chapter 14

Circle of trust


Jihoon was looking around the house being bored. He had nothing to do now that his mother was off to wrok and it was sunday. It wasnt entirely true that he didnt have anything to do. It just it was his exam month so his next exam was about 4 days away. Not that he was overconfident; he was just resting his mind after his last exam yesterday. He had about seven exams in total ifor finals; after that he will be getting on grade 3. So he had finished 3 of them already and he was quite relaxed; not because of the lack of exam tension but for the fact that for the past One Month his uncle hadnt bothered his mother and his mother had been working peacefully in the cafe.


His eyes roamed around the small room, the joint kitchen, the closet door and their stuff and Their stuff included his toys which he recieved from his "beautiful" uncle. He had asked his mother when they were moving in as to why bring these. His mother's answer was...


"Because they belong to you. Like it or not, its rude to throw them away and a huge waste."


Oh mother...


JIhoon took out his books again and started preparing for the next exam.



Ga-in was checking through her documents while sipping on her coffee. Her foster mother and father had just left after meeting her. As usual they were proud of her and reminded her to take a break; not that she would take that advice seriously. She still couldnt get a hold of Norma and her son.


She tapped on the table still not taking her eyes off the papers; just then she recieved a call.


"What is it?"    she muttered.


"There is someone who's here to meet you madam and without appointment. He is insisting on it."


"Who is it?"


"Song Joongki."


"Let him in."    she hung up just when he entered with a pack of lunch.


"Hey there my little tigress."      he took a seat dumping the pack in front of her.



Joongki observed her face noticing the depression; then he poked her cheeks.


"What's the matter?"




"No, there is something you're not fine about. Tell me."    he insisted putting a soft smile on his face. Ga-in sighed tiringly; maybe he could help her.


"I am looking for a freind of mine who has been missing for a month. I know the cause but i cant go upto that pathetic cause...because...I'll put my family reputation in danger. Yet I am doing everyhting I can but it aint working."


"You do everything. Its time you tell your parents and ask for their permission. Afterall they wouldnt even have known about me if they hadnt met me."     he cheekily smiled.

Ga-in smiled in return. She was thankful enough for that.


"Maybe you're right. I could ask them whether I can march up to Kim Jaejoong and smack his face."     Ga-in stated and Joongki ended up suppressing his laugh.


Norma doesnt know what blessing she suddenly had in life. Her life was getting back to normal. A month had gone and no sign of Jaejoong...or Yoochun. Perhaps she could finally go back to the orphanage and settle this down; but she still had to be cautious. She couldnt take her chances.


Right now there were few customers and the free staff were talking to Joon. She was still wondering about Nayobi because she saw her dropping by few times; she wanted to ask about it to her boss but it would probably seem to be nosing into other's business.


Yet curiousity was biting her worse than a cat.


She was about to walk to her boss talking to others; then she heard someone entering. She turned to see two people who would be the death of her.


Kim Junsu and


Han Nayobi...


Entering together...

Her heart skipped a had been happening often.


She turned immediately and ran back to the kitchen. Her boss noticed but thought of something else. Norma heard him greeting Nayobi happily while welcoming Junsu to the restaurant. She never saw him again after that night and not that she was expecting to.

Then her collegue cook entered bringing in an empty tray; seeing Norma's expression she went to her; startling her.


"Is something wrong?"


"No just...resting."


"You need rest do look a little blue. Actually you've been looking blue these days. You sure you're alright?"    the woman asked bending down to her face.


"I'm fine. I saw a customer arrived. I should get back to cooking. You take a break."




Junsu, while entering the cafe along with another girl, thought he saw Norma, who just ran back inside. He totatally shrugged off that thought. Right now he really wanted to have something good...


The cafe was quite empty and few people came in and went out. It wasnt the rush or lunch hour now; when the clock strikes customers will start pouring in. So this was really a good time for those who wanted a little peace and quiet.


For a moment, his eyes fell on a head peeking out of the kitchen room and going back in.


Norma? Nah I'm just plain mad...


But he isnt that mad about seeing her twice. Maybe it really is her...she is trying to hide. He pretended not to notice her at all. He would have to do something else.


Norma peeked out for the umpteenth time but saw Nayobi again; this time eating. But Kim Junsu was nowhere to be seen. He must have left.


She went back inside knowing it would be lunch time any moment now.

She quickly prepared and hoped Nayobi would leave soon. She was thinking to reveal the truth anytime soon to her sister and meet her mother. Things had been going good so she could do that.


After long hours of work, sun has set down and she peeked out once again and saw Nayobi was leaving. She was relieved and went back inside. She could go out now and talk to her boss about Nayobi but....


No, he'll think I'm a Chatter.


