I Remeber

Our Fates Blade


"Hmmm hmmm hmhmmhmhmh"


Dead sun

Dead sky

Missing love

Vengeful night

Blood shed

Death bed


I shall ignite


'We're here." Jiyeon said easily."Kill everyone




"Kai! Shes been slaughtering all the small towns." yelled Hyomin

"We have to do something"

"I know.." Kai said

"We will attack tonight..its been a year since the blood shed began again. Its time we end her."

Hyomin felt herself lose feel in her legs.

Eunjung grabbed her before she could fall.

Hyomin-ah..this is the only way

Baekhyun whispered to himself.."We attack ..tonight."


Jiyeon was humming as she wiped the blood off of her sword.

"Why do you even use that?" Changmin asked

"Because I feel a connection to it.."

Changmin looked at her and wondered if she remembered him

"Do you remember me?"

Jiyeon ignored him and was going to walk out of camp but she stopped and said "Iv never forgotten you...and what you've done......Changmin"



Hyuna cackled as she saw the people Jiyeon loved most come into their territory holding weapons.

Hyuna was going to say its no use when she saw Hyomin use her powers on a guard.

"No...The white tiger..and jade serpent..'




Kai Baekhyun, Eunjung, and Hyomin were doing a fine job sneaking their way into camp until the small troops behind them of around 30 began to whisper.

"Shhh" said Eunjung.

She held her arm up and then she ed it down. "Charge!"

A sudden burst of yells and screams filled the air as the sneak attack went as planned.




Jiyeon opened her eyes to someone shaking her "Attack!" yelled a brisky soldier that was shaking her annoyingly

Jiyeon grabbed his throat while glaring at him and driained his life. "Thats what you get for messign with me."

Jiyeon yelled "Guards!" as she walked out of camp twisting her sword in her hand.


She ruthlessly entered battle and she swiftly eliminated the intruders.

Hyomin watched as Jiyeon killed her fellows without much work. Hyomin felt her heart pound for firgiveness that she had to ever go against her sister.

"Jiyeon!!!!!" she screamed through the night air. Hyomin drew her sword and ran.

Jiyeon smirked then realized it was one of them

The ones that could somehow make her head pound.

Ill just kill one she thought to herself

Hyomin ran and Jiyeon picked her blade up off the floor. as their blades crashed Jiyeon realized this girl had immense power. almost as strong as her own.

"Jiyeon!" The girl screamed out her name. jiyeon felt her heart pang

she grabbed her heart and realized the girls blade was coming in..she dodged and tripped the girl.

But she miraculously flipped back up.

Hyomin realized her blade was out of reach and attacked by summoning a wooden pail and threw it had Jiyeon's head.

It hit her but Jiyeon only staggered with a wound on her head now.

"Jiyeon.." Hyomin cried,

once again Jiyeon felt a feeling tugging at her heart.

She felt empty...she screamed and brought her sword down only to feel it be clashed with another blade.

She looked up angrily and saw the other girl.


"Eunjung-ah" Hyomin whimpered.

"Heres your sword and remember thats not the Jiyeon we know."

Hyomin nodded her head.

Jiyeon smirked at the sight of both of them.

Eunjung lifted her sight to a pile of vines laying near Jiyeon.

She quickly whispered something under her breath and ..


Jiyeon felt something quickly gripping her ankes. 

"How fair..."she said.

She tried to cut and force her legs out but that wouldn't do.

Jiyeon glared

and began to feel heat from her toes.

Fire..yes she watched as the vines withered and a white magic faded in the air.


Baekhyun watched as the vines at Jiyeon's feet were on fire but she simply walked out of the flames..because she had produced them.

Suddenly Hyuna came from behind him and stabbed his stomachbefore he realized she was there. He groaned. and fell to his knees. He then watched as Hyunah had a spear and charged at Jiyeon.

Kai was near Jiyeon for he was going to fight her but the moment that Kai aimed his weapon at Jiyeon he saw Hyuna heading towards her going to kill her. Unintentionally he ran in front of her and Jiyeon who had turned to see Hyuna heading at her with a spear watched as Kai took the spear for her.

She looked at him with eyes opened wide.

"Jiyeon..."he whispered

"Confused and lost she saw hyuna groan and head at the two girls who were going to attack Jiyeon earliar but they were bent down the one with black hair screaming for the one with red hair to get up but Jiyeon had wounded her.

