Chapter 14



14. JS’S POV

-       AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! – I yelled – This girl is killing me!

Yoochun got scared and pick up everything I had thrown. 

-       Calm down, Junsu.

-       Look, I don’t really care about Yunhee but Alejandra? She’s carrying my son! MY SON! – I screamed

-       Junsu….

-       No! No! she almost literally killed me. But she left like nothing is happening. – I stumbled.  

-       It was an accident besides you are not injured. – he pointed out and crossed his arms – Junsu, you won’t gain nothing if you keep….

-       What? I told her the truth but just like that day, she kicked me out!

He rolled his eyes.

-       Remember, this is hard for her too. You are not the only one who has to deal with the press and managers… and… well… fans

-       What? She has fans? Who? Me?

He laughed between gritted teeth.

-       Maybe. But no, look at me – he pulled my arm – Perhaps, she’s thinking you are taking this as an obligation. You know how complicated are women. I bet she loves you too, however she won’t say it. You have to prove to her that you are the worthy man, a mature guy that can handle a family, the one that can take the responsibility of his family, once again. You are acting like a kid doing shows to call her attention.


Perfecto, I happens that I’m immature and I’m 35 years old. I’m old for god’s sake and I act like a baby! But, then, What do I do? Go to a cave to do yoga and meditate until I mature?  

I grumbled.

-       Aish! Women! – I exclaimed

-       Look… Yearin is the same…

-       What? Yearin? – I raised my eyebrow

I burst into laughter because of the face he made. He gave himself out. Another lover, he has fallen for the perfect doctor. As always…   

-       No… no…

-       No! Yoochun what’s going on with her? Is something serious? – I sat; I thought it was interesting.   

-       Junsu don’t change subjects.

-       No! tell me. I know she’s helping Alejandra with her pregnancy.

-       Well yes…

-       Brilliant. So tell me! – I demanded and looked expecting it. I knew what expression to give to get him out the truth.

He blew air into his cheeks and then blew harder.

-       We went to dinner that’s it.

-       You like her. – It wasn’t a question, it was obvious he likes her. no

He made a poker face.

-       Yes… she’s gorgeous.

-       Just that? She’s pretty? Are you kidding me? That woman is a model! – I yelled.

-       Aish… I know! – he grumbled.

He slowly admits… I like this games. .

-       Wasn’t she married? – It suddenly pop up in my head.

-       Yes. But… her husband is a Little jealous – he muttered.

-       Why? He appeared in the dinner and yell at you? – I deduced.

-       Bingo!

I opened my eyes wide.

-       What the ? How? How he knew that? Oh my…

-       She told me he was here for his child and it seems Daisuke, his son, told his dad.

-       I’d have killed that little man! – I made a face.

Why do the kids always are always giving away their parents? Is not because they do it on purpose but it seems that sometimes they say it in the least expected moment. However, I have to admit, I adore babies, especially when they are really little.  

-       What did he tell you?

-       He did a show too.

-       Why I didn’t see it on the papers? – It was strange to me.

He killed me with his stare.

-       I invited her to my house. I cooked.

I opened my mouth.

-       Oh, you are a gentleman.

-       Yes but her ex-husband ruined everything – He mumbled between gritted teeth.

-       What did he tell you? C’mon tell me!

-       Nothing. Let’s see your case, Junsu. Yours is more important.

-       I should quit – I sighed.

He got scared and jumped a bit. I don’t know what bit him that he went hysterical.

-       NO! You can’t leave Alejandra, come on Junsu I told you… you have to prove to her you are the man. Don’t give up.

-       Yes sure. She hates me! Don’t you see? I think she prefers Yunho.

Then he froze and opened his mouth wide.

-       Oh god, I forgot about him. Jesus! That’s different.

-       See? God! She’s impossible! – I screamed..

-       No! No!

-       How can you be so sure? – I looked at him suspicious.

He made an uncomfortable face.

-       I’m doing the same thing with Yearin and it’s working.

I burst into laughter. Well if Yearin falls.. why not Alejandra? Yearin seems like a … well, honestly, she scares me when I see her and Yoochun can handle her. Why can I not with Alejandra? Ah!

-       Fascinating! So if you can with Yearin that looks creepier than Alejandra, then I assume I can deal with Alejandra.

-       Like I told you, you need to show to her that you are worthy. Besides Junsu, she’s your fan.

I forgot that little big fact.

-       What fan would hate you?

-       Unless she became a hater – I thought.

-       No! – he opened his eyes wide – NO! Junsu. Aish… you are so hard as her.

I got offended. No, she is mean! She hates me, I don’t hate her, it is all the opposite.

-       Look. If she doesn’t show any interest in you in a month then you are done. But if you see, she’s falling for you, then bravo! You got her. Understand?

I nodded. Yoochun knows how to make plans.

-       Ok…ok, follow you.

-       Great! Then let’s work!

I laughed really hard.

I only hope Alejandra does really fall in love with me for real… Oh god, it feels impossible.















I received Yearin’s phone call and she was desperate or I meant excited, I don’t know how to put it.

-       Oh my! Leslie… she… oh my…!

-       What? Tell me! Where are you? – It was strange for me. That is something I must know.

-       I’m in the service room, Where the security cameras are with Karen. Goodness! Alejandra, this’s a drama. Really! – she screamed.

-       What’s going on? What? Tell me!

She made a low sound and I heard weird noises and in the background Karen’s voice.

-       I’m going to assassinate Leslie. Aish! Oh my god….! NO!!!

-       Damn it! Poor Changmin – whispered Karen

-       WHAT? – I was going to turn into Hulk, if they didn’t tell me.

I kept listening to voices, and recognized Jaejoong’s voice and Leslie;s and I was freaking out!!   

-       Ok… JaeJoong kissed Leslie in front of Changmin… oh my… Changmin is so sad, he just left.!

-       Then do something! – I yelled

-       Karen! GO! – Ordered Yearin to her.

-       What? Oh my… me? – Karen was flabbergasted.

-       You better move really – I threatened.

I heard Karen’s high heels and deduced she left. Is incredible what’s happening.  

-       Karen’s so slow. Anyway… Leslie is a !

