Chapter 18



18.         YR POV

Leslie’s wedding was on December. It was civil so we only went to the meeting to sign the papers with Changmin and the we gathered with our friends.

The White family all there, 6, arrived with a Puppy, Max, to celebrate with us. Leslie was jumping form excitement and Changmin also, they were happy, really happy compare to him not being with her.

They looked really good together.

Yunho and Alejandra were all day long together, another precious couple. I adore these 2 couples.

In the other hand, Karen and Jaejoong were getting to know each other, little by little they were becoming best friends. Or I hope that…

However, the my friend’s wedding wasn’t the only thing that brought happiness to me there was another fact, in my case.

Leslie was telling me some anecdotes when Yoochun interrupted.

-   I want to talk to you; can we go outside? –he whispered.

-   For what? – it was strange to me.

-   Just for a moment – he smiled giving me trust.

I nodded.

-       Ok.

He held my hand and took me out. Leslie noticed but ignored it, apparently she knew what Yoochun was planning. It was cold, it was freezing outside but I liked the winter in Korea, I have no clue why.

We sat in a bench.

-   So? What’s the big news?

-   It’s not a news exactly.

I laughed between gritted teeth.

-   Tell me please – I gave him a smile.

-   Erm… well… it’s been a long time since we first met right?

-   Yes…. All the nine months of Alejandra… well 7 so far.

He smiled nervously and rubbed his hands.

-       I think, that… all those months that we had moments together it… well made a bond between all of us but especially between us… and I would like that bond can be stronger and bigger. But you know… you have a kid to take care so perhaps it’s difficult for you…. And actually, that’s why I waited for you or I tried to wait…it just that I can’t hold it, I’m sorry… but I’d love to have a relationship with you. Because I love you and I love your kid… I’d love to help you with him and also to try to make a family despite I’m not the real father of Daisuke but I… - I put my finger over his lip to silence him.

I giggled and nodded.

-       You talk to much, Park Yoochun I mocked.

He swallowed and his eyes were shinning as never before.

-   I… just….- she stumble through

I got closer to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

-   Is this a proposal or….?

-   No, not yet  - he said – We need time with your kid….. it’s just to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

-   But do you want to marry me? – I raised my eyebrow.

-   I would love to – he smiled

My breath was taken away but I held in my posture I couldn’t kiss him on the street.

-       Well… but later right? – I assured.

He burst into laughter.

-   Of course… not now. We are in a middle of a wedding anyway

-   Yes…

-   Let’s go inside. It’s cold. – he held my hand.

I nodded.

We walked inside but stopped at the room, I stopped Yoochun and hugged him.

-   Thanks… you know this means a lot to me – I muttered.

-   For me too.

I looked at his ayes for a couple of seconds and couldn’t hold back.

I kissed him with all my guts… I had only kissed him two times this whole time and is not like it was extraordinary, but I short kiss left me for more. So today I will make it all up.

I surrounded his neck and pulled him to me more.

-       Easy girl… - he whispered.

I kissed him a little harder but then let him away and got away form him at that moment. I didn’t want the newlyweds to ask about us even though they know, apparently. 

-   That was the  kiss  -he whispered

-   I’m sorry…

-   Oh no! Don’t be sorry, it was perfect  - he smiled anxiously.

I held his hand again and gave him another kiss on his cheek.

-       Let’s go then….

We entered the room and everyone looked smiley. They knew what had happened, it was obvious by their shining eyes that hey were happy. And the fact, I was filled with euphoria.

Finally, I have a real family.






We thought of going to Australia for the honeymoon or other far place, however, at last minute Alejandra was going to marry.

I was lying on my bead with Changmin trying to remember where to go because we didn’t have to think about it. But, as always, we didn’t come to a conclusion.

-   Where? Come one, wife think! – he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes.

-   Aish… I told you I want to go to Peru. My grandmother is Peruvian and she cooks Peruvian food…. It’s delicious Changmin! Please let’s go there, you are going to love it!

-   Peru? You know the Korean fan base there is really big, right?  - he raised his eyebrow

I faced him and killed him with my stare.

