I Know who I am now

Our Fates Blade

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Kai looked around and began to worry. What if Baekhyun was killed? Kai ruffled his hair and said to himself "Your so self centered." Kai then thought of sweet Jiyeon again and said .."No i'm not! It's Jiyeon we are talking about here!" Just then Chanyeol and Suho walked over. "We have to young gals who want to see you. " Kai glared and Chanyeol and said "I thiought I told you not to say gals!" Chanyeol blushed and said "Sorry Kai"

Eunjung and Hyomin waited patiently and saw a rather fine man walk out to see them. "Are you...Do you know who Jiyeon is?" Eunjung asked quickly.

Kai was immediately taken aback. "Who are you?"

^^ Authors Note ^^

Hyomin and Eunjung explain they are Jiyeon's sisters and that Only KAI can help them find Jiyeon. Kai admits he knows where and who she is and tells them but keepes them from going there because Baekhyun is already there and is going to get close with her th e return because Jiyeon is now to dangerous to be near but all 3 of them have no idea Jiyeon cannot remember them.

^^ End of Authors Note ^^ 

Baekhyun decided he would explain her Kai once again. But Jiyeon couldn't recover any memories until she felt her face turn red remembering what had happened the other night. She remembered brushing her hair and somehow got a glimpse of a voice like her own laughing in delight as a boy (kai) doing the same with her while speaking to her. The girl her was smiling eagerly and it was a true happy moment. Jiyeon realized this memory was her and maybe her lover and smiled at the memory happy to know she had had a happy past life. But how had she come to this point in her life. Her face stiffened.

She suddenly fell to her knees screaming in pain. She could barely see the Elders and her minions rushing in to see what was happening when memories in gray just like the others came back

.."Jiyeon!" in a sweet tone was called then all of a sudden

"Unni, I'm hungry." Hyomin laughed and waved Jiyeon over. Jiyeon pranced towards hyomin and held the sword hyomin had given her. "Now cut, block and slay." Hyomin said. Jiyeon sliced the air in front of her blocked a invisible move to her left and made a delicate yet life ending slice. Jiyeon stoppped and looked at the sword. "Unni I think I'm really bad at this. Can I just learn when I get older like 15 or even better 16? I'm only 13 you know." Hyomin opened to say something but Eunjung walked over and clamped her hand over hyomin's mouth. "Lets eat!"

"I know your voices, your-"

"JIYEONAH! wake up! Hurry!"

"Unni whats wrong? Whats happening?" Jiyeon looked around and saw Eunjung slumped on the ground 20 feet infront of them and something protruding from her body. 

"its too late to save her Jiyeon-ah."

"A gang." Hyomin whispered.

Hyomin ran out from behind Jiyeon and Jiyeon then realised she was holding a sword.

 "Unni dont!" 

"Noooooooo!" Jiyeon screamed

"No you idiot! He said kill them and go!" 

Hyomin was being stabbed by a sword and Eunjung killed.

Jiyeon screamed and began to hyperventalate. She then fell to the floor.

Hyomin clawed at the sand. "Jiyeon--ah."

Kai walked over to the girl. "Hi." he said.

Jiyeon looked up towards the direction of a boy's voice. "W-who's there?"

Changmin walked over and said "Get up." rudely to the girl.

"Is she blind?" Jiyeon looked up towards the other voice and said "Where am I? Who are you?"

Changmin cautiouslysaid "Changmin."

"Changmin?" She heard footsteps leave. 

 Changmin helped Jiyeon sit up and asked her if she was okay. Jiyeon nodded her head and said "I can see Changmin." Jiyeon took a look at Changmin and touched his face lightly. 

Jiyeon starts becoming closer with Kai ad they end up falling for eachother.

"I love you Kai...Don't ever leave me..."



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BaekHunYeon #1
Chapter 28: Sad ending....but it's good story. Baekyeon moment so sweet. I'll miss this story. Thank you authornim
Chapter 28: oh my...such a great story...i lovr it!!!
jiyeon&baekhyun <3
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
bbhnutella #5
Chapter 25: Poor Jiyeon ㅠㅠ
exobacon #6
Chapter 24: poor baekhyun…T.T
JiYeon_Lover #7
KaiYeon please :(
Chapter 20: I like the plot~ it's sweet :3
exobacon #9
Chapter 20: oh!poor baekhyun…T___T
hope you'll make baekyeon authornim…^^
Chapter 20: OMG i want baekyeon so badly ><