Chapter 16




17.               AJ POV

Two days after the explosive meeting with Jaejoong, Yearin visited me. I don’t know how she found out of his visit, however, she arrived to my office and hugged me. She knew what I urgently needed.

I was going to faint if she didn’t do it, I felt vulnerable, like a complete idiot…

I’m weak.  

-       Breathe, Alejandra. – she patted my back -cry if you want to, it’s bad for you to suppress your feeling. Let it out.

I burst into tears. I thought I was going to vanish in any moment. Karen wasn’t a help because she had to calm down Jaejoong when she found his in the hall and tried to possibly keep him at a low state but he was full of rage and left ignoring everything that Karen said.

In the other hand, he was feeling the same as me.

Then after minutes, I calmed down and we sat in my mini-room.  

-       Fine, Ally, tell me everything. Let it go, darling.  – she wiped my tears away from my cheel and with the other hand she patted my back.

I took a deep breath before talking.

-                  He told me I was an idiot because I didn’t get what Junsu has been trying to tell me all this time. Look… I know, honestly, I know Junsu feels something for me but I….I’m confused. I like Yunho as much as I like Junsu.

-                  Junsu thinks you love Yunho – she pointed out.

I bit my lip.

-       He told me I was blind and deaf…. I couldn’t see anything. – I muttered.

-       Well… Look, I can’t disagree because actually he’s right. But it’s not the right way to tell you that but, honey look at me –she softly turned my face to her– you have to realize the truth, that baby inside of you if Junsu’s. Is not of Yunho… It’s only of Junsu. And he has the right to claim his duty as father. Sooner or later, Ally, you have to notice that. Perhaps it’s difficult however, it’s true. You can’t deny it. – she tried to talk as slowly and delicate as possible.

Another tear came out I was frustrated. What do I do?

-       How do you feel? If you need something, tell me. – she slowly smiled.

I refused with my head.

-       I’m fine.

Then Karen appeared and sat next to me.

-                  Erm… Can I talk to you about work? – she made a face.

-                  Go ahead – I assured her.

She informed about the news that appeared in newspapers all over the world about that we were going to close down the building for months. And clients were complaining, however, the same press, I don’t know how, cleared this problem. Fortunately now everything is clear but still, there is always some sort of tense.  

-                  That’s a relief – I smiled

-                  Yes, of course.  Do you feel okay? – she looked at me carefully.

I nodded.

-       Aha. Erm… Karen, do you know something about your sister? – I dared to ask.

Yearin faced her in an automatic way, that topic also interest her. Well everyone is interest on that topic.

-       Erm… haven’t the foggiest  - she hesitated and stood up.

Yearin rolled her eyes.

She knew, Karen didn’t know how to hide it, she knew where she was. And why didn’t say it?

I growled.

-       Karen! – Yearin and I exclaimed.

Karen wanted to run but Yearin pulled her hand and turned her harshly. And.. only one detail, I loved what she was wearing. And in fact, my clothes were a bit bothering, therefore I was envious of how Yearin looked.  

-                  Aish…. What? I don’t know! – she yelled.

-                  Don’t make that face to me, lady. I know Karen, tell me now. Spell It out! – I stared at her.

Karen swallowed and looked at me confused.

-                  Look… do you really don’t know? – she got away from Yearin and made a face.

-                  What? – Yearin asked curious.

My eyes went blank.

-                  God! You are her best friends and you don’t know – she crossed her arms.

-                  We can be her friends but you know her since infancy so, tell us now. We need her, she needs her – Yearin pointed at me.

Eh.. me? I have not even talked.

Karen frowned and blew.

-       Think of a country. I’m assuming she’s in another country but I don’t know well either. She hasn’t spoken to me for ages – she made a poker face.

I looked at her worried. Has she died? Is not to make fun of it but it can be a possibility.

-                  And she’s not dead, Alejandra – she pointed out looking at me with a bored face.

-                  So she’s in England – deduced Yearin

She opened her eyes wide. Oh my god.. What is she doing in Europe? She travelled to Korea with one condition, to never go back there. She had bad experiences.

I raised my eyebrow.

-                  Why? She told us…

-                  Yes… that’s why I tell you I don’t know. I’m pretending….

Yearin crossed her arms and looked into space thinking.

-                  And your mother?

-                  Haven’t the foggiest.

My eyes went blank. What a family.