-   Changmin – I said firmly.

He sighed.

-   Ok… but we don’t know anything of  Spanish….

-   English, they speak English too. Okay? Please Changmin-a!!! – I yelled and shook him.

He laughed between gritted teeth.

-   Fine. Fine. – he accepted – but where can we go? Lima?

-   Aha… and Cuzco, Arequipa… my grandma said that Cuzco is paradise and Arequipa It’s perfect. – I said enthusiastic.

He was amazed for what I knew. Of course, my dream was going to Peru since I was a kid but there was never time and more when my grandmother passed away. It was sad but now, I have the opportunity and I won’t give up.

-   Do you know hotels? How long are we going to stay in each place?

-   Well…. In Lima, we have Marriot, Casa Andina, Los delfines, Sheraton… Hilton. In Cuzco, as well, Casa Andina… in Arequipa, El Libertador.

His mouth fell open.

-   How do you know so much? –he looked at me stunned.

-   My dream is to travel to Peru. Since I was a kid I wanted to go there so badly but I never got the chance so now’s the moment.

He smiled tenderly and kissed me over my head.

-       Ok then.

He was going to kiss me when the phone form the house rang.- both of us rented our apartments and bought a big house in the same neighborhood as Junsu.

Changmin answered.

-   Hello? ….. oh what? Really…? Next week? Oh…. No problem. Thanks… oh no… thanks to you. Good bye

I raised my eyebrow. What’s going on next week?

-   What happened?

-   Alejandra and Yunho are getting married next week.

We both exhaled. There was a particular person that came to our minds. Oh god… what a Greek tragedy.

-   Poor Junsu – I muttered.

Changmin hugged me and took a deep breath.

-   Yeah… well, lets’ hope he can find another Woman…or at least forget her.

I made a face.

-   Looks complicated. He really loves her.

-   Aish…. I don’t know why women are so complex – he grumbled.

-   Hey! Don’t involve me….I’m practical

He rolled his eyes.

-   Yeah sure…

I rolled my eyes.

-       Okay… shut up.

I laughed between gritted teeth. He pulled me to him and kissed me.

-   You have to pay for all the months you had your little…

-   Shh!!! – I shut him up.

-   What?

-   No! No! Don’t say it!  - I frowned – I’m trying not to think about it

He made a face

-       Okay… sorry.

I kissed him and laughed nervously. I don’t know why I felt nervous. My heart beat a thousand per minute.

-   I will recompense that…. With this – I kissed him again and laid myself over him.

-   Oh… - he laughed – that’s nice

I burst into laughter.

-   Aha.






We bought the tickets to Peru, the next day of Alejandra’s wedding. It was civil like ours so it was not that complex. We only hope we have time.

The day arrived and everyone went to the wedding. Changmin and me were witnesses so we were on one side but the rest sat looking. Junsu was at the last row with Jaejoong and Yoochun who held his hand.

I sighed.

That was a scene I didn’t want to look. Karen was at front with Yearin and Daisuke. Alejandra’s family was on the first row watching everything. I think I should explain a bit of the reaction of the family before writing down Junsu’s torture.

My husband and I were in charge of everything, so we pick the up at the airport, her younger brother and sister and her parents. The younger sister is 12 or 13 years old and the second one is 22 or 23. It was amazing how great they looked.

They didn’t know anything about Alejandra’s state and in fact, she didn’t even tell them she was going to marry, they knew by the rumors of the press.

-   I can’t believe she’s getting married! – exclaimed her father and mother in the car.

-   Have you read the news? – he asked her father to her mother serious.

Changmin and I looked at each other and swallowed.

-   Oh no – I muttered.

-   What? – it was strange for him.

In the rearview mirror I saw the four who were checking the Ipad.

-   I thought they knew  - whispered Changmin

-   Me too…. Oh god, we are toasted  - I bit my lip.

Fortunately we were close to Alejandra’s apartment.

The four of them were stunned and mom yelled.

-   Oh my goodness – her brother said – Am I going to be an uncle? Impossible.

