sad cold night

So Close : the forgotten one (sequel)
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Sooyoung POV

I went to Jessie’s room and found her lying on the hospital bed unconscious.. Narsha noona told me that she just shocked and tired emotionally.. that’s why she passed out earlier.. I grab her hand and squeeze it gently.. I kissed her forehead.. my tears flowing down through my cheeks.. I can saw sorrow.. hurt.. sadness.. all over her face.. I saw she furowned her eyebrows as she got tensed..

“noo….. nooo… it can’t be true…..” she mumble as tears already flowing down through her cheeks.. I wipe her tears and trying to wake her up…


“TAEYEOOOON!!!!!” she screamed and sit up immediately as cold sweat formed on her forehead.. I hugged her immediately..


“sssh… sssh…. Jessie… it’s just a nightmare…” I whisper to her.. she still trembling.. she hug me back after a few seconds.. and cried..

“Soo…. Taeyeon…..” she said with her cracked voice and keep snuggling her head to my shoulder as she cried so hard..

“ssssh…. Sssh… Jessie… she will be fine.. she’s strong.. both of them are strong.. no one is gonna leave..” I tried to comfort her.. I wish there is anything I can do for you my love.. anything that could ease your pain..




Author POV

14 hours has passed.. the doctor still haven’t done the operation.. they didn’t have any clues what’s goin on inside.. even the short blonde still got intensive treatment.. they haven’s heard any words from the doctor about the two.. the tsuin fall asleep on the doe eyed girl and the smart girl’s lap.. the smaller noona got sleep on the taller noona’s lap.. the younger sister still in her deep slumber as well on the boyish’s lap..

They’re all worried and exhausted.. the police still didn’t knew a thing about it.. as the noonas keep it like that.. the dead bodies already taken care off by the noonas’s man.. silence still surrounding them.. no one is talking..

“I feels bad for them.. really…” the doe eyed girl broke the silence..

“me too.. they don’t deserve this…” the smart girl said in solemn as she caresses the taller hyper’s hair on her lap..

“I guess.. it’s just a karma for us.. helping peoples like that… it’s not the right way.. but we still doing it anyways.. maybe we all got cursed because of that..” the taller noona let out a pathetic chuckle..

“you all just get the wrong environment.. all of you are good girls.. for real.. you love each others like you are really sister.. like related in blood.. see all of your reason doing this, makes me realize that not every bad guys is always a bad guys.. sometimes good guys have to be a bad guys to accomplished their doing... I even started to think that maybe all of you should be hired by police department to kill the one who is ‘untouchable’ by laws.. me as a police now always think twice before arrested peoples..” the boyish said in her calm tone and kissed the younger sister’s forehead..


“I always curious.. why do you love Krystal? Because.. I know exactly that you hate them.. and you’re really determined to kill them both with your own hands.. don’t get confused.. we know everything..” the taller noona said and smiling towards the boyish..


“I really amazed with how all of you works.. all of you can communicate well, protecting each others, always in touch, well not that in touch, but always know who needs help, your teamworks are perfect.. you guys even better than police.. hmmm..." she paused a while "well.. as for me.. yes I was determined to kill both of them.. even all of you.. but when Krystal helped me getting escape from TOP’s frame, I can see different perspectives.. I can barely sees how you guys see this job.. I imagine myself being one of you… making me wants to protect you instead of putting you in jail.. and she DO know how to makes me fall for her.. and I fall hard for her.. I don’t even realize that I already fall for her that hard until I finally can found her and confessed to her.. hahaha…” the boyish let out a light lough as she imagine how stupid she was not able to see that she was in love with this girl..


“you’re the first police that could be still alive after knowing our true identity.. as well as Key.. and the rest of you are the first one either that didn’t got killed.. for me, the angels, and the twins.. usually, all of us will kill those people who knows our identity right on the spot.. but this is not the first time for Taeyeon though.. the twins are the examples.. I’m glad that they could find the one they love.. and the one they love understand about their condition and accept they way they are.. their past.. everything.. it’s so hard to find peoples like you..” the taller noona smiled widely towards them.. “I will personally thank all of you.. for understanding peoples like us..”


“you’re very welcome Narsha noona.. I’m sorry for asking you this but I’m really curious about it.. do you love Ga-in noona like LOVE her?” the doe eyed girl look at the taller noona and glance at the sleeping smaller noona..

“well.. how am I supposed to answer that.. they also asked me the same thing.. but I really don’t know.. I do love her more than just close friends or partner.. but yeah.. we’re like this.. not in relationship.. but we share our affection towards each others like couple.. so.. I don’t really know how to answer that..” the taller noona giggle..

“and do you know her feelings towards you noona?” the smart girl asked further..

“yeah.. we know each others feelings.. she loves me and I loves her.. we don’t even need to talked about it.. we have stronger sense on reading peoples so we know it by ourself.. but here we are..”

“have you tried to asked her about what is both of your true relationship?” the boyish asked

“yeah.. she asked me once.. but I said, I don’t know.. we’re partner but our relationship is more than that.. and you know exactly about it… I asked her back, what do you think we are? She just say the same thing as me.. and we ended up laughing hard together..”

“do you ever had in mind having her as yours like YOURS?”

“hahahhaa.. you don’t need to emphasize your words Yoong.. I know what you mean.. well.. I sometimes think of that.. but I don’t know if she would think like me.. let’s just say both of us like being on this condition so no one bother to ask…”

“why don’t you be the first to ask her noona if you really wants it?”

“emmm… the answer is so simple.. I don’t want to ruined everything we had now Am..” the taller

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Chapter 2: I'm not sure why Amber's afraid of Jessica when she can actually fight her head to head. She's on par with her, abilities and/or skills-wise. :-/ (refer to basement (parking lot?) scene).
I understand that Jessica's the sister but if I'm given such threaths and warnings maybe I'll just keep quiet, agree and scoff it off mentally? But definitely No stuttering and shivering involved.
TheRedRanger #2
Chapter 30: WAIT WHAT? The ending tho! That is not okay you can't do this to my emotions ;-; great story author. I loved all of their characters in this
Chapter 30: well that's an ending i didn't expect :|

there were so many twists and drama here, i felt like i just got off of a rollercoaster =.= my favorite scene was the Closer scene. the song matched the scene perfectly. *sniffs*
Chapter 15: i'm surprised they're alive after all that torture... glad, but you know, still surprised :|
VLdandyu07 #5
this is cool...
and i want another DANDYU fanfic like this...
or any kind as long as its DANDYU.
Anakyl #6
Chapter 31: Half mean author, haha...I love this.
Chapter 31: Woaaaah it's awesome half-mean-Author-ssi u_u
Chapter 31: i likey!! great!
DanDyuDream #9
Chapter 31: yah! the 2nd ver is better! i like it. thanks!
and yeah!! I finally could make the other version and upload it to this site.. hahaha.. I've been writing three verse of it and after much consideration, I decide to upload this verse.. I hope you I could make your heart back in one piece.. ^^