Chapter 6



6.         LC POV

-     WHAT? – I cried.

-     Aish… Leslie, shut up – grumbled Yearin

-     Where’s is she? – I looked around; I didn’t see anybody, so I run out of the building.

-     In the hospital.

I hung up and when I went out, I pushed somebody to the floor due to the speed I was going.

-     Oh my… I’m so sorry.

-     Damn it! Leslie, I’m going to kill you. What’s wrong? Did somebody die? – Karen stood up grumbling.

I rolled my eyes.

-     Sod you, I’m busy.

-     Hey! You told me to come here by this hour. – She fixed her skirt..

I sighed.

-     Come tomorrow, she’s not here right now

-     Where’s she? – It was awkward for her.

I made a face.

-     JaeJoong, is in there, go – I said.

-     What? – She didn’t believe it – How? What is he going there?

-     Haven’t the foggiest. Just go! –I pushed her inside the building and left running, once again.

-     Leslie! – she shouted. .

I ignored her and drove to the hospital as fast as I could. Why the hell did she faint? What happened? Has Junsu kissed her again? I don’t think so. Impossible. Oh… It could be Junsu danced something for her… or .… sang something too cute for her so she fainted? This can’t be! Is not like Alejandra is 15 years old, also Junsu can’t do that in a hospital. It would be ridiculous.  

I arrived running and Yearin was outside the room waiting.

-     Yearin… what happened? – I said breathless. I couldn’t breathe.  

-     She’s fine, she just woke up.

-     Why she fainted? – it was interesting, there is nothing that can surprise Alejandra unless Junsu appears in front of her.

Then Ally came out with a bored face, pale and she looked tired. I got scared, definitely it was not Junsu.

-     Goodness, Ally…  - I whispered.

Yearin left us alone and left. I wanted to stop her, so she could tell me about Ally, but Alejandra pulled my arm brusquely, and we went outside. It doesn’t matter but I’ll find out what happened, she can’t just suddenly faint.

Ally got on her car when I pulled from her arm.

-     No, Ally, you are not driving.

-     Don’t bother – she took away her arm roughly.

-     Alejandra, don’t be stubborn, you just fainted! – I said with gritted teeth.

She killed me with her glare and got in her car. I should hit her to bring her back to Earth. I sighed. Why do business women always have a mysterious attitude?




“Xia’s next concert tomorrow, at 8:30 pm. The tickets are sold out but there are rumors that 100 tickets more are adding….”

I closed the webpage and sighed.

I looked around and once again I emitted a sighed. It was not going to be easy to adapt to my new life and leave all this behind.

I had already taken some ultrasounds. I had, constantly, appointments with Yearin. She gave me pills, advises and helped me these last past 2 weeks. I had practically, two months and in the ultrasound you could see he/she so tiny.

-     Are you really coming? – asked my best friend via Skype.

I nodded.

-     Please, prepare a room for me if you can, please – I begged him.

-     Of course, Ally. You know I will always help you.

-     Thanks – I said warmhearted.

-     You know we will be please, Ally. Be careful please. Do you have any plans? Are you going to tell Leslie? – he stared at me with captivating eyes. He looked cute.

I swallowed.

You don’t know how my heart hurts leaving my best friend alone, Leslie, however, I have no other option. Why would I tell her? Anyway I can’t stay here.

-     I’m still thinking.

-     And Junsu? He is the Father, right? – he raised his eyebrow. He had also been Junsu’s friend, but a useless split, made him not talk to him until now.

For a moment I thought it was impossible for Junsu to be the father. I don’t want to tell him, he would be like LC, worrying too much.

-     I won’t tell him anything. It was my mistake anyway

-     What? Yours? It was both! – he gazed at me, he wanted to kill me when I told him the whole story.

I sighed.

-     No. Please, don’t pursue me I won’t tell him – I replied convinced.

-     Well then you are wrong, Ally. You know he must know, is going to be his baby not only yours?

-     If I tell him then what? He would want to stay with him and I don’t want to slave him.

-     Don’t you love him? – he became awkward.

