Epilogue LC's POV





3 Years Later



I pick up Jae and held Changmin’s hand.

-       It seems, this was a really long trip for him – said Changmin

-       Oh yes…. It’s your fault. I told you to return next month.

He laughed between gritted teeth.

-       He enjoyed it anyway. He’s lucky he was born there.

-       It’s odd to return to Korea…. I’m used to Spanish  - I smiled.

He surrounded my waist and nodded fast.

-       Aha… and I’m going to miss the food so much. God! I hope what we brought can last for a few months – he bit his lip.

-       TRAGON! – I exclaimed in Spanish I was used to it.– Deja de comer que vas a quedarte un desastre. (Stop eating you’ll become a mess!)

He burst into laughter.

-       No hables, mujer, tu ya llevas tu pequeña pansita (Don’t speak woman, you have your little belly)

I hit his shoulder and the kick his leg when he tried to escape.

-       Es tu culpa, Shim Changmin. ¡Te dije que no querias mas engendros! (Is your fault Changmin. I told you no brats!)

-       ¿Engendros? OE! Habla bien ¿ya? .. (Brats? Ya! Speak well ok?)

-       Achorado ¿no? Aish… no te me vengas Changmin, que te pego ¡vas a ver! (Really nasty!.. Don’t come here Changmin, or I’ll kick you. You will see!)– I threatened him.

He surrounded my waist and started laughing.

-       Muy bien, suficiente. (Good, enough)

We went home and I left Jae in the sofa. Actually the whole name of my son is Shim Young Jae, but I prefer to call him Jae.

We also threw ourselves in the other sofas and fell asleep fast.

After hours some voice woke me up and somebody was hitting my face.  

-       ¿Qué…? Aish (What..? Aish!)– I shouted.

-       Mama! – babbled Jae. The kid is 3 years but talks like an old man - ¡la casa la han invadido! (They have invaded the house!)

-       ¿eh? – I raised my eyebrow.

I sat and the guys screamed making me be scared and I screamed and burst into laughter. Changmin woke up also and I laughed harder making fun of him.

-       Oh my! What are you doing? – I said while laughing.

-       HELLO!!! – exclaimed Yearin and hugged me– three years out! Imagine! Goodness, Jae is a little man already!

JaeJoong stretched his arms to Jae and looked at him in the eyes and smiled. Jaejoong pick him up and hugged him.

Karen looked at him strange but followed the game. Jaejoong has a paternal feeling therefore babies go to him, I think.

Junsu hugged Changmin and started laughing with him. Everyone hugged excitedly to finally get to see us.  

Changmin adores Peru so we decided to live there for 3 years, raise our baby for 3 years beside other things. It was a last minute decision and now my baby talks Spanish, Korean and English. He gets confuse with languages but he likes it.

-       So! – exclaimed Karen – Where have you been? Peru I know but what part exactly?

Then I noticed Yunho and Alejandra weren’t there.

-       Where are the Jung? – I asked.

Everyone looked at each other and finally looked at Junsu.

He swallowed and took a deep breath.

-       Erm… they have issues – he muttered.

-       What happened? – I terrified.

Changmin blew and crossed his arms.

-       First talk about you and then we explain the situation – suggested Yoochun

-       Yes! –Yearin clapped her hands. – please.

There were two newlyweds, The Park and the Kim. My sister married Jaejoong a few months back. She told me and even though I couldn’t go I jumped from joy, same with Yoochun and Yearin.

-       Erm… well Peruvian food is delicious! I miss it already – exclaimed Changmin.

I rolled my eyes.

-       Aish hombre! Deja de pensar en la comida, ¿ya? Despierta, carambas (Aish man! Stop thinking about food ok? Wake up! )– I grumbled.

-       Oe! ¿Qué cosa? La extraño pues! (Ya! What? I miss it !!)

-       Oie te has vuelto achorado desde que hemos vuelto ¿no? ¿Qué pasa ah? ¿te crees peruano no? Uff… Estas mal, querido, aquí tu eres mas coreano que todos nosotros. (Ya! You have become nastier since we came back right? What’s wrong ah? You think you are Peruvian? Uff.. You are wrong, here you are the most Korean among us.)– I raised my eyebrow.

-       Papá! Achorado! (Dad! Bad !) – said Jae with his high voice.

Everyone started laughing especially Changmin and I. Since like this nasty thing has taken over him since we came back from Peru. Yes we have become rebels, don’t ask me that, ask Peru what it doe with its visitors.

-       Ok, I didn’t understand a single thing but anyway, tell us! – said Junsu excitedly.

I laughed between gritted teeth.

-       Well... we used to live in Miraflores, Malecon Armendariz. Near the Marriot, as a reference and Larcomar was just a few steps away. It was cold in winter but in summer the beach was beautiful – I explained.  

-       Oh! We know Marriot and Larcomar – said JaeJoong who had my son in his legs.

-       Yes. – I nodded – it’s a really Lovely place.

We talked to them about Lima for hours, or the other countries we visited for months until it got to the most anxious topic, Alejandra and Yunho.

-       Ok, spell it out – I ordered Junsu

-       Erm…

-       I think, it’s not the time – whispered Karen

Changmin pierced her through with his gaze.

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!