chapter 15

Circle of trust


“So, she’s your sister.”    Junsu pointed out sipping onto his tea at the café while Norma nodded sitting opposite of him.

“My uterine sister. We have the same mother.”  


“But she looks nothing like you.”


“Perhaps it’s from her father’s side.”    Norma guessed taking her sip from the coffee.


“The why don’t you tell her?”


“Because…there must be a reason my mother left me and…if I tell Nayobi she might panic and I will never get to see them again; it’s better to know them as a stranger. At least…I’ll know where I came from.”


Junsu turned his face to the road watching the cars going away; thinking that if he was in her place, he would barged in to his mother demanding an explanation.

Yet, at least her mother was alive; his wasn’t.


“Did you tell your son’s father about this when you were together? At least he could have helped you.”    Junsu suggested hoping it would give her an idea instead, Norma looked at him questioningly and that made Junsu feel very stupid.


“About that…his father died when he was two years old…”    Norma left the rest untold. She couldn’t tell him everything; she wasn’t that emotional.


“Oh…I thought…you know.”    Junsu also couldn’t share his honest thought about what he thought that-she might be a single mother without marriage who had consented to live together with her boyfriend and he left one day when she told him she was pregnant.

The society never accepts a woman like that; even in 21st century. They think it is a woman’s fault to even consent to lose her ity before marriage hoping to be married later like a naïve woman.


“You thought what?”   Norma asked seeing Junsu this much confused-well according to her he was confused; rather he was embarrassed having to think that way about her.


“Nothing.”     He nervously smiled at her and this time he assumed another thing about her that-maybe they were living together and they were planning to get married but he died after his son was born. He must have been a nice man and society does not discriminate a woman who has a good lover with a child even without marriage because she didn’t make a mistake in choosing a person so she was lucky.

Also he knew she wasn’t married or divorced otherwise she would have corrected him from calling her “Mrs.” Rather than “miss”.


“So who do you have in your family?”    Norma asked politely hoping that she wasn’t invading his private life. But this was a general question anyone would ask.


“I have my father; a grouchy billionaire cousin and friends.”


“No mother?”   She asked straightforwardly then regretted asking of it. Because if he felt comfortable he would have said so about his mother.    “Sorry…”     she immediately apologized.


“It’s fine; I keep asking you so you at least have the right to ask about my mother. She left me too except there is a matter of life and death.”    Junsu meekly smiled while Norma was looking at him with a question mark on her head. Inside her mind the thought of soap opera came, which Jihoon used to watch. He spoke like those mothers who were kind hearted and never complained. Even Jihoon spoke like that sometimes and this crept Norma out. She was stuck with a bunch of drama queens and soap opera lovers.


He could have said she died.


“So are you planning on ever to tell her that you are her sister?”     Junsu asked oblivious to her thoughts.


“I don’t know; if I see that I will be able to. If not, then never.”


“That is uncertain you know. In this situation, you might never be able to tell her.”


“I know…but I can’t risk it.”    This time Norma’s face went serious. She knew all the possibilities yet things just kept pulling her back.


“If that is the circumstances, then you never should have searched for her. Why bother? I know I shouldn’t say it but still…why bother?”     He repeated.

Norma seriously had no answer to that. She never wanted to find her but Jessica had wished for it; she couldn’t deny her dead friend’s wish also a part of her wanted to find her and she was partially happy that Jessica had insisted; otherwise she wouldn’t have been so determined.


“I don’t know…things are…very complicated now…there are things which I can’t even tell you.”     Norma’s mouth slipped out; realizing it; she looked away hoping not to spill out too much. She shouldn’t be saying anything unnecessary.

Junsu, this time noticed her uncertain face; a soft smile appeared on his face understanding that she wasn’t willing to let anything out yet she mistakenly was.


“That’s okay…I wont force you.”    He softly added.

She looked at his face expressionlessly not getting his sudden change of tone. She never understood why this guy ended up as a police. He should have been a doctor, or a teacher or even an actor. He was too soft for criminals.



Ga-in was looking at her parents who were chatting among themselves. She didn’t interfere knowing it was not polite so she had been silent for 15 minutes seeing her parents talking non-stop. They weren’t speaking of business or anything serious for that matter but just chatting and laughing.


She had a serious matter to talk to and she needed their permission. But they had no chance to stop until…


“You’ve been sitting here for a long time. If there is anything you would like to say you should have said it by now.”     Her mother looked at her.


“I’m sorry mother but you two were talking.”    She formally expressed.


“Honey, we are your parents, not your masters. You can just say out that you want to talk to us. Damn this girl…”     her father clicked his tongue making Ga-in smile. Her father always had the tone of a teenager.


“Sorry for that father.”    She mumbled smiling.


“So go on. What’s been bothering you?”    her mother asked.


“Its nothing of work…in fact its…about my personal life.”


“What about it sweet heart?”


“It’s about the friend of mine at the orphanage, Norma Jin.”


“The one with the adopted son? What about her?”    her father asked looking at his wife.