Tears came out uncontrollably. Stupid Hormones!! I don’t like crying in front of him, but well, anyway it was not my first time.

I ducked my head. I didn’t know what to think, clearly I like him but, I don’t know if I like him as an artist or if I like him as a person.   

-     Tell him, Ally, please. Take my advice, it’s better for both – he begged me with a sweet voice..

-     I… - my voice cracked.

¿Should I tell him or not?


-     “Dan hana gatgo sipeun sarang. Tto beorigo sipeun geu sarang… Gajil sudo Ohh Ohh beoril sudo… Eobtneun sarangi silhdaguyo…”

I sighed. Why is his voice so beautiful? I need a bed for every single concert of Junsu.

Then when he began singing the verse he looked at me and for only 5 seconds, he was in shock. He kept singing but wouldn’t stop looking at me, it got to the point where it seem he was singing only for me. I smiled and watched when he sang the chorus and, of course, I knew the lyrics to the song. That’s why he was singing it to me…

My cell phone vibrated…

“Alejandra James! Bloody hell, you have one client here, you better come now! Where on earth are you?” LC wrote.

Nice, I had no other option but to leave.

I stared at Junsu serious and he became akward. So I turned around and left the concert.

I felt his stare on me as I passed every person but I ignored it. I didn’t have time only for him.

I called LC.

-     I’m sorry, LC. I’ll be there in a second, ok?

-     Aish… - refunfuño.

I chuckled. 

-     Sorry.

-     Yeah, yeah. Move now, Alejandra.




-     Thank you! – I shouted to the fans and they gather together in a scream that rarely I liked.

I smiled and left out running to the backstage.

Many people surrounded me and told me what to do at that moment. I only had a break of 2 minutes and less.

-     Junsu, get dress now. Your clothes is in your….

-     I know-.

I went to the dressing room and sat for a moment. My head hurts, I haven’t slept these past weeks, I have a feeling something is going to happen. And I won’t like it.

I took a deep breath.

I saw Alejandra and she left. A mysterious. Why did she come to the concert if she is not going to stay? I don’t get her.

So my cell phone vibrated. A text message. It must be from Jaejoong, sometimes he sends me text messages because he is bored and here I am at the concert singing with all the stress.  

-     Junsu! Hurry up! The backup dancers are ready. – shouted one of the members from the staff.

I sighed.

I changed as fast as I could, I read the text message quickly. If it was Jaejoong I was not going to answer back.

“I’m pregnant, Alejandra” 

I blinked rapidly, What?

-     Junsu! – shouted the staff.

I left in a rush and almost tripped over the chair. A boy grabbed me before I fell.

-     Are you ok?

Then, I remembered how I met Alejandra. She was beautiful the first time I saw her.

I opened my eyes widely. SHE IS PREGNANT!!! PREGNANT!! WHAT!!

I shook my head.

-     Thanks – I muttered.

I pushed him and went out walking to the stage. Did I see wrong, or she wrote wrong or she wrote she is pregnant and I’m the father? Oh God! And here I thought I was never going to have kids nor get married. I’m not MARRIED!! OH GOD!

I made many mistakes in the dances, I was horrified from myself. I never mess up that much and I got lost in the songs. .

-     Oh my goodness – I said without noticing.

The fans were screaming and I stunned more. I got dizzy.

I could see all the lights and I got lost, I didn’t know whether to go up or down the stairs from the stage.

I watched everything and my mind crashed. I mixed the lyrics from the songs or sometimes I forgot some of the verses.

I wante to shout: I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER!!!! Why? Did that need to happen?

-     Junsu, what are you doing? You are messing up everything – somebody frustrated told me through the headset.

I, suddenly, saw Alejandra’s face in front of mine, furious and heard her voice. NO! NO!

-     I’m pregnant, Junsu – I Heard.

So I felt my body lose balance and I fell on the floor. It was funny for me, that between the concert I had a fall.

Everyone yelled that stunned me more.  

-     JUNSU!!! – they claimed with all their strength.

I looked at the place and for a second, I saw everything in slow motion, as if I was in terminal phase. It was like a movie.