Night had fallen and stores around the cafe were started to close.


11 had struck on the clock and they were all cleaning up now. Norma and the old cook were wiping the stove and putting away the pots and pans.


The staff were leaving one by one and Norma was too tired. Her heart skipped a beat again making her breathing uncomfortable. She ignored her troubled breathing and bid farewell to everyone. Joon was the first one to leave and all the staff were going home. Norma walked to her car alone and was about to enter...



She turned slowly with a horrified look on her face.




"I thought I saw you."


"You did? Yes of course you did."     she mumbled nervously.


"You work here now?"




"Your faded."    he walked towards Norma's car.


"Not entirely."


"But it looks good."      Junsu stopped in front of her with a light diving smile on his face.

Norma's fingers touched the faded scar on her cheeks feeling the dabbed skin.


"Thank you...I guess."


"When did you quit Sylvester?"   

Norma was actually grim in her mind not really wanting to answer that but what was the point of lying?


"I didnt quit. I was fired."

Junsu was rather taken aback. Such boldness was unexpected from a woman her age. He couldnt help himself and started laughing.


"What is so humorous?"    Norma asked rather upset.


"Oh dont taken it offendingly..."    he stopped himself from laughing further       "I was just thinking...such something. So...why were you hiding?"

Norma showed hesitation and Junsu noticed that. Perhaps he shouldnt have asked that.


"Sorry if you're uncomfortable with that. Its getting late. I wouldnt keep you for very long. Go."    He suggested.

Norma actually smiled genuinely in response.


"Thank you was actually nice meeting you."


"Ah dont thank me."    he waved his hand backwards     "You'll be meeting me almost everyday now and we will talk for longer time."           he looked down then stared back up. He really could see that Norma's face was bluish but saying that would be an insult to a woman; so he decided not to.


"Good night Norma."


"Good night."    she opened the car and entered and watched Junsu walking away; disappearing by turning to left. She felt her heart skipping a beat again but this time she hit her chest a little to get rid of the feeling and drove off.


While driving off she noticed an expensive car parked at a side. It wasnt anything ordinary and she always liked cars like these but little did she know that the driver was trouble. She drove pass the car and the driver opened the black window; seeing the car going away. The man took out his cell and dialled certain someone.


"I found her..."



Bright day sunday; in order for Norma, instead of the best day of the week it was the worst. However why was that so? Because right now she was sitting alone on the bench, wearing a mask outside the house of another woman-her mother. She couldnt help herself but being curious about what sort of daily life they all led. Particularly she wanted to see the man whom her mother was married to.


Little did she realize that she would crave to see the woman who never wanted Norma. Strange, it was, but also lovely.


She could see her mother inside the house behind the uncovered window with her husband; sipping on her tea along with him. Nayobi was nowehere to be seen in that room. Her mind insisted that she should barge in that room claiming to be a part of the family but how could she?

She was abandoned; that must have been for a reason and a very serious one. Her breath twiched for a moment and she heaved in to get rid of this feeling. She was having breathing problems a lot these days.


JIhoon on the other hand was at Jumi's and it was Mrs Lee who insisted Norma to drop him there for the moment. Jumi liked spending time with him and there was anything her mother would do to fulfil her wishes.


"Its time for my shift."      she opened her mask and stood up; leaving the bench in peace.


Junsu was having a late lunch with his father at the table. His father was quiet unusually and Junsu noticed that. His father was never the quiet type atleast not from since he gained his conciousness from birth.


"Did I finally succeed to shut my dad up?"     Junsu joked; instead of sniggerring from his father, the man merely looked at him and smiled warmly.

Junsu meekly responded and looked back at his food. He would have to leave soon after lunch. Not even sundays were given to policemen.


"Aunt told me Jaejoong visited you. What did he say?"     Junsu asked again. His father weakly looked at him understanding that his son knew nothing of the incident and Jaejoong's outburst.


"Uh...Nothing. Just asked when you would return and visit him again."


"Oh."   he looked at his plate again.     "I thought he was here cause he missed you or something but that man will never feel anything."


His father smiled again but inside his mind was twirling. He couldnt say any of this to Junsu because it would add extra tension.


"Dont say that. He's capable of having feelings; even the sad ones."


"Yeah, I bet he cried out to you."    Junsu sniggered this time not believing his father.

His father looked away not letting his son notice his worries. Jaejoong and Junsu had amazing relationship and he didnt want to ruin that. He would have to resolve that on his own.

The man just looked down at his food and resumed eating.


Junsu headed out to work again after his little lunch break. Normally he would want to go to the restaurant for lunch but whe he did he couldnt find Norma therefore he came back home for lunch only to find a day old pinapple pie. He was about to enter the building when he thought to meet Norma again. She should be back for now. He proceeded towards the cafe's way.