-       What?

-       Nothing. JaeJoong is talking with her… about this… girl. He had a girlfriend that cheated on him with Changmin…

I knew the story, Junsu told me but CHangmin? How the heck can he do that? I don’t get it. And shouldn’t he be with Leslie? Good, I’m lost.

-       What? Changmin?

-       Wait… you know what? Come to Korea and I’ll tell you something I don’t have much credit left. Good bye! – she exclaimed and hang up.

I threw the cellphone in my bed. Oh my god How can she possibly leave like that? I was red from rage but I tried to calm down, my baby must be green like Hulk. Poor my baby.

Yunho entered and looked overwhelmed.

-       I’m sorry – he whispered.

-       It’s ok. I’m the one who has to apologize.

-       Relax, Alejandra

I opened my eyes wide. It drove me crazy every time he told me to calm down. As if it were possible? With all of this issues and big problems is impossible to be calm. 

-       Yunho you say one more time to stay calm and I’ll kill you, ok?

-       Sorry – he laughed – I need to relax actually

-       Aha.

-       Anyway, what happened?

I told him the least of what Yearin told me and his mouth fell open.

-       OK, we have to go to Korea. Pack all your things and leave. God, I will murder that girl.

-       Which one? The ex or Leslie?  - I raised my eyebrow.

-       Both. I see that Leslie, well she likes him anyway.

-       No, she loves Changmin and she’s going to marry him. Ok? She can’t be with JaeJoong. Her sister maybe.

-       Do you think all this is a fairy tale story?

I frowned and looked at him strange. Since when do I think my life is a fairy tale?

-       What are you talking about?

-       All of you, think that Karen must be with JaeJoong. Why? Just because she’s his fan? It’s ridiculous, Ally. He should be with the person he loves, Leslie is one of them.

-       Do you even hear what are you saying? And what about Changmin? He loves her, he has a relationship with her and he’s engaged to her. You can’t break that.

-       They just did.

-       NO! Yunho, you are wrong. I want the happiness of all of us not only of JaeJoong.

-       Then we should separate Leslie in two parts – he concluded.

-       Ugh! You look so immature. Grow up! – I pushed him and went out my room.

I walked making noise to the kitchen; I was hungry. I need some support if I were going to get mad at Yunho. How can he say that? For Leslie to separate in two parts? Is unthinkable. And is not that she can marry both.  

-       Ally, Wait!

-       I’m hungry, let me eat! – I pushed him and left to the fridge.

I took out milk and more food which was left over, I heated everything and ate it at that instant.

-       Ally…

-       Wait! I’m eating! – I kept eating or I mean, swallowing everything in the table. I couldn’t stop eating, I think I did it because of the stress.  

-       Ally just listen to me. I want to tell you something that’s actually, really important for me.

-       What?

-       You said you wanted the happiness of everyone, right? Did you mean it?

I raised my eyebrow. What does he mean?

-       I don’t really know if you are just pretending you don’t love Junsu but I know he loves you too much and…well… I went to Korea to help you just for one reason.

-       What? – I made a face.

-       Besides your baby… I… love you.

I swallowed the piece of meat and almost choke. I opened my eyes wide and ordered myself to drink water.

-       Yunho… what?

-       Listen don’t freak out. I just wanted to tell you, the only thing that would make me happy is you to be with Junsu, but I just needed to tell you my feelings.

My jaw dropped that it reach the floor. I couldn’t believe it. Then Leslie wasn’t wrong.  

-       Do I have to say something? – I asked like a stupid girl.

-       If you want to. But no, it’s ok. Like I told you I…- I got closer and kissed him.

I’m nuts.  



We went to Korea at night. We didn’t know what could happen with Changmin and Leslie so we had no other choice but to go and there was no other way to know what’s going on unless I go there and order Yearin to tell me all the details.

Yunho went running to his apartment and I went home to leave my things, I took a bath, changed and went running to the building. When I arrived Jaejoong was talking to Karen and Yearin in my office. Now I see Yearin comes more often to the building.

-       Oh my goodness! Finally the owner of the company is here! – said Yearin with a bright smile. I liked how she looked.

-       Hi – I laughed embarrassed.

-       I hope you are staying now, right? – asked Karen smiley.  

JaeJoong looked at her by the corner of his eye and sighed tired. He looked really boring… I don’t know if it was because he lost Leslie or by the simple fact that he is tired.

-       Yes. I’m staying – I assured.

Karen and Yearin jumped and started celebrating. I guess they needed that to start moving. I don’t know how difficult it must have been for them but I know for Leslie it must have been a nightmare.  I decided not talk about that topic that I wanted to know because Jaejoong was still there and in all the hours I talked to Karen and Yearin he didn’t say a word. He sat looking at us saying nothing.

I was amazed but Karen seemed happy because he was beside her, however he worried me.

When Karen left because she needed to continue working and Yearin left because of her son, I was left with him and decided to talk about that topic.

-       JaeJoong

-       Hm? – He looked at me with a bore face.

He made a face.

-       Erm… I… perhaps you already know that I was staying at Yunho’s house.

-       Aha.

-       And… I lived with Changmin….

I frowned and grumbled.

-       What?

-       Do you feel ok? You look gloomy.

-       I’m tired.

-       But you just…

-       What? Leslie? She’s with Changmin right now.

-       How do you know? – it was strange and I insisted to know. I didn’t want to bother him but I had no other option.

He took a deep breath.

-       I just know.

-       Why you let her go?

He raised his eyebrow confused.

-       What do you mean? I let her go because…

-       She told you she loves you – I dared to say.

-       She’s engaged to Changmin.

I nodded. That’s what I wanted to hear from him. Meaning, he showed me Jaejoong was sincere.

-       You want her happiness –I said.

-       Of course. I wouldn’t love her if I didn’t care about it. –he stood up and took a deep breath.

 I opened my mouth. He was too adorable.

-       I need to see Junsu’s car. He’s driving me nuts for that. – He grumbled.

He was going to my desk but I stopped him.

-       No. I’ll do it. It’s my job now, you can go home and rest. You should take a nap really.

-       If I’m sad I prefer to be busy.