“She…has been missing; I know it has something to do with Kim Jaejoong. He did something causing her to hide from us so I was…hoping to converse with him of this matter but since he is a tycoon heir I don’t want to do something out of personal vendetta which might ruin Sons…but he might be doing something illegally to ruin her and…I want your permission before I do something stupid. I need your guidance in this.”


Both the parents looked at each other firmly; her request maybe of too much. Sure they had no dealings or any sort of alliance whatsoever but they were both repudiated company. Ga-in understood that she wouldn’t get any permission so she decided to leave this matter.


“It will be fine if you don’t permit me cause its quite…stupid anyway.”


Stupid is a strong word my dear. I would say rather say clumsy for this matter.”

Ga-in nodded hearing her mother speak; understanding that she wouldn’t get any permission. It was enough that she was permitted to marry Joong-ki and asking to conflict with the Kims was too much.


“I understand mother.”


“Its nice that you do; instead you can set up a private investigator to find her.”     Her father spoke this time and she nodded in agreement.


“Thank you. I’ll take my leave.”    Ga-in stood up and showed respect before leaving.


The parents looked at each other once again once she was gone. Her father held his head high thinking and speaking.


“We cant let her worry about this matter anymore. We have to deal with Kim ourselves.”


“Yes, its enough she does everything for the company; leaving her alone to deal with Kim will be pressuring her too much. We had to say that.”    Her mother mumbled.


“Hope she doesn’t feel sad.”     Her father looked down pursing his lips.


“She never will show if she does feel.”



Night had fallen and Norma was walking to her car after her shift for today ended. She was feeling light after her morning chat with Junsu. It had been a long time since she spoke to someone. She entered in her car and twirled her keys running the engine; she turned her wheels left to drive ahead but a bump stopped it. Her engine was running but her car wasn’t moving. She stopped her engine and came out only to see three of the tires punctured.


“Damn those punks!”    she kicked her car tire and turned around. She had to call a mechanic because she had only one spare tire. She needed a tow truck; she took out her cell and called them up for towing and unfortunately their garage was far away and there were no other garages around according to their information. She would have to wait for a long time.


She needed to go home early; good thing was, due to her uncertain schedule Mrs. Lee had done her a favour. She had volunteered to pick Jihoon in case she was late. Her schedule would go haywire if she takes another job in the future.

She walked around her car and noticed no one around the place, otherwise she might have had taken a lift from her co-workers.

She could take a lift from Junsu from the station…nah. That would be too much.


A black sleek car stopped near her shiny aqua blue one; the window rolled down revealing a handsome man in his mid twenties looking at her smartly.


“Do you need a lift miss?”    he asked smirking(as she thought it wasn’t a smile.)

She looked at him dumbfounded not hoping for such attention. Then she realized it was the same car she had noticed few nights earlier. She had liked this car but…she didn’t expect it to be infront of her offering her a lift.


“Uh…No thanks. A tow truck will be here.”    She straightly refused even after liking the car so much.


“Well I don’t mean to be rude but even I know it will take them a long time since there are none closer around.”     He spoke like a gentleman which should have melt anyone.


“Thank you sir, but I’ll pass.”    She politely refused again.


“I insist miss.”

Norma narrowed her eyes lightly not letting him notice. She might have accepted this if she was Very much beautiful and there was a handsome man in front of her; but this was raising her doubts specially right now at night.


“I’m sorry really.”    She gave a fake smile not sorry at all. She wasn’t that stupid…


“You really are insolent…Norma.”     A voice said and it didn’t belong to the driver. The window of the backseat rolled down showing a man’s face she would hate to see right now.


Norma stepped back shocked to see the man here. She looked around. He had chosen a good time when the shop closed down.


“Now since you refused a request, I’m telling you to get in. we need to chat a bit.”      He smiled at her.

Norma heaved in mustering her courage; looking at him.


“I said no before…and I’m still saying no Mr. Park. Good day.”    She walked to her car and was about to enter when she was pulled back by the driver.


“What the hell are you doing?! Let go off me!”    she yelled out; pushing the driver away. He pulled her near the black car in front of the window. She struggled with a lot of force therefore the driver her twisted her hands behind her.


“Ah! That hurts you !”     she screamed swearing for the first time.


“Seunghyun, be nice. She’s the mother of the gem to the Kims.”    Yoochun stated smirking lightly.


“Sorry sir.”    Seunghyun, as in the driver tightened his grip on her arms making her wince even more.


“I’ll sue against you for this!”     she yelled out.


“And who’ll believe you? Park Yoochun assaulting a woman in the middle of nowhere. Sounds not too believable.”    His face turned into a mocking one.


“No…”   she huffed in pain.    “But this will prove it.”       She opened to yell out for help but Seunghyun covered muffling her screams.


“Now now Norma; be nice. You’re lucky he didn’t hot you yet. He doesn’t like women screaming for no reason.”     Yoochun chuckled      “Get her in the car Seunghyun.”


