Chapter 3


~Onew POV~


I nearly jumped out of my skin, when I heard someone knocking at the door. The others fared no better as far as I could see, but they all seemed reluctant to open the door, even Taemin although it would be his sister on the other side.

Perhaps because it is his sister on the other side of the door?!

I decided that maybe I should open the door, because I’m the band leader.

I broke out of our dance formation and walked towards the door.

When I opened it I thought I was looking at Taeminnie again.

“Taemin…” I whispered and stretched my hand forward to touch the person in front of me.


~Yun Hee POV~


When the door opened I could see this really good locking guy and was about to tell him who I was, when he whispered my brother’s name and stretched his hand forward to touch me.

Out of instinct I grabbed his arm and with my next move he found himself with his back on the floor and my other hand on his chest to hold him down.

My gaze was steely and I felt him stiffen under me…quite literally.


What a way to introduce yourself, Yun Hee. Good work!


Even my thoughts are sarcastic. Guess I can’t really help it.


~Minho POV~


I turned towards the door to get a glimpse of Taemins sister, but the only thing I saw at first was someone in blue jeans and navy sweater to literally throw Onew to the ground when he tried to touch them.

I was about to intervene, when a voice sounded from just out of the door.


~Daisuke POV~


When I saw Yun Hee move I face palmed and had to scold her.

“Lee Yun Hee, what do you think you’re doing? How many times do I have to tell you not to toy with the boys, regardless if they are my band mates or not?”

I moved into the room and grabbed her by the back of her sweater to pull her of this guy she was glaring at.


~Toshiya + Kyo + Kaoru + Shinya POV~


We all could see Yun Hee move and we all thought the same.

Good thing we aren’t at the receiving end of her move xD

We all had been before and we knew just how painful they could turn out if she wanted to.

She always reacted on instinct whenever someone came to close. Ever since they nearly kidnapped her a couple of years ago.


~Jonghyun POV~


“Wow…what a move…”

My words escaped my mouth before I could think and I blushed a bit. More often than not I talk without thinking first.

It seemed to be really painful…the way Onew hyung landed on the ground with a thud.


~Taemin POV~


I slowly turned towards the door and was stunned, when the person on the other side threw Onew hyung to the ground.

Who would do something like that? He couldn’t hurt a fly even on his worst day.

I was even more stunned when this red headed guy grabbed the person by the back of their shirt and scolded her in rapid Japanese. The only thing I could understand was the name of that person…Yun Hee…my sister.

My eyes widened and I grabbed for Key ummas hand for support.

My sister was a rowdy.


~Key POV~


I was about to run to Onew hyung to help him, when Taemin grabbed my hand.

His eyes were helpless and he looked rather stunned from the things happening in front of us. I must admit so was I.

I’ve never seen a girl move like this…with such violent grace.

I smiled towards Taemin and gave him a soft shove to go to his sister.


~Yun Hee POV~


I hung my head when Daisuke grabbed me. His words stung.

I knew he didn’t mean to hurt me but I couldn’t help myself.

There was nothing I could do to prevent tears leaking out of the corners of my eyes. I glanced up into my adoptive brother’s eyes before fleeing into Toshiyas arms.

He was the one who kept me sane. He and Kaoru-nii.

I felt Toshiyas arms surround me like a protective shield. He gathered me into his arms and stepped into the room only to sit down in a chair standing near the mirror wall.


~Toshiya POV ~


“Great work, Die. I love it, when you make her cry.” I growled and pulled Yun Hee into my arms. I felt everyone in the room watching my handle an extremely emotional Yun Hee.

Her tear stained face was pressed into my shoulder and I sighed softly.

Normally I wouldn’t let anybody hear me sing. Not even my band mates but Yun Hee always demanded I would sing for her, when she was sad or couldn’t sleep.

Since I knew there would be no other way for me to calm her down right now I chose to ignore everyone else and started to softly sing for her.

She wasn’t picky when it came to the songs as long as they were soothing so I decided on Jason Mraz ‘I’m yours’ since this was the last song I had listened to on my iPod.


“Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love

Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved loved love

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate, our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

D-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-do
But do you want to come on
Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed

I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Come on and open up your mind and see like me
(I won't hesitate)
Open up your plans and damn you're free
(No more, no more)
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
(It cannot wait, I'm sure)

So please don't, there's no need
(There's no need to complicate)
There's no need to complicate
(Our time is short)
'Cause our time is short
(This is our fate)
This is, this is, this is our fate
I'm yours

Oh, I'm yours
Oh, I'm yours
Oh, whoa, baby you believe I'm yours
You best believe, best believe I'm yours”


I felt like declaring my love to her in front of all these guys but well…nothing I could do.

At least I felt her calm down so yeah…I would suffer for this ‘stunt’, but Yun Hee would love me for it.


~Taemin POV~


I stumbled towards my sister when this tall guy wrapped her in his arms shouting at the redhead and then he did something I wouldn’t have thought in a million years. He sat down with her and started to sing….sing of all things one could do to calm a hysteric woman down he started to sing.

I stared at him with wide eyes before I came to my senses and moved towards them.

This was my sister and I would have to make sure she had all she needed in her life from now on, so I knelt down before her and this guy and took her hand which had clenched into the guys shirt and the back of it with my thump while looking up into her face which was half hidden by her hood.

Brown eyes just like mine watched me cautiously, but I felt her fingers interlace with mine and a shy smile spread on both of our faces.

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quexiyun #1
OOooooh... liking multiple people isn't good for your health. Update soon please!
Uuuuppppddddaaaaattttteeee swweeettyyyy pppllleaaaassseeee
woah... this is getting complicated... she loves Onew yet she still likes Heechul?? Im confused now... update soon unnie key??^^ <br />
<br />
Hwaiting~~ <3^^
she a <br />
who is she really?<br />
what if onew saw ?<br />
then your dumped .
Okay, she doesn't know Yesung? Confused over here! I get Henry and Kyuhyun, but I expected the last one to be Zhou Mi, not Yesung...<br />
I'll wait for the next chapters so you can explain ^^
omo... I want to know what he's going to say!!!! pls oh pls update soon^^<br />
<br />
i luv this story so much kekeke~~<br />
hwaiting unnie~~~^^
Woah~~~~ can you imagine how happy I am??? SUPER JUNI-OH!!!!! Yay~~~^^ sooo cool^^ omg im totally freakin out XD mich'yeo nan xDDD kekekeke~~<br />
nice update unnie pls update soon again key??~~~<br />
hwaiting unnie ~~~<3^^
Yeah! Super Junior in da house!<br />
And now I'm off to the shower and then my soft bed, annyeong!
You're making me curious, I want to know what happens next!
Love how Tae is a protective brother, makes me wish I had an older brother.<br />
Onew is taking it really well, so like I said before, he is a really good boyfriend ^^