-   I’m only 13! I’m a kid I can’t be an aunt! – Yelled her younger sister.

I opened my eyes widely.

-   Why she didn’t tell us? How that happened? For god’s sake! – Shouted her mother who was going nuts. Leslie, why you didn’t tell me?

-   I…I thought you knew – I whispered.

Her dad killed me with his stare as if I was the guilty one. Oh god.. I will kill Alejandra.

-       I suppose he’s the Father? Right? Who is Kim Junsu? – he raised his eyebrow.

Oh god… Now I should kill Alkejandr. How didn’t she tell them? And, how did they not find out with all the news and scandals?

-   I know Kim Junsu – said his brother – he is Kim Junsu, the one standing there – he pointed with his finger on the Ipad.

Changmin raced as fast as possible to get there.

-   He doesn’t look like the one who is going to marry her…

-   No, he’s Jung Yunho – explained her brother – I remember them.

Then her mom took her hand over and looked at me flabbergasted. I guess she find out about the problem.

-   Oh… - she muttered.

-   What? – the father stared at her

-   No, nothing.

We arrived and went upstairs almost running. The father and Changmin took all luggage and when we arrived the mother was the first one to ran to Alejandra. Her belly was huge it was very visible.

Yearin and Yunho were in the living room.

I heard from far away the talk that Alejandra and her mother had.

-   God! Why you didn’t tell us? Your father is freaking out! You are big, my daughter! I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma! – exclaimed stunned and with a pinch of enthusiasm

Alejandra blew and nodded.

-   I was busy I’m sorry – she replied.

-   But still, Ally, this is a big deal. And you are not going to marry the father.

-   I love Yunho, mother.  – she gave her a poisonous look.

The mom frustrated exhaled.

-       Alejandra! – called her dad.

I got nervous, only by her dad’s voice it was freaking out my nervous system.. I don’t want to imagine how Alejandra feels.

Changmin approached me and surrounded my waist.

-       I sense a murder soon – He muttered.

I laughed between gritted teeth.

-   I hope not.

-   Why she didn’t tell anything? Is she nuts? I was sure she told them. Goodness, she’s unbelievable. – he said.

I fill my cheek with air and blew irritated

-   I know.

-   I’m actually a Little glad Yearin is here. The warrior is here.

I started laughing. Oh god. Has he called her warrior? Yearin has many nicknames… she is multifaceted.

I nodded.

In that moment her dad was giving Alejandra a speech, which I decided not to listen to, I don’t want to think how the poor baby feels. Then I heard Alejandra saying she was the one who paid for the tickets for them to come to Korea, meaning she practically invited them. And she didn’t even tell them? What happened? Why didn’t say anything?

-   I wanted to explain everything here… -she slowly explained – I’m going to marry Yunho because I love him and I want him as my husband. The father of my baby knows it.

-   Did he do to you something wrong….?

-   No… no, he took the responsibility.

-   Then why you are not marrying him? I don’t see why – her father disagreed with Alejandra’s decision.

I want somebody to change her mind, but the truth is she loves Yunho and I guess, like Junsu said, first is the happiness of the person you love most.

Oh god… Junsu….

-       Is there any problem I marry Yunho? I know him more than the father of my son. He’s my best friend, for god’s sake! What’s wrong with marrying him? – She exploded and yelled desperately.

I should feel stress, I’m in no condition but I can’t avois it.

-   Alejandra, you are not a baby anymore. You are telling us that the father of your baby was just a crazy night? Why? You were drunk?

Alejandra swallowed and nodded slowly. 

-   I… yes.

-   But Junsu doesn’t drink – added her brother.

Yearin pierced him through and he shut his mouth. Good, somebody had to hush him, this is getting worst.

-   What? – her mother was amazed this time.

Alejandra took a deep breath.

-   He came to the building for a car. We made a contract for the car and then he left. I thought he left the building but he was in the cafeteria. So I invited him a dinner…. Then I don’t remember – she explained in murmurs.

-   Was Leslie with you? – asked her dad.

-   Yes.