Then we know where my lovely friend which I miss her could be, two months since I haven’t seen her and I’m already feeling nostalgic.

I sighed.

Please Leslie, come back.




One week later, two months since Leslie disappeared, Changmin started to desperate. He didn’t know what to do and we told him an option to travel to Englans but Karen was not that sure because her mom didn’t say anything, meaning Leslie is not with her. Nobody had a clue. 

I went to the building, I was dressed really simple and went to my desk, I’m naturally exhausted. Karen and her secretary brought me news each minutes and it dizzied me but I had to it up before the pressure was much harder.

-       This’s stressing – I muttered.

I hid my face in my hands. I knew it was a less burden that I had close the building but.. besides that, my work, my son worries me, Junsu, Yunho.. What do I do? Junsu, you torture me.

I blew.

My life is too complicated in order to have such a fast solution. And in fact no problem solves that fast.

-       What can I do? What can I do…? Oh… Junsu – I sobbed. I heard some sort of noise but I ignored it, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Do I need to have a relationship with him in order for everything to solve? Why does this happen to me? Why do I carry Junsu’s kid? Everything was a freaking mistake.

I sighed.

-                  Oh… What can I do? I’m sorry Junsu, I wish you could understand me – he muttered

-                  He can, and very well – I heard a familiar voice which I wanted to hear.

My eyes widened and I lifted my head. What?

I jumped from my chair and threw myself over her. OH MY GOD! SHE CAME BACK! BACK!!!

-                  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!  - I shouted and she jumped with me.

-                  Ay…. Ally, relax, girl. I’m fragile  - she giggled.

She looked so beautiful. It was a long time since I hadn’t seen her and she looked like a model. It was impressive how she changed or is it that I have missed her too much that my head itself.

-                  God, you look stunning – I exclaimed.

-                  Yes you too. So how’s going? –she smiled – look at that big belly! Amazing.

I laughed embarrassed. You don’t know how happy I felt at that moment.

I hugged her again and tears came a bit because of happiness. I couldn’t hold it in, it was what I just needed. Is like she knew at what moment to be by my side.

-                  Oh dear… - she muttered stunned– please don’t cry!

-                  How could you leave me like that? – I yelled and hit her arm.

She laughed between gritted teeth.

-                  Do you have any idea what I’m going through? It’s worst than before – I exclaimed.

-                  I can imagine – she replied thoughtful – So… do you have to tell me something interesting? – she looked at me anxiously.

I geld her hand and we went to the mini room. I need to sit down or else I would faint, is not that my legs are that strong.

She looked at me.

I looked at her with perspective eyes and she looked really good. Those two months of retire to who knows God where, apparently has helped her from her break from Changmin. I seriously don’t know what happened between them, however, I imagine that it must have been something really hard for her to just leave.  

I exhaled deeply.

-                  So tell me, Ally. Any news? – she smiled, the smile that I missed a lot.

-                  What do you want to know? Everything is the same. Nothing changed.  – I muttered listless.

She made a face.

-                  Junsu?  - she raised her eyebrow.

I denied with my head.

-                  No. I’m still single, LC.

She made a poker face.

-                  Why?

-                  Because you left her – Yearin entered the room modeling and sat beside her.

LC jumped and both hugged for a long moment. I must say that these two stole the show, they were much better than me.

Both screamed a while until the atmosphere calmed down and returned to the conversation.

-       So Lady you disappeared for ages! Where have you been all this time? – asked Yearin with a playful smile.

Leslie sighed.

-       I was in Germany.

Yearin and I opened our eyes widely.

-                  What the heck you were doing there? – I said.

-                  I spent the whole two months hanging out with friends. I needed a place where I could think clearly. A place where Changmin’s face doesn’t exist. – she explained.

Yearin held her hand and squeezed it. She perfectly understood her, however, I was confused. What had happened? For God;s love, Why nobody tells me?

-       What happened Leslie? Why you left? – I asked frowning, she needed to answer at that moment. I

Yearin swallowed and bit her lip.

-                  It’s really complicated – she replied.

-                  Leslie! – I demanded.

She blew and nodded.

-       I’m sure you know that I kissed JaeJoong in front of Changmin. – I nodded – later I went to Changmin’s apartment, I wanted to apologize I was truly regretful but Changmin didn’t believe me. And I… proposed to him; however he left me alone there. So that day, I grabbed all my things and left the country. I couldn’t bare the entire situation that I had upon me, it was too much. So I decided to take a break just like you – murmured crestfallen.

