The Strange Feelings

Heaven's Disaster

During lunch time, I headed out in search for Yeosob. I found him and the others flirting with some girls.

"Hey Minho!" he said, "Join the party!"

"I didn't come to join the party," I said, "Why did the "BLUE" guys follow me?"

"What they followed you?" he tore away from the girls and looked at me.

"Yeah, they followed me into an alley, and tried to beat me up," he said.

"Crap," he said.

"What did you get me into?!" I yelled.

"You got yourself into this!" said Junhyung.

"No!" I said, "Because they want something from you!" 

Yeosob snapped, and Gikwan and Dongwoon grabbed me and hauled me away.

"What are you doing?" I began to fight them off. When i managed to get Dongwoon off my arm, I elbowed him in the face. 

"Yah! Choi Minho!" said Doojoon, "That's too far!"

"You know what happens when you mess with one us," said Hyunseung, "You mess with all of us."

The six guys began to back me up against a wall.

Yeosob clenched my jaw, "Minho you've been very disobedient lately, I think it's time we teach you a lesson."

He pulled back his arm and punched my gut.

I doubled-over in pain. 

"Choi Minho"I heard a familiar melodic voice chime. 

The six guys turned to her, "Well, well, well, look what we have here."

"Did you come to party with us angle-face?" said Gikwan.

"Leave her alone!" I charged towards them, and received a kick to the chest.

"You stay out of this!" said Yeosob.

"Minho!" she called out.

"Minyoung," I muttered.

How could I protect her? I was one guy against six?

"Hey guys there she is" I heard a guy call out. I looked up and saw Key.

"Minyoung!" four boys ran up and stood before her.

"What are you doing to my Minyoung?!" shouted Taemin. Was he really going to fight? In his condition.

"We do whatever we want with whoever we want," said Doojoon. I swear, sometimes he just talks to much.

"Anyways, what are you going to do?" said Hyunseung, "You're crippled right now, so that only leaves three of you. Which is half of us."

I pulled myself together and sneaked behind Doojoon and Hyunseung. Then I jumped up in the air and kicked both their heads, one after the other. The ended up on the ground, dealing with the migraine on their temples.

They all turned to me.

"Now that leaves four" I said, "So we're even."

I punched Yeosob in the face. And we all broke out into a fight. 

"You think you own me?" I said as I had him pinned up against a wall. 

"Let go" he said, "I can't breathe."

I felt an abnormal amount of anger inside of me, and pleasure as I saw his face turn purple.

"You think you can step on me?" I said again, this time applying more pressure on his face, "I'll show you-"

"Minho let him go," ordered Minyoung.

"Why?" I raged.

"You're killing him Minho," she had her hand on my arm, "Let him go."

I felt my anger go away, and I gained my senses back. I let go of him, and he passed out on the floor. She pulled me back as his friends gathered around to help him. 

"Yeosob! Are you okay? Hurry up let's take him to the infirmary!" said Gikwan.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to... I-I don't know what-"

"Save your apologies man" said Dongwoon, "Just don't bother us again."

I looked at my hands. I didn't know what came over me. Whatever it was, it wasn't really me. 

Minyoung noticed my panicked expression, "It's okay."

"I almost killed him," I yelled out, "How is this okay?"

"But you didn't right?" she said, "That's what matters."

"Just let me be," I said.

For the rest of class, Minyoung tried communicating with me.

'It's not your fault.'

'Everything's okay.'

'Minho you have to talk to me.'

I ignored her. She tried to catch up to me on my way out of school, but I hopped on the bus on time, and went to work.

Work as usual was annoying with Victoria around. When leaving, I was surprised to find Minyoung waiting for me outside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"You wouldn't answer back today," she said, "And I was afraid something had happened."

"You usually know when something happened," I said.

"Oh, right," she pouted, "But there's something I want to talk to you about."

"What?" I asked.

"Can we go somewhere else?" she said looking at something behind her. I turned to look and saw Victoria was shooting daggers with her eyes.

"Okay," I said.

We ended up in an ice cream shop.

"You sounded really serious," I said, "How come you chose an ice cream shop?"

"They're full of cute things, and happiness," she said, "Plus I like ice cream."

She happily bit into her strawberry ice-cream. And ended up with a bit on her nose.

"You've got a little.." I couldn't find a way to tell her.

"What?" she tilted her head in confusion.

I grabbed a napkin and wiped it off her nose.

"Oh" she said, "Thanks."

"Yeah," I felt my ears get hot, and the moment grew awkward for a minute.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"It's about what happened with Taemin," she said, "I need to know everything."

"I already said I didn't do it" I avoided her eyes.

"I believe you," she said, "But I need to know why you feel guilty."

My eyes widened, "You can sense that?"

She nodded.

"The morning of his accident," I confessed, "I woke up in a park bench near his house, with grease stains on my hands and clothes. I was really confused. I didn't know why or how I was there. It was as if something had borrowed my body, and done something, and just dumped my body anywhere."

"Really?" she bit her lips, "What about today? With Yeosob? How did you feel?"

I thought about it for a while, "I felt an unusual amount of anger and power. I only saw red. It was strange. But I took complete control of me."

"No," she said, "Not complete control. You managed to let go."

"I guess," I said, "But it was scary how I couldn't control myself."

She kept silent for a moment, deep in thought. 

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Huh?" she looked up at me, "Nothing."

"Really?" I asked.

She laughed nervously, "Yeah. It's late, I should get home soon."

"I'll walk you home," I said. 

"No, it's okay," she said, "I rather have you be safe for now."

"I'm the guy," I said, "Let me be the one protecting for once!"

She hesitated, "Okay."

Something inside of me lightened up when she agreed. I was elated to be accompanying her.

But she was quiet the whole time, thinking deeply about something.


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Chapter 19: OMG!!!!!it's taeminni????what the..asdkjfdkhbkdg
Chapter 26: I do hope that there is going to be a sequel!!!!!!!!!! I hope that Minho marries Minyoung!!!!!!! *sooner or later*
Chapter 25: yayayayayyayayayyayayayayyayayayayyayayaaayayyayayayayyaayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayyayyayayayayayayayayayayyaaayyaayyaayyyayayyyaayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: eekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! kya!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINHO JUST GRAB MINYOUNG AND MAKE A RUN FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Or MAYBY MINHO BURSTS IN AND ANSWERS FOR HIM!!!!!!!! though I hope he just says no...
Chapter 23: OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I RECKON TAEMIN SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if he said yes, I betcha either:
1) Minyoung says no
2) Minyoung says yes, then Minho bursts in and says "I object"
Hope one of those happen!!!!!!
Chapter 23: update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon please i want to know what his answer is :S
Chapter 22: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYDIDTHEYHAVETOHITROCKBOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!! why did it end like that?!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh *i'm okay*
Anyways, why does Minyoung care for Taemin? Sure he doesn't deserve all this but STILL!!!
Update soon, fighting