Chapter 19


~Yun Hee POV~


Another six weeks of training lay behind me. SHINee were currently in the middle of producing and promoting their new single, so I was alone most of the time. I actually enjoyed my alone time, because this meant I could train as much as I wanted and I recovered faster than even Atsushi anticipated. Soon I was out of the cast and back to dance training. I practically lived in SM Entertainments dancing studios, working hard even though I still hadn't signed a contract, because my old one with E-Records wasn't terminated yet.

My muscles were strong again and I had no problems whatsoever anymore, although Atsushi still insisted on at least wearing a protection sleeve over the healed wounds.


Today was the day I wanted to go clubbing in Seoul for the first time since my arrival here. I knew that tonight my friends from my exchange would be at our usual club in Seouls party district and I would be there too. When I was finished with my training for the day I went back to the dorm and took a long shower, before I started to style myself. I went through my clothes and smiled when I found an old costume from Shinya. He knew I loved it and he had let me wear it occasionally but it seems he decided I would be allowed to keep it. So I put it on and styled my long hair in a slightly messy bun, with my bangs framing my face.




I applied some makeup and decided to go with smoky eyes and a darker lipstick, just like Shinya did. When I was ready, I called myself a cab and went to the club.

I entered the Black Velvet with my coat wrapped around me, so no one could see my red/black -me-boots and the short red dress, with the black see-through arms. I was also wearing see through mittens and a black velvet band around my neck.


I walked towards the VIP-area, flashing my card towards the security guy with a smile. He grinned when he recognized me from the picture which hung over the bar. It showed me and Heechul, while we were dancing for one of the contests they held here regularly. I giggled softly, before walking through the door and entering a world I had dearly missed while I had been back to Japan for my exams and the two years following them.


I felt the door fall shut behind me and took a deep breath, before looking up and into the faces of the men I had missed for so long. I had craved to contact them but I didn't want to put them into danger as long as I couldn't help it even though I knew they would help me in a heartbeat.

I shot them a shy smile, before walking towards them.


"Hello, guys…it's nice to be back…long time no see." I said softly, because the fifteen men had gone silent. Okay…there were two faces I did not remember but maybe they had joined later, after I had left.



~Donghae POV~


I heard the door to the VIP-lounge open and looked up from my discussion with my half brothers. Eunhyuk and Sungmin both followed my gaze towards the door and we three in a deep breath. It can't be…it simply can't be. I know she said she would come back, when she could…but that has been over three years ago…but still…this young woman looks so much like Yun Yun it's scary. My thoughts were running a little wild and when she opened and I heard her melodious voice, the voice I remembered. The soft smile I remembered.

The silence in the room was deafening and I decided to speak up, to voice my thoughts.

"Yun Yun…is that you?"

My voice sounded foreign, strained.


~Eunhyuk POV~


This can't be a coincidence…we are discussing her and she shows up…she did that the last time too, when we found out, we had a little sister….

I heard Donghae voice his thoughts and I smiled at the girl in front of us.


~Sungmin POV~


It's her…she's back…I can't believe it…she's back…our little beauty is back…but she…she looks like someone I know…I can't put my finger on it…

I grinned, when I saw her nod in answer to Donghaes question.



~Yun Hee POV~


"Yes…" I answered and walked towards them, but I only got two or three feet further into the room, because those three guys rushed me and gathered me into their arms. I laughed softly, hugging all three of them. They nearly smothered me in their embrace, but it only made me smile more.

I loved those three dearly.

Donghae gathered me into his arms, held me close, before shoving me back a bit and looking me up and down.


~Donghae POV~


"You've grown, little one. You're not tiny anymore." I announced and smiled brightly. GOoljLosh…she's so beautiful. But I can't shake of the feeling I've seen her face around here more often than not.

I watched her closely and smiled, before I realized where I had seen her before.

"Have you been training at SMent? In SHINees studios?" I asked her and the chattering around us, which had resumed, stopped again.


~Yun Hee POV~


I could feel the expectant gazes of everyone in the room on me and I blushed a bit. It's not very often you have fifteen beautiful guys with amazing voices watching your every move, even if three of those are your siblings. I gulped and smiled before I nodded.

"Yes…for last couple of weeks since I'm out of my cast and back in training, my brother allowed me to use their rooms." I answered, waiting for the inevitable.


~Leeteuk POV~


When I realized this was our Lee-trios little half sister, I listened closely and when she announced she had been in a cast, I couldn't sit still any longer. I walked up to her and got her to sit down at our table, before she got bombarded with questions.

"…which brother? I thought those three didn't know you were back up until now? They did not keep you away from us? Or was it Daisuke?" I asked her, only to see her blush a deeper shade of red.


~Yun Hee POV~


I squeaked softly, when Leeteuk hyung brought me over to the table and made me sit down. I listened to his questions, questions they all wanted to have answered and instead of giving a verbal answer I got out my iPhone and flipped open a picture of Taemin and me together dancing, me mirroring him perfectly.

I turned the phone towards the boys so they all could take a look.

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quexiyun #1
OOooooh... liking multiple people isn't good for your health. Update soon please!
Uuuuppppddddaaaaattttteeee swweeettyyyy pppllleaaaassseeee
woah... this is getting complicated... she loves Onew yet she still likes Heechul?? Im confused now... update soon unnie key??^^ <br />
<br />
Hwaiting~~ <3^^
she a <br />
who is she really?<br />
what if onew saw ?<br />
then your dumped .
Okay, she doesn't know Yesung? Confused over here! I get Henry and Kyuhyun, but I expected the last one to be Zhou Mi, not Yesung...<br />
I'll wait for the next chapters so you can explain ^^
omo... I want to know what he's going to say!!!! pls oh pls update soon^^<br />
<br />
i luv this story so much kekeke~~<br />
hwaiting unnie~~~^^
Woah~~~~ can you imagine how happy I am??? SUPER JUNI-OH!!!!! Yay~~~^^ sooo cool^^ omg im totally freakin out XD mich'yeo nan xDDD kekekeke~~<br />
nice update unnie pls update soon again key??~~~<br />
hwaiting unnie ~~~<3^^
Yeah! Super Junior in da house!<br />
And now I'm off to the shower and then my soft bed, annyeong!
You're making me curious, I want to know what happens next!
Love how Tae is a protective brother, makes me wish I had an older brother.<br />
Onew is taking it really well, so like I said before, he is a really good boyfriend ^^