I froze. I have not done anything.. Oh god.

I don’t know why Yunho didn’t talk, he kept quite listening and looking to a side. COWARD! Say something! 

Another half hour of speech which I didn’t listen to. I didn’t want to and Changmin completely tensed.

What a mess.

Finally after hours Yunho interfered as well as Yearin…- who seemed like the lawyer of Alejandra when instead she is her gynecologist, the parents resigned and agreed the idea of marriage. They were about to call Junsu but Changmin and I defended him, they can’t bother Junsu, no.

-       You better take care of my daughter – The father threatened Yunho.

He nodded.

-   Of course I will.

-   Let’s hope this turn good.- muttered the mother concerned.


I sighed.

Yunho pick up the pen and signed.

I looked at the clock and sat and saw everything. Yunho told Alejandra to give him the pen and she held it firmly.

I looked around and everyone was tensed looking at every moment of Alejandra. It seemed they were waiting for something… For some reason everyone was waiting for something to happen or for her to interrupt the moment

-   This’s a nightmare – whispered Changmin to my ear.

I swallowed.

Her mother moved her hands nervously; the father shook his leg and looked straight at Yunho. Yearin was serious looking at Alejandra, she must be signing. Yoochun and Jaejoong were scared by every second that went by, they couldn’t simply look. Karen tried to accept it, she seemed distracted.. and Junsu, looked with his serious eyes, his cold look and with all the opacity at that moment at Alejandra for one more time.

-   Sign here please – said the man, telling her where to sign.

Alejandra reacted from the seconds she was left thinking.

-       Okay. Thanks – she muttered,.

She moved the pen about to sign but again she stopped.

Then Yunho held her hand and she signed the paper.

We all sighed… this is only the beginning of a new life.








The Shim went to Peru a whole month. And also the Jung, Alejandra was practically 9 months when she returned from the trip. Being sincere, it was a miracle the baby is still alive after going through all these problems and with the pressure that Alejandra had to deal with.

That’s why he is Junsu’s son.

When the Shim couple came, we did a welcome. It was Karen’s idea and mine and finally everyone helped out and it turned out to be perfect. Alejandra and Yunho arrived, fortunately. I was worried about her, because at any moment she can give birth.

We heard the couple arrived to their home when everyone started laughing instead of saying: surprise!

-       What the…? – Changmin froze.

Leslie got scared then burst into laughter. She was in such a good mood.

-   What are you guys doing in my house? – said Leslie laughing out loud.

-   It was a surprise but for some reason, all of us laughed. – I said.

She laughed again.

-   Oh… - she couldn’t stop laughing and Changmin had to take her to the living room with us – why a party? You missed us that much?

-   I’m just happy!  - I said laughing– there’s a lot of things to celebrate, Darling.

By the corner of my eyes I saw Yunho talking to Alekandra in her eard and he was holding her hand. The ring was shinning miles away, with only looking at it you could deduce they were married. Fans are crying fro Yunho and Changmin- finally they realized it and published it- but accepted it after months.

-   So what are we celebrating? –asked Leslie smiley.

-   You, looking gorgeous – muttered JaeJoong

Leslie gave him a smile. Oh god.. Doesn’t he understand she is married? And she.. follows his game.

I blew.  

-   Mom called us Leslie – started Karen – and she told us the news

-   What news? – Changmin got strange.

-   Leslie’s pregnant right?

Leslie and Changmin were left with their mouth open. We celebrated but they didn’t expect it. Now it seems like they didn’t know. Impossible.

-   How did….? I’m going to kill her – Leslie rolled her eyes.

-   No! it’s perfect! Leslie, you are going to be a mother! – she exclaimed.

Changmin shook his head and looked at us stunned.

-   You are really fast Changmin – said Yoochun - you only have two months and a half of marriage.

Leslie laughed listless and nodded.

-   Well… well… so we are celebrating because I’m pregnant, right? – she smiled.

Junsu looked at her in a cute way that Alejandra rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything. In that moment I noticed something, he knows something that nobody else knows. What more does this kid know?

