Chapter 2




At 10 pm, I went to the cafeteria to drink and eat something. So, while eating, Leslie White and Alejandra James appeared and to me, they seemed more gorgeous than before.

-      LC! When does your sister arrive? – Alejandra asked with her eyes full of joy.

She looked entirely different from when I met her.

-      Oh, next week – she said with a exhausted face – I think she’s coming to see Jaejoong not me.


-      Perhaps- admitted her boss- anyway we have to attend the next concert, I won’t miss it again. I've been in Korea for almost 10 years and I haven’t attended to any JYJ’s or TVXQ’s concert. Why? Because my company keeps me busy.- snorted

-      It was your idea, I just told you I liked cars and you exaggerated my idea and created this big company – said her secretary, bothered.



-      Hey! Don’t say it’s my fault – she grumbled.

-      It’s your fault Ally.

-      Ok… yes- confessed- however, promise me we are going to the next concert of JYJ.

With their pinky fingers they symbolized the promise.

-      You are my boss, Ally. If we are going or not it depends of your decision.

She chuckled.

-      Right.


It never came to my mind, the biggest businesswoman could like our band. Who would have thought that? Oh God…

Leslie turned and suddenly saw me, she stood there as a rock. She mumbled something to Alejandra James and she also tensed.

They didn’t face me but I dared to approach them. It could be reasonable to be a fan of JYJ.

-      Hi – I smiled

Leslie smiled shyly and stood up.

-      Hi, Sir- she bowed again.

-      Don’t bow, really- I felt old when she did that.

She nodded smily.

-      Of course. I shall go,Sir. Good night. Good night Miss James- she waved her hand saying goodbye.

She was really pretty like a lot. It drove me crazy looking at both girls. Leslie disappeared as I followed her with my sight.

-      I thought you left, Sir.- Alejandra mumbled or Ally, what her secretary calls her.

I posed my eyes on her, and smiled. I sat beside her.

-      I did a tour of the building.

-      Nice. Do you like it? – she asked, once again her aspect was steady, and for a moment, she was not a fan no more.

I nodded. I feel more comfortable with her funny side, because now, I feel like talking to a businesswoman and not a fan.

-      It’s beautiful- I said.

-      Thanks Sir

-      Don’t call me Sir, please.- I begged her. I looked at her begging not to call me like that, I feel older that way, I know I’m only 32 years old but is not necessary to emphasize it.

She looked at me playful and smiled.

-      Then how shall I call you?

-      Junsu. No need for Sir.

She nodded with a smile that took my breath away.

-      Ok-  she took a deep breath and stoop up- Junsu, nice to see you again but I’ve to go.

We were, practically, the only ones left in the building, everyone else was leaving.

-      Do you want to eat something? – I had to asked.

She frowned amazed.

-      Erm…

-      Are you busy? Tomorrow is Saturday.

She swayed her head confused. She was thinking for a second and then looked at me with a bright smile.

-      Why not? Let’s go.

We went in her car, which marveled me by its characteristics. It puzzled me. In the end, we got to a little restaurant in a hidden street. None of us could be seen by somebody.

She ordered a bottle of Soju and I ordered food. She looked calm and  serious aspect that  vanished as the night went on.

-      Erm.. Junsu, did you hear..? Erm.. nevermind-  she squinted.

-      Your conversation, yes-  I affirmed.

She bit her lip and got nervous.

-      Erm..

-      Something wrong with being a fan? You have your tastes as well as everyone- I concluded.

She made a expression admitting it.

-      Thanks for understanding. I didn’t expect you at this time of the night. Weren’t you busy?

-      No. I was in my house alone with my cats – I laughed embarrassed.

She bursted into laugher.

-      Oh god.. you and your cats. This is so...- she started laughing again- Anyway, any plans for JYJ?

-      Yoochun is busy with his drama and Jaejoong is resting a bit. He had a tough year.    

It was strange for her.

-      Why? I think he just ended his drama, didn’t he?

-      Erm… yes, but you know… life matters- I looked around waiting for her to finish the topic, I didn’t want to explain her the heartbreak Jaejoong has had.

-      Oh.

Later, I drank a little bit  as ever. I was amazed at myself, when I realized that I had two bottles of Soju and continued talking to Alejandra.

-      So… Jaejoong had a love deception. – she pointed out.

-      What?- when had I said that….