In that instant, I noticed I was breathing too quickly, as if I had danced or walked for hours without stopping, which it didn’t even past  2 hours. 

Normally I feel tired if it is more than 5 hours.

-     JUNSU!! – exclaimed everyone again.

-     I’m sorry – I whispered to the fans.

-     Oh!

-     I’m sorry…. – I shook my head.

I wanted to stand up but I felt a pain in my ankle.

Oh no…

Now what... I twisted my ankle. Why now?  Doesn’t matter, I won’t be here standing like a dumbhead, I’ve ruined half of the concert, I can’t make it worse.

I stood up slowly and kept dancing the last par of “Lullaby”– I hadn’t noticed I was in that song already  - the song where every girl dancer touches. Ironic right?

Some of the girls came closer to me, but unconsciously I pushed them, I was disgusted by them, I didn’t want to see them.  

-     Junsu, it’s a dance, relax  - muttered one of them following the dance moves. I don’t want to see you, damn it!  My mind exploded.  

I didn’t feel my ankle, it hurt badly but I insiste don dancing. What else could I do?

In the last part, one of the girls put a bandage on my eyes and I, almost pushed her, but the girl manage to stop my arm. She grabbed my arm to guide me. I backed up when I felt a pain, worst than my ankle and I lost balance, and fell on her. The lights went out.

-     Are you ok? Move now, your ankle looks really bad – still she was grabbing onto my arm and pulled me.

-     I told you, don’t touch me! – I said between gritted teeth.

They placed a patch in my ankle in order to stop the pain. I sang as best as I could and not thinking about Alejandra having something, there was nothing going on…. She must be smiling at a client talking about her cars.

I sighed.

-     What’s Wrong Junsu? Really, I thought you were going to faint – said a boy who was healing my ankle.

-     …

-     I think you hit almost all the backup dancers. – he giggled.

I looked at him for a few seconds as son as he finshed healing my ankle, I left in a rush. I didn’t care how much it hurt, I needed to see Alejandra.

-     Junsu! You need to see a doctor! – I Heard him from far away.

I ran to the streert, and without realizing, a taxi cab stopped.

-     What are you doing? – the man said.

-     Take to the Jame’s building – I said distracted.

-     What?

-     Now!  - I ordered him frustrated – I’ll pay what you want, take me now!

I went out of the taxi limping and I threw him the first bill I took out from my wallet. I grabbed my things and left.

Leslie saw me entering and before I took the elevator she took a grip at my arm.  

-     Junsu… what the heck…? God, you are all sweaty. – her eyes opened widely, she remembered something– weren’t you suppose to be in a concert?

-     It… finished

-     What happened with your ankle- looked at it and raised her eyebrow.

I looked at her from toes to head; the first thing I was going to say was a compliment.  It was something stupid but I didn’t want to talk to her.

-     You look beautiful – I tried to smile.

-     What? Alejandra is busy, Junsu – she didn’t let go of my arm.

I pushed her and dodge her.

I entered Ally’s office, it had a password which Leslie gave me and I had not forgotten.

-     Of course Sir, we…. – Alejandra’s mouth fell opened astonished.

The client turned and was amazed too.

-     What….? What….? Erm… Sir, I’m sorry. I… a moment please – she stop up and walk to me.

You don’t know how mad I was. I wanted to yell at her, tell her many things but I held myself.

-     What do you want? I’m busy, don’t you see? – She muttered between gritted teeth.

-     I don’t care. You have something to tell me, now! – I spoke to loud and the client got frightened.

-     Shut up! – she yelled – Damn it!

She grabbed my wrist and took me to another room. My ankle didn’t respond well, at the door of the room I stopped, it hurt too much.  

-     Now what?

-     This is your fault! – I raised my voice.

She killed me with her stare.

She pulled me harder; purposely she threw me on the sofa.

-     Stay here, I’ll be right back.

She left and came back after 10 minutes. All this time I try to lessen my pain. It was impossible, the pain wouldn’t go away!

Alejandra came back with a priceless expression.  

She sat in front of me and stared at me, mad.

-     What? – The only thing she said.

I rolled my eyes.