Norma was about to start work however Joon was nowhere. When she asked her colleague answered that Boss had some other place to go and that from now on he wouldnt be able to drop by the cafe regularly.

Norma found it quite disappointing because she wouldnt be able to see Nayobi; also relieved that her identity wont be revealed.


"Why dont you see outside whether work has been going well?"    the older cook suggested while washing her hands. Her shift would be over anytime soon.


"I could if it helps."    Norma responded with a nod and went outside in the hall. The entire cafe was full making it busier for the waiters. Right then she heard another customer coming in unfortunately there were no seats left. Norma didnt look at the customer; a waiter went to her with the bad news.


"I'm sorry miss but all seats are..."

 Norma heard the waiter bieng cut off when she looked at her.


"No, No i'm not here for a table. I'm here for..."     the customer was saying when she also noticed Norma staring at her. Norma was stuck to her place; she knew Nayobi would yell out her name anytime now.


"Uh I'll handle this! Why dont you resume your work?"    Norma quickly told off the waiter and rushed to her. Nayobi looked at her surprised to find her here.


"Sister Nayoung? You work here?"    She asked bewildered to see Norma here.


"Eheheheh Nayobi...yes I work here."    Norma cleared and continued     "'re not here for a table you say?"


"No actually I was looking for Brother Changsun."




"Uh...He's not here at the moment. Shall I take any messages?"    Norma was urging her to leave indirectly.


"No...I just wanted to see him. But I found you! How long have you been working here?"     Nayobi asked her eyes filled with excitement.


"From the beginning. But I never saw you here cause I'm always in the kitchen."     Norma fake laughed with false humour but Nayobi giggled genuinely.


"So you're a cook here. Cant say I'm surprised with your skills in foods you're bound to be a cook."     Nayobi stated putting her hands on her hip.


Another figure entered catching Norma's attention just for a bit only to be shocked more. It was Kim Junsu entering the building. Norma quickly turned themselves around with her back on Junsu's direction who wouldnt see her. Nayobi was startled with the sudden physical contact but she overcame it though she was unaware why Nayoung would do that.


"Sorry, Just...felt like twirling."    Norma facepalmed herself in mind for such a pathetic attempt to lie.


Junsu was looking for Norma and he knew she would be in the kitchen so he just went to one of the waiters and asked for Norma Jin when one of the earlier one, who was told off, pointed at her direction. Norma noticed and heardof her name understanding the fact that Junsu had seen her. She had to do something.


"Norma!"    He called causing Norma's eyes to shut tight. She didnt turn to him and pretended not to be familiar with that name.


"Hey Norma look here!"    Junsu called again seeing her with another girl; he was walking to them. Nayobi noticed the guy coming and whispered to Norma.


"Why is he coming to you?"


"Who?"    Norma nervously responded


"That cure guy."    Nayobi gestured at him who was already closer to them.


"Hey Norma I was hoping to see you here."    he stated smiling at both of them.    "Who's your friend?"    he alsed additionally.


"Norma?"    Nayobi asked confused herself.


"I think he mistook me for someone else."     Norma turned to Junsu with menacing eyes      "I'm sorry sir but I'm Nayoung Lee; you must have mistaken."


"What? But..."    Norma's stares turned into pleading eyes as if she was begging him not to know her.


"I. Am. Nayoung. Lee."    She emphasized them.

Junsu was very much confused now and was looking at her with questions. But since she was insisting he must do it.


"Uh...sorry I mistook you for someone else...You look very familiar?"     Junsu said with a questionsing tone as if asking Norma directly whether he should be saying exactly that. Norma nodded as a response.


"Yes sir, I hear that a lot. Even from my 'Friend'"    she emphasized on the work 'friend' hinting that it was all about Nayobi.


"Oh."    Junsu nodded understandingly and looked at Nayobi.    "Sorry miss for bothering you."    then he stared at Nayobi     "Both of you. I'll be leaving."     he bowed and left them alone; he stared at Norma one last time before leaving the building however Norma didnt notice the last look. Nayobi stared giggling at him and at her.


"Poor guy; he was cute too."


"Yeah he was."     Norma mumbled actually feeling bad about it. She felt that she had embarrassed Junsu but what choice did she have?

Norma looked at Nayobi.


"Will you be staying?"    Norma asked softly.


"Nah, Brother Changsun isnt here so I'll be leaving."    Nayobi straightened up ready to leave.


"Can I ask you something if you dont mind that is?"    Norma stated.


"What is it?"


"You said you had a crush; is it my boss?"    she asked with a hint of excitement as if she was hoping it but inside....she was burning. Her boss was too old for her!