My mouth fell open.

-       Oh my… - I whispered still stunned.

And Leslie’s pride that she said she had a lot? She left it apart because of Changmin. OH my god! I want to kill Changmin. I know I was furious because she happened to kiss Jaejoong, however, What kind of woman gets to the extreme of kneeling? NOBODY! Not even I would do it.

-       Yearin,  you knew? – I asked.

She opened her eyes widely and stared at me mad.

I should have not ask.

I swallowed.

-       You knew? Who told you? – Leslie gave her a poisonous look.

In order not to make Yearin’s tomb, I decided to change topics.

-       So, Leslie…. Are you going to stay here? – I aske and turned her to me so she can get away from Yearin.

She took a deep breath.

-                  Yes, of course. Germany is lovely but I wouldn’t like to live there.

-                  It’s cold – I said.

-                  Also.

We both blew at the same time.

-                  So how’s going with your baby? Is he ok?

-                  Yes, sure. Just kicking and kicking.

-                  He has Junsu’s sense for football –  Yearin made fun.

Leslie starting laughing.

-                  That would be lovely. – she said between gritted teeth.

Junsu…. Ay, honestly, I have no clue on what to do. It was really complicated.

Karen arrived and she also hugged Leslie, but they teased each other instead of treating each other gently after seeing each other for months. But that’ the loves between the White sisters, the most wanted British girls.






Leslie told us to keep her return as a secret, she didn’t want anybody finding out but Jaejoong could catch her here because he has returned to this building.

Anyway, is a bit not probable Jaejoong visits the building after the dispute we had, I don’t think he will come again.

Then the third day of the second week, I was 7 months pregnant, Leslie entered my office tired.

-                  What happened?

She rolled her eyes.

-                  Nothing. I was cleaning my entire house…. Goodness! I spent the whole night and morning. I haven’t slept all day. I’m tired – she sighed.

-                  Rest here for a moment if you want – I pointed the balck couch on the side.

She refused.

-                  No, it’s ok. I will leave early today, ok?

-                  Sure. – I smiled.

-                  Thanks, Ally.

She pick up some papers from my desk and while ordering them, Yearin appeared as always like a model. God.. I don’t know why it seems like she models instead of walking. She must be preparing for Yoochun. Rumors say they are in a relationship.

I hope.

-                  Oh lord! Do you want to kill us? –Leslie laughed sarcastic – Yoochun is not here, no need to walk like a model

-                  Oh please! That’s my normal walk – Yearin followed her lead.

We three laughed. Is an instinct I think.

-                  So, it’s seems you see  Yoochun all day – she kept teasing her.

-                  Aish…. No!

-                  Tell me one thing – I got close to her in tiptoes– are you in any kind of relationship with him?

-                  What? – she yelled.

Leslie burst into laughter.

-                  Oh c’mon don’t lie to us. We know that face! – she exclaimed.

-                  Ok! Fine! It’s not exactly a formal relation but something….

-                  It’s flowing! Oh for god’s sake! – I laughed out loud.

Leslie and I looked at each other and bursting laughing.

-       Poor Daisuke, he should be traumatize. – Leslie between laughing.

We liked bothering her with Yoochun we knew they were the couple of the year and even though they are going slow is cute. Since Leslie and I are suffocating with love, we do not like love.

-                  Well… it’s lovely to have this kind of feeling – she blushed.

Leslie raised an eyebrow and I sighed. 

-                  If everything goes well – I said.

-                  Yes but Alejandra, come on, you have a perfect option, why don’t you take it?

I looked at her confused.

-                  What?

-                  Aha… Look, Yunho, in my opinion I think he could be the right man for you –she smiled – you see, he’s really mature and he would be a lovely father for your kid.

Leslie cough exaggerating and interfered.

-                  Are you insane? No! Junsu’s the better option. He’s the real father of the baby

-                  Yeah I know but he looks like a teenager trying to get the girl – she made a face

Leslie rolled her eyes.

-       You’re wrong Yearin, he wants the best for her. He’s trying and trying, he’s doing everything for her. Why can’t he be the better option? – she crossed her arms and looked at her challenging her.

Yearin laughed ironic.

-       Junsu gave up. Now Yunho is the only one in this game. Junsu told her he will stop trying and pretending. We can say that she’s free – she looked at me by the corner of her eye.