“Yes sir.”    He pushed her closer to the car trying to open the door. Yoochun already stepped out of the car to sit in front beside the driver’s seat. Norma took this chance and kicked backwards on Seunghyun’s joints.


“Umph!”      He crouched down in pain while she sprinted off.


“ Get back here you insolent brat! Get her Seunghyun!”     Yoochun shouted not caring his driver in pain and stepped himself into the driver’s seat. Seunghyun, as ordered chased after Norma who was now yelling out loud for help.

She knew she was being chased but she was nothing compared to the man.



She saw the station ahead and it was best time ever. She didn’t stop and fastened her steps but she didn’t expect him to be so fast. Seunghyun fully covered and wrapped one of his legs around one of hers so she wouldn’t be able to kick it. He pulled her body with only a leg and moved her away from the police station so the police officers wouldn’t even see her from the windows.


He moved her while she kept struggling, wriggling under his arms.


“Never in my life…I’ve seen such a wretch.”     He muttered while pulling her. The black car stopped in front of them and Yoochun looked at Seunghyun darkly. Seunghyun wasted no time and opened the door; pushing Norma in. she was able to leave few more kicks on Seunhyun’s stomach before he closed the door. She screamed inside the car and tried opening the door or the window but failed. Seunghyun took the seat beside Yoochun and Yoochun drove off.


She kicked the door hoping it would break; she didn’t care if she got hurt while trying to escape. Yoochun, in annoyance of her yellings, shut the window between the front and the back seat. The glasses were soundproof no doubt. She kicked along the way and she didn’t know where he was taking her. Jihoon might get worried about her.


She thought he would kill her…or worse.





Mrs. Lee couldn’t get to Norma after calling several times. Even though Jihoon said not to worry, he was worried himself. Mrs. Lee was worried to leave Jihoon alone at home so he was still at Jumi’s. she wasn’t supposed to be this late.


“Don’t worry sweet heart. She’ll come soon.”     Mrs. Lee stated.


“I wont.”


“Why don’t you stay here tonight?”    she suggested; Jumi’s face brightened hearing that.


“Yes mama, let him stay tonight.”    She insisted.


“I’ll try her later.”



Norma was pulled out from the car towards the lonely mansion at the hillside. This time she kicked hard on his stomach and Seunghyun had enough of her behavior.


“Can I slap her boss?”    he asked in annoyance still pulling her.


“IF YOU HIT ME I’LL SMASH YOUR HEAD!”      she screamed.

Yoochun merely smiled enjoying the scene before him.


“Looks like I found you both a match.”    Yoochun entered his house along with the two.    “You can leave. I can take her from here.”


“Thanks boss…”    he huffed and freed her; she was about to sprint off again but Yoochun this time held her and…his strength was twice than of Seunghyun’s and pulled her to face him.

She saw his dark dangerous face for the first time…it was deadly as if he would rip her guts by guts.


“Don’t struggle or else I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.”     He stated in a firm yet dark manner. Norma was scared for the first time in her life. She actually thought that she knew she would die tonight.

She didn’t move at all shaking lightly; frightened. His face filled with a mocking smile and he pulled the silent girl upstairs without much force. He opened the door and pushed her inside lightly.


She saw the white master bedroom assuming it was his. It was his bedroom.

Horrible thoughts entered her minds as Yoochun was opening his coat. She knew the door was unlocked but she just found out his strength; any wrong move might provoke him further.


Yoochun sat on his bed and looked at her with a soft expression only to mock her; she very well knew that.


“I thought you’d be smart enough to make your decision but you are not. Why get yourself in trouble for him? Do you like the attention?”    he asked bending his neck little aside. Norma was now fuelling up in anger. Humiliation was something she despised


“Why are you quiet when you are not needed to? Speak will you?”    he straightened his neck and smiled.

She backed away near the door; faking her fear now.


“You’re afraid of me? That’s odd.”     His movements were fast; he was on the bed when he suddenly was no longer on the bed but was trapping her between his arms and the door behind her with a slam. This caused Norma to fall on her knees. Yoochun moved away slightly seeing the woman shaking in fear in front of him; making him grin.

He sat in front of her on the floor looking at her face; she was avoiding looking at his eyes.


“You don’t like my attention; I know that very well. Is being a mother that important to you?”   he asked seriously this time. She didn’t bother answering him; rather she didn’t have the courage for it. He didn’t like her silent.


“Answer me!”    he slammed the door again in anger; shaking her even more. She was having enough with his anger and she wanted to yell out. His anger rose and yelled again; this time louder.     “ANSWER ME!”




She screamed out her lungs and kicked Yoochun unexpectedly; opening the door behind her and sprinting out free. Yoochun was dumbfounded for quite a moment with slight pain in his stomach.

A sudden sneer appeared on his face as if he knew this would happen but he never expected it.


“The first woman to hit me…


Choi Seunghyun is Yoochun's bodyguard, butler and his driver at times. he just made his appearance but might come in often later. Right now all I know is that he hates tough women and Yoochun doesnt care much about this guy.

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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that