Jiyeon suddenly saw everything slowly. Hyuna grabbed a sharp stick from the ground and ed it into the side of the girl with black hair....

Hyuna then turned to shocked Jiyeon and smirked. "Revenge is sweet she said. Then threw a knife at Jiyeon.

But Jiyeon looked into the girl with black hair's eyes.

And it all hit her once more.

"Eunjung..she whispered.

All memories.

At once. She felt her heart no longer just tugging itself inside her but the overwhelming loneliness devoured her 


"Haha Jiyeon-ah!"

She watched a young Eunjung yell for hyomin and Jiyeon to come and eat.

How she had watched her sisters be stabbed and beat up the night she lost them and her vision temporarily.


She remembered..Kai and her.

How he had braided her hair by the campfire and she would sleep on his lap.

His touch.

She rememberd Baekhyun and his holding her through her nightmares

She rememberd their midnight kiss.

She remembered the recent memories of all of them being together.

She rememberd now. And they were all dead. She looked around and saw Baekhyun laying pale on his knees slumped

Kai at her feet a dagger protruding from his chest.

Hyomin and Eunjung slumped together dieing. All because of her. All the happiness in the world gone from her and their lives.


She slowly asked herself..what she had done well in life

why she was born.



Jiyeon felt her hand swiftly grab the knife that was flying at her.

"She caught hyuba's eyes and slowly paced over.

Hyuna glared at her and Jiyeon flipped the knife in the air once and said "Revenge...is soo sweet."

as she ed it into Huna's heart.



Jiyeon looked at her surroundings and grabbed the sword that had seen what she could never. But had always kept by her side.

She grabbed the sword and poised it in front of her heart.

She closed her eyes...and 


...ohhh" she groamed and felt hang ajar.

Tears slipped out of her eyes.

"Jiyeon!" she heard baekhyun's faint voice and she felt someone shake her but she was far from alive now.

She smiled a little and said "I remember"



Baekhyun watched as Jiyeon's body slowly grew faint and he watched her leae this world. He was crying as he clutched his wound when a sudden warmth made him lift his eyes.

He saw Jiyeon. ...her soul.

It was a warm soft vibrant figure of light. It was Jiyeon's spirit..her soul.

"Jiyeon you can't-....you can't leave me- me like this!" Baekhyun cried.

Jiyeon's soul gave off a warm smile and she held her hand out to him.

He let go of jiyeon's lifeless body and limped slowly over to her soul.

"Baekhyun..thank you..for everything."

She handed him a bottle the size of half of his hand.

One drop can revive anything.

Baekhyun looked and said "is..this.."

"Jiyeon warmly smiled and said "A Pheonix's crystal...all the good a pheonix can do put together to create something of so much power that it can revive everything." Baekhyun tried to slip a drop into Jiyeon's lifeless body but it wouldn't pour out.

"noo...it doesn't wo-" he cried

Jiyeon slowly placed her hand on his cheek and said 'I am the giver so i can't take any. Save my friends Baekhyun..." she leaned down..and kissed him.

Baekhyun felt her lips leave his and opened his eyes to see her missing...gone.


He wept as he poured it into his Kai, Hyomin, and Eunjung's mouth. He looked at his own wound and found it gone.






Million's of years Later


Everything is as it is. Jiyeon's soul was able to make the sun rise again and turn the sky blue and grass green.

It is now present time. Everyone has been reborn.

The End. 



Hey guys..this is the end! Hope you liked it!

and I attempted to alot of feels into it but it didn't turn out well but here are some happy pics so if ur crying cheer up!









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BaekHunYeon #1
Chapter 28: Sad ending....but it's good story. Baekyeon moment so sweet. I'll miss this story. Thank you authornim
Chapter 28: oh my...such a great story...i lovr it!!!
jiyeon&baekhyun <3
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
bbhnutella #5
Chapter 25: Poor Jiyeon ㅠㅠ
exobacon #6
Chapter 24: poor baekhyun…T.T
JiYeon_Lover #7
KaiYeon please :(
Chapter 20: I like the plot~ it's sweet :3
exobacon #9
Chapter 20: oh!poor baekhyun…T___T
hope you'll make baekyeon authornim…^^
Chapter 20: OMG i want baekyeon so badly ><