The White Knight

Heaven's Disaster

"Your highness, our spies have infiltrated the castle!" the knight beside me said.

The war had already started, and today was the destined day.

The day I'd fight the King.

Honestly, I was very nervous. My life was at stake here as well. Sure I'm always saying I'll kill him, but I bet he's done as much training as I have, if not maybe more.

"Your highness? Do we go in?" the knight waited for my response in order to give the signal.

I nodded and fastened my helmet.

The armor I was sporting was black and made of steel. It was quite light and comfortable.

Our small elite unit made it's way inside the castle silently and successfully.

My army was winning against the angels.

We had more soldiers and more spies. There weren't a lot of guards in the castle.

Most of them had gone to the home front. 

It was pretty easy for me to move around. We arrived at an intersection inside the castle.

"Let's break up," I ordered.

"Your highness," a soldier turned to me, "The man you will fight is in white armor and has golden tipped wings."

I nodded and headed for the corridor.

At the end of the corridor I saw two nights in deep conversation.

One of them had white armor and golden tipped wings.

That was fast.

I approached them carefully and tried listening to their conversation.

"You have to be strong," a familiar voice said, "He will most likely be ruthless and violent."

Seems like the king needed a pep talk.

"YAAH!" I swung my sword to slice his head off, but was blocked by the other knight's sword.

The king stood in shock.

I released my sword and tried to strike again. 

"Go!" the knight who I was fighting with yelled at the one in white.

He turned and fled.

"Coward!" I yelled at him, "Get back here and fight!"

"You're fight is with me now!" the knight before me yelled.

We slammed our swords together and fought aggressively.

I pushed him towards a table and he landed with his back straight on the edge.

He grunted in pain as he stood up.

I felt kind of sorry. We slammed our swords together a couple more times.

During one blow, he managed to kick the side of my head.

I felt my ears ring in pain. I removed my helmet and wiped blood that was dripping from my lips.

I stood up and swung my sword over his head. He ducked my blow and moved behind me.He held his sword and I struck it with so much force that I sent it tumbling from his hands. I quickly took advantage of his surprised state and grabbed him by the collar. I brought him around me and pushed him out the window.

We were on the second floor, so his fall won't be so bad.

I ran out of the room and back to the corridor. 

Following the path of the white knight I arrived at two big double doors. When I pushed them open they revealed a large, circular, spacious room. Large amount of sunlight streamed through the big floor-to-ceiling windows. In front of the windows, the white knight turned to me and drew his sword. I walked steadily towards him, noticing the portraits of the past kings hung on the walls. 

I stopped before him and the only thing between us was his sword.

"So you're the person I have to fight?" I asked him. He didn't respond but I heard a heavy sigh from behind his mask.

"You're the bastard who took her away from me" I more-so claimed this rather than ask. The man before me said nothing but inched his sword closer to my face. 

I held my sword out and struck it against his. This man moved with speed and grace. He clashed his sword with mine while moving in a circle around me. He swung his sword over my head and I ducked just in time. I tried a low struck on his legs but he back flipped on to a circular maple table. I kicked the edge of the table and it fell backwards. The white knight however jumped up right on time and landed on his feet before me. We paused for a while and panted.

"Why don't you take you helmet off? I'm sure it's hard breathing in that," I suggested cynically. The knight nodded and lifted his sword.

"I'm getting real tired of your silence," I felt my eyes heat up and so did my blood. A dark mist surrounded my sword and my hands. I struck my sword against his and this time his sword went flying away. The knight held his hand out and struck a small white orb to my sword. It disintegrated in my hands.

I grew angrier and with a wave of my hand sent him flying to multiple walls. At one point the wall crumbled behind him. His body dragged down the wall and landed on the floor with a big thud. He stood there motionless. I approached him and heard sobbing noises.

"Are you seriously crying?" my eyes widened in complete and utter shock. I turned him over and kneeled before him. I took out a dagger and held it before his neck.

"WAIT!" my head turned to the door. I was surprised to see Taemin in silver armor huffing and panting his way inside. Behind him, Suho pinned him to a wall and held a sword against him.

"I got him Minho," Suho yelled, "Just kill him already."

"Wait a minute," I exclaimed, "If you're there and not in the white armor. Then who..."

I trailed off in search for a face.

"Just finish him Minho!" Suho yelled at me. But I had to find out who was behind the helmet.

I heard more sobbing noises and heavy breathing from the person below me. I reached down and pulled off the helmet.

Long black hair flowed out. 

Pale, milky skin.

Rosy red cheeks.

Pretty, pink lips.

Big brown, chocolate eyes.


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Chapter 19: OMG!!!!!it's taeminni????what the..asdkjfdkhbkdg
Chapter 26: I do hope that there is going to be a sequel!!!!!!!!!! I hope that Minho marries Minyoung!!!!!!! *sooner or later*
Chapter 25: yayayayayyayayayyayayayayyayayayayyayayaaayayyayayayayyaayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayyayyayayayayayayayayayayyaaayyaayyaayyyayayyyaayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: eekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! kya!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINHO JUST GRAB MINYOUNG AND MAKE A RUN FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Or MAYBY MINHO BURSTS IN AND ANSWERS FOR HIM!!!!!!!! though I hope he just says no...
Chapter 23: OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I RECKON TAEMIN SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if he said yes, I betcha either:
1) Minyoung says no
2) Minyoung says yes, then Minho bursts in and says "I object"
Hope one of those happen!!!!!!
Chapter 23: update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon please i want to know what his answer is :S
Chapter 22: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYDIDTHEYHAVETOHITROCKBOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!! why did it end like that?!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh *i'm okay*
Anyways, why does Minyoung care for Taemin? Sure he doesn't deserve all this but STILL!!!
Update soon, fighting