-   Also that finally JaeJoong and Karen are a couple – said Yoochun

-   Really? –Leslie jumped from joy – Oh!!! I’m so happy!

JaeJoong and Karen looked at each other and laughed. The mother was freaking out.

-   What else?  - asked Changmin laughing.

-   Oh! And also Yearin and Yoochun! Finally a family with Daisuke – announced Yunho.

Everyone jumped from the emotion even Junsu, which surprised me. Meaning everyone in this world wants me to marry Yoochun and I didn’t know that.

I made a poker face.

-   AHHH!! –- yelled Leslie – Are you kidding me? Well I knew already but it’s so good to hear it.

The rest burst into laughter.

-   Two months together – Alejandra said – is progressing.

-   Thanks – I whispered.

It was Febrary 23, everyone was celebrating in Leslie’s house. She had already one month and something and her belly was a bit big. And me being a gynecologist, noticed it more than anyone, but well… I guess Peruvian food has made her a little bit fat and I have to admit I has also lived in Peru and got fat there, because the food is delicious.



Everyone drank a bit; except the pregnant ones, they drank soda. Finally we drank until we fell asleep in Leslie’s living room. Not even the Shim couple had time to go to their room, tiredness took over them and they stayed with us there. Most of us were on the floor or half way in the sofa. It looked like a good time of drinkers but NO, it was only a crazy friendship.

-       Oh god! – I heard a scream.

I opened my eye slowly. And felt really warm. Weird I’m on the floor with my son.

Then I realized Yoochun was hugging me.

I sighed.

-       Ah! No! – Yelled the same voice.

I stood up slowly when Alejandra was sitting; she was wet. At first I didn’t identify until I noticed her  water broke and yelled horrified.

-       AHHHHHHHHHH! Oh for Christ sake! Alejandra! –I shouted.

Everyone woke up from my scream and also exclaimed when they noticed the most expected baby was finally going to be born.

-       Oh god! Move guys, now move! – I ordered desperately.

Everyone stood up and freaked out running around the house. Junsu was the first one to sit up and approached Alejandra who was having her contractions.

-   Changmin, your car! – I yelled.

-   It’s small for all of us; we are more than 7! – he said frustrated.

-   I don’t care, Alejandra needs to go to the hospital immediately! – I ordered him.

Leslie went to her room running to take out the key and came back, I was helping Alejandra get up with Yunho.

-   Junsu, bring the big bag of Alejandra in her house. Can you….?

-   Aha. Yes.

-   You know the password? –I tensed. I thought he….

He nodded and went first before us.

-   Can you walk Ally? – asked Yunho.

-   I… aha, yes…

He pick her up without thinking twice and everyone went out.

-   Guys, your bags! – I exclaimed.

Karen and JaeJoong pick everyones bags and left running with us.

We got to the basement and Alejandra sat with me and Yunho behind. In the third row were Jaejoong, Karen and Yoochun, who was carrying my son.   

Junsu’s car was not there, meaning he raced out, I hope he gets there before, to book a room. And you know what? It was 4 am.


We got there by pressuring Changmin to drive fast. The only problem was we were all sleepy and driving at that hour when the sleep is heavy is hard and Leslie had to help him with some things.

-   Changmin! Move! –I yelled.

-   Unless you don’t want to die by an accident, shut up! -  he exclaimed furiously.

He raced and smiled. That’s what I wanted.

It was 4:25 when we got there and unfortunately Junsu was not there. A nurse came out of the building, I think she was leaving her shift but when she saw Alejandra she got scared and came back with a wheelchair and Yunho sat Alejandra there.

They took her to a room and I went to change, I called haft the hospital to bring me a doctor and nurses until they obey me.

A doctor, friend of mine, offered to help me as, unfortunately, other patients where giving birth and if it weren’t for Alejandra being in this condition now, I would have not find out.

-   It’s 3cm – informed the doctor.

-   Please stay with her, you know who she is.

-   Yes.

-   Help her and the husband is Yunho as you know – announced to him.

He made a face and accepted.  

-   All of them are there right?

