lip, pale, black hair…

-       Leslie… - I muttered.

I took a deep breath.

-       Who’s the father? Did something happen to you in Germany? – I asked.

-       No.

-       Then what?

-       I was already pregnant when I left. – she admitted.

I put my hand over my mouth and my mind collapsed. The puzzle was complete.

-       The father….

-       JaeJoong. 


The end.....

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!