Chapter 21


~Heechul POV~


When she asked me, if I missed her much, I couldn't help it. My hand found her cheek and I turned her head more towards mine, before I started to kiss the living daylights out of her. I held her soft slightly curvy body close to mine and I could feel her trembling against me from need.

And I have to tell you, I enjoy this very much.


~Yun Hee POV~


Woah…Chullie…what are you doing? Are you trying to suffocate me with your tongue?My thoughts were a bit muffled, but I fought back. My tongue invaded his mouth and I started mapping it, enjoying the faint taste of Soju along with this taste that was uniquely Heechul. I had missed this so much. Our tongues intertwined, played with one another, while I started to get more comfortable on his lap, turning around and bringing my legs down on either side of his, so we were chest to chest.


~Leeteuk POV~


When those two started making out in front of us, I face palmed and sighed. "Not again…I don't want to have to tend to a heartbroken Heechul ever again…it's nerve wracking." I mumbled and leaned into Kangin, who put his arm around my shoulders.


~Donghae POV~


"Aish…this girl…she's barely back here with us and starts to make out with him AGAIN. Please…Hyukkie…do something." I pleaded and closed my eyes. I did not want to see my little sister sharing open mouthed kisses with our resident Cinderella.


~Eunhyuk POV~


I stared at those two making out in front of us, but I could not bring it over me to interfere. Heechul had missed her so much for so long, he deserved this. So I gathered my stunned brother into my arms and put his face against my chest, so he wouldn't see any of this.


~Sungmin POV~


I watched with rosy cheeks while they made out with each other and I had to cheer them on. It had been so long since I had seen Heechul this happy, I simply had to.


~Kangin POV~


I put my arms around Teukie and his cheek. "Hey…it seems like she's back for good so no reason to interfere, big boy." I told him and smiled.


~Siwon POV~


No good Christian girl would do something like that…woah…she's getting me hot and bothered…someone please do something…. I thought and bit my lower lip, while averting my eyes.


~Heechul POV~


I enjoyed it feeling her so near again after such a long time. At first she seemed to be reluctant to kiss me, but then she turned in my lap, pressed herself near me and practically started to my mouth, just like she used to back then. I moaned into the kiss, pressed my hands against her and lightly rubbed myself against her. Let her feel how she made me feel.


~Yun Hee POV~


Oh …I got him hot and bothered again. Please tell me he had since we did it the last time…because this very well feels like he didn't.I moved a bit on his lap just to let him feel I noticed how hard he got for me.


~Heechul POV~


I moaned softly, when she moved in my lap. Good god…she's so beautiful…I've never felt like this before…she was back… I need her… My thoughts were only circling around her and I pressed her against me, eying her carefully when she moved back and looked at me carefully.


~Yun Hee POV~


"…before this goes further, there is something I need to tell you…" I whispered and watched him carefully. I knew he had the right to know and I wanted to tell him, before we were head over heels again and I didn't find the strength to tell him.

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quexiyun #1
OOooooh... liking multiple people isn't good for your health. Update soon please!
Uuuuppppddddaaaaattttteeee swweeettyyyy pppllleaaaassseeee
woah... this is getting complicated... she loves Onew yet she still likes Heechul?? Im confused now... update soon unnie key??^^ <br />
<br />
Hwaiting~~ <3^^
she a <br />
who is she really?<br />
what if onew saw ?<br />
then your dumped .
Okay, she doesn't know Yesung? Confused over here! I get Henry and Kyuhyun, but I expected the last one to be Zhou Mi, not Yesung...<br />
I'll wait for the next chapters so you can explain ^^
omo... I want to know what he's going to say!!!! pls oh pls update soon^^<br />
<br />
i luv this story so much kekeke~~<br />
hwaiting unnie~~~^^
Woah~~~~ can you imagine how happy I am??? SUPER JUNI-OH!!!!! Yay~~~^^ sooo cool^^ omg im totally freakin out XD mich'yeo nan xDDD kekekeke~~<br />
nice update unnie pls update soon again key??~~~<br />
hwaiting unnie ~~~<3^^
Yeah! Super Junior in da house!<br />
And now I'm off to the shower and then my soft bed, annyeong!
You're making me curious, I want to know what happens next!
Love how Tae is a protective brother, makes me wish I had an older brother.<br />
Onew is taking it really well, so like I said before, he is a really good boyfriend ^^