I understood him. It’s true. When somebody is gloomy is better to be occupied and think of other thing and not on that person.

-       Ok, then help me out.

-       You should be resting. – he reminded me.

I made a poker face.

-       No, JaeJoong. I’ve to work.

-       Well… if you want to I won’t stop you.

-       Thank you.

He smiled and I fainted. Literally I fell again on the sofa with my mouth wide open, I don’t know how Leslie could loose him.




When I went to Changmin’s apartment he was not there. I got scared. Where can he be? I looked under the door and it was dark. I dialed the number and entered. Like I said it was dark, I turned oh the light and everything was still as if someone hadn’t touch anything for months. And yes, nobody is there in months. I lived for a moment there but there where many problems so I decided to leave the apartment and I bought another while he stayed in Japan. I went to the kitchen and noticed Changmin had been there. There were glasses on the sink and a bottle of wine in the trashcan.  

-       Oh…boy – I muttered

When I moved the bottle in the trashcan, I saw something shiny and for a moment it blinded me.

When I noticed it was the ring I had given him as a present. I had given him a ring months ago, symbolizing our relationship. Now is on the trash. Should I be there to on the trash? I’m garbage, in conclusion.

-       Changmin… I’m so sorry – I whispered and bit my lip.

I pick up the ring and looked at it for a moment.

What can I do? Look for him until I die?

I received a call and it was Yunho. I jumped scared but it didn’t relieve me, I wanted it to be Changmin.

-       Yes?

-       Where are you? – He sounded mad.

-       Why?  - I frowned.

-       Changmin is heading to his apartment. – He informed – I…

I hang up and I jumped.

I organized everything that he had done. I had an idea and I hope it works. I have no clue what I’m going to say or how but I hope everything goes all right. I don’t want to loose Changmin, I know I did wrong but…

I have no excuse. I should dig myself right now.

I took a deep breath.

-       C’mon Leslie you can do it! – I closed my eyes and gave me courage to continue.

I cooked everything I could in a short time, Changmin had bought a bag of food recently so I could use it.  I cooked what he likes the most and almost finishing I heard a voice coming from the corridor. 

My heart started beating a thousand per second, I was scared, I felt like dying from a heart attack.

-       I’m tired Yunho… don’t come please, I want to be alone – grumbled Changmin through the phone when he entered. – No! I told you I want to be alone, what part of being alone you don’t understand? NO! I’m tired. – he hang up.

He threw his cellphone on the sofa and shook his head.

Then he noticed the smell and everything was in its place.

I turned of the stoves and took of the apron. I took a deep breath for the last time and giving myself strength, I turned off the light.

Changmin the light and when he saw me he jumped from the fear.

He frowned furiously.

-       What are you doing here? I bought that food for me! – He exclaimed.

-       I made this for you, Changmin.

-       What? What do you want? Get out!

-       Please listen to me!.

-       I don’t want to. Just go with JaeJoong, I saw enough. – He screamed.

I bit my lip.

-       No… Changmin, no…

-       What? Are you going to marry both?

-       Changmin listen to me! – I yelled.

-       Get out! –he shouted.

I looked at him full with rage. What a man! Why doesn’t he want to listen to me? I know I don’t deserve him looking at me but I want to explain, I’m not obligating him to come back with me.

I approached him but he got away as if running.

-       What? What are you going to tell me? You love me and JaeJoong was a mistake? You know I won’t believe you.

I rolled my eyes.

-       Yes Changmin I do! I do more than anything, that’s why I came here.

-       You should have told me about you and JaeJoong. You accepted my proposal while you were cheating on me. Are you nuts?

I wanted to cry but no, I had to be strong. I couldn’t leave him, I didn’t want to.

-       I’m so sorry.

-       No, Leslie. I don’t believe any of your words.

-       Changmin… please…

-       You had your chance but you kissed JaeJoong in front of me. Don’t say it was nothing because he really fell in love with you.

Dammit, this is a problem with no way out.

-       Just leave me.

-       I won’t leave you Changmin.

-       Why? You are making this worst, you know.

I looked at him stunned and sighed.

-       Can you please listen to me? Just for a moment, I beg you – my heart was beating a thousand per minute. You don’t know how nervous I was.  

Changmin looked at me mad and took a deep breath resigned.

-       Look… I know I don’t have any excuse, I know I’m wrong, I was an idiot for accepting your proposal when I was doing bad but believe me… no, you know I meant that yes. I’m not saying to get back our relationship, I just want to explain you… - I took a deep breath – Look, I won’t lie to you anymore. I…  I knew what I was doing was wrong but…

-       Really, you fell for him so easily. In just 3 o 4 months you were dying for him. Why? I don’t get it. Was I nothing to you?

-       No! Changmin no, you are all to me. I swear with my life you worth 100 times more than other person.

-       Listen to me, Leslie, if you did it once you can do it again you know what. You will still be seeing JaeJoong every other day and what? You are going to kiss him every time you see him because you couldn’t control yourself?

That bothred me. I wanted to slap him but I was still looking at him with rage. I wish I could throw lasers into his eyes.

-       You don’t trust me right? – I muttered.

-       You think I would trust you after what you did? – he raised his eyebrow.

I ducked my head.

-       But you know I’m not lying about this…

-       What?

-       About my feelings, idiot! – I couldn’t evade yelling at him.

He rolled his eyes.

-       What do you want? You made your point clear then get out.

I kneeled and ducked my head crying. You don’t know how bad I felt, I felt like a bastard for doing that, I don’t know why I came to his apartment. Why did I come? To beg him not to hate me? He already does it and the way he is behaving right now is impossible he will change his choice.

-       What are you doing? – he pierced his stare on me strange.

I looked at him and I don’t know what expression I made that Changmin changed his.

He raised his eyebrow confused.

-       I’m so, so sorry, Changmin. Please, please forgive me. I don’t want to loose you and I know I should have thought about that earlier but please, I beg you, don’t hate me, don’t leave me. I wanted to be by your side and I still want. Perhaps now I don’t deserve it because I’m a terrible woman but I…

I swallowed and looked to the side. I what? I what? What am I going to tell him? What freaking excuse should I say? It’s impossible.