-      You just told me Jaejoong was in love with a girl but the girl cheated on him, right? Or I’m dreaming?- she made a cute face.

Oh God, I couldn’t remember when I said that. Soju has affected me, it was my first time drinking a lot, never had I drank, also I don’t drink.   

-      How was that girl? I'm sure LC’s sister will kill her. How can somebody hurt that guy? I mean… he’s nice- she raised her eyebrow and smiled.

-      Do you like him?- I felt betrayed, I was drawn to her.

-      Oh no… not at all…- she made evil giggles.

I became drowsy.

-      Then who?

-      I won’t tell you, I have my pride kid – she patted my forhead.

I frowned.

-      Don’t hit me- my kid voice came out, I got scared.

She laughed uproariously.

-      Oh my! That little voice, you are a baby. Kim Junsu – she pinched my cheek.

I scowled. My head collapsed.

-      Ok, Junsu tell me who was the girl that hurt Jaejoong? She will pay, she will have to answer for what she’s done.

I gulped. I didn’t want to say it but my mind betrayed me.

-      I didn’t really get to know her well, but she is from USA. When we went to L.A he met her and he fell in love, but suddenly JaeJoong saw her with other guy and well… now he’s crying for her… it’s horrible- I confessed.

I frowned and tensed my jaw.

-       Ok, I will kill that girl. If Karen lived in L.A, I would already sent her to murder that stupid girl –  she said irritaded.

-      No… Jaejoong will kill me, please don’t do anything.

Suddenly, she smiled flirtatious.

-      I wouldn’t betray you, Kim Junsu- she reassured.

So I drank another glass of Soju, which she had served  and this time, it knocked me down. I don’t remember what happened, only a vague image of a door.  












My head was hurting too much, I thought it was going to explode.

I opened my eyes and saw the celling, then I felt something hugging me. I don’t have a dog so it can’t be it. I slowly turned as if I was scared, when I saw  Kim Junsu’s face, his soft lips, his pink cheeks, his closed eyes  with a peaceful look.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mind yelled.

-           AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!- I screamed with all my lungs- What have I done?

Junsu made an irked face bothered by my scream and stared at the celling.

-           Oh my…my… my goodness…. My god…. HOLY COW- I said while hyperventilating. I couldn’t breathe.

I looked at myself and wanted to die immediately. How did this happen? For god’s sake, I can’t remember what I did yesterday!!!

I looked at Junsu for a couple of seconds and he kept on sleeping, he was not aware of anything. And immediately I realized it was not my home, it was Junsu’s. How did we get here? Who drove?

I sighed.

Junsu opened his eyes slowly, still looking like a zombie.

He frowned. I counted 5 seconds until he could realize and be horrify at me.

-      What are you doing here? – he exclaimed.

I wanted to laugh but I controlled myself and just looked at him nervously.

-      Do you think I know?

-      Damm it! I can’t remember a single thing- he muttered.

I looked around me and tried to find something which could remind me of what happened yesterday but NOTHING, my mind was a cloud, blank.

He covered his face with both hands and huffed frustrated.

-      I can’t explain how this happened.

-      I need to leave- I mumbled- I have to leave, Junsu.

He stared seriously.

-      Really? Aish… I don’t know your clothes must be somewhere, seek for it- his back was faced to me.

I got mad. Why can’t he help? Is not like, I want him to see my clothes.

I sought for my clothes because I didn’t want to stand up, there was only one blanket which we shared, the other one was on the floor, but too far away.

-      Take your… underwear- he whispered.

I was shocked.

-      Oh dear… what are you doing?- I snatched.. The thing.

-      It was on the floor.

-      Oh no- I wanted to yell, again.

Junsu turned and stared at me steadily.

-      Erm… I will leave; I just need my clothes- I muttered ashamed.

-      I don’t want to know that… anyway; can you help me with my clothes? I can’t find them.

How ironic, he doesn’t help me but I have to. Don’t f… my life.

-      No, I have to leave now- then I saw my bra, what a shame, on the floor at the end of the bed. How was I supposed to get that?

-      Fine. Good luck finding your stuff.

-      You too.   

Close to me was my dress. I could reach it, however, reaching it was going to be a problem, the blanket was too small. I tried to get hold of but as soon as I did it, Junsu pulled from it.  

-      What are you doing? This fu…- he breathed deeply- is small, the large one is on the floor.

-      Damm it!

