
Heaven's Disaster

Minyoung and I walked in the busy streets of Seoul hand in hand.

It had been three months since the war and they had been very eventful.

Suho had disappeared. After killing my father, our father, he left and never came back.

Minyoung decided to step down and let her parents rule for some more time. She figured she was too young.

As for me, with my father's death there was no one to give the throne to. Due to my young age, the kingdom formed a cabin of six leaders, each representing a region in the kingdom, to help me rule the kingdom.

"Come on! Keep up!" I took her hand and dragged her along.

"Yah! My legs aren't as long as yours! I'm not used to taking big steps!" Minyoung pouted and whined.

"Alright, alright" I slowed down and began to walk next to her, "Happy?"

She smiled brightly, "Yes."

I looked away to conceal my tinted cheeks,.

Minyoung slipped her arm into mine and rested her cheek on my arm, "Why don't you just tell me what it is?"

"It's a surprise! I can't give it to you in public," I replied, "If you keep being so impatient I might as well not give it to you."

Minyoung looked at my with wary eyes, "No! No! No! I'll stop whining. I promise."

I smiled at her and continued walking. Not like I really hated the whining.

Minyoung and I walked into her apartment building and went inside the elevator.

 Watching her from the corner of my eye, I could see she was close to bursting.

Of course it would be hard for her to ever be still. I began to laugh.

Minyoung's head made a sharp turn towards me and she glared playfully at me, "What's so funny?"

I stopped laughing and cleared my throat, "Nothing" I replied with a smirk on my face.

Minyoung grimaced and crossed her arms, "Tell me."

"No," I replied bluntly.

The elevator dinged and we stepped out into the wide corridor.

"Come on!" she pulled at my arm as we walked towards her apartment, "At least tell me what you were laughing about!"

"Why do you want to know everything?" I asked in exasperation.

She shrugged, "Is that a bad thing?"

I ignored her question and continued walking towards her apartment. As we arrived, a familiar figure stepped out of the apartment across Minyoung's.

"Onew oppa!" Minyoung ran over to him and threw her arms carelessly around him, "It's so good to see you again!"

"Minyoung, please, my neck," Onew croaked. 

Minyoung retreated and looked at her feet slightly embarrassed, "Sorry."

Onew smiled warmly at her and ruffled her hair affectionately, "It's okay. It's good to see you too. I was just hanging out with Nicole."

Minyoung clasped her hands together and smiled cutely, "That's right! You guys are together now!"

Onew blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes met mine and his expression changed.

"Oh, Minho. You're here too?" he looked at me surprised.

I nodded in response and slung an arm around Minyoung.

Onew's jaw reached the floor as he realised what was in front of him.

He pointed at Minyoung and then at me, "You two? Seriously?"

I expected Minyoung to chime with a response but she blushed and averted her eyes.

I smiled in satisfaction and looked Onew in the eyes, "Yes. Us two."

"Ah~that's nice. You two were always looking out for each other. I don't know how I didn't see this coming," he smiled sincerely, "Anyways I was just heading out, I have to meet the boys."

We bid farewell and Minyoung and I turned to her apartment. Onew waited for the elevator and checked his phone.

Minyoung slipped the key into the hole and unlocked it with a swift flick of her wrist. But she didn't open the door.

Stepping around me to get a better look of Onew, she bit her lip and spoke hesitantly, "Onew oppa."

He turned to us expectantly.

"Have you heard from Taemin? Is he alright?" she asked with a concerned tone.

Onew smiled and nodded, "He's fine. It's actually his birthday today, which is why we're going out."

Minyoung gasped, "It's his birthday? I didn't know! What are you guys doing?"

"Were having a party for him downtown," Onew said, and then as if by nature he asked, "You want to come?"

I inhaled sharply and glared at him.

He cleared his throat and nervously added, "You know, if you don't have any other plans or something."

Minyoung turned and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"We already have plans," I whispered in defense.

"But a birthday only comes once a year," she argued, "Taemin's my friend, Minho. He did a lot for me. For us. Please?"

I crossed my arm and looked at Onew. He seemed to be staring at us in wondered. When he met my gaze his eyes grew wary and he stepped to press the elevator button.

Impatient with my silence, Minyoung frowned and stepped back, "You know what? I'm going with our with out you."

The elevator arrived and she turned to Onew, "Oppa! Wait for me!"

I groaned and followed her. She stepped into the elevator after Onew, I stopped the closing door with my foot and entered.

I stood between her and Onew. From the corner of my eye I could see her smile triumphantly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

We arrived at a bar and greeted some friends from school.

To my unfortunate surprise, one of them was Victoria. She flirtatiously greeted me and kept her eyes on me.

