Our Fates Blade

~5 years Later~Jiyeon can fight, Hyomin has agreed to train also with her gang, Eunjung is disgiusing herself in gangs. Changmin is now the leader of the gang ready to exile Kai, Kai is doing all he can to not be exiled, and Hyuna has grown up and will now enter the story as the girl looking for one of the three because she thinks she can take their power somehow(She finds Jiyeon and trys to manipulate her using her mothers dark magic)~

Eunjung walked with her gang again. They constantly moved but trained her well. She thought back to the day she had lost both Jiyeon and Hyomin the only thing there was Jiyeon's sword. She had also found the mark imprinted on her arm when she had felt the numness dull away from her body. She painfully pulled the dart from her body and screamed for them but she knew it was hopeless. She hurriedly covered up her arm afraid someone might try and use her. She knocked out a girl from the gang she was in and stripped her of her clothes and joined the gang and had stayed with the gang for 5 years now.

Eunjung walked close to the truck that was moving with the gang. She felt a tug on her hand. She looked and saw a old lady. Eunjung realised her mistake immediately and quickly pulled her arm from the old lady's grip. "You-" she rasped. Eunjung walked into her gangs crowd away from the old lady. The elderly could feel special auras better. She continued to walk through the barren desert with her gang.



Jiyeon put her sword on the floor next to her. She felt someone's presence. She looked around blindly. "Changmin?" She heard footsteps leave. Kai had been watching her. The small girl she had once been wasn't there anymore he noticed. She could properly use a sword. Better then most of the others. Changmin then walked in. He saw Kai and smirked at him. "What are you doing here?" Kai glared at him and walked past him. Kai noticed how Changmin seemed to really start to care for Jiyeon. He thought this was extroardinary since he was considered nice not Changmin who was cold. Kai smirked as he then remembered Jiyeon had the mark. That was why. He wanted to use her for his own good.

There was no way a cold creature like Changmin could be warm. Kai walked away feeling sympathy towards Jiyeon.

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BaekHunYeon #1
Chapter 28: Sad ending....but it's good story. Baekyeon moment so sweet. I'll miss this story. Thank you authornim
Chapter 28: oh my...such a great story...i lovr it!!!
jiyeon&baekhyun <3
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
bbhnutella #5
Chapter 25: Poor Jiyeon ㅠㅠ
exobacon #6
Chapter 24: poor baekhyun…T.T
JiYeon_Lover #7
KaiYeon please :(
Chapter 20: I like the plot~ it's sweet :3
exobacon #9
Chapter 20: oh!poor baekhyun…T___T
hope you'll make baekyeon authornim…^^
Chapter 20: OMG i want baekyeon so badly ><