-     Are you crazy? – I screamed to heaven – How can you tell that news in the middle of the concert? Do you have any idea what I just went through! I fell down, almost hit all the backup dancers… I messed up all the concert for you. Are you serious? I was about to faint in the stage!

Suddenly she burst into laugh.

-     Did you really fall down and hit those girls? – said while laughing – Well done with the girl, I would like to see that. I hated those girls so badly.

-     Hey! Are you deaf or what? – I shouted.

She sighed.

-     Don’t shout! – she exclaimed– Do you think this is easy for me too? I fainted! Junsu I fainted in the hospital when I heard the news! I freaked out! So don’t yell at me, because this is your fault too anyway.

-     My fault? What?

-     Yes! It’s both of our faults! Junsu, don’t deny or I swear I will kick you in your ankle – she threatened me.

Both looked at each other in rage. I gave up first and sighed..

Alejandra sighed and ducked her head.

-     How…?

-     2 months – she said – I just learned it two weeks ago.

-     Why you chose to tell me now and not before?

-     I didn’t want to tell you, I knew you would freak out like now – she made a face.

I took a deep breath.

-     Ok. – I admitted – yes, you were right

-     I’m not asking you anything. I just want you to know. That’s it – she said more relax.

-     What? No no… I’m the Father of that child and I won’t leave you alone – I reassured her.

I’m not a coward, well.. yes.. yes.. I want to run away, I don’t know what will happen next, and I don’t want to face the press, even though, I came here I won’t leave her alone. Maybe it will take time to love her and get used to the idea, but I won’t leave her alone.

-     Junsu… - her eyes were full of tears – Oh…

I frowned.

-     Please leave – she whispered.

I did an effort to sat by her side and hug her. She started crying.

-     I’m going to murder you – she mumbled.

I tried to laugh. I think I deserve that.   

-     Yeah, sure

She got a bit far away from me and hid her face with her bangs. In that moment she looked so beautiful. She was so beautiful, I was astonished. Not even talking about her outfit. She should work in fashion.

-     Erm… how… are you going… what are you going to do? – I asked cautiously.

I swallowed.

-     I’m still planning. – she muttered.

-     What do you mean? – I felt awkward.

-     Don’t ask, please. I’m thinking and thinking. – her eyes just stared nowhere.

By her eyes you could tell she was hiding something but at that moment it didn’t occurred to me to ask her, I was worried about how to get out of this mess. She was now important to me, my work too…

I sighed.

Then, she stared at me with anger.

-     Junsu, I’m not kidding. I’m not asking anything, I don’t want anything from you. You just need to know.

My heart was crashed.

-     Why?

-     Because you have your own life, your work and I don’t want to ruin it.

-     That’s impossible.

-     No it’s not.

I felt a heat in my chest which drove me crazy. I exploded, I don’t get her. Why did she tell me then? What is wrong with her?

I slowly stood up and stared at her straightly.

-     Fine. – I said.

-     Junsu… I…

-     You said you want to do it alone.- I exclaimed – Then it’s not my business, Alejandra. I don’t know why the heck you told me for nothing

-     Don’t get it in that way! – she cried.

I left her office. But, suddenly, I felt a pain in my leg, which made me stop. Then I heard Alejandra crying. My heart started beating faster, it was my fault why she was crying and why she was so overwhelmed.

I wanted to go back but something stopped me, I have idea what it was but I was not able to go to her. I left the office and went home. When I got there, Jaejoong was sleeping in my sofa. I ignored him and just as I sat on my bed, I broke into tears.

I didn’t know what to do. 

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this is really good~
Chapter 22: hahah i knew it... i knew jaejoong is the father... :D and I'm happy for that. ;)
and so happy that junsu finally got his happy end.. I was so sad and mad at the same time ...
Chapter 16: nooooooooooooooo ...poor junsu ... :'( I will marry him :D
yjch5496 #4
Chapter 5: erm.... who translated this?
yjch5496 #5
Chapter 4: omg!! hahahhaha
yjch5496 #6
keep updating!!
I want to read it all over again
but this time in english!
Chapter 1: HAHAH lovely woman!