Minyoung wrapped her arms around mine and rested her head against my shoulder affectionately. Angry that she bailed out on our date, I shook her off and ignored her eyes.

She scoffed and stomped her way ahead. My eyes followed her as she reached Taemin. She tapped him on the shoulder and threw her hands up in the air as she congratulated. He smiled at her amorously and hugged her. The exchanged a few sentences and then his eyes began to wander around the crowd. They wandered and wandered until he saw me. Our eyes met and he raised his cup at me. I nodded my head in response. Taemin said something to Minyoung his eyes still on me and then broke away as she responded. Soon enough, more people gathered around Taemin and he had to leave Minyoung. She watched him leave and smiled to herself.

I made my way through the crowd and attempted to reach her. On my way I noticed some guy had begun to talk to her with dirty intention visible through his eyes. He handed her a cup and like the dense, happy-go-lucky she is she took it.


I managed to reach Minyoung just in time. I grabbed the cup from her hand and threw it in a nearby garbage can. Minyoung stared at me with confused eyes while the boy glared at me, "What the hell is your problem man?"

"My problem is the way your looking at my girlfriend," I hissed at him.

"She didn't say anything about having a boyfriend," he looked at me suspiciously.

"Well I just told you," I said through my teeth, "Excuse us."

I grabbed Minyoung's shoulders and led her to a private balcony.

"What was that about?" Minyoung crossed her arms and glared at me as I shut the balcony doors closed.

"I could ask you the same thing!" I replied with an annoyed tone, "That guy was all over you and you don't even tell him you're with me?!"

"He was just being nice!" she argued, "Besides you didn't do anything to stop your friend from ogling at you!"

I grimaced at her. What friend? Victoria?

She clenched her fists and attempted to storm off. I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"No, please don't be angry," I tentatively reach out to her but she flinches back, "I just care for you. I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want anyone to hurt you. I'm sorry."

Her eyes held a hard expression that softened as I spoke, "I'm just jealous. Honestly, this is my first relationship. You're the first girl I've ever cared for Minyoung. I don't want to lose you like this."

She sighed, "I'm sorry too. I know you had something planned for tonight and that it was supposed to be special. But when I saw Onew i couldn't help but wonder about Taemin. I just had to see for myself that he's okay. As for that other guy, forget him. You won't lose me. Ever."

I smiled at her, "About tonight, there's actually something I have to give you."

An excited grin crept up on her face, "What is it?"

I cleared my throat, "Due to your outstanding participation as a Guardian Angel. The Angel Kingdom has prepared you with a gift."

Her eyes gleamed with anticipation as I held my hand up. I felt the light travel from my chest to my finger tips.

Minyoung smiled at the light leaving my fingers, "So you do have angelic powers. From your mom right?"

I nodded and continued by pressing my bright finger tips against her chest.

She threw her hands up in surprised with my contact and blushed. Then her chest pressed forward against my fingertips as she the gift revealed itself.

A beautiful set of white feathered wings appeared on her back. They had gold tips, something only the royals had.

"My wings..." she cupped her face and gasped, "I got my wings back?"

Minyoung smiled at me and tears began to roll down her porcelain skin.

"Don't cry," I reached out to her and wiped the tears from her cheek. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her while her smooth black hair.

She stepped back and hid her wings, "Thank you."

I turned her towards the railing and hugged her from behind, "No thank you Minyoung. For everything. For coming into my life and saving me. Saranghae."

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Chapter 19: OMG!!!!!it's taeminni????what the..asdkjfdkhbkdg
Chapter 26: I do hope that there is going to be a sequel!!!!!!!!!! I hope that Minho marries Minyoung!!!!!!! *sooner or later*
Chapter 25: yayayayayyayayayyayayayayyayayayayyayayaaayayyayayayayyaayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayyayyayayayayayayayayayayyaaayyaayyaayyyayayyyaayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: eekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! kya!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINHO JUST GRAB MINYOUNG AND MAKE A RUN FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Or MAYBY MINHO BURSTS IN AND ANSWERS FOR HIM!!!!!!!! though I hope he just says no...
Chapter 23: OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I RECKON TAEMIN SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if he said yes, I betcha either:
1) Minyoung says no
2) Minyoung says yes, then Minho bursts in and says "I object"
Hope one of those happen!!!!!!
Chapter 23: update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon please i want to know what his answer is :S
Chapter 22: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYDIDTHEYHAVETOHITROCKBOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!! why did it end like that?!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh *i'm okay*
Anyways, why does Minyoung care for Taemin? Sure he doesn't deserve all this but STILL!!!
Update soon, fighting