I looked at them confused. Oh god…

-                  What? No! Junsu can’t do that. He loves her to death! – she exclaimed and frowned.

-                  Yeah but he did it. He’s exhausted, let’s say it like that – Yearin raised her eyebrow.

Leslie refused with her head.

-                  How can that be possible? Anyway he can’t stop trying but she loves him too… that day I arrived she was telling why can’t you understand me Junsu? She thinks of him, because he’s the father of her son!

-                  I don’t care. Yunho is better!

-                  No! Junsu! Don’t you see? The entire thing he did was only for her, what man would do that?

-                  Yeah… but Yunho travelled to Korea just to help her when Junsu made a scene in the press conference – shouted  Yearin

Leslie blew.

-                  That’s ridiculous! Junsu was mad! Besides she hurt him. Do you know how many times she has hurt him but still he was doing everything to get her?

-                  No! that’s being nasty

-                  You are nasty. Junsu is perfect for her. Besides, like I told you there’s no man as Junsu for Alejandra. She likes him, she loves him, she wants him but she won’t admit it.

-                  No! No! – Yearin denied yelling.

Leslie took one ore step and stared at her.

-                  Look… I

-                  No Leslie! Yunho is the option and that’s it! – she exclaimed.

-                  Well then you are wrong. Yunho is her best friend not her boyfriend.

-                  They have kissed and hold hands which Junsu can’t do.

Leslie rolled her eyes and tensed her jaw.

-                  Think whatever you want, but in the end you’ll see. Junsu is the real father of that kid, he won’t give up Yearin, Junsu is not like that.

-                  How do you know? – she raised her eyebrow.

Leslie was about to answer but I exploded. They were driving me dizzy with their comments. Junsu? Yunho? Junsu? Yunho?  Oh God… as if it were that simpy to choose between them. I prefer to be single and raise my kid alone with these stupid disputes.

-       Enough! –I said – Damn it! What’s wrong with you guys? Neither of them are the better option. I’ll stay single with my baby, got it? I don’t need a man to be happy.

Both raised their eyebrows and blew.

-                  This’s not over Alejandra – Yearin threatened me.  

-                  Alejandra, you should choose. You can’t be kissing Yunho and then playing with Junsu. You are hurting Junsu’s feeling and Yunho’s. – pointed out Leslie

I rolled my eyes.

-                  I won’t choose!

-                  Then you are going to live in an eternal purgatory. If this doesn’t end it will get worst – warned Yearin and corssed her arms.

Then something came to my mind to tell Leslie, which I regret a lot. I hurt her.

-                  Leslie you shouldn’t be talking about kissing other persons –I shouted – you cheated your own fiancé and I don’t think my case is worst. You hurt Changmin’s feelings and now JaeJoong is suffering because he let you go. So don’t you dare say to me that I’m the player, ‘cause you are the first of everyone! – I yelled.

Leslie looked at me stunned and fell open.  

Yearin looked at me serious and looked at Leslie, by her gaze I deduce what I said was not appropriate at the moment. I had touch frafgile territory and Leslie is still healing from those scarfs.

Leslie gave me a poisonous look and swallowed.

-                  Yes, you’re right, I’m no one. But let me tell one thing unless you don’t want to lose both persons you better do something because when it’s too late, there’s no way back. Got it? I lost Changmin for my entire life and yes I learnt in the hard way but I won’t let you do the same mistake. Not this time. – she threatened me and left out the door irritated.

Yearin whistled and sat of the couch. Yes, I should have not said that.







-       Are you kidding me?  - yelled Changmin and JaeJoong at the same time.

I got scared and took a few steps back. The both man in love with the same woman have reacted.

-                  Ok…. Yes, she’s here. I saw her –I added.

-                  When? How? Where? – asked Changmin

-                  Erm… well, in Jame’s building, she was talking with Karen in Leslie’s office.

-                  Oh…!  - Changmin stood up.

JaeJoong was going to say something to me but when he saw Changmin jumping from excitement and cheerful, he kept quite. He left the living room and went to his room.- we were at Jaejoong’s house- I sighed.

-                  Oh my! Are you serious? I can’t believe it! – he smiled.

-                  Yes, go and get her like Yearin said – I cheered him on.