I grumbled.

-       I love you. – I muttered.

He stared at me serious and didn’t say anything not even a single word.

I took out the ring from my pocket and showed it to him.

-       Where…?

-       It was in the trash.

-       You should have left it there.

-       Would you…. Would you please… be my…. Husband? – I asked him with all my nerves.

He opened his mouth and shook his head.

-       Leslie, what the…?

-       I…

-       No… No, Leslie… don’t do that… - he looked at me stunned and got away from me.  – I  can’t… I’ve to go.

He left to the door and closed it in a bang.

I burst into tears. It was needless to say; I had lost him.






-       God! There’s much work to do! – it was 3 am and I wasn’t even half way, I don’t know why but many projects were accumulated.

I grumbled.

-       I’m going to kill me! – I screamed.

-       You should go to home – Junsu said suddenly, he appeared in front of me.

I got scared. How did he enter? He has my password? Oh god….

-       Oh my! What the hell Junsu? – I exclaimed.

-       What are you doing working at this time? You should be sleeping. Let your baby out of stress – he raised his eyebrow.

-       Aish! Leave Junsu. I’m busy.

-       Yeah, you need help urgently. – he coincided.

Yes, is true. I need help. Leslie has been absent for two days, I don’t know what’s going on with her and she doesn’t answer her cellphone. Karen left just when her schedule finished because Jaejoong, now, invites her to go out. Of course, after being with Changmin’s fiancé he goes with the sister.  He is a player, however I can’t deny he helps even if Leslie doesn’t come.

-       You know, you are absolutely alone in the building right? Even the guardian is out of the building, technically – he made a face.

I made a poker face.

-       Junsu, what do you want? If you are not going to help, then leave – I tired to be nice to him but it was difficult, I wanted to yell at him.

-       I want my car, so I’m going to help you.

-       Should I thank you? –I rolled my eyes.

-       Later – he smiled

I nodded. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad, I could use a hand with everything in here. He grabbed a chair and sat beside me. Only having him and almost touching my arm drives me crazy. I don’t know what was going on with me that night having his presence there. And you know what? I think he smiles on purpose, he knows I like those adorable smiles form him.

-       Junsu press this softly, you know that keyboard is touch – I pointed out.

-       How can you write on this? It’s so difficult – He made a face madly.

I laughed between gritted teeth.

-       It’s pretty easy. Look, give me your hand – I held his hand and starting indicating where he had to press to make the options he wanted to appear.

When I felt his hand for a moment, I didn’t care but when I finished I noticed that I was holding his hand really hard that he even stared at me.

I got away from him and stood up.

Junsu shook his head.

-       Ok… Thanks – he muttered and swallowed.

I want to the mini room for a moment to relax. I was anxious to only see him, my heart skipped a beat and my baby kicked slowly. Does he know his father is here? I don’t think so, it’s impossible… And I only have 5 month of pregnancy and 3 weeks. Well almost 6 months.  

I took a deep breath.

A little voice came to my mind telling me Junsu didn’t come to exactly help. What did he want?

I left and sat again more relaxed.

-       Junsu, may I ask you something? – I raised my eyebrow.

-       What? – he said concentrated writing the data in the computer, it seemed it was hard to press the glass to type in.

I got closer and smiled playfully.

-       Are you trying to do something? Why are you here? It’s 3 am Kim Junsu! – I frowned.

Junsu got away with my gaze and got scared.

-       What’s Wrong with you, Alejandra? You look really nervous.

I made a poker face.

-       I don’t care! What are YOU doing here?

-       I’m helping you as you see.

-       Really? It’s 3 in the morning. What person would do that? – I crossed my arm.

He got really close to me that I felt his breathing, he laid his eyes on me and my heart started beating desperately.  

I swallowed.

-       A person who really cares about you. – he whispered with a seductive voice.

He leaned looking at my lips and slowly his lips touched mine.

I opened my eyes widely. What is going on? My son is going to go nuts for real, if he kisses me.

-       Junsu! – I pushed him.

I looked at him stunned and made a face.

-       You don’t get it, do you?  - he rolled his eyes.  

-       What? Junsu what? – I shouted.

He stood up and took a deep breath. He killed me with his stare but he bit his lip to not yell at me, I could see in his eyes the rage that he had at that moment.

-       I don’t want to fight. My son must be freaking out with your awful character.

-       Your son?

-       Yes, that baby is my son! I don’t care if you are carrying it, it’s mine! – he yelled madly.

I sighed.

-       Fine. So what?

-       Goodness… really you are too emotional! – he looked at the ceiling and blew irritated– Call Yunho then to help you.

Good idea. He was still here, he didn’t leave yet, well Changmin left running aghast to Japan and I have no clue why, definitely something went wrong with Leslie- it worries me- However Yunho stayed. He could help and it wouldn’t be bad to have his presence, he would really help me.

-       Good idea – he faked a smile – I’ll call him.

Junsu opened with mouth and left and closed the door really hard that the glass door vibrated scarily. It frightened me.

-       Hey! Be careful! I yelled. – Aish, this… little… - I took a deep breath, I had to calm down.

I called Yunho and he answered me with a low voice. Oh god… I had forgotten about the time. 

-       Oh my god, Yunho I’m sorry I woke you up – I bit my lip.

-       No, no tell me. Is everything ok?

-       I need your help, I have a lot of work.  – I admitted.

-       Ok… Ally, I’m on my way.

-       NO! – I exclaimed – No, it’s ok. I didn’t notice the clock, sorry.

-       No, Ally. Actually you should be sleeping. I’m going to help you to finish it quickly ok?

I nodded

-       Thanks.

-       No problem. – he sighed.

He hang up.

I felt a bit guilty to stress him. Then when I thought to continue working my phone vibrated. It was Yearin.

-       Yearin? Is something Wrong? – It was strange to me.

-       I just want to tell you I’m leaving to Japan for a few weeks. If Yoochun asks you something ignore him, Ok?

-       What happened?

-       Nothing… I’m taking my kid with me.

-       Of course… but Yearin, what happened? Tell me…

She sighed.

-       I… - she was silenced for a moment– Akira, my ex-husband made a scene when I was shopping with Yoochun.

