Just Allergies

Heaven's Disaster

It's not that I loved Taemin. I'd be lying if I said I did.

My heart belonged to the demon prince.

But I really cared for Taemin. And I really appreciated him.

I chose to marry him because it's one of those things I have to do as a ruler.

Minho left quickly and quietly.

I didn't want him to go. I wanted him to stay by me forever.

But one can't always get what they want. Happiness is a warm gun.

I threw my body on my bed and let tears stream carelessly on my face.

This was all my fault.

I should have never brought Minho here in the first place.

I should have known something like this could have happened.

I should have kept him grounded in Seoul. 

A small sob escaped my mouth.

And soon enough more sobs escaped.

And soon enough I was crying. 

Crying like I had never done before.

Not even losing my wings caused me to cry this much. Not even the death of my hamster when I was five years old.


The sun stung my sleepy eyes the next morning. Well actually the just stung in general.

They were puffy and swollen from all the crying I had done.

I sat up and re-tied my hair into a bun.

I checked the time and realized I didn't have much time before the ceremony began.

Right on cue, Gyuri walked in.,

Her eyes widened when she saw me, "Minyoung?! What are you doing here?"

I frowned in confusion, "What do you mean? It's my room."

"Yes, I know," she frowned, "But I didn't think you'd be here this morning. I thought you had run away."

A sudden realization dawned on me, "You were the one who told Minho."

She pouted, "I'm sorry Min. It's just, you're trying so hard to be happy. You barely smile like you used to. I don't want to see you like this anymore."

"Is that really true?" I got up from bed and sat down by my dresser.

The girl in the mirror had very pale skin and red, puffy eyelids.

"So he really was here," she sighed and ignored my question, "What happened? Why didn't you go? Did you really end things?"

"We did," I confirmed.

"But you love him" she whined, "I don't want this to happen to you!"

"I'm sorry," I said, "I know you tried really hard to help me be happy. I promise I'll try to be happy with Taemin."

"Min..." she hesitated to let it go.

"Stop Gyuri. This conversation is over. Minho and I are over. It all stops now" I exclaimed.

She stepped back and remained silent. 

My mother walked inside.

"Why haven't you started getting ready yet?" she asked.

"I just woke up umma," I explained, "I'm still kind of tired."

I stifled a yawn and she frowned.

She looked a Gyuri and Gyuri stiffened, "Is there anything you need your majesty?"

"Yes dear, I need you to go get ready as well," said my mother, "You are the maid of honor."

Gyuri reddened, "Oh, of course. How could I forget?"

She bowed and walked out.

I stared at the golden edge of my bureau and avoided my mother's eyes.

She came near me and got on her knees in order to get a better look at my face.

Her warm eyes met mine, "Have you been crying?"

I bit my lip and turned face forward the mirror, "No. It's just allergies."

She stood up and began to do my hair, "Right."

After she finished dong my hair into some kind of serpent bun. 

I stepped into a bath she had especially prepared for me. She claimed the herbs were for good fortune.

"You're so superstitious," I rolled my eyes.

"Better be safe than sorry," she shrugged.

I finished bathing and slipped into my wedding gown as soon as I did my make up.

Gyuri walked in looking a stunning as ever.

"Oh my gosh! You look beautiful!" she exclaimed.

I smiled at her, "You too!"

We hugged each other but were interrupted by a shy voice by the door.

"Your highness, you have a delivery of roses," said a palace servant.

"Bring it in," I ordered.

It was a big vase full of white roses. Once it was set down, I approached it and saw a note.

I picked it up and sat down to read it.

Dear Minyoung, 

I'm sorry for walking away from us. Before arriving at your house last night I had promised myself I'd go back to you and never do it again. It was so hard for me to be without you Minyoung. And to find out that you had to marry Taemin was even harder. Last night I was convinced that I would prevent you from marrying Taemin. I was going to have you all to myself Minyoung. But that's not what fate has in for us Minyoung. This war, no matter how strong my love for you is, must happen. It was foreseen even before us and it's something we cannot avoid. As for our love Minyoung, it was unforeseen and it must be put to rest. I know you care for your kingdom, for your family, and for Taemin, too. So today, we both have to forget about each other. Today you are getting married. You're a beautiful Princess bride. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful, faithful wife. Be happy Minyoung. For you and for me.

Love, Minho

I crumpled the note and tried really hard to prevent myself from crying.

"Who're they from dear?" asked my mother.

I smiled at her, "A friend."

Soon enough, I was standing in front of double doors. At the other side was the altar. 

The doors opened and my father walked me down.

"Dearly beloved," began the man behind the altar.

Taemin and I faced each other. He took my bouquet and passed it to Gyuri behind me.

He took my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Pretty," he mouthed.

I smiled at him warmly and he smiled back.

Except his smile was one similar to mine. Sad.

"Sorry," he mouthed.

I frowned in confusion.

"Lee Taemin," he turned his gaze away from me and to the person speaking to him,"  Do you take Oh Minyoung as your life mate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for her in times of need, to soothe her in times of pain, and to support her in all endeavors, big and small."

Taemin answered and my eyes widened.

Gasps filled the big room.

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Chapter 19: OMG!!!!!it's taeminni????what the..asdkjfdkhbkdg
Chapter 26: I do hope that there is going to be a sequel!!!!!!!!!! I hope that Minho marries Minyoung!!!!!!! *sooner or later*
Chapter 25: yayayayayyayayayyayayayayyayayayayyayayaaayayyayayayayyaayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayyayyayayayayayayayayayayyaaayyaayyaayyyayayyyaayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: eekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! kya!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINHO JUST GRAB MINYOUNG AND MAKE A RUN FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Or MAYBY MINHO BURSTS IN AND ANSWERS FOR HIM!!!!!!!! though I hope he just says no...
Chapter 23: OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I RECKON TAEMIN SAID NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if he said yes, I betcha either:
1) Minyoung says no
2) Minyoung says yes, then Minho bursts in and says "I object"
Hope one of those happen!!!!!!
Chapter 23: update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon please i want to know what his answer is :S
Chapter 22: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYDIDTHEYHAVETOHITROCKBOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!! why did it end like that?!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh *i'm okay*
Anyways, why does Minyoung care for Taemin? Sure he doesn't deserve all this but STILL!!!
Update soon, fighting