I must say sometimes Yearin gives me some never but she helps out a lot in facing this thing and realize reality. If she was capable of pushing Changmin get out of his house, is because she has a gift.  

-                  I want to see her.

-                  Yes but don’t go to fast. Calm down. – I advised him -  please, she just came the last week, don’t freak out.

I took a deep breath and he sighed.

-                  Fine, then give me your phone.

JaeJoong came out of his room and smiled to us while putting on his jacket.

-                  Guys, do you want something to eat? –He asked.

-                  Yes, please for me – I begged him.

-                  Ok, Changmin?

-                  I’m fine, thank you  -he tried to give him a friendly smile.  

JaeJoong left and for a moment in a corner of my mind, knew Jaejoogn was going to see Leslie not go for food. He doesn’t offer himself normally, I’m the one who brings food, Is my duty inside JYJ. I sighed.

-                  Why do you want my phone? – I raised my eyebrow.

-                  Just do it – he said desperately.

I took out my phone and Changmin took it away and sat on the couch.

-                  Does she know about you?  - he said while searching through the contacts.

-                  No.

He made a poker face.

-                  Aish… go there and talk to her. She needs to see you! – he yelled.

-                  Why? She’s busy! Besides I won’t go to that building anymore. – I crossed my arms.

Changmin looked at me gently, with a starving face.

-                  No – I refused.

-                  Yes! You are going for me, please!  - he practically ordered me.

30 minutes passed by trying to convince me until he got my weak point, food. He promised me to take me to a expensive and luxurious restaurant if I went and talk to her.

I agreed and left to the building.

I went by Alejandra’s office and saw her talking with Yunho.

Saw when I didn’t see her, I kept going looking for Leslie. I found her in the workshop planning some cars. And when I looked closely it was my car being prepare. That means a lot if left to be done.

-                  Leslie! – I faked I was surprised.

She opened her eyes wide.

-                  Huh?

-                  Oh Leslie! –I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

I didn’t find another way to be surprise. Being sincere I didn’t have the guts to act.

She looked at me stunned and she hugged me back.

-                  Junsu, goodness… I wanted to see you so badly.

-                  Really? Why? – it was strange for me.

She laughed between gritted teeth.

-       Let’s go to my office – she smiled at me and my mouth fell open me. I had forgotten about the charms of these women from this building.

She grabbed my hand and took me to her office and closed the door.

I swallowed. I don’t know why I was nervous.

-                  What happened? – I raised my eyebrow

-                  Nothing. I just…. Well, I don’t think is good moment, so you better talk about you. Something in your life? – she say in her desk and crossed her legs.

I wanted not to see, I would die if I kept looking at her. And she is not helping with her outfit; she looked too striking.  

-                  I…. erm…. Nothing to report, really. Just our next album will air in a few months.

-                  Oh lovely – she got off the desk that was a relief for me and sat in front of me– so why you came here?

-                  I was… - I shook my head. I had to invent a story, which I hate it. – I came to see Alejandra but I noticed she’s busy.

-                  With Yunho? – she laughed mocking – Yes, sure.

She rolled her eyes.

-                  What? – her expression was strange for me.

-                  Never mind. Do you want to eat something? I can leave Karen here. – she smiled again and took my breath away.

-                  Erm… I can’t, a friend promised me he would take me to dinner today.

-                  Oh, no problem. Then soon – she winked at me and gave me like a cover smile.

I laughed nervously.

-                  Anyway, what happened? Why you left? Where have you been all this time? – I asked.

-                  I was in Germany. And well… I left like Alejandra did, to take some air. I needed time to think. I made a huge mistake so I wanted to get it over it but I needed a place where Changmin’s face doesn’t exist. So I chose Germany  - she explained.

-                  Do you have family there?

-                  No, not at all.

We talked for a long time, almost all afternoon unti night. Some times she left to see a detail but came back still talking. It was comforting; it was a long time ago since I had felt comfortable talking for a long time.

-       Anyway, Thanks for coming. Now I have to work. – she smiled and stood up.

At that moment we were sitting on the floor, resting our backs against the wall and we both stood up, besides my excuse of leaving.

She stood up then helped me, when she practically pick me up from nowhere, I tripped and my whole body position itself over hers, fortunately she had the strength to hold me.

-                  Oh, sorry – I muttered.

She giggled.

-       Don’t worry.