-       What the heck is he doing here? – I was stunned.

-       He came to see Daisuke, but he yelled at Yoochun and… oh god! He’s so stupid.

-       What? He hit him?

She nodded.

-       Aha… He hit him on the street! I’m glad it was a little late but yet! What the heck is he thinking? God! I divorced him years ago… I don’t know why he’s following me.

Oh no… this smells fishy.

-         - I mumbled.

-       I know! Anyway…

-       But I don’t understand. Why are you leaving? Because Akira punched Yoochun? – I frowned.

She grumbled.

-       Also but no! Akira flew to Japan yesterday and I’m going to make things clear ok? I don’t want him interfering.

-       Go get him Yearin! You better slap him! – I laughed out loud.

-       Oh yes I will if I need to.

-       And your son? – I raised my eyebrow

-       I hope Changmin can help me with him

I made a face laughing. It seems impossible, with all this problem that has happened in this past days, exactly 5 days, I think he will not want to take care of a kid.

-       Erm…. You should leave your kid here, maybe with your mother.

-       Why?

-       You know what happened, Yearin. This all mess… Changmin must be you know….

She blew frustrated.

-       Aish! Anyway he needs some distraction. OK?

-       Fine. Fine.

-       Ok, Alejandra, goodbye.

-       Have you called Leslie? – I asked as fast as possible.

She was thinking.

-       Yes but she’s not answering. You? Have you called her?

-       Same here.

-       Maybe you should check on her.

-       Ok. – I nodded.

She hang up.

Perfect. Now everything is about love triangles? The only one here in natural state is Karen, Jaejoong and Changmin fight for Leslie, Yoochun and Akira for Yearin. Often problem!







I stayed in the cafeteria; it was absolutely dark I think I needed darkness at that moment. I felt powerless not being able to get closer to what I love.

Why does she behave like that? What does she have against me?

I ducked my head. This is going to be impossible, when Yoochun told me it seemed perfect but seeing the reality it’s something impossible.  

-       Women! – I shouted.

I think Yearin, is more open-minded because it seems she accepts Yoochun really easy. Also how can Yoochun handle Akira’s scream, Yearin’s ex-husband? Well.. that’s why he keeps looking for her, he is in love with her.

-       Junsu! – whispered a familiar voice.

I raised my eyebrow. Oh no.  

I turned around and it was Yunho. He turned every light from the cafeteria and looked at me amazed.

-       What are you doing here at this time?

-       Don’t ask me that  - I replied coldly.

He gave me a warn smile but I turned my face. For some reason, I don’t know why, I have a grudge against Yunho and I shouldn’t.

-       It’s a pleasure to see you again.

-       Thanks

For a moment I thought the way he treated me was hypocritical.  He must know eveyrhting about the baby and what happened, however, he acts as if nothing is happening. What is wrong with him?

-       How are you? You look really tired.

-       I am tired  - I reminded him.

-       Have you met Changmin? I think you should see him, maybe he needs a little of your friendship – he suggested with a weak voice.

I stared a him with a poisonous look.

-       What? What’s wrong with Changmin? – I frowned, it was scaring ke that he talk with such a peaceful voice.

He looked at me strange.

-       Junsu, the news. His fiancée… well, ex-fiance cheated on him with… JaeJoong

I stood up and headed for the exit.

-       Yes I saw. Then why aren’t you trying to help JaeJoong? You can talk to me but not him, right?

-       What…?

-       Save it! I’m leaving. Good bye.

I was going to leave but he grabbed me by my shoulder and turned me to him.

-       What do you mean helping JaeJoong? Is he bad?

I rolled my eyes.

-       Oh please, like you didn’t know.  You should know better when he falls in love with someone is a little hard to him to forget that person.

-       But Leslie… she was engaged. He couldn’t… I mean, it wasn’t  serious – he was stunned for a moment.

I took his hand away and growled irritated.

-       Leslie was real to him. For god’s sake! You know how he is. He loves her and very much.

-       But I heard he was going out wit her sister, Karen  - he still didn’t understand.

I took a deep breath.

-       Look, Yunho. Blake compare to her is nothing. And Karen is his fan, he’s just…

-       He can’t be using her, he’s not like that. He denied with his head.

-       He’s trying to forget Leslie.  – I pointed out.

-       Then he’s being cruel with Karen. She’s just like a balm for him – he cleared out and frowned.

That bothered him, it was like he felt overwhelmed about that situation.

-       That’s why, perhaps you should see him

He was speechless.

-       Try to be brave for a moment, Yunho. Don’t be a coward and face him. – I said between gritted teeth – Now go see Alejandra, she must be waiting for you.

He raised his eyebrow and was flabbergasted.

-       You came for her, right?

-       Shut up.

-       Junsu – he called me with a calm voice, that drove me crazy.

I tensed my jaw and ignored him.

-       Junsu….

-       Go damn it! She’s waiting for you.

-       Why aren’t you there? – he looked at me strange.

I grumbled.

-       She’s impossible. You are her best friend, she’s more comfortable with you

He sighed and shook his head.

-       Junsu, why do you give up so easily?

I exploded. My anger exploded, I couldn’t take it anymore.

-       GIVE UP! GIVE UP! Are you freaking kidding me Jung Yunho? Do you think I give up easily? Are you crazy? You have seen all the things I did for her but she doesn’t want to hear me. Don’t you get it? I’m trying to be the right man for her but she’s ignoring me and you know what’s the worst? She’s carrying my son! And she even dares to say that baby it’s not my son! I bet you’ve heard how she complains about me. I don’t know what else to do! But I’m doing what I can but she refuses, so don’t say I give  up easily, because I swear I’m trying!

Yunho looked at me horrified.

I left the cafeteria and when I got to the lobby which was only 5 steps away, I took a glance on Alejandra, she had both hands over her little belly.  

I bit my lip, she looked so gorgeous- besides her perfect outfit- I was desperate. I noticed for a moment her belly, then I left to my car.

That woman… is an unreachable challenge.




*** AJ POV

I went downstairs because I was hungry and wanted to cook something from the cafeteria but I heard screams.

