Our Fates Blade

Jiyeon walked around the small camp fire her 2 sisters had made. "Unni, I'm hungry." Hyomin laughed and waved Jiyeon over. Jiyeon pranced towards hyomin and held the sword hyomin had given her. "Now cut, block and slay." Hyomin said. Jiyeon sliced the air in front of her blocked a invisible move to her left and made a delicate yet life ending slice. Jiyeon stoppped and looked at the sword. "Unni I think I'm really bad at this. Can I just learn when I get older like 15 or even better 16? I'm only 13 you know." Hyomin opened to say something but Eunjung walked over and clamped her hand over hyomin's mouth. "Lets eat!"

Hyomin traced the burn on Jiyeon's neck. "Jiyeon-ah do you know the unique marks on me and Eunjung unni?" Jiyeon nodded her headand said "I know your voices, your-" Jiyeon stopped and said "Unni you have no special mark and Eunjung unni has a black star tattoo on her neck. But you don't have one and why do I need to know?" Hyomin lightly smiled and said "I can feel something bad is about to happen. I'm only taking a precaution in case we get seperated. Now memorize my face with your hand." Jiyeon sighed and said "Hyomin unni and your precautions. Teaching me to use a sword and now memorize your face." Jiyeon then placed her hand over Hyomin's face and felt it.


"JIYEONAH! wake up! Hurry!" Jiyeon sat up and looked at Hyomin's worried face. "Unni whats wrong? Whats happening?" Jiyeon looked around and saw Eunjung slumped on the ground 2o feet infront of them and something protruding from her body. Jiyeon almost screamed but hyomin quickly placed her hand over jiyeon's mouth and dragged her in a small corner to hide. "its too late to save her Jiyeon-ah." Suddenly a truck drove in front of Eunjung. Jiyeon in her breath and squeezed Hyomin's hand. @ men stepped out of the truck. Jiyeon saw a small lizards design carved into the side of the truck. "A gang." Hyomin whispered. One of the men took out a goggle that didnt look ordinary at all. "is- is that a heat detector?" Jiyeon said horrified. "Jiyeon-ah...what do we do?" Hyomin asked with obviously no answer in return. The man faced where Jiyeon and Hyomin were and a smirk filled his face. 

A couple more men stepped out of the truck and headed in their direction. Hyomin ran out from behind Jiyeon and Jiyeon then realised she was holding a sword. Jiyeon couldn't help it and yelled "Unni dont!" But Hyomin had already thrown herself at the 2 men while others came towards her. Jiyeon quickly ran, but was only caught by one of the men. Jiyeon screamed and yelled just like Hyomin. Hyomin's had lost herr footing an the 2 men held Hyomin up. Jiyeon watched in horror as one of the other men pulld out one of their huge swords. 

"Noooooooo!" Jiyeon screamed but it was too late. Hyomin fell to the ground. The men circled around Jiyeon and began to kick her. Jiyeon couldn't feel her body and only felt her muscles trying to stop cringing in pain and wanting to die rather then feel the pain. She noticed her vision was blurry and slowly closed her eyes again. Then one of the men spoke "Should we take her to the boss?" another man replyed tersely "No you idiot! He said kill them and go!" Jiyeon heard their footsteps walk away and she laid there for what felt like eternity.

Jiyeon finally felt the strength to open her eyes and saw it was all dark. She pulled all her strength together and got up. She felt around for anything and a cold item touched her fingers, Jiyeon felt the item and realized it was her sword. Jiyeon grabbed the sword only for that memory to rush back to her. Hyomin being stabbed by a sword and Eunjung killed. Jiyeon screamed and began to hyperventalate. She then fell to the floor.



i'm sorry if you guys dont like that I copied the t ara mv. It's just so good and I got way to inspired to keep it in. Well till the next chapter subscribe! Btw! This is like 5 yrs ago (before the story actually begins.) and the main characters are Jiyeon Hyomin and Eunjung and I will probrably add in more characters. Till next time!^^^^

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BaekHunYeon #1
Chapter 28: Sad ending....but it's good story. Baekyeon moment so sweet. I'll miss this story. Thank you authornim
Chapter 28: oh my...such a great story...i lovr it!!!
jiyeon&baekhyun <3
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
Chapter 28: OMG SAD ENDING !!!
bbhnutella #5
Chapter 25: Poor Jiyeon ㅠㅠ
exobacon #6
Chapter 24: poor baekhyun…T.T
JiYeon_Lover #7
KaiYeon please :(
Chapter 20: I like the plot~ it's sweet :3
exobacon #9
Chapter 20: oh!poor baekhyun…T___T
hope you'll make baekyeon authornim…^^
Chapter 20: OMG i want baekyeon so badly ><