I looked at her in her eyes and she looked to the side and swallowed. I can’t stop thinking, this idea drives me crazy, but she is really beautiful. I got closer to her but she got away and raised her eyebrow. Then without thinking twice, I kissed her.

I don’t know what happened to me, but I went nuts. My mind collapsed, I came to help Changmin not to end up kissing her. Is it that Leslie has some charms that no man can resist? Is now three… Oh my god.





I arrived to Jaejoong’s home and found him talking to Changmin. Both were drinking and Jaejjoong had his cellphone which was on the table, a videocall with Yoochun, and if my eyes are not wrong, also Yearin.

A smiled to both of them but when I face Changmin I panicked. As if my face gave me away, what I did with Leslie. I know she is single now, however, that woman belongs to Changmin.

 I sighed.

-                  Are you all right? – asked JaeJoong

-                  Yes, thanks – I sat beside him.  

Changmin looked at me expecting and I hid my face or turned away. Why does this happen to me? I have never acted this way… Now, I understand Jaejoong when he wants to hide from Changmin.  

-                  I… I…. I saw her – I muttered.

-                  So? What happened? What did she tell you? – he smiled

I swallowed.  

JaeJoong noticed my nerves and looked at me by the corner of his eye. He knew I did something I must have not done, and now I have to face him….

-                  She was in Germany all this months – I whispered – and she’s fine, she said she got over it.

-                  Oh… that’s a relief – He sighed.

-                  We… agreed to dinner tomorrow, you can call her.

He raised his eyebrow.

-                  I go instead of you?  - he asked.

I nodded slowly.

-                  Aha.

-                  I’ll try. – he bit his lip.

When Changmin left, Jaejoong turned to me and made a poker face.

My hand started shaking and I began to sweat. This was not cool. 

-                      What have you done, Junsu? – he stared at me.

-                  I… nothing. I just… I….  – I ducked my head.

He rolled his eyes.

-                  Speak now. I don’t like this – he made a face.

-                  We were sitting in the floor talking, chatting, like friends. But when she helped me to get up…. I….

-                  YOU kissed her? – he shouted

I shook my head. NOO!! Oh God.. What have I done???

-                  She has her charms, you know – I confesed.

-                  Of course, I know that!  - he screamed – oh god… Junsu, you are toasted, how could you?

-                  I don’t know! – I shouted – she looked beautiful!

-                  God…. He blew– now you see how I felt.

-                  YES!   - I exclaimed – What did you do to get over it? I can’t forget it. Besides… I liked kissing her – I admitted in a whisper.

JaeJoong laughed sarcastic and blew frustrated.

-                  I’m a horrible person  -he suddenly said – I used Karen to forget her… I feel so bad. But well… I haven’t talked to her.

-                  Have you kissed her? – I raised my eyebrow

-                  No, not at all. But I went to dates with her just to erase Leslie off if my mind. – he exhaled.

I crossed my arms and made poker face.

-                  Well… I can’t use anybody -  I said.

-                  Don’t do it, anyway. Just think of another thing… you have work to do. – He suggested.

-                  I hope….

He laughed between gritted teeth and laid himself on the couch.

-                  That woman is….

-                  Too catchy – we said at the same time.

We looked at each other and burst into laughter. We seem like failures….

Well, I’m one, I have lost the woman I love the most…




-                  Are you nuts? – screamed Karen

-                  I know! – I shouted– Anyway keep working, Karen. We have a lot to do.

Alejandra entered at that moment to my office and smiled

-       What’s going on here? – she walked with her tummy, which was more bigger but still she looked beautiful.

I laughed between gritted teeth. I couldn’t look at her, I feel like she is going to notice what I did wrong if she looks at me.

-                  Hi, Alejandra – greeted  Karen and left to the workshop. She sat in front of me and smiled.

-                  What? – I swallowed.

-                  Nothing. I just wanted your help.

I raised my eyebrow.

-                  Tell me.

-                  I’ve already told Yearin, so I need you now – She informed.

I nodded.

-       Well… Yesterday night, Yunho…. Well, you know we have already a relationship right?

I choked and starting to cough. WHAT??????????? WHAT???????? NO JUNSU OH MY GOD!

-                  What the… heck? – I exclaimed.

-                  Shut up! Listen to me! – she ordered.

I almost stood up from the sit but I calmed down and sat again. This was all wrong. How is it possible? No… impossible.

-       Alejandra, how could you….? – My mouth was widely open and my eyes were about to put out.