-   Yes and be careful with Leslie.

-   Why?

-   Just be careful – I warned him and went running to see another patient.

I came back half hour later and the doctor informed me it was 5 cm, it was going really fast more than I thought and her contractions were continuous.

She was taking it easy, which surprises me but it was easier to work like this.

Yunho brought ice to eat and handle the pain. I entered and everyone was in a corner watching the show, Leslie and Yunho were by her side taking care of her.

I made a face. Interesting.

-   Well, Alejandra you are strong. You have 5 cm so far… - I said

-   Just 5? – she suddenly yelled.

Everyone got scared from her reaction.

-   What…? – I was stunned.

-   Man! This’s killing me! It’s been an hour and only 5…. It just increased 2 cm more!

-   Look, this is slow Alejandra. You know this is not easy – I tried to make her understand.

She looked at Leslie then at Yunho and screamed.

-   Aish! Where’s Junsu? – She suddenly asked.

-   Oh god Junsu! -  I exclaimed.

Changmin was the first one to take out his cellphone and call him. He didn’t answer and everyone was freaking out. In the third try he pick up and Alejandra screamed.

Everyone jumped from fear.

-   Where are you? – shouted Changmin overwhelmed.

-   I’m sorry. I… the manager called me, tell JaeJoong and Yoochun the manager is calling them. But I’ll be there in a few minutes. I just need to do something.

-   Junsu!  - he got mad – Are you nuts? Let your work now! Come here!

Junsu blew.

-   Just call me if something happens.

Everyone shouted: JUNSU! But he hang up.

I had to leave for a moment and think. Why doesn’t Junsu want to come? I can’t believe it. What is he doing working?

I sighed.

He must be confused, oh god… I know is hard to have to face the fact that your son is not going to be yours but you can’t miss his birth. And Alejandra needs him, despite everything he is the biological father of that kid.

While I explained to the patient to calm her down and not kick her poor husband, a doctor came.

-   She’s on labor! – announced the lest of what I expected.

I swallowed.

-       Oh ! Ok, I’ll be there in a minute

I explained something to the lady in a second, and left her in charge with a nurse and left running to see Alejandra.

Before I got there I saw everyone running behind the litter so I followed them.

I looked around thinking if Junsu was there, but he wasn’t. Why is he taking so long? What’s he doing that doesn’t come? Why do you do this Kim Junsu?

I entered with the doctors to the room of labor. Only Yunho and Leslie entered, they didn’t let the other ones enter but Junsu was missing. He must be here.

We settled Alejandra down who was yelling from pain and she was holding onto Yunho’s hand, leaving him purple. It was funny, Alejandra had that strength that not even Yunho, being a man, could handle.  

-   AHHHHHHHHH!!!! – she screamed.

-   Alejandra, don’t scream the pain will get worse if you keep doing it. Breath in and out… take a deep breath.

-   I can’t! – she yelled.

-   Don’t! Alejandra Jung, please! – I exclaimed.

She blew and again breath as if she was hyperventilating. I had to give Yunho some indications to calm him down. I knew Yunho was a big help but I needed Junsu on this.. he, after all, is the true father. Alejandra must love him at this moment to death.

-       Where’s Junsu? – I asked Leslie in a whisper, who was holding onto Alejandra’s hand.

She made a painful face and refused with her head.

-   I don’t know! He should be here now! For heaven’s sake! It’s his son birth!

The doctor looked at Alejandra one more time and said:

-   Ok, push.

Leslie’s and Yunho’s hand broke, they also screamed in unison with Alejandra who was literally breaking their hands by her force.

-   AHHH!! Where’s Junsu? I swear I’m going to kill him! Where’s him? WHERE?  - she screamed to heaven.

Leslie jumped and Yunho started to laugh.

-   Don’t laugh you bastard! – she complained to Yunho  - Ahh! God! This’s endlessly!

Leslie burst into laughter and Alejandra pressed down strongly making her cry out of pain and finally the 3 of them ended up yelling.

In this umpteenth attempt – there were more screams creepy than anything else, I heard noise outside, more than they had, and then I saw the baby’s head coming out.