-       …. I’m trying to be the right man for her but she’s ignoring me and you know what’s the worst? She’s carrying my son! And she even dares to say that baby it’s not my son! I bet you’ve heard how she complains about me. I don’t know what else to do! But I’m doing what I can but she refuses, so don’t say I give  up easily, because I swear I’m trying!

My mouth fell opened and hugged my belly scared from the baby hearing. What is going on? Why does he say that?

-       I know baby… calm down. Your dad is a little mad – I sighed.

He was kicking slowly, I didn’t feel it that strong, but after all it feel unease and of course it was because of me. 

Junsu, suddenly, left and laid his eyes on me sadly. He bit his lip and looked at me forn head to toes then left without saying anything. But.. I saw him hurt and of course, it hurt me seeing him that way. Is it that I’m acting wrong? What am I doing? Yunho left running and when he saw me he was amazed.

-       Ally…

-       What happened?

-       You Heard? – he made a face.

-       Yes of course I Heard – I said angry, I don’t know why I was mad. I sighed.

-       I’m sorry you had to hear all this…

-       Doesn’t matter. Help me now please. I’m really. Tired.

-       Can’t you do it later….today? – he looked at me lazy.

I rolled my eyes.

-       I want to finish all this now.

-       Look Ally, if you keep working like that we are going back to Japan, got it? Think of your baby not only your work, please. Don’t do this to yourself. Let’s go I’ll take you home. – he begged me and held my hand.

I made a face.

-       Yunho…

-       No, Ally – he softly replied.– I’ll bring your things ok? Get in my car.

I nodded. I guess he is right, anyway I was tired. I will sleep a few hours to regain energy and the go back to work today later. Yunho went upstairs running and came back after 5 minutes, he was fast. I take longer.

In the car, I looked at the window thinking, meditating from everything that I heard from Junsu. Why does he want to be the right man for me? If he knows I don’t pay attention to him, why does he insist?

Then I remembered what he said in the press conference: “All of this is because of you! You! I don’t really get what ‘s going with your mind. You are hurting me! Don’t you notice? Why can’t you use your head for a moment? Maybe you can create a big empire but you can’t think about me, right? You only care for yourself! … Don’t you see I love you!?”

I shook my head strongly.

Then another flashback jumped in my mind: “I don’t really know if you are just pretending you don’t love Junsu but I know he loves you too much and…well… I went to Korea to help you just for one reason…Besides your baby… I… love you. “

Oh my god… I should count myself between Yearin and Leslie that are in love triangles? Since when has my live made a dramatic turn and in the romance too? Since when is Leslie unfaithful?- well she carries it in her blood- Since when did Akira fight for his ex-woman? Since exactly when has my life had a 180 degree turn? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD?  

-       Ally, are you ok?

-       I’m fine, keep driving – I answered coldy.

He looked at me by the corner of his eye but I ignored him. How is the guilty of all of this? Which person has entred to my life to bother me and never leave? Who? Then I heard on the radio, No gain.

-       YOU! YOU! – I yelled!

Yunho jumped a bit and looked at me horrified.  

-       What’s…? Ally,goodness, what’s going on?

-       Since that guy appeared in my life everything has changed.

Yunho sighed and kept driving trying to evade my humor for that moment.

Everything began that day he came to my office and asked for a car. That day! My god… Junsu came in with a precious smile and talked to me really nicely even he was amazed looking at me. That day! For god;s love… everything happened that day, if Junsu had never come into my building, none og this would have happened. Yoochun wouldn’t have fall in love with Yearin and wouldn’t be fighting with her husband, Leslie would still be with Changmin and never would have been unfaithful, and I would have never been pregnant.  

The blame is you Kim Junsu….you… Naughty guy! You played with me the very first moment you saw me. I can’t believe it and I fell, I thought.

I grumbled.

We arrived at my home and Yunho accompanied me until I reach the door.

-       Well here you are, you better sleep well. Please, Ally, relax – he repeated.

I killed him with my stare.

-       Do you want to die? I told you to stop saying “relax” Freaks me out!  - I yelled.

He laughed between gritted teeth.

-       Sorry, ok… Ally. Please relax – he pointed out that word which I hate the most

-       YA! Jung Yunho! – I hit him with my purse.

-       I’m teasing you – he laughed – Sorry… ok, just get in.

I rolled my eyes. Man! He likes bothering me.

-       All right. See you.

I was going to turn but I remembered something.

-       Oh right, when are you leaving? – I asked.

He stopped and looked at me slowly.

-       Good question. I think soon, Changmin is alone. Maybe tomorrow.

He made a gloomy face.

-       Sorry, Ally but I do have to go.

-       Yes, I understand –I smile as sincere as possible.

He gave me a kiss on my cheek.

-       Take care please. I’ll visit you in the building after leaving, fine?

-       Of course. – I gave a smile

He was half way turning, when a mosquito bit me, and I held his hand and pulled him to me. Then I kissed him with all my guts.

No, no don’t ask what happened to me, my brain had collapsed and my neurons were going crazy.

He looked at me stunned when I pulled him away.

-       Ally…

-       Sorry. I… Sorry  - I dialed down the password but he stood in front of me still expressionless.

I sighed.

-       I’m sorry Yunho.

He lifted my face with his fingers and kissed me again.

I don’t know what’s happening, but I was getting scared.

I closed my eyes and surrounded his neck with both hands. I haven’t felt like that since.. well a long time. His kiss I felt it to the core and my baby started moving excited because of how I felt.  

-       You are good kisser – he whispered

-       Shh…  no in front of my baby – I smiled.

-       Oh! – he giggled  - Mian.

I gave him a short kiss and looked at him straight in the eyes. 

-       Thanks Yunho.

-       For what? You are the good kisser.- he raised his eyebrow.

-       For being sincere with me  - I muttered.

He gave me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life.

-       You are welcome.






-       What are you doing? – exclaimed Akira and Yoochun stared at him furiously.

-       Do you care? – I raised my eyebrow madly. a

Yoochun grumbled and held my hand.

-       Don’t touch her! – he yelled irritated– who do you think you are?