I couldn’t believe it.

-       Listen to me. He proposed to me yesterday night. I said yes because I loved him so much but I’m a little confused… you see, we have been together for a few months… I know I acted like nothing happened, however we decided to keep it as a secret… but now he’s going to be the father of my son! – she smiled happily, like never before.

I almost cried. What’s going on in her mind? Is not because of Yunho she is a bad person but Junsu? Junsu is the father…. Oh god, I will cry. I shouldn’t say to myself this, not when I’m this emotional.

I ducked my head, I felt like Junsu, as if I were Junsu. Oh God.. I only he had fallen in love with another person not her..

I sobbed slowly but I calmed down.

-                  I’m happy for you – I tried to fake the best smile ever– Go with Yunho if you love him that much. I’m glad –I exhaled.

-                  Oh yes! Thank you!  Yearin was dancing with me, we were jumping, she knew something about us that’s why she was sure about him.

I swallowed. The guts of me crying were stuck in my throat and it hurt.

-                  Of course… well, tell Karen then. She would be happy too –I lied. We both wanted it to be Junsu the chosen one not Yunho.

-                  Thank you Leslie! – she got closer and kissed my cheek – Thanks!

I nodded and when she left I burst into tears. Oh my god Junsu… I’m so sorry.

I was 5 minutes crying, I couldn’t stop and even thought I tried to convince myself something would happen it was written Alejandra and Yunho were going to marry. Why? Dammit Alejandra! How can you make Junsu suffer? AHHH! RAGE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!

At that moment I received a message form Junsu and burst into tears.

 “Hello LC, where are you?” he wrote.

I started crying more. `

“Hi, I’m in my office” I dialed down and tears blurred my view. I didn’t knmow what I was writing.  

“Can you meet me in the restaurant we agreed? I’m hungry”

“Now?” I shouted more and my screen was full of tears.

“Yes please”

“Ok, I’ll be there in a second”

Should I tell him what Alejandra has done? I can’t…. It would hut him. I can’t.. this is too strong.. Too much. Oh god… I don’t want to imagine when Junsu finds out.

I prepared my thing and left in my car. Alejadra tried to stop me but I ignored. You know what? If Junsu wasn’t in love with her, I would stay with him.

I blew.

I drove crying and cried bad. I tried to drive as relax as possible but sometimes I speed too much and ended taking another end, I had to make a 360 turn to go back.

I arrived and saw somebody with a black jacket and a hoodie. He seemed tall… Or is it my blurry sight from crying too much.

I calmed down as much as possible and faced him.

-                  Hi, Junsu… - he turned and my mouth fell open el. – Chang….

-                  Hi, Leslie – he muttered

I took a step back with my mouth open. Am I dreaming? I died or I went to heaven? Oh my god…

-                  What are  you doing here? – I shouted.

-                  Leslie… I want to talk with you.

-                  About what? – I frowned.

My sorrow left and rage took over me. I tried not to get mad, I don’t want to turn into Hulk.

-       Can we go to your house? – he bit his lip.

I made a poker dace and went to my car.

-                  Leslie! – he exclaimed

-                  Yes, get in – I replied coldly.

On the way back, we didn’t say a word not only one time and I ignored him.

We arrived and threw my thing from rage. What is he going to tell me? I know I don’t have the right to get mad, but my friend has ruined my day.

-                  What? – I sat and stared at him.

-                  I’m sorry – He muttered – I behaved really bad and I’m so sorry…. You left the country just to forget me but I… tried but I couldn’t… I’m still… I still remember every moment we had and I don’t want to put an end to it. I know you are mad because I left you alone despite all you did but I… I… I don’t to loose you. It’s late, perhaps but if I don’t at least, say something to you I’m going to explode. I spent the last 2 months waiting for you here. I had a hope that you would return and Junsu told me you arrived….and I literally freaked out. I was happy, I wanted to  see you so badly – he explained – I…. I told you once but I’m still crazy about you….

I was speechless and my heart was about to pop out of my chest. Again, I died while driving or went to heaven? Why does this happen to me? How….? What is going on?? First I felt Junsu’s sorrow but my heart was jumped out of joy.

-       I love you – he muttered.

I got dizzy I felt like he was going too fast and now I’m in no condition to be bombarded by words. Even though I have to admit, my heart melted a few seconds, since the second he started to talk.