One again, I tried to reach but, suddenly, I moved too hard and finished, landing on the floor with Junsu on top of me.

-      Ahhhh!! – we both screamed.

He felt on top of me and immediately wanted to get away from me but, I pulled the blanket as well as him, and it rip apart.

-      Jesus, you broke it!!- Junsu shouted.

-      What? Me? You freaked out- I got offended.

Junsu tried to cover himself and I tried to hid as best as possible.

-      Here your bra- said with an unsatisfied face.

-      Ah! Stop taking my thing!- I exclaimed and took it away from him.

-      It’s not my fault all your clothes appear near to me- he killed me with his stare.

I growled angrily.

-      Close your eyes- I ordered him- I will pick up my dress and change in your bathroom, understood?

-      Yeah… sure

-      Can I take a bath?- suddenly I changed my expression to a sweet begging one.

He squinted.

-      Junsu!- it was Yoochun’s voice

We both jumped and our eyes were about to pop out.

-      Oh my god, move, move! – said desperately.

-      Close your eyes!- I demanded.

-      I don’t care, now! Move!-  he stood up carefully and helped me up.

My head was exploding, I threw a pillow at Junsu and in that moment, when he was complaining, I took my dress and raced to the bathroom.   GOD WHAT A SHAME!




-      Junsu!- Yoochun called again.

-      I’ll be there in a minute. Wait!- I replied.

I took what I first saw from my closet and dress really fast. How the hell did this happen? Was I too drunk? I only know her for one day. I feel too weird.

I entered the other bathroom and washed my face, I cleaned myself as fast as possible.

I looked at my face in the mirror and many flash backs came. I almost fainted. I drove home ( I have no idea how)… I kissed her on the door of my house and entered with her… So, I remember, I wasn’t that drunk.   

I took a step back; did I do it on purpose? Not possible, not long ago could I remember.

I squeezed my eyes tightly and shook my head. I can’t think of this, right now.

I went out and Alejandra was coming out with her high-heels on her hand.

-      Don’t move!- I muttered- Yoochun is in my living room.

-      I know- she hissed- Do you have another exit?

-      The window?- I couldn’t come up with anything else.

She squinted.

-      God! Junsu, I have no time!

-      Oh please, you don’t have to work today- I said.

-      YES I HAVE!- she raised her hand about to hit me but didn’t do it.

I gave her a poisonous look.

-      I can arrive late to my office, yes; still I have to be there in 10 minutes. It’s 10:45 am!

I blew.

-      Ok… ok, I’ll try to kick Yoochun out of my house. Hide somewhere meanwhile.

She resigned and nodded.

-      Hurry

She entered my room and closed it with the lock.

I took a deep breath and exited to the living room.

-      Junsu! It’s all ok?- he frowned mysteriously.

I nodded. I felt anxious.

-      Aja, yes. What are you doing here?

-      We have a meeting now, Junsu. Jaejoong is already there.

I blinked dazed. What meeting? When did we agree to meet?

-      What?- I asked.

-      Don’t you remember? Yesterday we agreed to meet today morning.

Please.. Don’t talk about yesterday, I’m still lost, I thought.  

I exhaled through the nose.

-     Ok, I’ll be there in 10 minutes- I walked and opened the door- Don’t worry.

He looked at me weird and left. However, before I closed the door, he turned to me.

-      Oh! Junsu, there’s a car in your parking. A Jame’s one.- he told me.

I swallowed.

-      Oh really?- I laughed like a stupid fool- ok… I’ll see what I can do. Goodbye- I tried to close the door but he interrupted me.

-      Is something wrong? Did you steal that car?- he frowned.

I bursted into laughter.

-      Aja yes sure- I was sarcastic- I went to Jame’s building, got drunk and stole a car.

-      Get drunk? Did you get drunk?- he asked distrustful.

-      NO!- I shouted– You know I don’t drink. I hate alcohol- I pushed him away laughing.

I pushed him out of my house and the first thing I did was look out the window, to make sure he had gone away. When he left with his car, I ran to my room and knocked on the door so Alejandra could open.

-      Ok, all clear- I said agitated.

-       Ey… Yoochun is persistant- she commented.

I rolled my eyes.

-      Anyway, hurry up.

She put on her high-heels in the door of my house and went out running. Got on her car and left in a race, like a rocket.

I sighed. This won’t be easy to hide.  



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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!