A Possible Change

Our Fates Blade

Jiyeon awoke and looked around.

She was in her small room and she felt sore, cold and lonely again.

just then Baekhyun walked in. Jiyeon quickly stood up and said "Was yestdrday-.."

Baekhyun stopped walking and looked at Jiyeon. "..No it wasn't.. it was reAL."

Jiyeon smiled brightly and hugged Baekhyun with all her might and ran out to see her sisters and Kai.

Baekhyun stood for a moment and smiled but quickly  wiped the smile off his face.


The elder slowly approached Kai, Hyomin, and Eunjung.

"Yes.?" Hyomin asked calmly.

The elder looked as if she was ill and said "I..I know what you two are.."

Eunjung looked at Hyomin and was about to stand up and say something when the elder said "No need....I know the truth..and you two are not the only ones with it..your sister..Poor Jiyeon has it also. But hers is dark...much darker than yours two and it has been poisoned with evil once and weakly she is now opening the pure side of her pheonix..but once struck its even easiar to strike again."

Eunjung looked at the elder suspiciously and said "What are you trying to say?"

The elder looked up and said "It was my sister's daughter Hyuna that had helped turn Jiyeon evil at her most weak point. and I shall repay the debt by telling you this...Jiyeon will have to be stopped because she will be turned again...Hyuna that she thought she had killed..is still alive."




"Hyuna-yah" a voice cooed.

Hyuna opened her eyes

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BaekHunYeon #1
Chapter 28: Sad ending....but it's good story. Baekyeon moment so sweet. I'll miss this story. Thank you authornim
Chapter 28: oh my...such a great story...i lovr it!!!
jiyeon&baekhyun <3
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
bbhnutella #5
Chapter 25: Poor Jiyeon ㅠㅠ
exobacon #6
Chapter 24: poor baekhyun…T.T
JiYeon_Lover #7
KaiYeon please :(
Chapter 20: I like the plot~ it's sweet :3
exobacon #9
Chapter 20: oh!poor baekhyun…T___T
hope you'll make baekyeon authornim…^^
Chapter 20: OMG i want baekyeon so badly ><