"Him? No!"    that relieved Norma.     "He is like my brother! I'll tell you a secret."    Nayobi gestured Norma to close in; Norma went closer to her face when Nayobi whispered.


"I love a girl..."

Norma was stunned right there. Her sister was a possible lesbian. Noyobi giggled at her reaction knowing the fact that Norma wasnt disgusted but just plain strucked; as if hit by a lightening. Norma's face pokered.




"Yeah, does your parents know?"    Norma was very much hoping they were.


"Of course they do! Just the girl doesnt..."    she mumbled.


"Who is it?"


"Ah you're gonna think I'm fantasizing just cause she's wealthy and works at aa high company."     Nayobi whined not really wanting to say.


"Come on...tell me."    Norma insisted with an encouragement tone. Nayobi plainly smiled and looked genuinely at her as if she was in love.


"Lee Yoori, brother Changsun's cousin in law..."



Night had fallen and Norma was already leaving. She also had to pick Jihoon from Jumi's and head back home but she still had that thought in the mind. Nayobi, her sister, was in love with Lee Yuri who works at the Kim corp as she heard from Mrs Lee before. If her life was like before she would have cosidered as legitimate but this Yoori works at Kim corp and Mrs Lee's cousin!

She was about to enter her car when she heard throat clearing starling her.


"Junsu! You scarec me..."    she honestly stated.


"Sorry. I didnt mean to scare you...'Nayoung'."     Junsu walked closer as Norma;s head hung low. She felt bad for humiliating Junsu.


"I'm really sorry for that Junsu...I...I had to do that...I really am sorry."    she failed to meet her eyes with him. She had no courage to. Junsu smiled seeing that; he wasnt angry at her just plain curious. She was filled with confusion and questions and he felt being pulled by that.


"Mind telling me what happened?"    he asked lightly      "If you feel you can."

Norma looked at him at last nervously not knowing what to do. He may not be interested in knowing her life; he had other business to take care of.


"Are you sure you wont get bored?"    she asked with a hint of comedy.


"Are you kidding? Listening to story is what I do at least after I finish my work."    he added quickly correcting his gossip like attitude with a laugh.

She smiled relieved by the fact that she had someone to talk to; after what Jaejoong had caused her to do, she ad no one to open up to; not even her workmates knowing they might make matter worse. Her mind had been filling up with her life problems and she needed to get them out and Junsu was there. For the first time, sorry for the second time she was glad that he was here. Junsu stopped laughing and looked at her silent smiling expression. He knew she needed encouragement.


"You can tell me Norma. After all we are friends..."


"Yes, we are..."

From now on...



Kwon Ji-yong-A cheerful assistant of Jaejoong who fears his boss and cushes on Yoori. He follows his fashion devoutly and his boss says nothing about it it's unknown though as to why so. He is the only one who does his work wholeheartedly without backbiting his boss though he wished sometimes that Jaejoong would be a little nicer to him. Yoochun on the other hand appreciates the younger one and gives Ji-yong full credit at what he does.


Nayobi Han is Norma's uterine sister. Unlike Norma who is most of the time expressionless, Nayobi is filled filled with laughs. She can make people around her happy and has a sense of humour similar to her father unlike her mother and Norma which Norma finds very interesting. Nayobi consideres herself to be a lesbian and claims that she is in love with Lee Yoori though its unknown how Nayobi had met her. It will be revealed soon.

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i didnt read a single comment about Yuki-jae's possible love interest


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I finished reading today. Expect the review in maybe a day or 2 or 3 xD There's alot for me to take it. Sorry it took long to read xD
HELLOOO :) we meet again. I don't know when you requested a review but sorry if we're late. Im from the World Of Literature Review Shop if you do not remember. So :) You did request a Class A review right? This is going to be one of the fanfics i've read in 2 months. Hope it goes well. :) Hope you're having a great summer.
skyhaneul #3
Chapter 35: I'm glad I found this story. Honestly I thought there will be love story between norma and jaejoong... hmm... but it's Ok, I enjoyed reading this story :)
LuvNobles #4
Chapter 35: was unexpected that she ended with someone else...but grt I the only one that is interested in the story of Jihoon n his two childhood would b awesome if u write a sequel about these three cuz I see a love thingy going on with them..
Chocolato #5
Chapter 34: thank you for this story, i certainly did enjoy myself throughout :)
Chocolato #6
Chapter 34: initially, i did think norma and jaejoong would end up together ;)
xavi26 #7
Chapter 33: oh umm i don't know why i thought she and jaejoong would end up together lol
Chocolato #8
Chapter 33: oh wow, so it's junsu ! :)
Chocolato #9
Chapter 32: oh wow ! oh wow, Naomi, i was so surprised by that