-       No! Who do you think you are? I’m not your wife anymore, Akira. Step aside – smoke was coming from my head

We tried to continue but he interfered.  

-       Yearin… what…?

-       Leave her alone, please. You are making this worse –Yoochun talked calmly.

-       What? She’s my….

-       What? I am what? I’m nothing to you, Akira. Move! – I frowned.

Yoochun looked at me by his corner of his eye amazed.

Akira held my other hand but I took it away and pulled Yoochun. But Akira pulled from Yoochun’s hand and we both stopped.

-       What the heck? What’s Wrong with you Akira? Please leave me alone.

-       OK, don’t touch me –Yoochun got away– you are nobody to yell at me and her; so leave. I’m not kidding.

He pierced through Yoochun with his gaze but he only followed it.

-       You think you are so brave, right? – he got closer to Yoochun provoking him.

Yoochun made a poker face.

-       You won’t gain anything and I’m not going to fight.

-       Why?

-       One because I don’t know how and two, it’s not worth it. You won’t gain anything by fighting.

I raised my eyebrow. What a sincerity from Yoochun.

Then Akira raised his hand and hit him on the face, that blood came down his nose.

I almost screamed but I held it in. Oh my god!

-       AKIRA! – I shouted – What are you doing, idiot?  - I pushed him and helped Yoochun.

Yoochun got closer to Akira and at first he only looked at him from head to toes, when suddenly he punched him on his stomach. Akira bent because of the pain and Yoochun held my hand and pulled me running. I had high heels! At last, we escaped from Akira and Yoochun and I ended laughing. I bought in the pharmacy con medicine for his wound and we went to my house. Daisuke received him with a hug and he only smiled, he didn’t want to come closer because his nose was bleeding. 

-       Baby, go to your room please – I said to Daisuke.

-       OK, mami.

-       Watch TV in my room if you want! – I exclaimed while he left.

-       OK! – He yelled back.

His tiny voice moved me a lot; I was in love with my baby. He was so precious.

Yoochun sat on the sofa and cleaned away the blood.

-       I’m sorry Yoochun. I don’t know what’s Wrong with him. – I mumbled.

-       It’s ok. I enjoyed hitting him if you don’t mind – he confessed.

I burst into laughter.

-       No problem.

I healed him and put a little bandage over his nose, fortunately Akira didn’t break it; it was only blood.

I sighed.

-       Ok, there you go. All heal – I smiled

-       Thanks.

We both leaned in the sofa, it was tiring going against Akira, and is more stressing.

-       Can I ask you something? – he asked with his eyes close.

-       Maybe. –I hesitated.

-       Why you… divorced him?  - He muttered slowly.

I took a deep breath.

-       Because he’s a coward. We deduced to have the baby because we didn’t plan it. But when the baby was born after two months he was complaining about it. He couldn’t support the burden of being a parent. At first he was happy for the baby but when he noticed is something serious and really difficult he ran away. And I couldn’t stand him; he was being too stupid. Later, when the baby turned 5 months he asked for divorce and I agreed.

His mouth fell open, incredulous.

-       He IS a coward – he clarified.

-       I know. I don’t know why he is freaking out now –I mumbled.

He grumbled.

-       It seems…. Well

-       What?

-       Perhaps… you know…Well… I’m not sure but jut MAYBE… but just maybe

-       JUST say it! – I exclaimed, it drives me crazy when they make a mess.

He laughed,

-       Please don’t kill me later – he begged.

I made a poker face.

-       I’m going to kill you if you don’t say it now!

-       Ok… Perhaps he still has feelings for you – he dared to say.

I opened my eyes wide and my heart skipped a jump.

I burst into laughter uncontrollably.

-       Oh yes! Please! He was the one who stared.

I sighed.

-       I’m just saying – he whispered.

-       Yeah. Well you are so wrong.

He nodded slowly.

-       Was it hard for you? – he asked carefully.

I tensed at the same time as him and we faced each other. I got amazed when I saw his face so close, I was still.

-       Oh…

The he gave me a peck.

-       Oh my  - I muttered.

Yoochun smiled embarrassed and ducked his head. He looked so cute and it was funny seeing him like that.

I held his hand and lifted his face with my other hand.

-       You are fast, Park Yoochun.

-       I’m trying not to but I couldn’t help it –he muttered.

-       Well nice try.

He looked at my lips but I got away. Don’t look at what doesn’t belong to you, Park Yoochun.


Then I suddenly woke up form my dream and my baby got scared.

-       Mami! – he looked at me strange.

-       Nothing, honey. Just an odd dream.

-       I had one too! – he exclaimed excitedly.

I laughed between gritted teeth.

-       Tell me.

We were in the airplane and it was night, I hadn’t slept well so I tried to rest but my head had to remember the whole scene that Akira made, I can’t believe he did that.

-       You and Yoochun were… holding hands. – He smiled enthusiastically.

I raised my eyebrow.

-       You shouldn’t be dreaming that.

-       He’s my uncle! – He smiled

-       No, he’s my friend Daisuke.

-       No! he’s my uncle – he pouted – he’s my uncle and you are happy with him.

I made a surprised face. Since when does this kid know about romantic stuff?

-       It was a dream baby.

-       Some dreams turn into real. – he whispered and looked to the side.

My mouth fell open. I couldn’t believe what my son was saying. We arrived and went to Changmin’s home. He opened the door and looked at me amazed. I have to say that he looks BAD. His purple eyes were really dark as never before, his eyes were tired and he looked in a bad mood however he looked more exhausted as if he had never slept.  

When I told him I wanted to leave my son he agreed fast and then he kicked me out of his house. I got scared for a moment but I had to face Akira to be at ease.

I went to his apartment and pushed the bell, I didn’t know his password.

-       Yes?

-       Hi – I greeted him as nicely as I could– Can I speak with you Akira please?

He opened the door and let me entered. I tried to walk as relax as possible and try to model to leave him stunned and to make him not answer me. 

-       Hi – he looked at me from head to toes and raised an eyebrow when he saw he how I looked.

He had to be a man.

I sat and crossed my legs and smiled as sincere as possible, of course I ended up faking it.

-       What are you doing here? And your boyfriend?- he raised his eyebrow.

