




Changmin and I were sleeping, it was 3 am when they rang the bell. I stood up slowly, Changmin seemed like he was not breathing, practically, and I left. 

-       Alejandra? – I saw her crying.

She threw herself over me and hugged me with all her strength.

-       Easy girl! What happened? – I got scared.

-       Oh Leslie…. I missed you so much! Why you left me? – she said overwhelmed – god! I needed you urgently!

I pulled her away and took her to my living room and tried to calm her down. I prepared her a tea in less than a minute and gave it to her so she could calm down. She finished drinking it and the talked.

-       OK tell me – I said.

-       Oh! What to do? I was happily married with Yunho and someday I saw him with a woman! A woman! Not me!  I left depressed, I wanted to talk to you but I couldn’t you were so far so I went to Junsu’s house but…. We made the same ing mistake. And now Yunho…. Gave me the divorce papers and I signed at rage! I’m lost! I lost my husband! – she exclaimed desperately.

My eyes almost popped out.

-       And Ryan?

-       He’s fine. He loves to be with Junsu more than me and Yunho. But I don’t know how to tell him that I’m divorcing his father.

-       He knows Junsu is his biological dad, right? – I asked concerned.

She nodded and swallowed.

-       Yes. He tells Junsu, appa. But even so… I…. I’m an idiot! I lost both of them.

We talked many hours about those problems that were going on with Yunho. Everything started with trivial fights which later became more complicated, until the point of Yunho leaving the house. However one day he crossed the line but it became something regular and then Alejandra found him out. God.. men..

-       I’m getting Ryan’s custody however, this’s too complicated and he’s only 4 years old. He’s a baby!

I sighed.

I hugged her and she burst into tears. She couldn’t stop crying.

Finally after crying she fell asleep. I left her to rest in the sofa and ended up sleep by her side.

The next morning I made breakfast and Changmin was surprise to see Alejandra. He talked to her trying to calm her down but she was still freaking out.

-       Mami, quiero mi tamal! (Mami, I want my tamal)– complained Jae

-       Jae,  estamos en Corea, mi amor. Y tampoco es que trajimos… lo siento, Jae, no tenemos aquí (Jae, we are in Korea, my love. And he didn’t bring.. Sorry, Jae, we don’t have here)– I caressed his cheek.

He pouted.

-       Mi JaeJoong debe saber cocinar (My Jaejoong know how to cook)– he crossed his arms.

I burst into laughter.

-       Oh no… el ni sabe que es un tamal. No hay hijo. Esperame que ya llevo el desayuno. Hoy hice huevos ok?  (Oh no… he doesn’t even know what tamal is. There’s nothing here, my son. Wait until breakfast is made, Today we have eggs, ok?)

-       ¿Solo eso? ¿y mi surtido? (Only that? And my mixed juice?)

My eyes went blank.

-       Oe niño, no te me rebeles. Mira Jae, estamos en otro país totalmente diferente. Te has mal acostumbrado a comer rico ¿no? (Ya! Kid!, don’t rebel to me. Look Jae, we are in another country totally different. You have gotten used to eating good right? )

-       ¡Quiero ir a Peru! (I want to go to Peru!)

Well he is Peruvian, Peru and its food runs through his veins even thought he looks more british and Korean than Peruvian. 

I was going to say something when the bell rang. I opened and it was Junsu with his innocent face.

-       Junsu! – I exclaimed.

-       Is Alejandra here? – he asked carefully.

I nodded.

-       Si…. (Yes…) – I muttered.

-       Can I talk to her, please? – he begged.

I let him in and Alejandra as soon as she saw him she jumped from the sofa and stood up. Changmin approached me and we both hid in the living room to watch everything. I couldn’t miss on this.. finally, what I have hoped for.

-       What’s wrong? – asked Alejandra

-       I… can we sit down?  - he made a face.

Both sat and looked at each other straight in the eyes. Those killing stares…

-       I’m sorry Alejandra for all this. You shouldn’t be going through this and I feel like it’s my entire fault. I know you came to my house but I made the mistake. I should have stopped it but I…. – he swallowed – I just couldn’t. Every time Ryan and you were in my house I felt like we were a family but you belonged to another man and so did he.... however…. I was selfish and was only thinking about my happiness and I ignored the fact that you are marry to Yunho… and I… well I took advantage of your feeling…. That’s why I tell you it’s my fault. I’m the guilty one not you. I’m so, so sorry. I wish I could go back on time.

Alejandra bit her lip and held his hand carefully.

-       I’ve to admit I felt the same way as you. I thought I was the only naughty in this situation but you were following me as well – she whispered.  

Junsu smiled shyly and nodded.

-       Anyway, I’m sorry. Now you have to endure this crap…. Still I’m really sorry.

-       I realized after all this that… I was deceiving myself when I married Yunho. I loved him very much but… I made a wrong decision. I hurt him with my behavior towards you… and I hurt you too. The only idiot here is me… you tried to tell me however I ignored now I’m regretting…. – she whispered looking to a side.

Junsu smiled slowly and rubbed her hand.

-       Perhaps it isn’t too late – he muttered.

-       I’m worried about Ryan. How are we going to tell him? This is a difficult subject and he’s only 4 years, he’s my baby! – she exclaimed.

-       Relax. Everything has a solution. – said Junsu more calmed.

Alejandra gave him a smile and nodded.

-       Thank you.

They got close to each other but Changmin and I interrupted with Jae screaming like crazies.

-       YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!  - we both screamed.  

Both laughed seeing us really happy. This is what I have always wanted all my life, for this couple to came back.  Oh god 4 years have gone by for Alejandra to understand and realize who is the true person that loves her. She is so slow.

I hugged Alejandra and Changmin to Junsu, we were excited. Finally, we had a good reason to take out the Peruvian wine “Tacama”. Oh yes!

We ate drinking the wine, well I couldn’t but still I drank a small cup hiding from Changmin.  

-       Hey! Quién te ha dicho que tomes ah? Tremenda borracha, trae para aca el vaso (Hey! Who told you to drink? Such a big drinker, bring that glass here.)– Changmin approached me almost running

I started laughing while I ran through the living run escaping from Changmin.

-       Ahora, Leslie White! (Now, Leslie White!!)– he exclaimed.

I burst into laughter.

-       Ay por favor! Viejo verde, déjame en paz! Es solo una copita. (Oh please! You old green man, leave me alone! Is only a cup!)

-       For god’s sake, she’s a alcoholic – said Junsu laughing.

Alejandra had her hand over trying to hide which was really wide from the laughter.

-       Leslie! – yelled Changmin

-       Me tendras que pagar por tener que cargar tu hijo de nuevo! (You will have to pay me for carrying my son again!!)– he yelled still running.

Changmin grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

-       No, no, borracha no es de nuevo. –(No, no, you drunk, not again.) he kissed me

I laughed, this time like a drunk person and nodded.

-       Te amo, Changmin (I love you, Changmin) – I whispered and kissed him.

Alejandra and Junsu stood up and started making noises. It seems they were really in a good mood to freak out like that like us, the bad Asses.  

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!