-   Oh! – I exclaimed.

Alejandra leaned her head back and blew really hard. She was tired but it wasn’t over yet.

Despite the hard tries of Alejandra the baby didn’t come out, which was strange, I know that the baby’s shoulder are difficult to come out, however, with many pushes it must have been out already.

-       Ahhh!! Stupid baby!!  - she shouted irritated.

Everyone got scared as we didn’t expect that reaction but I guess, she must be desperate, because the baby doesn’t want to come out.

-   It seems the baby doesn’t want to come out -watched the  doctor

-   Really? – yelled Alejandra – Ahhhh!!!!

-   Perhaps you have given him such a warm place that he doesn’t want to come out.

-   I don’t care! –she exclaimed – I want that baby out! Ahhh!!!

Then after many tries a crying was heard and everyone’s eyes almost pop out.

The doctor grabbed the baby who on and on kept crying. I ran to help and cover him with a blanket cleaning the blood. He was beautiful. Like Junsu..

I grabbed a scissor and I was one step away from Yunho to give him to cut the umbilical cord when somebody held my hand.

-       Junsu… - muttered Alejandra with an exhausted voice.

My jaw was left hanging.

Alejandra made a smile, the most beautiful one that I have seen in months.

-   My son… - He muttered stunned.

-   Ryan – followed Alejandra

Junsu saw the baby and but his lip. The baby we have most expected and for the baby he has fought finally was crying.

I gave Junsu the scissor and he cut it. He burst into tears. I cleaned it and gave him his baby in his hand.

I looked at him for a few seconds while he shed some tears to see his little son. Alejandra was talking in murmurs with Yunho while she smiled. Then he kissed her. 

-   I love you – he whispered to her and she kissed him back.

Junsu  was in his world looking at the baby.

-       Hello Ryan… -he sobbed – goodness you’re gorgeous… oh my love… - he caressed his cheek and the baby looked at him with his eyes open wide– I’m your father, Ryan…. You won’t believe it but I am.

I wanted to cry so bad that my throat started to hurt.

Leslie bit her lip like me when she heard that phrase.

Yunho approached Junsu and he gave the baby to him carefully. By his face I noticed he was grumbling giving away the baby.

-   Oh look! Your mother is here – exclaimed Yunho to the baby and leaned to her. 

Alejandra reached out weakly and caressed his cheek.

-   Hi Ryan. Oh my dear, you are beautiful.

-   Just like the father – said Leslie distracted.

The Jung ignored that comment and kept workshiping the baby. I had to take away the baby to have a check up on him and at the moment I placed him in the balance, Junsu disappeared.

I turned around to Alejandra, she was kissing Yunho and laughing with him in murmurs.

I sighed.

She has lost Junsu forever.





-       JUNSU! – I yelled while running through the corridor to reach him.

He stopped at the door of the clinic and faced me. 

-   What? – he stared at me.

-   I… please… your baby is in there don’t leave him! – I begged him – don’t leave Junsu I beg you!

-   I’m not the father of that baby anymore, although I… - he looked into space and sighed.

I held his hand and got him close to my lips.

-       I’m sorry Junsu – I sobbed.

He smiled listless and nodded.

-   It’s ok. Now they are a family

-   Junsu…. Please

-   I’m out of the equation – she laughed between gritted teeth.

He patted my hair one more time and kissed me on my cheek.

-       Goodbye Leslie.

A tear came down. Why? God.. I’m not Alejandra.. Why am I crying?

He opened the door and left the hospital. I stopped for seconds thinking whether to stop him or let him go then I thought going for him, I went outside running and he took off with his car.

I exhaled almost shocking on myself from crying a lot.

-   Don’t cry, Love – whispered Changmin in my ear and surrounded my waist.

-   But… and his son? And Ryan?

He kissed me on my neck.

-   He will be okay, he has a family.

-   And Junsu? – I bit my lip.

-   I suppose he has to go on with his life.

I sighed.

-   I’ll miss him.- I confessed.

-   We all will.


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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!