-       He’s not my boyfriend. He’s a friend – I put more emphasis in the last word.- Friend.

-       Yes, right. Later you are going to be kissing him. And then…

-       SHHH! – I yelled.

I stared at him madly and calmed down at the instant.

-       Look, I don’t know why you are acting like that and I also don’t want to know but please leave me alone. I’ve the right to do my life as a want to while raising my kid. Got it? You don’t need to interfere

-       Daisuke is my son – He pointed out seriously.

-       No. No. You divorced me because you were afraid of him so don’t you dare say he’s your son.

-       Yearin! – he exclaimed.

-       Besides he has my last name, Jung Daisuke, a little odd but It’s mine! – I rolled my eyes

he sighed.

-       Think whatever. He’s my son.

I grumbled.

-       Fine. Now can you please stop what you are doing? I can come to Japan anytime to bring Daisuke, there’s no need for you to travel. – I suggested.

-       I thought we agreed…

-       …NO! Please, I don’t want you to be yelling at Yoochun or whoever is with me. Ok? – I begged him

He made a face and frowned.

-       I don’t get it.

-       You never understand. Aish… look, stay away from me ok? I’ll bring Daisuke every month but that’s it. Don’t come to Korea – I ordered him with a poker face.

He refused with his head and sighed.

-       Why? Why I can’t go?

-       Because you are bothering me? Don’t you see? You freak me out! – I yelled.

His eyes widened.

-       I’ve to see my son

-       Yes, that’s why I’m telling you…

-       No. I like Korea anyway. You know Japan is a kind of a mess – he frowned.

I raised my eyebrow.

Perfect, he’s going to end up telling me he will live in Korea. If he does it I’ll throw myself from a building, I will suicide. I don’t want to see him, he bothers me, he is a rock in my shoe.

-       Agh – I grumbled.

-       Do you like Yoochun? Why do you want me to stay here? –he looked at me sharply.

I took a deep breath.. This is not going to end.

-       Yes, he’s my friend. He’s a nice person.

-       Nice? – he laughed out loud – Aha.

-       That’s not a problem, Akira. I’m not your wife anymore. Don’t bother me – I stared at him.

He swallowed.

-       I think I made a mistake.

-       What? The best decision you have ever made is divorce me. – I growled.

He opened his eyes wide being stunned.

-       You’re being mean, now.

-       I’m mean – I clarified that.

-       No, you are not.

-       I DON’T CARE!  - I shouted – I don’t give a f** if I’m mean or good. Just do what I told you, don’t come to Korea anymore. Stay here.  – I exclaimed becoming desperate because he didn’t understand.

I took another half away to make it clear to him and finally he understood. But he gave me a speech, which I ignored, thinking in Changmin. I don’t know what’s going on with him. Nobody knows what happened between him and Leslie, nor if she is alive or she killed herself.  I don’t know! It scares me, however, I know Leslie is strong, she can’t suicide because of a man…. However well Changmin is special to her.  

I took a deep breath, tired.  

Love problems stress me out. I want to blame Jaejoong for this but it was not only him but also her, and he really loved her didn’t play with her. IF he was able to let her go is because he loves her too much letting her find her happiness.

I’m going to cry, that is the most tender thing somebody can do.

I smiled unconsciously, I can’t believe Jaejoong did that. What… Oh my, if somebody did that for me I would love him.

I laughed between gritted teeth.

-       Are you listening to me, Yearin? – Asked Akira between gritted teeth.

-       Aha.

-       Jung Yearin! – he shouted.

I came back to life and looked at him scared. Then I frowned and grumbled.

-       What?

-       I’m accepting your… whatever it is with one condition.

-       What?

He took a deep breath.

-       If you bring Daisuke, let him stay with me for a week.

-       Erm… - I hesitated.

-       At least you come every week.

-       What? No… I’m busy – I flatly refused.

He raised his eyebrow.

-       Then leave him here for a week

-       He won’t like it – I whispered.

-       I’m his father, of course he will – he said smiley.

I rolled my eyes.

-       Agh, whatever. Fine. But if I hear one complain about him I will denounce you, understand? – I threatened him.

He nodded smiley.

We argued for a moment like we did before and then a call interrupted me. I answered with a bad mood and Akira went to his room irritated and closed his door with such strength that the windows shook a bit.

I jumped from the fear.

-       Yes?

-       Hi, Yearin, it’s me, Susan. We need your help in the hospital one of your patients is… giving birth – She said almost desperate.

I opened my eyes wide. Good, I didn’t expect that. I needed more time to yell at Akira… how am I supposed to get there if I’m here in Japan?

-       What’s Wrong? – he asked.

I stared at him and made him shut his mouth, he can’t ask.

-       Susan, I’m in Japan. I can’t go to Korea in this moment…

-       Please! There’s no one here to help

-       But it’s early! – I yelled.

I sighed.

-       They are all busy, a lot of women are giving birth now. C’mon Yearin! Please, this lady just arrived, you know how long are deliveries… two hours it can be enough for you… I beg you – she begged frustrated and desperately.

I took a deep breath. And my son? I could take him with me but I won’t have enough time.. Who am I going to leave him with?- my room mate moved out to find a better job so now I’m alone-

-       Ok, fine. I’m on my way.

-       Thanks! – she exclaimed relieved.

I hang up and raced out home.

-       Where are you going? –Akira held my hand.

I pulled away and stared at him irritated.

-       Akira, I’ve to go. I need to work

-       And Daisuke? – he was concerned.

-       It’s not your business. Move!

He stood in front of me, blocking the path to the door. What is he doing? He was going to hold again my hand, however, I instinctively kick him on his stomach and went out running form his apartment. I went downstairs and grabbed a taxi to Changmin’s home.

When I arrived, I told Daisuke I had to go but I would come back the next day and Changmin got frightened with the idea of taking care of my kid but didn’t complain about it.

-       Thank you so much! – I smiled thanking him.

-       Yes… just go. – He kicked me out og his house and closed the door.

I got in another Taxi and went to the airport. This is complicated…. I don’t get what happened between Leslie and Changmin. I know they have broken up but something else must have happened. Has she begged him and he refused? 

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!