Just Being Nice

Heaven's Disaster

Should I buy her something?

Take her out? 

What should I get her?

Where would I take her?

Minyoung's birthday was the day after tomorrow.

I was in my bedroom waiting for her to call me like she said she would.

But she hasn't. Not like I care.

I sat down on my couch and thought about what happened yesterday.

Why did I kiss her?

Obviously, I wanted too. But why did I feel so strange when she said it was wrong.

I felt...rejected?

And what was she laughing about with Taemin? Since when were they so close?

A thousand questions and accusations filled my head.

But why did I care? 

I couldn't take it anymore. I picked up my phone and dial her number.

"Yah! Choi Minho, do you know how long I've been waiting for you to call me!" she basically yells at her phone.

"What? You said you were going to call me! I was just calling to let you know that you should learn to keep your word," I said.

"I said that?" she asked, "When?"

"At the clothing store," I replied.

She went silent for a couple of seconds.

Then she gasped, "I did say that! Ah, sorry."

"Whatever," I said.

"So what are you doing?" she asked me.

"Nothing," I said, "I have a question."

"What is it?" she asked.

"What are you doing for your birthday?" I asked.

"Oh that?" she said, "Well Taemin invited me somewhere."

"Oh is that so?" I said, "Whatever then."

"But I can't go" she continued, "I'm going home for the night."

"Are you doing anything during the day?" I asked her.

"Well," she said, "I already thought you and I would be doing something."

My heart raced when she said that last part. She had been thinking about me.

I felt a big grin spread on my face, "That's right we are."

"Okay, cool,"she said, "I'll see you then, bye."

"Bye," I hung up.

Let's take a minute to go over all of this.

I kissed her.

I felt angry seeing her get along with another guy.

I worried when she didn't call me.

And I was happy that she thought about me.

When things like this happen, a guy is usually in love with the girl right?

Nah. Choi Minho doesn't fall in love.

But I should at least get her something nice for her birthday.


I walked around the mall next day, looking for something to give Minyoung.

I walked into a cosmetic store, and somebody instantly came up to me.

"Are you here buying for your girlfriend?" she asked.

She batted her eyelashes, and tried to look cute.

"Yes," I smiled at her, "Yes I am."

Her shoulder's slumped a little, "Anything specific you have in mind?"

"Not really," I said, "It's her birthday, so I thought I'd get her something."

"Well we do have this new perfume, out" she said, "It's called 'Angel.'"

"That's perfect" I said, "Totally suits her."

The sales girl wrapped the perfume in a bag, "I hope your girlfriend loves it."

"Girlfriend?" I was a bit lost in my thoughts, "Oh right. Thank you."

Scenes of Minyoung's reaction to the gift ran through my mind.

Scene 1

"Happy Birthday," I said as I gave her the gift.

She smiled and took it. 

When she saw what it was a sad frown took over her face.

"Is this another way of telling me I smell bad?"  she said softly.

"What? No!" I said, "That's not what I meant at all!"

"If you don't want to be seen with me, I'll just leave," she began to walk away.

"Wait! Minyoung, no!" I called out to her.

That's ridiculous. She would never react like that.

Scene 2

"Happy Birthday," I said as I gave her the gift.

She smirked, and took the bag.

She saw what was inside of it, and looked up at me.

"Yah! What is this cheap thing?" she asked.

"What? This wasn't cheap at al!" I yelled.

"Whatever," she said, "Can't expect much from you."

"Yah! You ungrateful -" 

"Why am I even here? I could be spending my birthday with Taemin! He's going to take me to Paris!" she swooned.

She began to walk away.

"Wait! Minyoung, no!" I called out to her.

She could never be that mean. And Paris? Seriously?

Scene 3

"Happy Birthday," I said as I gave her the gift.

She blushed and took the bag.

"Oh my! This must've been expensive! You shouldn't have!" she said.

"Doesn't matter," I said.

She smiled at me, "I know I may be asking for too much, but there's another thing I want from you."

I looked at her, "What is it?"

"I want you to..um" she began to twirl her hair, "Kiss me."

"What?" My eyes almost shot out of their sockets.

She just giggled cutely.

Am I blushing?! What the hell Minho?!

Stop thinking these things!

I got a text message on my phone.

Minyoung: I bought you a present as well since it's Christmas! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! 

Maybe liking someone isn't such a bad thing?

"Come one sweetie," I looked up and saw a drunk man approach a girl.

"Ahjeossi, please let me be," she began to walk away from him. But he yanked her arm.

I looked around and noticed no one was paying attention to this.

Really, people? Really?

I walked up to them and removed his hand away from her arm.

"Leave her alone" I said. He looked up at me and was startled by my height.

"She should've just said she had a boyfriend," he grunted and walked away.

"Thank you,' she said politely, I could see her blush a bit.

She looked up at my face and gasped, "You're Choi Minho!"

"Do I know you?" I asked a bit confused.

Her face got redder, "I'm in your class."

"Oh really?" I went through names and faces in my mind, and figured out who she was.

"You're Hara," I said.

She brightened up and nodded.

"Well then, I'll see back in school," I began to walk away.

"Wait! Aren't you going to walk me home?" she called out.

What? "Am I supposed to?" I asked.

"What if another man tried something," she said.

"Pray that someone else saves you," I said.

"Yah Choi Minho!" she called my name but I just kept walking away.

I'm tired of girls always annoying me.

Except for Minyoung. I could never get tired of her.


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Chapter 19: OMG!!!!!it's taeminni????what the..asdkjfdkhbkdg
Chapter 26: I do hope that there is going to be a sequel!!!!!!!!!! I hope that Minho marries Minyoung!!!!!!! *sooner or later*
Chapter 25: yayayayayyayayayyayayayayyayayayayyayayaaayayyayayayayyaayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayyayyayayayayayayayayayayyaaayyaayyaayyyayayyyaayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: eekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! kya!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINHO JUST GRAB MINYOUNG AND MAKE A RUN FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Or MAYBY MINHO BURSTS IN AND ANSWERS FOR HIM!!!!!!!! though I hope he just says no...
Chapter 23: OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I RECKON TAEMIN SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if he said yes, I betcha either:
1) Minyoung says no
2) Minyoung says yes, then Minho bursts in and says "I object"
Hope one of those happen!!!!!!
Chapter 23: update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon please i want to know what his answer is :S
Chapter 22: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYDIDTHEYHAVETOHITROCKBOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!! why did it end like that?!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh *i'm okay*
Anyways, why does Minyoung care for Taemin? Sure he doesn't deserve all this but STILL!!!
Update soon, fighting