-                  I… I’m speechless –I muttered.

He laughed nervously.

-       Yeah, me too, you look gorgeous…. – he smiled gently.

I bit my lip. Oh my god….

I leaned to him and kissed him. Yes, I know, I love Changmin that I fell for him the first time, however, I have dreamt of Changmin telling me to come back with him. I sincerely, now have a chance. Why and I going to refuse him or try to be hard he is what I wanted the most?

I hugged him as hard as I could.

-                  Oh Changmin… - I sobbed.

-                  Don’t cry, please.

-                  I’m sorry, but now I’m very sentimental – I tried tu suppress my tears.

He kissed my cheek and looked at my eyes.

-                  And there’s one more thing.

-                  Yes? – I slowly said.

He patted my head and took my hand. I was going to fall if he kept seducing me that way.

-                  Do you have your ring?

-                  Yes of course –I took it out my purse and showed it to him. 

I always carried it with me, never left it home. It is really sad to say how depress I was without Changmin during those 2 moths.

I can say to many people a got over it but as you see I hadn’t.

He gave me a smile.  

-       Do you still want to marry me? – he pick up the ring and took my hand.

I got excited and started crying.

Changmin put on the rong and I threw myself over him. Oh my god, a happy and depress day at the same time. I must thank Changmin for cheering my day.  

-                  It was a Little easy. I thought you were going to ignore me – he admitted – it just took me a few minutes

I rolled my eyes.

-       I can’t help it. I’m really excited – I gave a small jump-I’m so glad you told me this…. God! I had a terrible day – I sighed frustrated.

He looked at me strange.

-                  What happened?

-                  Wait, first can I…? – I laughed between gritted teeth.

I kissed him and surround his neck with both arms. I cannot be more happier, the only thing that opaque is the sun in this day Alejandra will marry Yunho and not the person I wish the most, Junsu. Oh my god… I will die.

-       Ok, now tell me – he whispered smiley.

I gave him a short kiss and cuddled to him. He finished sitting me in his legs and I placed my head in his chest.

-                  Can you tell me now? – he asked.

-                  You will freak out like me, so be careful that I’m here – he pointed out.

He giggled.

-                  OK, I promise.

I took a deep breath.

-                  Alejandra is going to marry Yunho – I informed.

Changmin was still with his eyes really widely.

-       WHAT? – he screamed that I became deaf.

I got off his legs and he stood up and started walking desperate around the house.

-                  How could she do that? Is she insane? What about Junsu? Oh my goodness… poor Junsu, I think I’m going to cry for him! – he yelled.

-                  I did the same thing! I cried! – I shouted.

He placed his hand over his bang and messed hi hair.

-       How could she? I mean… Junsu was trying so hard…. I’m going to kill her? When he proposed? – I frowned and statarted complaining.

I sighed

-                  She told me both had already a relationship but they were keeping it as a secret and he proposed to her yesterday – I announced it to him.

-                  She’s crazy! She’s going to kill Junsu! – he yelled

-                  I know. I tried to be happy for her because she looked so happy but I ended up weeping for Junsu! I feel guilty and so bad for him!  - I said overwhelmed. I wanted to throw rocks I don’t know why.  

Changmin sat with me and the next hour we were complaining and grumbling about Alejandra and Yunho.  The fact that both were happy, it made things harder. However, we were scared to face Junsu, in fact, we didn’t want to announce our engagement again, but anyway…. Junsu knew, I told him that night Changmin sent him to spy on me. And when I remembered what I did with Junsu, I didn’t say a thing nor complain it to Junsu, I would have been a completely .

-                  Anyway…. We can’t do anything. If you say she’s really but really euphoric then, we have to let them but first she should pay for everything she have done to Junsu. He’s going to be destroy –said changmin gesturing with his hands.  

I was laying on the sofa and and had my head in his chest. He kept patting my hair but when he complained he moved his hand, like any other normal person capable of expressing.

Then before I leaving, I remembered a small detail I had done, the most important.

-                  Changmin…. Do you really want to marry me? – I tensed and looked straight in his eyes.

-                  Yes, of course –he nodded convinced.

I bit my lip

-                  Then there’s something you need to know first. If you feel wrong then you can leave I won’t cry…

-                  Just tell me, Leslie – I frowned and he stared at me serious.

I swallowed. It was not going to be easy telling him the truth.






















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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!